Chapter 4: Fighting A Priest With A Gun

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3rd Pov

Yuto was sleeping as he was soon hugged into some soft breasts as he woken up to see Viser hugging him.

Yuto: *sigh* Viser let go of me.

Viser: I want to sleep more master.

Yuto: *sighs* I have school today so just wait for me but help around the house.

Viser: *let go of him and pouts* Fine.

Yuto: Good.

Yuto gotten up and got dressed as he went downstairs to see Muzan sitting on the couch.

Yuto: Oh hey Muzan, why are you here?

Muzan: Was tired waiting for you and your mother let me in to wait for you again.

Yuto: *sighs* Sorry jeez.

Yuta: *walks next to him* Dipshit.

Yuto: Fuck off and let's go.

They soon leaves the house and make their way to school to get the day over with.

After School

It was after school as Yuto was with Issei and the rest of the club as he was bored and he was listening to what Rias was saying.

Rias: Issei why don't you take Yuto with you for your next contract?

Yuto: Uh why me?

Issei: Yeah why him? He hates me.

Yuto: That something we can finally agree on shit head.

Rias: If you bring him you can touch my breast~.

Issei: *eyes widen* You got yourself a deal! Let's go Yuto!! *runs out of the room*

Yuto: *groans and follows Issei.*

Yuto soon followed Issei as they made it towards the house of the summoner.

Yuto: Can't believe I'm doing this with your ass.

Issei: Come on it's breast man!

Yuto: Just shut up and let's get this over with okay?

Issei: *sighs* Fine.

They both enter inside and walks around.

Issei: Hellooo? Anyone here? We came for Rias!

Yuto: *walking around and sniffs the air* Issei, you smell that?

Issei: Smell what? *smells the air and covers his nose* What is that smell?!

Yuto: Smell like blood. Follow me.

Issei soon followed Yuto as they walked into a room with a dead body on the wall with knives on his body.

Issei: What the?!

???: Heh welcome Mr. Devils.

Issei: Huh?

They both turned they head and saw a white hair boy in an outfit of a priest.

Freed: I'm a young and handsome Freed Zelzan. Cutting down all the devilish fiends! While the nihilistic me is laughing!! Chopping off your devilish head! Then go ahead to eat!! *laughing*

Issei: Is he a priest?

Yuto: I don't even want to fucking know.

Freed then started talking to them as he wanted to killed them in the name of god as Freed pulled out his sword and gun and started slicing at the two as they dodge the slices Issei was shot in the leg and Freed shot a bullet towards Yuto that was aiming for his eye but he dodges it quickly.

Issei: *holds his leg* This power light?

Freed: Bingo! These bullets are made out of light! It hurt right? Right? Even the gun is made out of light so it's legal!

Yuto: Oh shut the fuck up.

Yuto soon punched Freed in the face as Freed shoot at him again but he didges the bullets and caught the sword in one hand and kicked him into the wall.

Freed: *wipe the blood from his cheek* How dare you devil scum!!

Freed was about to charge at Yuto but a female got in front of him.

Yuto: Huh?

Issei: A-asia?

Freed: Asia move out if the way.

Asia: You have to stop Issei and his friend are friendly.

Yuto: I'm not his friend girl.

Freed: Asia move so I can kill these devils!

Asia: Stop using the devils for a reason to kill normal people! Not all devils are bad!

Soon Asia was slapped by Freed and was soon grabbed by him. He soon started yelling at her as he started to ripped her shirt a bit as Yuto clenched his fist and soon punched Freed hard in the face.

Issei: Yuto?!

Yuto: .......

Freed: *rubs his jaw* You devil! I wi-*sees Yuto's face*


Freed: 'W-what is he?!' 

Yuto soon rushed towards him and started punching him and grabbed him by the face and slammed him into the wall and punched him in the gut and punched him dead in the face. Freed soon shoot at him but Yuto dodges them and Freed tried to slice him but he caught the blade again.

Freed: Again?!?!

Yuto: Just shut up. *punched him again*

Freed: *stables back and fires more bullets*

Yuto soon dodges all of them and soon was stabbed in the chest causing Issei and Asia to gasp. Freed smirks as he looked at Yuto as he just had an emotionless face and headbutted him as he pulled the sword out from him and his wounds slowly heals.

Freed: What?! How?!

Yuto: Just shut the fuck up.

Before Yuto could punch him, a diaphragm appeared to reveal Akeno, Koneko, and Kiba.

Issei: Woah Guys!!

Kiba: Look like we made it in time.

Yuto: *stepped aside* Hmph..

Koneko: Ew a priest...

Akeno: *smiles* Just leave it to us dears.~

Yuto: Fine whatever...

Kiba dashed with incredible speed as he swung his sword at Freed but he grabbed his sword and blocked the attack making Freed grins.

Freed: This is more what I like! You don't got that strange pressure as that emotionless devil over there!

Kiba: Hm? I believe I can't be too far behind him.

Freed then started talking shit as Rias soon appears and looked at Yuto and Issei.

Rias: You two okay?

Issei: Y-yeah but Yuto was stabbed by his sword.

Yuto: I'm fine...

Freed: So you is the masters to those dogs huh?!

Soon he was punched again but crashed deeper into the wall by Yuto as he was letting out some of his aura.

Yuto: I am no one dog..

Rias: 'That aura.....the pressure coming from him. Does he have a scared gear?'

Akeno: Oh my...Rias, it seems a big group of fallen angels are heading this way!

Freed: *gets off of the wall* Oh you is in for it now! *laughing*

Rias soon started to get the transport ready as Koneko dragged Issei in the circle.

Issei: W-wait club president! Shouldn't we take Asia with us please!

Rias: I can't only my devil underling can use this.

Yuto: I'll take her.

Rias: What?! 

Yuto: I said I'll take her now go.

Rias: Yuto you can't-!

Yuto: *glaring at her* Go or else.

Rias nods her head and use the transport portal to teleport them as Yuto punched Freed again but even more harder causing him to crashed out of the building. Soon the fallen angels appeared.

Fallen Angel#1: Where is Freed?

Yuto: None of your damn business.

Fallen Angel#2: Kill him and take the girl!

Some of the fallen angels rushed at Yuto as he ran at them and ripped their wings off with ease and grabbed few of their faces and crashed them into the ground and stomped on their hands killing them as the others was sweating and quickly leaves as Yuto walked towards Asia.

Yuto: You okay?

Asia: Y-yeah. T-thank you Y-yuto.

Yuto: Now let's go.

Yuto soon picked her up and ran in the direction where his house is.

Few Minutes Later

Yuto opens the door as he let Asia in first as he closed the door.

Yuto: Mom I'm home!!!

Charlie: *walks in* Where was you at this time-*saw Asia* What happened to her.

Yuto: Fallen Angel and she needs a place to sleep. I'm gong to take a shower.

Yuto soon walks away.

Charlie: So what is you name?

Asia: I-i'm Asia A-argento.

Charlie: Well I'm Charlie Akumu and don't be shy. Now let's find you some clothes.

Asia: *nods her head*

Asia soon followed Charlie to find some clothes to sleep in and to wear tomorrow.

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