Chapter 7

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“Answer me again…you really know nothing about the Demon King?” FBI Special Agent Donald Ferguson asked Lisa Carlson. Lisa began crying. She had planned to spend the night with her boyfriend Shaun, but instead the FBI ransacked her home. Shaun would probably never talk to her again. 

“We told you we don’t know anything about this Demon King!” her father exclaimed. He and his wife had been out of town visiting Lisa's grandmother when he received a phone call from the authorities that his daughter had been taken to the local police headquarters. “You’ve had us here for hours. When are you going to let us go?”

Agent Ferguson sighed, “I’ll be right back.”

He had a hangover and he was tired. His supervisor had asked him to come in early today to question the Carlson family. The FBI team found nothing in their sweep of the Carlson house the night prior.

A short Hispanic man from IT came walking towards Donald, “Hey Ferguson. Our analysts looked but we couldn’t find anything that shows the computers in the Carlson house have ever logged onto the Demon King forums. Whoever posted that picture of Eva Lewis used some kind of spoof IP address and it happened to be one that matched a laptop in their home. “

“You’ve got to be kidding me. People can do that now?”

“You’d be surprised at what people can do. We even have apps that let you spoof the number you’re calling from.”

“Unbelievable,” Agent Ferguson muttered. “So do we have any leads on where the picture came from?”

“No. If he logs on again as the Deadly Disciple, we might be able to try and pinpoint his location.”

“Okay. Thanks,” Donald picked up his cell and texted his partner, “No leads yet.”

At Her Home

Special Agent Sally Roux was looking at the text message from her partner, Donald Ferguson. She had just been given the green light to return to work and would soon begin working on the Deadly Disciple case. According to the case file, he was a copycat killer of the serial killer known as the Demon King. The Demon King had brutally killed many woman and was now dead. The Demon King also had a crazy following that called themselves his disciples. Now there was one disciple in particular that was calling himself the Deadly Disciple. He was murdering hookers and had possibly kidnapped a local reporter, Eva Lewis.

Sally popped an Advil. She had gone out with her friends last night and had a little too much to drink. Okay, scratch that…a lot too much to drink. Unfortunately, she now found herself sitting at her breakfast table across from the FBI shrink, Dr. Colin Spencer.

“Do you feel uncomfortable?” he asked her.

“Well I don’t exactly feel comfortable…so uncomfortable is probably the best way to describe myself right now,” Sally took a bite of her jellied toast.

“So do you think last night was a mistake,” Colin asked as he buttered his dry toast in a very matter of fact tone as if he were asking about the weather.

Sally inwardly groaned as she thought of the implications of last night. They couldn’t date. He had been her shrink and it was unethical. She wasn’t even sure if she liked him as a human being much less a potential love interest. Sally watched him as he methodically took a bite of his now buttered toast. He wore thin rimmed glasses and his shaggy dark hair was kind of sexy if she was being honest to herself. He was definitely handsome…in a bookish sort of way. He looked comfortable in his grey slacks and black tee. Sally licked some stray jelly from her lips.

“Listen Sally, I’m not going to lie to you. I feel it is best to be open and honest in all relationships. I didn’t expect you to call me last night but I’m really glad that you did. We can’t date as long as we both work for the FBI. You were my patient and that would be unethical. I could lose my license. Although, I should also add that I am undeniably attracted to you.”

Sally choked on her toast.

“Are you okay?”

Sally nodded as she chugged a glass of orange juice. “Look Dr. Spencer…”

“Colin,” he corrected her. “Call me Colin.”

“Look Dr. Spencer, last night was a mistake. I think we should treat it as a once in a lifetime thing.” Sally wanted to clear the air.

“Is that your way of sugarcoating a one night stand?”

“If that’s what you want to call it,” Sally hedged, “Then…yes.”

Colin put down his cold toast, “I see.” He quickly stood up and grabbed his car keys which were on the table.

“I’m glad you understand,” Sally mumbled.

“I’m an intelligent man. I understand perfectly.” Colin walked out of the kitchen and she could hear the front door slam behind him.

Sally cursed. He was probably pissed. She was a little disappointed that he didn’t at least try to convince her that what they shared wasn’t a one night stand. As Sally was putting the dishes away, a realization came to her.

Last night was the first night in three months that she didn’t have a nightmare.

9:30 PM at The Pink Flamingo

To Jacob, gay bars were always unpredictable which was why he enjoyed going to them. He looked around for a possible hookup. He didn’t really sleep around but he needed an emotional release. In less than twenty-four hours, he had fought with his mother and then his best friend, Joelynn. He felt incredibly lonely. A man wearing a pink boa across the bar winked at him. Jacob nodded and looked the other way. He wasn’t attracted to effeminate men. He liked strong manly men…much like himself. Jacob took a swig of his beer and was startled when a hand touched his shoulder.

“Hey there. You alone tonight?”

Jacob looked up to recognize Mr. Sexy. He was the man that Jacob saw a few nights ago and thought was incredibly handsome. He had dark hair and beautiful hazel eyes that looked like they would change color depending on what color clothing he wore. He was wearing a dark suit “Umm…hi. I think I saw you a few nights ago.”

The man laughed, “Yeah. I tried to get your number and you gave me the brush off.”

Jacob blushed, “I’m sorry. What was I thinking?” He laughed as the man sat next to him and ordered a longneck beer.

“So…what’s your name?” Mr. Sexy asked.


“You don’t say? This must be fate. Wanna guess what my name is?” he took a swig of his beer.

“Hmm…I’m horrible at guessing,” Jacob leaned in closer to Mr. Sexy.


They both looked at one another in silence and then suddenly started laughing.

“You’re kidding me, right?” Jacob asked.

“I swear to God.” Edward held up his hand to mock his statement. “Can I be honest with you though?”

Jacob nodded.

Edward leaned in, “If someone were to ask me right now to pick a side, I’d choose Team Jacob.”

Jacob was not a Twilight fan but he just about melted in his bar stool. He smiled and took another drink of his beer.

“So what are you up to tonight?”

Jacob shrugged, “Not much. Just trying to relax.”

“Well I can help you with that…if you want.”

Jacob could feel his face growing hot.

“I actually have an appointment later tonight…but if you want to meet tomorrow,” the man began writing his number on a napkin, “Give me a call.”

He handed the napkin to Jacob and smiled before he walked away. Jacob looked at the napkin and above Mr. Sexy's phone number was written: Team Edward ♥'s Jacob.

Across Town 11:00 PM

Joelynn was trying on some hooker heels. At least that’s what she called them. They were shimmering gold glitter heels with an ankle strap and a clear three inch platform. She paired it with a black bodycon dress with a leopard print bust. Joelynn’s teased blonde hair fell past her shoulders. She decorated her face with bright red lipstick, blue eye shadow, and fake eye lashes. When she looked in the mirror she was reminded of Kelly Bundy from some old TV show called Married with Children.

She drove to a local Motel 6 and met Trixie in the parking lot. Trixie had promised to introduce Joelynn to some of the other working girls so that she could possibly get some information about her cousin Eva.

“Look hon, all I know is that the man had glasses. He was nerdy but cute. That’s what the other girls told me.” Trixie was putting on her lipstick as the two of them walked over to the street that she usually worked.

When they arrived, there were three other women standing around smoking cigarettes. “Who’s this?” one of the women asked.

“Cool it Candy,” Trixie waved her hands in front of her, “This is Joe. She’s with me so don’t mess with her, alright?”

Candy rolled her eyes and turned back to the other two hookers to finish her cigarette.

“Am I dressed okay?” Joelynn whispered.

“Yeah honey, you’re dressed perfect. I love the heels,” Trixie dragged Joelynn with her to an older woman wearing a purple mini-skirt and a black bra. “Hey Wanda. This is Joe. She’s the one I was telling you about.”

Wanda looked Joelynn up and down before saying, “She looks the part but what exactly is she gonna do?”

“I told you Wanda,” Trixie said exasperated, “She’s gonna look for the guy that killed Roxy.”

“She ain’t a cop so how is she gonna do that?” Wanda asked.

“She’s gonna take his picture. If the other girls recognize him, we’ll know who the guy is.”

Wanda walked around Joelynn as if inspecting her. “You look good. Stay out of the way and you’ll be fine.”

Joelynn nodded and thanked Trixie. It was going to be a tough night for her but she had to do this for Eva. If she could take a picture of the man and his license plate, maybe the police would be able to find her cousin Eva. She would have to be careful. Joelynn had thought of a plan that she would pretend to be taking selfies, but really be taking pictures of license plates and customers.

In His Car                            

Artie waited across the street for Trixie to arrive. He always met with Trixie on Saturday nights. When he saw her coming down the street, he smiled…then frowned.

What was Joelynn Lewis doing with her? Was she prostituting herself now?

Artie became angry and gripped his steering wheel. This was unlike her. She shouldn’t be selling herself like some whore. Did she need money? Artie watched her as she paced back and forth trying to take pictures of herself. What the hell was she doing? Was she going to post pictures of herself hooking on Facebook?

“I wonder if she’ll friend me,” Artie whispered. He scrunched low in his car and simply continued to watch her.


He sat in his car watching the woman with the long blonde hair and the tight black and leopard print dress. He licked his lips. She was perfect. She kept playing with her phone, trying to take selfies. He thought of all the pictures he wanted to take of her. He felt himself harden. She was perfect for tonight. He pushed the glasses he was wearing up his nose and drove his car to the corner she stood at.

“Hey sweetheart,” he called out his window. The blonde woman looked around as if she was surprised anyone was calling her. She was alone so he was clearly talking to her. She looked nervous. He licked his lips again. Maybe this was her first time.

“What’s your name?” he asked.

She looked around again and took a timid step forward, “Joe. My name is Joe.”

The man took his glasses off, wiped them clean with a handkerchief and put them back on.

“Well Joe, you looking for a date tonight?”

“I don’t know,” she smiled. “I don’t just date anyone.”

He laughed. He liked her hard-to-get bit. “Do you date doctors?” he asked. She giggled and took another selfie.

“Are you a doctor?” she asked.

The man smiled, “I am. You want me to give you a physical?”

The woman smiled and stepped forward to his car window, “And what if I said I do?”

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