7 - full revival

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Author's Notes – I don't claim to own Inuyasha or any of the characters from the anime or manga. Things types in bold is used for the demons speech, things typed in italic is used for mental speech, bold italics is used for demonic mental speech. Please feel free to leave your comments and tell me what you think. Thanks!

Seven – full revival

Screams echoed through the complex as the two demon brothers, Inuyasha's and Sesshomaru's memories began to awaken as the two boys transformed into their half demonic forms. All Kagome could do was watch as the two undergo the process to revive their sealed up memories and power that they were both capable of. Kagome felt so helpless that she couldn't do anything but to watch and wait. After about two hours, the pods reopened as both Inuyasha and Sesshomaru emerged collapsing from exhaustion onto their hands and knees. Their memories were fully awakened as they could now fully remember everything. Everything about whom and what they were was crystal clear. They could remember why Kikyo had created them for in the first place. It wasn't to be weapons but to start a new race to unite demons and humans together. Kikyo loved both Inuyasha and Sesshomaru like they were her own sons and family. Both boys loved Kikyo in return as they always looked forward to the time they spent together with her. Then the day came when the complex came under attack by the very demons that they had created. Fearful for the boys life, Kikyo lead them deep underground to the chamber room to put a seal on the boys powers and memories. She did this in order to ensure that the demons had no idea of who or what they were. Somehow in the midst of the chaos, Kikyo was taken away and Sesshomaru emerged stumbling out of the complex. Inuyasha was caught by the demons when he emerged.

Finally after several minutes both Inuyasha and Sesshomaru manged to transform back to their human forms making their way shakily back to their feet.

"Are you guys all right?" Kagome asked in concern.

"Yeah!" they both replied gruntly.

"We should make a copy of the data that is here before we destroy this place. This way nobody else can create any more demons even though it seems that Naraku has found a way to multiply them." stated Sesshomaru. Kagome didn't bother to argue with him. The three of them made their way back to the control room as Kagome did what she could to save the information on to a flashdrive. After they had got what they needed, they left the complex heading a good distance away. Once they were a safe distance power and energy pooled in both Sesshomaru's and Inuyasha's hands. They both threw the blast at the complex watching it be completely destroyed in the attack. "This is were we should part ways Kagome. A human like you shouldn't be dragged into this mess. You may end up getting hurt." stated Sesshomaru.

"I hate to disagree with you Sesshomaru, but I am already deeply involved with this. Besides I have already been attacked by demons once before. Remember also Kikyo said that I pay an important part in all of this. Let me at least see this thing through to the very end." stated Kagome.

She speaks the truth brother. Not even I know the reason to why the demons would attack her. They seemed to know that she was a virgin priestess. It was during that attack when her and her family first witnessed my transformation. And Kikyo did state that her ancestor could help us. Inuyasha told his brother mentally.

Why didn't you tell me this before Inuyasha? Asked Sesshomaru mentally.

I didn't realize that you would try to push Kagome away in order to protect her. Inuyasha snapped back mentally. Sesshomaru just shook his head knowing that no matter how hard he tried, Inuyasha wasn't going to back down and Kagome seemed just as stubborn.

"All right Kagome, I guess that I am overruled here. So what shall we do now?" Sesshomaru asked.

"We go back home. From there we can figure out what to do. That's right Sesshomaru, you haven't meet my family. Don't worry, we have come to think of Inuyasha as family so that means that you are family too. You are going to love my family, we are all pretty close." Kagome stated as a look of worry stretched across Sesshomaru's face.

The three travelers made their way back to the Shinto Shrine to find it in ruins. Kagome screamed out loud looking for any signs of her family.

"Mom...Sota...grandpa...!" Kagome bellowed digging through the rubble. Please let everyone be all right. She thought mentally. Both Sesshomaru and Inuyasha joined in the search. They didn't find any human bodies as Kagome finally found the sealed basement storm cellar. "Mom...Sota...grandpa...are you in there?" she asked loudly banging on the cellar door. They could clearly hear knocking on the other side stating that they were alive but there was too much debris in the way and the fact that it was a dead bolt lock which Kagome didn't have a key for. Kagome cursed out loud as she wanted to get her family out of there.

"Kagome step back!" the brother's hissed as they shifted into their half forms. Sesshomaru and Inuyasha ripped through the rubble like it was butter as Kagome watched in amazement as the boys worked clearing out the cellar area ripping the doors completely off its hinges. The Higurashi family was happy to see both Kagome and Inuyasha but, when they saw Sesshomaru, they weren't sure what to think.

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