8- demons attack

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8 - demons attack

As Yugi and Atem finally left the forest, Yugi hunched back over walking on all fours. Yugi felt sore and tired from walking up right.

*I hope we don't have any more areas like that. Walking around upright takes more out of me than I am used too.* Yugi stated mentally. Atem was wheezing heavily as he took out the map from his bag to check it. He wondered if there were any cabins were they could hold up for the night.

"Don't worry it doesn't seem to be any more places like that. We have to keep heading towards the mountains. I have a feeling that the answers are there. From the map I can tell that there is a hut nearby where we can camp for the night." Atem replied rolling back up the map and placing it into the bag. The two continued on their way as Yugi could feel that something was wrong. He could feel something sinister was heading in their direction. Suddenly without warning Yugi could hear this bird-like screech as something swooped down from the sky grabbing Atem's shoulders and hosting him back into the sky. Atem screamed in pain as he looked up to see a blond female harpy (a half human/half bird) with Amethyst eyes had him in her talons.

"Can't allow you any further. Zorc will have what belongs to him." she stated in the same guttered voice that he had heard Yugi speak in. Atem looked at the ground to see a male tanar'ri (a half human/ half snake with six arms as featured in dungeons & dragons roll playing game) had Yugi in his coils. The human half of the serpent looked familiar to him.

*It can't be, but that's Bakura Ryou. He had suddenly disappeared years ago. How did this happen? Did Zorc's book do this to them too?* Atem asked as he took a better look at the harpy. Atem did not seem to recognize the blond woman but he had felt like he should.

Below Yugi struggled against the tanar'ri as he had heard Atem refer to the serpent by name. Bakura Ryou was an upper classman like Atem as the two were close friends until he disappeared suddenly. Yugi could remember him very vaguely.

"Give up and give in you belong to Zorc. It is only a matter of time before we destroy your brother. The prophecy will not be allowed to happen." hissed Bakura.

*Listen to them human. Your brother will not make it through this trip. Give into Zorc and you may walk away with your life intact.* hissed the demon in Yugi's mind.

*NO. I will not allow you to hurt my brother. Zorc will not have me while I still have breath in me!* Yugi roared as he dug his claws into the serpent.

"No it's impossible, the human has over ridden the demon and is using the demons powers if they were his own. Mai kill the human now!" Bakura yelled up towards the harpy as he coiled his body tighter around Yugi.

Power swelled deep inside of Atem.

"Why can't you just leave us alone?" Atem yelled at the harpy. In his anger Atem released the magic blasting the harpy causing her to drop him. Yugi watched in horror as the harpy swooped down as one of her bird-like taloned feet dug through Atem's body. Rage and anger ripped through Yugi causing his full demonic powers to emerge. Yugi blasted Bakura off of him as he lept up into the sky flying at full speed towards the harpy. Yugi sent another energy blast at the harpy forcing her to release her hostage. Atem's body began to fall as Yugi swooped down catching his brother's limp body. Yugi brought Atem's body down to the ground laying Atem down before he moved attacking the two demons. First on his hit list was the harpy that hurt his brother. Yugi lept up back into the sky as his clawed feet dug into the harpy's breast. Yugi's clawed winged hands dug into the harpy's wings and he drove her down to the ground hard. Yugi's scythed tail ripped into the harpy sending blood and guts flying everywhere as he killed her instantly with no remorse. Yugi then turned his attention to the tanar'ri as he begun to slither away disappearing back into the darkness.

"Zorc will not be pleased when he learns about this. Don't think that you haven't seen the last of us Yugi Moto." hissed Bakura.

Yugi hobbled over to where his brother's body laid as he let out a long and loud guttered howl. Blood tears streamed down the demons face. Suddenly he heard something heading in his direction. Yugi lept to attention letting out a guttered snarl as a human approached. Yugi didn't recognize the human and he was unsure if this human meant to hurt him or his brother.

"I wouldn't snarl at me Yugi-boy not unless you don't want me to save your brother's life." the man stated. Yugi snarled at the man who had long straight white hair which fell to his shoulder's in length as it covered part of his Caucasian face as he stared at Yugi through his blue eye which was the only one that Yugi could see. Yugi didn't back off even when the stranger refereed to him by name. "No wonder why Shadi said you might be a little aggressive to those you don't know. I guess that you aren't leaving me with much of a choice." he stated as with a wave of his hand a magical bubble formed around Yugi moving him away from Atem's body. Yugi snapped and struggled trying to claw his way out of the bubble as the stranger walked over towards Atem's body. Atem had a number of claw marks the worse where on his shoulder's as well as a huge hole in his stomach. His body was still warm as all ready some of Atem's wounds were healing. "Sorry but this is going to hurt you a lot Yami-boy." the stranger stated as his hands began to glow with magical energy. He laid his hands on Atem's body having the teen jerk to life screaming in intense pain as his wounds were all magically healed. Yugi stopped struggling as he watched Atem's wounds heal while his body was being tossed around like a rag doll. Finally all of Atem's wounds were completely healed as he began to breathe regularly. "Well it seems that you have finally calmed down Yugi-boy." the stranger stated as he waved his hand undoing the bubble that Yugi was trapped in. Yugi walked over to where his brother laid relieved to see that he was alive. He then looked at the stranger who picked up Atem into his arms.

"Who you?" he asked in a guttered voice as a smile stretched across the strangers face.

"You can say that I am a friend. It is not safe to stay out here after dark especially since you have demons hunting you and your brother." the stranger stated as he began to walk off. Yugi followed behind not sure whom this human was or why he was helping him and Atem.

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