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(This one still includes death and blood. But I placed some humor into this just to try.)


One-shot #4:

Death Till Dusk.


Well. Let me tell ya.

It's been ages since Dawn and I were friends.

Ever since I was young. I knew her like a buddy and best friend.

She was very sweet and often kind. Very nice and fun to be around with.

We did have a few same interests. But she had better skills than I do, in my opinion.

Though, when her parents went off to another state, she followed. And the only way we could communicate for years was just through messaging apps. Or just calling through phone numbers.

Then, one day. I died.

I'm just kidding.

Dawn and I had talked and texted each other for a while, but thanks to timezones it wasn't really often.

Though one day, through the rare text and messaging, she texted me that she was going back to our town, our state.

That was actually enlightening to hear. She was a long time distant friend, and I was looking forward to seeing her again.

It's been years ever since I last saw Dawn. I don't know what to expect see her like.

Will she have changed her hair? Will she be fairly different? Will she be a new person? Will she be beautiful or the exact opposite as in disgusting to look at?

Nevertheless, I'll await for that time.

Days roll by, come night and day, morning and evening.

And eventually. My phone dinged. Dawn was already in town. Aw sweet.

Though, she said that she'll not stay for long. More like a month or so for family reunions and old buddy visits.

Visits eh? Sounds like a good opportunity.

Whilst texting, I texted her to ask if we could hang out. Maybe like old times. Maybe something else.

It took a while for her to respond. But she happily agreed to it.

Texting when and where, we just decided nearby in a local cafe shop. A place where we both used to be around in. At a time in the middle of the afternoon.

We used to be known regulars to the cafe, so I hope they don't mind us being there talking and chatting.

Nearing that time, I was kinda struggling to figure out what to wear for this new occasion. Except I completely forgot that I'm not dating her so..

Black shirt, two colored jacket and a random pair of pants is fine enough. I ain't going fancy with this hangout.

The cafe wasn't too far from my house, I could just walk to the cafe.

And nearing the cafe, I saw a familiar face.

Dawn, there she is. And she hadn't changed much. Still looking as fabulous as ever. Though she did change her hairstyle, kinda swooping a bang to her right eye, but still so beautiful.

After noticing her, she notices me. Even smiling to tell she still remembers

Her aura didn't change either. It's still so warm and sweet.

We had a bit of small talk before going inside the cafe diner.

It was oddly crowded in here. Maybe an event occurred in our city? Was there any spark of marketing or stuff? Who knows. I don't.

Going up and ordering was rather uneventful minus a drunk guy nearly killing me, I hope he's banned by now. A piece of chicken crap if I ever saw one.

And after ordering up some drinks, we just went to a random table. While we wait for it.

We were able to catch up on stuff. Me being now considered a weeb and loving anime, while she continued to draw and write.

While talking, she brought up one of her hobbies.

Keeping flowers. And not just normal ones. Very gorgeous ones. Night sky blue petals in a rose like structure..

Showing pictures of them made me feel awed by the beauty of it. But, they were all taken in the day, which is kinda sad, they might look much cooler if they were taken at night.

Whilst chatting more, the drinks and small desserts were up and ready. We just get them quickly before continuing to talk.

The food was good, and the great tea and coffee here is no joke. But I'm getting off track.

After eating and talking for a while, the sky was showing it was nearing dusk.

Dawn, looked slightly uneased by it when she saw it.

She got up after putting stuff onto a tray, before saying we should be going home by now.

She might be right. But we're already much older and more capable of night time.

I tried to protest, but she kept insisting, seeming very worried.

I can already tell by it, and I got up as well, before reluctantly agreeing and going to the door

Pink and orange shades colored the sky, as the sun came down to the horizon

The sky looked amazing, but Dawn still looked very uneased by it.

I bid my farewells to Dawn before going back home.

And on my way home, I just realized, and made my most grieved mistake.

I was so in a hurry, I left my own bag, full on with my own money in a wallet and some weeb pictures, in the cafe.

Oh geez, I'm so dead. Thank hell that the diner doesn't close till around 7, and it looks to be around six. I still got time. Very little of it.

So I just booked it to the cafe, hokage style running there.

Thankfully, I was able to meet the manager and get my bag.

(Here's the bloodlust moment you've all been waiting for folks, sorry for this being the longest story-)

While trying to walk back, something glowed by the side of my face and into an alleyway.

Turning my head to the light, I immediately froze as my eyes strained from my eyes widening.

The drunk guy, he was dead.

Holy crap, he was full on murdered, and straight into the heart, blood everywhere and very pale skin, as if he was recently killed.

I couldn't stop looking at the guy.

But then, I saw something. A night blue flower.

The flower grew from the chest of the guy, as if it was planted and grown from it. As the blood was like it's water.

The flower? What?

But then, in the near distance, I hear fighting, not just that, a straight gang fight.

I didn't wanna miss any fight, I love some action in my life. So I went to the alleyway.

Boi. Was I in such a big surprise and a mess to have not cleaned.

Going there, there was 5 other guys, and-

Dawn!? What-

What the hell is she-

Ah darn, ohoho, oh now I understood her reason. Why she wanted to go much earlier.

On her face was the thing that glowed.

A glowing sun like shape appeared on her left eye, with a moon on her right eye but covered with her bangs.

She was straight up massacring those mofos. Full on demonic, no weapons no nothing.

Just straight up breaking their bones, violently shattering glass onto their faces, grinding their heads against the alley walls, Holy crap it was such a mess. So messy and bloody.

I was straight up was mortified, no organs were seen, but there was pools of blood surrounding her massacring reign.

Even if the guys tried to run, she was very merciless and murdered them as well.

Nearing to one guy, she immediately froze, as soon as she saw me.

I froze as well, knowing what she did.

But, as she froze, eight sun rays appeared on her face, attached to the sun like shape surrounding her eye. She, she looked to be trying to restrain herself.

Her gaze and mine was very intense, both of us looking panicked at the same time.

Then, she began stuttering, yelling at me.

She kept yelling at me to run. To run from her. To run from her now.

I was still mentally panicking with wide eyes, seeing more night blue flowers just.. Grow from the corpses.

Wait, the flowers. But, that means.

All those flowers. They weren't normal flowers.. They were flowers of departured souls.

But. If that is so. And based on how many I saw in the pictures.

Dawn. She killed tens of them. Maybe even a hundred if there were others unknown and not pictured. It was scary to know.

So much bloodshed. So much pain endured. It must have been horrible.

I can't do anything, can I?

What am I supposed to do?

What will she do to me?


A kitchen like knife pierced through my chest, piercing into my lungs as I suddenly gasped from it, blood dripping out of me as well

The guy freaking stabbed me all the way through

My eyes immediately widen, and Dawn's eyes widen as well.

Then.. All but one sun ray, gone from Dawn's sun.

Oh no.

- fin -


There goes the fourth.

But this one has a cliffhanger.

So that's much funner. :D

I'll probably do the second part. But maybe in a separate media. ://


ut who the heck gives a SHI-

ADifferentSimilar is Dawn. Here you go-

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