Chapter 15

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The freak is gorgeous. Not a single flaw in his features, so beautiful it actually hurts. It's the kind of magnificence that makes people fall head over heels and go completely insane for.

The glow comes from his wings, each feather so perfect as they fan behind him like a shimmering cape. Specks of gold coat them like glitter and sparkle when he shifts, silver lining the edges, giving them an even more heavenly look.

The wings are huge. An eagle has got nothing on this guy.

My fists clench. I would kill to be able to fly and this dick stands before me in all his bullshit glory. Wings on display for the whole fucking world to see. I'll cut them off out of spite.

And then there's the halo. The mother fucking halo.

Humans usually underestimate what halos look like realistically. They paint them as simple rings of light. What they don't paint them as is rings of lightning.

The halo that floats above the angels head. It cackles and snaps, spitting electricity. It twists and zig zags, making a circle in the air like a tiny storm, so bright it's almost blinding to look at.

"You've felt the presence too. Something powerful has invaded the town. It needs to be banished as soon as possible."

His voice is melodic. Soothing and sweet. One of the most alluring things I have ever heard. I could sit here and listen to that sound all day. Fall asleep under the stars as the angel talks in that enticingly elegant voice. Imagine what it sounds like when he sings.

I discover my face has bent into a sneer.

The demon hunter nods, his eyes down cast to avoid the creatures blinding light. "I've told the hunters to be on their guard. The thing could be anywhere. We are on high alert."

It doesn't take long to figure who they are talking about. I had an impulse that when I entered the town my presence would be felt like I can feel the power of this damned church banging against my skull. They didn't disappoint. Like hounds, they had sniffed me out.

What they don't know is that this 'thing' is right around the corner, listening to every word.

And what they also don't know, is that I don't like being called a 'thing' either. I find that rather insulting.

"I need you to find it quickly and get rid of it," the angel says, "It's hard enough to keep the evil in the forest at bay."

Like solidifying concrete, his words confirm my suspicion. Ivy was right. The forest is haunted but what's in there? It must be a serious pain in the ass if it's bad enough that the hunters had to call in the angels.

While they are distracted and unaware, I consider jumping out and attacking them. If I could kill the hunter and steal the blade, I will be able to take down the angel while he's still surprised. I've spent too many long hours suffering through training to be taken down by a petty ass angel.

Father made sure I was trained and personally taught me almost everything, like my siblings before me. Once he was satisfied with my skills, he got me to fight against the my brother, Rowan, to improve. Being the eldest, he is with no doubt the strongest and I've only managed to beat him twice out of the countless spares we've had.

He's even kicked Abaddon's ass a couple times.

I smirk. I always made sure I was on the sideline cheering my brother on. It was one of the most happiest moments of my life when Rowan shoved Abaddon into the dirt.

I tense my muscles, ready to pounce them in a sneak attack. I nearly creep around the corner when I stumble back. Reasonableness finally deciding to stop me.

Attacking them would be stupid. The angel could be carrying a celestial weapon and stab me before I had a chance.

If I cut myself, my blood would be like a beacon and make it easier for hunters to track me down.

It's too risky. I can't afford slip ups.

I pout and keep listening to their conversation.

A gust of wind blows my hair across my face. I wave my hand. I try to push it out my way but the stands are uncooperative like a stubborn cat. I toss my head as if I'm a horse which sends a few streaks of red blow behind the corner of the church.

A snake, the angels eyes snap upwards, immediately alert and I slam my back against the church's side.

I curse my hair. I should have tied it up.

I sneak a glance around the corner only to find a pair of golden eyes looking straight at me. Like everything else on his body, they glow with a holy light.

Gasping, I turn and bolt back to the public toilets.

I pump my legs like a steam engine, pushing them as fast as possible in a human body. They pound against the pathway in a frantic rhythm.

The explosion in my head recedes as the distance between me and the church expands. When I turn back, I find darkness once again. No trace of a light or the heavenly being it was coming from.

I slow down once I'm outside the toilets.

That was far too close for my liking. I need to be more careful if I want to survive while tracking down the hunter. When I first arrived, it was expected that a few hunters would be hanging around the area.

The portal had spat me out in the forest with this town being extremely close. That obviously meant demon hunters would be in this area but I didn't predict a haunted forest. A haunted forest that is such a threat that angels have to linger in this area to keep its evil at bay.

"Oh my God!"

I jump as arms encircle me. I turn around to punch the fucker until I see Ivy's frizzy hair. She has me in an embrace. I stand there with my arms at my sides like an idiot while she squeezes me. I glance down at her confused.

"Where have you been?" she demands, "I was worried sick!"

Quinn clutches her heart. I can hear it beating like a drum as she bends over, exhaling.

"Yeah, don't do that," Quinn breathes.

"Why? What happened?" I ask.

I tilt my head, scrunching my eyebrows. My brain try's to piece things together. Did I miss something?

Ivy lets me go.

"What happened! We come out the bathrooms and you've disappeared. Whoosh. Bam. Gone."

"We thought you had been kidnapped," Sage says, letting out a nervous chuckle.

"Or taken by a rapist," Ivy adds.

"Calm down. I just got bored and wondered off. I wasn't kidnapped or taken by a rapist, I promise."

Their concern is flattering. It seems as though they care even though we've know each other for a couple hours.

"Well I'm glad," Sage sighs.

"Anyway. Lets get on with the night," Ivy links her arm through mine and grabs my wrist. I try to pry her off, not appreciating the gesture.

"Oh no," Ivy smiles and tugs me tighter, "I'm not letting you out of my sight. I won't let you give me another heart attack."

She hauls me away and I catch my self before I trip, stumbling after her.

Ivy's arm is like a vice, refusing to let me go or loosen. Who knew someone so small could be so strong.

"Your breaking my wrist," I scowl.

She shrugs and Sage snorts a laugh.

I look behind me at the others, stunned, but they seem to be unfazed that my wrist is getting crushed.

"Ivy," I hiss. She gives me a weird look and stops. I realise I sounded like a snake, inhuman, my temper getting the best of me. I snap my mouth closed.

"Ok, let her go," Rafe says as if sensing my anger and gently pries off Ivy's hand, rescuing me from any more slip ups and probably saving Ivy from getting punched.

Rafe gives me a calming smile as Ivy still looks at me like I'm a freak.

But it's not them I'm concerned with. Instead my attention is trained on the boy who has barely spoken. The one I almost forgot was here.

Axel stares off into the distance like he's here but not quite. I stare at him and the tiny black spot that slowly appears on his soul.


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