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Speaking - (person) hello

Yelling - (person) HELLO HOW ARE YOU!

Whispering - (person) Hey can I get the answer for the quiz

In head - (person) 'did I leave the stove on'

Sacred gear talking - (dragon) [hello there]

Timeskip - time skip brought to you by chibi Arthur writing this book


Third person

It is currently a peaceful morning at kuoh academy, we hear birds chirping, students walking to class and chatting about their own things. We then see a group of people walking five  people in total three girls, two guys. One has has long red hair that reaches down to her thigh her eyes are greenish blue, the girl next to her has long black hair that is tied into a pony tail with a yellow ribbon while her eyes are violet, the girl left to the red head has long blonde hair with emerald green eyes, one of the males has spikey brown hair with brown eyes, while the last guy has short blonde hair with blue eyes. They are currently making there way towards class 1-B as they stops at the door the brown spiky haird boy speaks up.

(???) Boucho what are we doing here?

(???) Well issei we are here for a certain peerage member I wish to add in my peerage.

The boy know known as issei nods as the blonde haired female looks at the red haired female.

(???) Rias-sama who is it we are after?

(Rias) well her name is Maria Muramasa the great grand daughter of Sengo Muramasa.

Asia wonders who that is while everyone else nods as rias steps into the room gaining everyone attention. As rias scans the room her eyes lands on a certain female with long white hair and sliver eyes. She is currently reading a book about katana, while eating a chocolate bar, Rias makes her way over to the female desk. As everyone watched rias walk towards the young female desk they all started to whisper. When Rias makes it to Maria desk she stops as Maria takes a quick glance up wards she diverts her attention back down to her book.

(Rias) Maria Muramasa? That's you right?

Maria looks back up as she speaks in a shy tone.

(Maria)....Yes it is....

Maria said in a she tone of voice as Rias smiles and sits in the desk in front of Maria.

(Rias) Well I like to ask if you could come to the old school building after school today I wish to ask you some private questions?

Maria was silent for a little as she looks up at rias, Maria then shakes her head no as rias looks a little shocked but hides it.

(Rias) Can I know the reason why?

(Maria).....friend is coming to visit me....

Rias nodded and made her way back outside to her group and started to head towards the ORC building.

(Kiba) boucho why do you look mad?

(Rias) Its nothing kiba but I want you and koneko to spy on Maria and her freind ok?

(Kiba) Right

(Issei) what about me and Asia Rias?

(Rias) You two will be doing pacts while me and akeno dig for more information on Maria.

Issei groaned while Asia nodded, the first bell ring meaning first period is about to start as everyone in the group walks off to their own classrooms they didn't notice a cat in the shadows listing in.

Timeskip brought to you by chibi Maria patting chibi koneko head

It is now after school in kuoh academy, we see Maria walking down the street as kiba and koneko follow behind her hiding. As Maria is heading home the sky suddenly turns purple as Maria stops. Kiba and koneko get into fighting as one hundred rogue fallen angles sorruned Maria.

{Fallen angle = F.A}

(F.A) Maria Muramasa, your time is up we have given you one week to decide if you join us or you would die we are here to hear your answer!

(Maria) my answer is still no fallen angle, I will never join one of the three factions after what they did to my family!

(F.A) then you leave us with no choice!

As the fallen angle charges up a holy spear kiba and koneko were about to charge in until the fallen head was cut clean off. Everyone except Maria was shocked while everyone was shocked Maria looked up to a nerby roof as did everyone else, their they saw a armoured figure with red glowing eyes the armour had yellow outline with black plating as Maria smiles more she talks in a more friendly tone.

(Maria) What took you so long?

The armoured figure shrugged as Maria rubbed her head.

(F.A) we will..

A fallen angle was cut off as his head chopped off as well as all the other fallen angles were about to move they stopped making both kiba and koneko look curious before all the fallen angles bodies bursted into feathers. As kiba and koneko are shocked they suddenly feel a cold wet blade against their necks. Both kiba and koneko look at the armoured figure as he speaks in a cold threating tone.

(???) You will stop following Maria Muramasa, if I catch another devil trying to spy on her I will personally kill them now go back to your master and tell them this Maria Muramasa is under the protection of the dark samurai.

Both kiba and koneko nodded as they teleported using a magic circle. After the two devil's left the dark samurai turns to Maria who is smiling.

(Maria) using that title?

(???) Ya what's wrong with that title?

(Maria) nothing but wasn't that the title that serafall gave you?

(??) Yes *chuckles* are you jealous that I didn't the title you have me Maria?

(Maria) nope the oni samurai was when we were fighting *smiles* it's nice to see you again Abiri

The dark samuria chuckles as his armour is surrounded in a black coating then disaperes to reveal his spiky white hair with his golden eyes as he smiles looking at Maria.

(Abiri) it's nice to see my little snow flake as well

With kiba and koneko

Kiba and koneko teleported back to the orc they saw rias and everyone else in the room along with sirzech and grafiya in the room.

(Rias) kiba koneko? Whats wrong it seems like you two saw a ghost?

(Kiba) we followed Maria like we asked bouhco but she ran into one hundred fallen angles!

Rias looked shocked and stood up.

(Rias) were is she know?!

(Koneko) thats the thing we were about to intervine but somone beat us to it.

Rias had a look of confusion as she sits back down in her chair.

(Rias) somone beat you to it?

(Kiba) yes he had black samurai armor with a katana that blade was pitch black, he slayed all the fallen angles within seconds.

Rias and everyone else had a look of shock but before rias could get anymore information about the matter sirzech intervined.

(Sirzech) did he give you a name?

Both kiba and koneko nodded as they spoke in sync

(Kiba + koneko) He said he was the dark samurai

After kiba and koenko finished their sentence sirzech pilled as he started to shake making everyone in the room shocked.

(Sirzech) *scared* did he give you a warning?

(Kiba) Yes he said that maira muramasa is under his protection and if he catches any devils trying to recruit her in their peerage he will kill them.

(Sirzech) This is bad very bad

(Rias) Brother who is the dark samurai?

(Sirzech) rias what i am about to tell you does not leave this room got!

Rias and everyone else nodded as sirzech sighs

(Sirzech) rias the dark samurai is only one of his names, he goes by many such as the oni samurai, and the lord slayer. He battled in the great war and killed the oranginal four satan leaders along with killing the two heavenly dragons, he also battled in the civil war killing all the decentents of the oringanal satan faction. After the civil war i wanted to think him but he disaperes without a trace before i could gift him this.

Sirzech then summons a katana that was radating with demonic power. As Rias goes wide eyed at such power sirzech places it onto the coffee table along with a letter.

(Sirzech) no one knows his true name and only a handfull of people have seen him without his armour on but only those he permitted to see the rest were killed, rias if you do happen to stumble upon his identity do not and i repeat do not share it with anyone if you do no one can stop him from killing you.

Rias gulped and nodded as sirzech steps by his wife leaving the katana on the table sirzech looked at rias and her peerage.

(Sirzech) if you do happen to find him give him the katana along with the letter.

With that sirzech disapered as everyone in the orc looks at the katana with a shocked expression.


New katana

Emperor of destrution
This katana was forged by a devil black smith with metals infused with destrution magic, phoenix regenariton, leviathan ice magic, thus granting the katana alot of magical power.


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