Chapter 11

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Dried leaves crackle beneath my feet like lollie wrappers. They crunch softly as I land, my toes digging into the soft soil, rich and brown. Full of so much potential to grow life.

The dirt encases my bare feet like a box. I can't even remember what happened to my shoes. Did I go through the portal without them? Did I leave them in room?

The world tilts slightly. I hate how portal rides mess with the body's senses. I fill my lungs with cool, crisp air to stop my spinning head and...

I choke.

I cough out the putrid air filled with the smell of flowers and fresh soil. It smells like a place inhabited with life. Probably because it is as tiny pulses throb throughout the growth.

Forest trees cloak the area in a canopy of rough bark and dark leaves, the moon- only one, not three- dangling from far away. Flecks of white dot the dark blue, almost black, sky. Though it is bright, I'm still glad for my night vision.

It allows me to see the tiny flowers the scatter the ground and the owl perched in a near by tree. The roots the trees use to anchor themselves to the earth and the little bugs that call the underbrush their home.

I'll take it the Dem's killer either likes the forest, or didn't want anyone to see what he was doing, opening portals to other worlds.

My ears prick at the sound of a distant hum. Deciding that's the direction to go, I let my hearing take over. At least in the Human Lands, when pushing away twigs and low branches, the trees won't turn around and bite your ass.

And yes. Getting bit or slapped or whacked by an angry Hell tree hurts.

I press the maimed flesh of my hand against my body to try and stop the blood from escaping. Little, black flecks of liquid drip to the forest floor where Hester's teeth have cleaved through my skin. I hope that nothing of angels blood- or even demons- will pass through here and pick up the scent. I want to keep myself on the low. Attracting attention to myself might be deadly and the less that know, the better.

After a couple minutes of walking, I hit my target.

I long, blackish strip cuts the land in half. Like a flat snake that has cleared a path straight through the forest trees. I wonder how far it goes for. Wether it has an end or is connected in a continuous loop with branches that lead to other destinations.

I kneel down, the surface hard against my palm. I trace my fingers through the dints and small rocks as if it's a pattern.

I flash of blinding light penetrates my eyes. Squinting, I take a step back as a vehicle zooms past, red hair blowing with the air current its speed creates.

I'm glad humans cannot see demons unless we show ourselves. They probably would have freaked out in seeing a horned creature on the side of the road. Any other time it would have been fine. I would have laughed my ass off as their noses press against the glass, eyes widened to the size of basketballs.

But like I said, keeping a low profile. I don't want to attract attention or it will be over before I get a chance at finding the killer.

Just on the horizon, in the direction the car went, the faint glow of artificial lights penetrates the darkness. It would be the town the demon hunter came from. Usually within their society, a couple hunters will be assigned to a town, or close enough to it, to protect the humans from any sort of supernatural activity. Anywhere between two to six hunters can be assigned to a town or city depending on its size, human population and the number of hunters available.

Sighing, I start to walk along the road towards the town. It's not that I'm unfit. Growing up in Hell you had to be in good shape. If you couldn't fight or defend yourself, you were as good as gone. It's just that I hate walking.

And running.

And exercising.

And any form of physical movement that is not eating or sleeping.

I flinch. Squeezing my eyes tight to avoid the shine of headlights as another car goes past. I blink back tears as I regain my vision. The blur slowly turning into clear objects. I swear if a car hits me I'm going to flip my shit.

I had no idea how boring walking can become. There's no scenery except forest, I have no one to annoy, I feel like a car is going to swerve and hit me and, just to add to that list of complaints, my feet hurt, the road making it that much worse. I wish I had brought shoes.

Small buildings enter my sight after what feels like hours of walking.I probably only walked for about four minutes tops, but I'm certain as fuck it felt like hours.

Surrounded by a mass of forest, lies a town. I suppose one could describe it as cute. It's small and obviously doesn't have large population. However, the human population would be big enough, that you wouldn't know every single person. Big enough to be assigned a demon hunter. A strip of light rips down the centre. The main drag and a perfect place to suss things out.

My back arches. Bones crack and limbs shrink. Horns sink back into my skull, teeth turn blunt, talons change to finger nails and tail morphing until it's no more than a spine. I squish my demon form into a human-like appearance. I glance down only to find I'm closer to the ground, having lost my unnatural height. I extend my arms. The skin covering my flesh is no longer deathly white but has a lively tan. A strand of hair hangs over my forehead. It is still red like the blood that pumps through human hearts.

Despite the human look my blood still runs black. I can hide the fact that I am a demon but I can't change it. My shredded hand still exposes exposed but healing black flesh, longer dripping blood. By tomorrow, it will look like scratches.

Trying to compose myself with all the human normalcy I can, I strut my ass into town. Eyes adjusting to the wicked artificial lights, I pray that my eyes are not red, hopefully taking on a more natural colour. If not I'll say that I wear some sexy ass contacts.

A gentle night breeze blows through the town, the rustling of dried leaves the only sound. The shops are closed but still continue to display a variety of different things through the display windows. The town looks slightly oldish with its brick buildings and refurbished yet aged structures. Now that I'm in it, this place looks larger from the inside compared to a distance. I can imagine it holds quite a few residents.

Descending ever further, a spike of pain hits my temple. It's faint but is clearly the start of a forming headache. I gently massage the spot.

Coming to a street conjunction, I soon find out why. Happily plastered to the corner, it stands there as merry as can be.

I hiss as I pass the church. The closer I get the harder my head throbs.

'Summershore church'.

The sign reads out the front, near the entry gates. Summershore. I'm guessing that is the name people call this place.

I hurry passed the church. I don't want to be anywhere near that thing. I'll set it on fire any chance I get and laugh my fucking head off as it burns.

That is if The Almighty doesn't decide to hit me with a lightning bolt first for stepping close to sacred ground.

I explore this town even further. Every now and again I pass a human. I hear their heart beat and feel their soul buried deep under flesh and bone. They pass by, unbeknownst to the predator that lurks mere metres away.

I find cafes, clothes shops, corner stores, bakeries. I discover the town library and even spot a candy shop. It's a covered in bright paint and flashy images. Hard to miss. Pressing my face to the glass, my mouth waters.

It's magical.

I eye off the shelf of chocolate and a glorious giant lollipop. I am seriously considering breaking the window but think against it. I don't want anyone to find out they have a sugar addicted demon in town.

Demon hunters might set traps with toffee apples as bait. I don't want to test my restraint.

I manage to pull myself away from the candy store. It breaks my shrivelled heart.

In a way, this town is quite nice. It's peaceful with its simplistic buildings and easy roads . The forest and lush greenery only adds to the tranquility. It's small but not cramped. Quiet but not dead. It still has that feel of inhabitants. I suppose with Hell being so constantly chaotic, it's nice to finally have a change. It's like I can finally relax without my siblings stalking me like wolves or demons haunting every shadow. No constant screaming or noisy streets.

As I take it in, memorising the roads and stores, I can't help but think of Mini. I hope the little demon didn't throw a fit when she discovered I left. She can take care of herself, as long as she doesn't stir up trouble.

I turn sharply on a heel. Doors fly open and a man stumbles out of a bar, onto the pathway. He laughs then snorts, tilting his head up to the sky. I'm metres away from him but I can still smell that his breath stinks like a brewery.

He ambles towards me. The man trips over his own feet, laughing. His steps are uneven. All over the place like standing is one of the hardest things he can do. He's so drunk I wonder if he can even remember his own name. I guess he is around his early forties. The show of lines creasing his face.

He stops very close to me and leans in. His alcoholic breath washes over me as he says, "Hi theeeere."

I raise a brow and smirk. Drunks can be so funny. When intoxicated, they have no pride or self conscious.

"What's yooour name?"

I gently push him away. He plonks his head on my shoulder and inhales.

"Get off," I snarl, giving him a shove.

He gives me the saddest look he can muster with a head lolling to the side. His mouth pulls down in a pout. Brown hair falls into his eyes. Eyes that are green. Green like a parrots feathers. Green eyes...

Something deep inside me breaks. Grief, sorrow and hurt slam my body like a car. My heart clenches painfully. His eyes were green. Eyes I stared into as he left me. Wrath drowns me. It pulls me so far under I don't think I can surface. I let it.

Without a thought, black talons flick out, pushing through my skin like knives. I grab the man by the throat with a growl. His eyes go wide, a strangled choke leaving his lips. I squeeze tighter, the tips of my talons puncturing the soft flesh of his neck. Lines of red dribble down soaking the mans shirt collar.

He struggles with his body. Too weak and drunk to be of any use. Chocked noises pierce his throat. I lift my other hand.

His fear smells wonderful. It excites me and fills me with a savage joy. Blunt teeth soon turn sharp as blades but I don't let anything else change. I can't go crazy.

With an evil grin I dig my talons into the mans chest. Warmth travels down my arm, dripping off my elbow. He attempts to scream but the hand around his throat prevents everything but a pitiful noise that even I could barely hear. I twist the hand in his chest, fingers clutching a beating muscle. I yank my arm backwards, freeing my hand from squishy flesh along with his heart firmly in my grasp.

I let go of his throat. He falls to his knees in tears. Green eyes staring up at me as his life disappears like water down a drain. He's sobs before collapsing face first on the pavement. I drag my tongue over my forearm. Sweet human blood, with an alcoholic touch, glides over my taste buds. Very sweet human blood. He had high blood sugar.

Blood drips from my arm, leaks from the humans chest, stains the pathway in red puddles.

Licking my lips, I drop the heart onto the owners dead back. Voices come down from the darkness. Humans chattering to one another. Flicking my talons back in, I walk in the opposite direction, blending into the shadows and round a corner.

I hear a horrified gasp before screams fill the night.


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