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Their screams had always intrigued her. How they would open their mouths and let their misery and pain come pouring out in a river. It seemed to her, that it was common in most species to scream, whether it be a demon begging for forgiveness or a human pleading for mercy. Even the angels in Heaven screamed when they were in pain. Despite their torment, it was a beautiful sound. It was an enchanting melody, but when an angel wailed, they did not beg or plead for their torture to stop. They simply took it with as much pride as a broken, angelic being could muster.

Not like the howling creatures in front of her father. They twisted and scraped at the floor with their clawed hands as they begged for their pain to stop. Her father stood there as he watched in content. She could feel the intense power flow from him in waves as it collided with the bodies before him, strong enough to make even her take a few steps back.

"P-Please, You're Majesty," they wailed, "Stop, I-I'm b-begging you!"

Lucifer cocked his head to the side. His power released its hold on the creatures before him and they sucked in gasping breaths of relief with their useless words of gratitude. But she knew better. Her father did not spare any mercy on traitors or rebels who broke his specific orders. It was just a taunt before his power hit them twice as hard.

He barely lifted a finger yet it surged towards them, an unstoppable tsunami. They arched their backs in pain as their torture proceeded. Their skin split like cracks on a barren desert as their bones shattered and broke, the sharp ends pushing through the rough scales covering their wrinkled skin. Hellfire torn through the demons bodies in an array of reds, greens and blacks, melting them from the inside out till their organs were nothing but burnt crisps. They screamed until their throats turned to sandpaper. Until their vocal cords strained enough to split.

Only when the demons bodies gave out did the King of Hell stop. Until they were wrecked like shreds of ripped paper. You could find the pieces, stick them back together, but the tears would always remain. No one could erase the marks left behind.

He stood over them. Huge feathered, black wings casting the demons in his shadow. The Devil admired his handiwork. Of what was left of the poor creatures like it was a masterpiece.

With a click of his fingers, two guards bowed at his feet, their back muscles rippling with the effort. Never would they be so foolish to disobey the King of Hells commands.

"Take them to the dungeon," and with that, the guards dragged away what remained of the three traitors. It would be foolish to think he was done with them. Mercy had never been one of his traits.

The girl watched her father. He prowled up to his throne of obsidian and gold, countless skulls framing the regal seat, and sat. She stood their, waiting. Was her father going to dismiss her? Did he want to talk to her? Her little feet tapped out a rhythm on the floor as her eyes began to wander. Someone would need to scrub of the blood stains on the floor, she thought.

"Do you know why I did that?" his eyes were focused on her as he watched the girl with the curiosity of cat.

She thought to herself, her nose scrunching in concentration. No, she didn't really understand why they needed to be hurt. She knew they disobeyed. Went against his direct orders but did they really need to be tortured for it? Did anyone deserve that kind of pain?

"Because," he explained when no answer was given, "they need to learn. They need to be an example of what happens when people try to do me wrong. Others will see and hear of this and know to never fail me or else more will try and attempt what those demons did. You need to show others what you are capable of. They will be afraid and fear is an easy way to control people," he said in a simple way hoping the child would understand.

She nodded. Her understanding was vague but she got the basics. Hurt people bad enough and nobody will hurt you, or at least she thought.

"Bring her forward," her father demanded.

A creature was brought to the front of the throne. She stared at it. It was plain. No horns or claws or tails. It was void of wings with colours that were rather dull and average. Its skin looked soft and squishy and she couldn't help but want to touch it. When the creature looked up, she saw fear etched into her features. Features that were rather simple and uncomplicated but not ugly.

She had heard of these things before. The creations of The Almighty. Sometimes she would hear the stories of them when the maids and servants gossiped but she had never seen one for herself. She was too young to venture far beyond the palace but she could sometimes hear their screams echo down from the Pits.

It was a human.

"Please," it sobbed, "I've done nothing wrong. Spare me."

A clear liquid leaked from its eyes. The girl cringed. She had been taught to never cry as it was weak show any form of pain.

The Devil stared at the scared creature below him, uncaring of the salty water running down her face. If anything, it looked as though he enjoyed the humans terror, a smirk playing on his lips.

He leaned back and tilted his head to the side. He had no crown perched atop his brow. The Devil didn't need one. He waved his hand, signalling for his daughter to come closer until she stood at the bottom of the dais.

"Do you know what this is?"

She nodded, "It's a human."

"Yes it is. Now, break it."

She stared at her father questioningly. The humans sobs echoed throughout the throne room, her voice barely above a whisper as she repeated the words, "No no no, please, no."

"Did you not hear me, daughter? I am not fond of repeating myself."

"I heard you," she replied.

"Well then why are you standing there like a stunned mullet?"

She wasn't sure what a mullet was but she was sure of her fathers patience beginning to waver. She didn't like making him angry.

"Why?" she dared question him.

"Why?" he repeated, "Because one day you will be a powerful ruler of Hell just like your older siblings. You need to learn how to instil fear and get over this stupid reluctance to cause pain," he leaned forward resting his face in his hands, "Hurt her. I'm not going to say it again."

With no choice, she gathered her power around herself like she'd been taught. It flowed through her veins like a river of honey, thick and sweet. The human looked at her, pleading. Her eyes were pretty. Blue like a gemstone yet full of so much sorrow and despair.

"Please," the human whispered, "Don't do this. I'm begging you."

She hesitated. She didn't want to hurt the human. Not really, but she could feel her fathers gaze burning like a hot coal. It felt as if a drill was digging into her spine. She looked into the humans blue eyes. Eyes that would be etched into her brain forever.

Closing her own she pushed her power towards the human. It swarmed around the woman like bees, stinging and sinking deep into her flesh. Blood started to spill from the pores of her skin and the humans pretty blue gaze landed on her, the tears never slowing. She wished she didn't have to do this. She tried to say she was sorry but it would be worthless. There was no point since she knew the mortal wouldn't forgive her. Not for the pain she was causing it. 

So she pushed her power towards the human until its screams were no more.


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