The meeting

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Ivy's POV.

I woke up in the early morning because I had to go to school but it was different today. Today I had to get ready for my new school it was the worst thing I could wake up to.
New school meant new people. But worst of all the SUPREME POWER decided that one child from every world had to leave their homes and live amongst the mortals. But unfortunately for me, I was picked. But I was still annoyed about the fact that my dad threatened whoever tried to protest about me going and he knew nobody would dare try that when my dad was the one and only DEVIL and he was not going to let the next ruler aka me not now the power I have over all the weaklings of all the worlds and I had to go on a secret mission to rule over the mortals to show my "SUPERIORITY". And I had to do it before I turned sixteen because when I turned sixteen my inner demons became powerful enough to destroy everything and everyone and even my dad wouldn't be able to stop me so he wanted it to happen on earth so all damage would happen on earth and it will make me in control of all of the mortals. So I had to spend three years amongst the humans according to my dad and it was not any better because my mom was also in on it too. But in a way I was enjoying the power I was going to get to use against does insignificant mortals. And I can't wait to see what useless souls I got to take over and crush them.

I hate everything about this except crushing people but I had to go and fulfill my destiny.

After getting ready to leave.

I had to take the expressway around Earth so I took a portal that led me to the expressway on Earth. It was exactly how I imagined it would be like a disgusting colorful home for Angels. ANGELS. I forgot about the fact that there will be an angel they were going to be disgusting positive morons that never have any reason to be alive but to be ruled over.
" All aboard!!!" Said the train conductor.
"Hurray * rolls eyes *, " I say sarcastically.
I get on the train.
"Good day, madam." Said the train conductor.
I just walked away because his positivity was too much.
On the train, I saw a lot of mortals sitting and waiting for the train to reach their desired destinations. But at the corner of my eyes, I noticed a boy staring at me and he didn't lot of positive aura around him like the other mortals around me and I kind of felt excited to know more about the mortal with not so much positive energy around him. When he noticed that I was also looking at him, he turned away quickly and I made it my mission to find out why he was like that?
At school.
I was so disgusted with all the positive aura around me and it was to barf for I had to go to the bathroom.
"This is so disgusting" I murmured.
On my way out I saw someone I never thought I would see in this goody world.
It was the boy I saw in the subway with not so much good energy as the other mortals on this planet it was the weirdest thing but something in me told me that he was not just some average human but what the heck he was just another mortal that I was destined rule one day.
So the craziest idea poped into my head. I thought that maybe I should maybe get someone to hangout with so I can get to know the people I will be ruling over in three years time. So with that I gathered all my pride and walked towards him and i was ready to introduce myself but he beat me to it.
"Hey" the mysterious boy said coldly.
"Hi" i said nervously.
Wait nervous i haven't been nervous since...................never. I have never been nervous in my entire life. So this was new to me.
" Emm.....can i help you."he said dryly.
I forgot he was still here.
"Oh no, i just wanted to introduce myself." I said
Okay what was happening to me it was like i was not myself any longer.
"So where do you come from?" He said.
Oh no what was i supposed to say i didn't know
So i decided to act cool and not answer but it started to get to him. He didn't make it obvious but he smirked and turned around looking me straight in the eyes and so i retaliated and we were in a staring contest but it soon came to an end because he got bird poop on his head. I laughed so hard that i taught my stomach was going to pop.
"I do not accept defeat so easily. " he said sternly.
"Okay, but we have to see each other again some other time." I say and notice his eyes soften
"Well then till we meet again." He said then he kissed my right cheek.
I immediately felt my stomach flutter. FLUTTER??? What is happening to me? Then he walked away then stopped to turn around and look at me. "I never really caught your name." He said.
"Oh my name is Ivy. Poisonè Ivy." I said casually. "Nice, mine is Devon. Devon Gabriel." He said with a slight smirk on his face. Then he turned around and walked away. Leave me flustered. Seriously what is wrong with me. But i will have to get started on planning my on how i will conquer people. Then it came to me i could start by putting the fear of my name into their mortal brains. And i know exactly where to start.



I hope you stick around for some more because we are heading for a bumpy ride.

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