Chapter 6

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The closer I get to the ballroom, the busier it becomes. Servants and butlers rush around with trays of food and drinks as they quickly dart out of my way, careful not to spill anything. Soon, I find myself in front of giant double doors that adorn any room special enough to have them. The spirals and symbols etched across the surface, creating an impressive entrance.

Chatter comes from beyond the doors. The upper class demons probably talking and gossiping like little girls at a school yard. I stifle a yawn at the thought. The start of parties are always the most boring but once they start on the alcohol, that's when things become a bit more fun.

"Hello, little sis."

I turn around, "Orion. Haven't seen you in ages."

Orion. My elder brother and the fourth eldest out of the six of us. His brown hair combed back and an expensive suit covering his body.

"You invited to Odessa's party too?"

"Yeah," I mumble and I hear him laugh.

Tall with brown hair, hazel eyes and the pale skin that almost all humanoid demons have, he is fairly handsome. The only feature that's rather unnatural, is the large mouth, having to be big to support the rows upon rows of thin, pointy teeth that line his gums. The shit loads of long, sharp fangs making for a wicked smile.

If he took his shirt off, however, his inhumanness would become more obvious. From his collar bone down to his hip bone is nothing but that. Bone. No skin, muscle or flesh to accompany his exposed rib cage or spine like Dem's wings and tail. Bare of anything. If one looked closely, they would be able to slightly tell of his hollowed out chest and stomach. The lack of flesh pressing against his shirt or a breeze blowing the fabric in too far.

"You could have missed it."

"And risk her bitching? No thanks," I say.

I turn towards the doors to push them open, "You coming or are you going to risk angering the almighty bitch?"

"Nah. I've got something to do first," a mischievous smile touches his lips. I'm not even going to ask.

"I'll see you in a bit. Don't have too much fun without me," he winks.

I push open the doors as my older brother, Orion, disappears to who knows where.

Music greets my hears. It washes over me like a blanket of fine silk, smooth and soft, along with the noise of the nobility and their gossips. I have never found it in me to care about their boring chatter and scheming plans for power. It's like a court of vipers. All venomous and all untrustworthy, just waiting to strike at any cracks of weakness or insecurity.

I lift my chin high, levelling everyone with a glare. Weakness is not an option in Hell. Show anyone your cracks and they'll turn it into a breakage. As I pass by, some lower they're eyes to the ground and make a path towards the raised dining table.

The ballroom is one of the most magnificent areas of Hell's Palace. I can't help but wonder if Heaven has anything so beautiful. An architect would have a heart attack at the sight of the doors alone.

I pass the nobles, each and every one as different as the stripes on tigers, all with their different features and looks. Some ugly, others beautiful while some contain normal features and others look like a freak of nature. They all, however, walk around as if they own the place, dressed only in the most fanciest and pristine of clothing. I catch their eyes looking at my clothing choice and bite back a smile.

My sisters laugh tinkles like a bell as I near, mixing in with her flirting and seductive talks. Her very low dress dips down exposing the top of her chest. The see through fabric leaving little to the imagination. Her beauty is enough to make women die with envy.

Her eyes flick to my form as her pink pupils swallow my appearance, fists beginning to clench. The two nobles bow their heads respectfully and retreat down the steps, knowing their conversation with my sister has ended. A muscle twitches on her perfectly smooth jaw as I give her an innocent smile. Not wanting to start a scene in front of everyone, she flicks her golden hair over a shoulder and looks elsewhere. Shrugging, I round the table and take a seat.

I guess dressing like a goth wasn't what she meant by fancy. Laughter bubbles up my throat.

At the head table, I receive a perfect view of the ballroom. Nothing but servants slaving away to appease the nobles while they talk. A few sway to the music, their bodies weaving around each other in a graceful display. So far, nothing is worth my attention until the alcohol starts working its magic.

The back of my neck tingles. Eyes bore through my body. This can't be a coincidence. I've felt this gaze several times without finding the culprit. I know someone is watching but why? And who?

I huff. Let them watch.

"Odessa, is Father coming?" I ask.

She doesn't respond. Doesn't even glance at me. I snicker. She gets peeved at the most simple things.

Fine, don't talk.

"No, Father is not coming."

Rowan's voice is like thunder. It booms across the room in a deep rumble as it vibrates against the floor. Cracks are sketched across his skin, lava running in between.

Rowan is the eldest and by far the cruelest. His heartlessness and lack of mercy is legendary among demons and angels alike, drilled into his mind by Father. Lucifer does not appoint heirs. If he ever steps down, which will be never, he would let his children fight out for the throne, only ensuring the strongest to be crowned. If that ever happened, I'm almost certain that the five of us would step down and let Rowan take the crown. Even Odessa would be reluctant to fight or scheme against him.

"He said he had other matters to attend to outside the Capital," his eyes are like bottomless pits. No pupil or iris, just completely black like a void, holding emptiness. The eyes of a killer.

Despite Rowan being the king of assholes I can't say he's a terrible brother. After all, he does have a protective streak for his younger siblings which I can't help but find sweet.

Out the corner of my eye I can see a someone approaching me. It's skin as pale as the moons and his empty eye sockets as dark as an abyss. The chandelier has become very interesting. I admire the diamonds and chips of glass that hang down like leaves on branches. Balls of hellfire dance across the roof, the light shining through the chandelier like a disco ball.

I hear chuckling beside me. Obviously, my ignoring skills need some improvements.

"What do you want, Novak," I hiss, the sound barely carries across the table, wanting to keep this conversation low and short.

He laughs and drags his forked tongue over his crooked teeth, shuffling in place. In my peripheral vision I can see his eye sockets trained on me. Even though he doesn't have eyes, it still feels like he can see through those empty holes. It makes me want to punch him.

"Just wanted to say hello to my little sister," he slithers.

My teeth grind. Novak, being the fifth child, is only slightly older than me, beating me just by a couple of years. His sockets are still looking at me but I pointedly ignore him, hoping he will get bored and piss off. My jaw clenches.

He grins and a sliver of drool escapes, sliding out of his lipless mouth and off his chin.

Novak is about to open his stupid mouth when someone butts in.

"You're company, Novak, is obviously unwanted. Maybe you should leave."

I have to tackle my grin from escaping. Rosella gives him a calm glance but one with no room for arguing. Her milk white eyes full of collected patience. She is like the ocean. Calm and steady but once angered or pushed, can turn into a tsunami. Novak knows this because he wisely backs the fuck off and moves to take a seat at the opposite end of the table.

"Thanks," I smile at her. She returns it and takes a seat beside me, folding the ends of her glorious blue gown. I have to scoot over to avoid the four long horns that jut out of her head like a starfish. Younger than Odessa but older than Orion, it makes her the third eldest. The middle child.

"Don't mention it. If given the chance, I'm sure most of us would shove a celestial blade through his heart," she inquires. "But, I'm sure he will get what is coming for him. There is only so much one can stand before they snap."

"Wanna place bets on who that will be?" I ask with a smirk.

The corner of her mouth tilts up, "Rowan."

My smirk transforms into a grin, "Ok, I'll go Odessa."

"Favour for whoever wins?"

"Deal," I state.

She folds her hands in her lap, her eyes focused on the sea of bodies below us, "Now I suppose we will have to wait and see who rips his head of first. Perhaps it won't be Odessa or Rowan. We may both be wrong."

I snort, "Wouldn't surprise me."


Sorry guys, not much happened in this chapter.

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