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[...]= Actions
|...|= Person
(...)= Mind
{...}= Whisper

This 18-year-old boy stands at five feet and ten inches, giving him a relatively average height. He possesses the distinct characteristics of an oni, with dark gray skin that sets him apart from humans. Small bone spikes protrude from his shoulders and spine, adding an intimidating edge to his appearance. His ears are pointy, further emphasizing his supernatural nature.

The boy's hair is white and falls in a medium-length messy style, adding to his overall untamed and rebellious look. His eyes are particularly striking, with black scleras and blood-red irises that give them an intense and otherworldly quality. His nose and jawline are average, blending in with the rest of his facial features.

Above his forehead, two red horns poke out, further accentuating his demonic appearance. Additionally, red vein-like patterns run across his body, providing an eerie and supernatural touch.

The boy is shirtless, showcasing his muscular physique. Around his waist, he wears a white, worn-out haori, a traditional Japanese garment. The haori is wrapped around his waist, with a black obi serving as a belt to hold it together. The haori has likely seen much use, with visible signs of wear and tear, adding to the character's rugged and battle-worn look.

To protect his arms, he wears black skin guards with red ribbons. These guards cover his forearms, providing both protection and a touch of visual flair. The black color creates a striking contrast against his dark gray skin, while the red ribbons add a pop of color that matches his red irises and the red vein-like patterns on his body.

On his wrists, he sports white gauntlet wristbands, adding a touch of sophistication to his overall appearance. These wristbands may serve a practical purpose, such as providing additional support or protection during combat.

The boy claps his hands together and only the demon slayers appear in their seats. They are confused about what is going on and Shinobu sees the oni boy looking away at a paper, Shinobu gets up from her seat and unsheaths her katana and strikes the oni boy but the boy just backhands Shinobu's attack with ease. Every demon slayer sees what happened and Sanemi lunges out of his seat and tries to use his breathing style only for him to land face first onto the stage.

Sanemi: Why isn't my breathing style working?!

Obanai: Maybe you didn't do it correctly.

Sanemi: Huh?! What did you just say to me, mask freak?!

Shinobu: Who are you and why have you brought us all here, demon?

Oni Boy: 1st) rude and 2nd) You're all here to react.

Mitsuri: What is react?

Kuro: [Ahem], My name is Onikawa Kuro, age 18, and react is basically just watching a movie.

Rengoku: Movie?

Kuro: Imagine a captivating storytelling experience like no other, brought to life on a large screen. Movies are a form of entertainment that combines the power of visuals, sound, and storytelling to transport you to different worlds and engage your emotions. Through the magic of moving images, you can witness thrilling adventures, heartfelt dramas, and inspiring tales right before your eyes. In a movie, actors bring characters to life, and the scenes unfold like a vivid dream. With the help of skilled directors, cinematographers, and editors, these stories are crafted to captivate your senses and immerse you in their narratives. You can laugh, cry, and feel a whole range of emotions as the story unfolds. Movies are typically watched in special venues called movie theaters, where a large audience gathers to share the experience together. The screen is big, the sound is clear, and the atmosphere is filled with anticipation and excitement. It's an opportunity to escape from everyday life and be transported to different times, places, and even imaginary worlds.

Uzui: What?

Kuro: Think of it as looking at a painting or picture but it's moving. Also I almost forget to say that your world is frozen in time meaning anything like that bug [cough] Muzan [cough] and his demons can't do anything since time is frozen.

Giyuu: Why did you talk about Muzan being a bug?

Kuro: He's completely weak to me.

Mitsuri: Are you saying you're stronger than him?

Kuro: Yeah and I would definitely kill Muzan in a heartbeat but I can't.

Uzui: Why not?

Kuro: If I were to disturb your world, I would immediately be punished by the watchers and their punishment is way worse than being alive or dead for it.

Obanai: Who are there 'watchers' you speak of?

Kuro: Watchers are those who watch over different worlds like me. For example, I watch over you guys but I cannot interact with any of you unless I have a justifiable reason to do so. I make sure that your world stays the same without any other world's disturbance to your world, if another world fuses with your world, it'll become more difficult if we, the watchers, do something to separate rather than just watch your world fuse into another random or highly dangerous world than yours.

Gyomei: I understand, so you watch over us and make sure that our world stays the same, right?

Kuro: Correct, anyway we're late with the schedule. So I'll take your guys weapons [snaps his finger and their weapons disappear] and I need everyone in their seats please.

Shinobu and Sanemi got off the stage into their seats as everyone sat down in their seats. Mitsuri moved in her seat and said,

Mitsuri: These are extremely soft and smooth!

Some nod their head in agreement with Mitsuri.

Kuro: Gyomei, what color do you prefer?

Gyomei: What color I prefer.. [thinks for a moment and says] Brown, if I may ask why?

Kuro: Just close your eyes and open them.

Gyomei was hesitant but he followed Kuro's order. He closes his eyes and opens them but he can see perfectly now then he starts to tear up.

Gyomei: I-I-I can see now.. [sniff]

Everyone: What!?

Gyomei looks at everyone and they were amazed to see Gyomei's blind eyes to brown eyes. They all turned to Kuro who was smiling and Gyomei said.

Gyomei: Thank you so much, Kuro and you look very unique.

Kuro: It is my pleasure, Gyomei and thank you. Oh yeah, for those who have lost loved ones

Kuro claps as everyone's loved ones appear on the stage which shocked both the living and dead at the same time. [Timeskip]

Kuro: So is everyone ready?

They all nodded their heads and Kuro said.

Sabito: What are we reacting to?

Kuro: Well today, we'll be reacting to another world like yours but with a twist.

Aoi: What type of twist?

Kuro: Well Kanae is alive in this world, Sabito & Makomo doesn't die in the final exam, Sanemi and Genya's mom doesn't become a demon and their sibling don't die, Inosuke's mom lives and doesn't upper rank 2-

Hashiras & Demon slayers: Upper rank 2!?

Kotoha: Y-yeah. [frighten]

Kuro: [Ahem] As I was saying, Obanai escapes his 'family' and rescue by the flame hashira aka Rengoku & Sengoku's father, Rengoku & Sengoku's mother doesn't die, their father become depressed, Giyuu's older sister lives, and the rest is the same.

Kirito |Kocho's father|: So my wife and I are dead?

Kuro: Yes sir but someone in that universe taking care of your two or three daughters.

Rin |Kocho's mother|: Who is this person's name?

Kuro: I'll give you a bio or background of who this person is.

Kuro snaps his finger and the screen lights up as the person's background is shown on screen.

Ito Daku is a 26-year-old man with a height of 185 cm (6 feet 1 inch) and weighs 66 kg (145 lbs). He possesses an athletic body, which suggests that he is physically fit and capable of performing demanding physical tasks. His black medium curly hair is styled into a bun, giving him a distinct appearance.
All the adult females blushed and their fiance or husbands were annoyed.

Tanjiro: This is just description of how he looks like, right?

Kuro: Yes but I'll show you of he actually looks like.
One notable feature is the tan smooth skin, which could imply that he spends a significant amount of time outdoors or has a heritage that gives him a naturally tanned complexion.

The battle scars on his arms indicate that he has been involved in intense fights, possibly against powerful opponents. The fact that he never shared about his encounter with upper rank 1 suggests that he may be a private individual who prefers to keep his past experiences to himself. This could be due to the traumatic nature of the encounter or a desire not to draw attention.
Sanemi: Wait! [4x] He went up against Upper rank 1!?!

Gyomei: The question is how he is alive?

Kuro: His instinct and martial arts.

Yoriichi: I get instinct but why martial arts?

Kuro: You'll know later on.
Daku carries a scar across his left eye, which has left him blind in that eye. This could indicate a previous battle injury that he sustained while defending Kanae Kocho from upper rank 2 when he was 24 years old. This act of bravery suggests that Daku is courageous and protective of those he cares about.
Kanae: So was he there with me on that mission?

Kuro: Yes and no because he had a mission that was close to your location and saw you struggling to fight back, so he quickly intervened from Upper rank 2 killing you.

Shinobu: So he fought Upper rank 1 at the age of 24, as well?

Kuro: Not really at age 24 but he fought against Upper rank 1 at the age of 21.

Aoi: What kind of relationship does Daku and Kanae have?

Kuro: It's more like a teacher and student relationship (but a father and daughter relationship as well.)

Shinobu: What was that last part?

Kuro: One of the other watchers send a mental image of something way fucking stupid.

Meanwhile in the other reaction room. (Genshin Impact)

Host: [Achoo] (If it's someone blaming me on something that I didn't do or yet to do. Is gonna get their ass beat or unless I get my ass beat, if it was from the Author.)

Jean: Bless you.

Host: Thank you and where was I again?

Dulic: Something about someone's lover.

Host: Ah, thank y-

Back with Kuro

Kuro: Let's continue.
His blood-red eyes are likely a unique and striking feature, possibly associated with supernatural abilities or a special lineage. The average nose and handsome jawline contribute to his overall attractive appearance. The classic eyebrow adds to his facial features, giving him a sophisticated look.

The gold feather earring on his left ear is a distinctive accessory that adds a touch of personal style. It could hold symbolic meaning or represent an affiliation with a particular group or organization.

Based on his background and experiences, Daku seems to be a skilled and resilient individual. His encounters with powerful adversaries indicate that he possesses formidable combat abilities and a strong sense of duty. Despite his past battles and injuries, he remains determined and continues to protect those he cares for.
Uzui: I like the golden feather earring.
It seems that Upper Rank 2 holds a strong grudge against Daku for interfering and defending Kanae Kocho, who they had intended to harm. Upper Rank 2's animosity towards Daku could stem from the fact that Daku's intervention prevented them from achieving their goal. Upper Rank 2 may feel threatened by Daku's strength and determination, seeing him as a rival that needs to be eliminated.
Mitsuri: Woah!
On the other hand, Upper Rank 1 desires a rematch with Daku because Daku managed to land a significant blow on them during their previous encounter. This unexpected attack may have caught Upper Rank 1 off guard and left them with a deep desire for revenge. The fact that Daku nearly succeeded in defeating Upper Rank 1 could have sparked their interest in testing their skills against each other once more.

Following their fierce battle, Upper Rank 1 managed to overpower Daku, leaving him unconscious. Upper Rank 1, perhaps recognizing Daku's potential as a formidable opponent, didn't kill him but instead placed him against a tree to allow him to recover. This could indicate that Upper Rank 1 sees value in Daku's strength and wants to face him again when he is back at full power.
Hashiras: HUH!? Upper rank 1 has acknowledged Daku as a formidable opponent!?

Kuro: Would you like to Upper rank 1's thoughts?

Uzui: Yeah!

Mitsuri: Mhm!

Sanemi: Sure..

Kuro claps his hands together with a recording of Upper rank 1's voice played.
Kokushibo: You're strong and the very second person to injure me.. But I hope that you don't die anytime soon, Daku..
The recording ends and Obanai says.

Obanai: Wait second person? Who is the first person?

Yoriichi: That would be me.

Everyone except Kuro turned to Yoriichi with a shocked expression.

Shinobu: You managed to land an attack on Upper rank 1..

Yoriichi: Yes and.. [looks at Kuro and Kuro nods his head]

Kuro: Everyone look at me. [The audience looks at Kuro] Upper rank 1 and Yoriichi are family b-

Sanemi: So that he's a- [Kuro flicks a wooden chopstick and nearly Sanemi's head]

Kuro: Let me finish, no brow... [Kanae giggles] Yes, it may seem that way to you but Yoriichi and Upper rank 1 are twins. Upper rank 1's original name is Michikatsu and once a member of the demon slayer corp or once a hashira to be exact. But he became a demon by his own choice because he was frustrated from being unable to surpass his brother, as well as fearing the fated death of those who awakened their Demon Slayer Marks.

Rengoku: What's a demon slayer mark?

Urokodaki: It is a unique marking that appears on the bodies of certain Demon Slayers, granting them enhanced abilities and strength to combat the demonic threats they face.

Uzui: How do you get the mark?

Kenji |Former Thunder Hashira from Sengoku Era|: To receive a demon slayer mark is to survive extremely life-threatening conditions, specifically a heart rate of over 200 beats per minute and a body temperature of over 39° Celsius (102.2° Fahrenheit), conditions which can prove to be fatal in most cases.

Sanemi: What are other benefits than enhancing our abilities and strength?

Kuro: The Mark, however, enables slayers to activate the Red Nichirin for their swords, which drastically increases their demon-slaying ability and even provides access to the mysterious "Transparent World."

Shinobu: Transparent World?

Isamu |Former Wind Hashira from Sengoku Era|: The Transparent World domain allows demon slayers to see the world as if looking through an X-ray where they can analyze breath, blood flow and the movement of muscles and joints. Allow us [Demon Slayers] to predict our opponent's movements and sense them naturally.

Uzui: That's so flamboyant!!!

Mitsuri: It's truly a blessing!

Kuro: The demon slayer mark is a blessing but also a curse.

Kanao: Curse?

Yoriichi: He's right about the curse. Demon slayers who have awakened their demon slayer mark are said to die upon reaching the age of 25.

Kuro: Great power always comes with a price and that price is your lifespan.
These rivalries and conflicts add depth and tension to Daku's story. It highlights his resilience and determination to protect those he cares for, as well as his ability to challenge upper-ranked demons despite the risks involved. It also sets the stage for potential future confrontations between Daku, Upper Rank 1, and Upper Rank 2, creating opportunities for further character development and intense battles.
Kuro: This for the younger demon slayers.

Zenitsu: What?
It's interesting to see the dynamic between Daku and the younger demon slayers. Being seen as a father figure by the younger members of the demon slayer corps suggests that Daku has a nurturing and protective nature. Despite his stoic and observant demeanor, he likely demonstrates care and concern for their well-being, guiding and supporting them in their training and missions.
All young demon slayers are happy that Daku treats them all his children.

Tanjiro: So he treats us all as his child?

Kuro: Correct, if he doesn't do any missions. He'll just watch from afar as you guys fight demons but if any of you let your fears take over or that you're going to die, he'll intervene and kill the demon. Once Daku finishes taking care of the demon, he'll check up on you making sure you don't get any injuries and asking if you can continue slaying demons. If you said "No" or shook your head, he'll tell you some inspirational words of encouragement to get you back into the demon field of slaying demons or send you back to the demon slayer corps with a letter to Kagaya Ubuyashiki for him to understand your situation.

Kagaya: [Smiles] What a generous person he is.

Kuro: Also Kagaya?

Kagaya: Yes?

Kuro: Close your eyes for a moment.

Kagaya closes his eyes and Kuro's left eye glows green and Kagaya's sickness fades away then Kuro's left eye stops glowing.

Kuro: You may open your eyes again.

Kagaya opens his eyes and he can see perfectly now. He starts to tear up and his wife, Amane, looks at her husband with tears and smiles.

The hashiras smiled for Kagaya and his wife.

Kagaya: [Looks at Kuro] Thank you.. Kuro [wipes his tears with his sleeves]

Kuro: It's quite alright, Kagaya.
Daku's neutral stance towards the other Hashiras indicates that he remains impartial and doesn't involve himself in their disputes or rivalries. His stoicism and observation skills may make him an excellent judge of character, allowing him to understand the nuances and dynamics within the group. This ability to remain neutral and maintain a calm presence could earn him the respect and trust of his fellow Hashiras. Overall, Daku's role as a father figure and his neutral, stoic, and observant nature contribute to his complex personality and enhance his relationships with both the younger demon slayers and his peers in the Hashira ranks.
Shinobu: He's a very unique person.

Kirito: Indeed, he is.

Kuro: Now his two other roles in the Demon Slayer Corps.
It seems that within the Demon Slayer Corps, there are consequences for demon slayers who harm innocent people or use their katanas against them. In this context, Daku takes on the role of the Punisher and the Executioner.
Audience were confused, concerned, and worried seeing the word, 'Executioner' on the screen.
As the Punisher, Daku is responsible for punishing demon slayers who harm innocent individuals. His role is to ensure that the members of the Demon Slayer Corps adhere to their mission of protecting humanity and do not cause harm to those they are sworn to defend. Daku acts as a disciplinary figure who enforces the rules and maintains the integrity of the organization.
Tanjiro: So he punishes any of the members of who cause harm to who we sworn to defend.

Kuro: Indeed and he'll just give you guys three warnings but if you don't heed his three warnings, you'll face another consequence that you might not live the next day.
As the Executioner, Daku's duty is to carry out the ultimate consequence for those demon slayers who have taken the life of an innocent person without a justifiable reason. This suggests that the Demon Slayer Corps takes any unwarranted loss of human life very seriously. Daku's role as the Executioner highlights the organization's commitment to maintaining the trust of the public and upholding a high standard of ethical conduct among its members.
The audience went silent.

Genya: So he'll just kill us?

Kuro: Yep and that means if any of your siblings were in the demon slayer corps, they cannot intervene because it'll be an act of treason to the demon slayer corps and they'll die with you.

Genya: But it said that he sees us as child and we see him almost a father figure.

Kuro: It does but he is an executioner in the demon slayer corp. He completely hates killing you guys but he wished didn't receive the role as the executioner but only as the punisher. He can't do anything to change what he has already done and now holds deep despair and sorrow.
By taking on these roles, Daku demonstrates his commitment to justice and the protection of innocents. His position as the Punisher and the Executioner may make him a figure of fear or respect within the Demon Slayer Corps, as his presence serves as a reminder of the consequences for those who deviate from the organization's principles.

Overall, Daku's role as the Punisher and the Executioner adds a layer of accountability and discipline to the Demon Slayer Corps, emphasizing the importance of their mission and the consequences for failing to uphold it.
Kuro: How about a break?

The audience nodded their head and Kuro looks at the readers secretly then winks.

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