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(I apparently need to warn you of blood. So, sorry if you don't like blood. )

One-Shot #1:

Growing Pains,
Appearing Scars


Into a perspective of first person view.

Scar was a workaholic in our class. Being able to pass assignments before the deadline. Making sure that he would at least get a better score than an idiot would get. Even making an entire group's entire project and essay. And hell that is impressive.

Though, I always felt off with him being around. Wearing clothes like jackets or coats, and pants. Even one time wearing finger less gloves on both hands.

That was odd for our type of place, where it would be very hot, like heatwave hot. Near the equator and all that science

He is oddly conservative sometimes, looking around often as if he committed a murder, and being quiet usually.

But I already know he isn't shy. When he is not being shy, he often speaks his mind with his own opinions and views of project portrayals or controversial topics.

Though, one day.
A rather terrifying day. Is the day I would never forget about him.

On a usual morning, with a twist.
We've heard of saddening news of some of our classmates being majorly injured with many deep cuts and wounds.

But, what was a little unsurprising, was that those classmates were major bullies.
Physically assaulting both boys and girls, even berating and bullying one specific girl to the point of her committing suicide. Though thankfully they didn't try rape or something worse.

I would've felt sorry for them if only they weren't such assholes.

All of us were rather shocked and dumbfounded about the new. Except Scar.

He just blankly wrote on a piece of paper on his notebook, not even minding the news they've heard.

It was oddly strange of him to do such. Staying blank and being quiet about it unlike the others whispering to each other and seemingly either worried or grateful of their punishment.

Of course he does sometimes not care about others, but this aura of nothingness. It's more worrying than calm or content.

After class, it was usual for us to goof around the classroom after classes.

Though, I tend to go out of the classroom first to just go to the canteen.

However, art class was the last period for this day, and we had to use watercolors, so I had to go to the bathroom to wash off the white stuff in my hands

Though, when I opened the door, I saw Scar.

But.. He didn't look normal.

So many scar marks on his arms, hands, and neck, veins and markings on his skin. And his hair was much paler than his grey and black hair.

He must of heard the door open, because he immediately turned towards me, a quick glance of his face. Though not slow enough for me to remember

I immediately though like, oh my freaking shit, and slammed the door shut before he notices my face. Or at least I hoped so.

I knew that if I opened the door agaib, I knew that Scar would kill me for seeing him like that. So I ditched the plan and went to the canteen to just grab food, decided on mozzarella sticks and a bag of Nova Chips. 10/10 snacks in my opinion.

Though the day wasn't exactly over. We weren't still allowed to go out of the school yet.

I was very anxious. turning to every possible moving object just in case I had to hide. Since, I knew Scar wasn't a stick.

But, I didn't see him. Neither was there much of anything happening around me.

It was odd, but I had to shrug to just get the hell home for early dinner.

Walking towards the gate, something was.. Stinging my arms?

It was, more than just stinging. It began to hurt. Very tremendously.

Holy freak, I though to myself. It was very unexpected, yet. Painful.

Suddenly, I saw red. Holy blood darn red on my blazer.

My eyes immediately widened at the sight of the color, before I went to stop and try to pull up my sleeves

Cuts. So many on my arms. All deep and so bloody.

(Holy christ my body is twitching and shivering when I imagine it.)

I was mentally screaming and panicking at the sight, asking so many questions

How the hell did I get this many cuts? How the heck are they all so deep? Who did this?

Suddenly, I froze. This dark aura. My body shivers to it.

Then, I saw him.
Scar was behind me.

He stared at me blankly, but my eyes were all wide from the shock and disbelief.

Then, he went towards me, nonchalance all over his expression

Then, he just said something to me, "Don't try to tell anyone, will ya? Or you'd prefer to end up like those assholes who killed my friend.. "

Then, he just went on with her way, towards the gate

I still was unnerved and shook about the experience. But I had to rush to the clinic for my bloody arms.

The nurse did cover up the cuts with bandages and medicine.

But I still am worried, and wondering, Why was Scar so nonchalant about the cuts? How exactly did he cut my skin? He didn't have knife. Neither was he even close to me.

But, from what he said. I knew he was a part of the reason of the bullies' hospital visit.

So, by the end of the day, I learned a rather crucial thing about him,

Never grow her mental pain,
Or there will be appearing scars.

But I hope in the future, I won't ever do that ever again.


I still think there are too many flaws to this story.

One of them.. Was that it would've been obvious that Scar could've done all the cuts. It's literally in her name. But let's just keep them oblivious to it.

Scar is _Amethyx_. Just to point out just in case there is more than just one Scar.

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