Meet Swap and Fell

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Sans' Gaster blaster dragon disappeared. Swap walked in the room.
"Hey Swap." (Y\N) said.
"Hi (Y\N)! The Magnificent Sans would like to know if you want to make tacos with me!" Swap!Sans said excitedly.
"Sure! Let's go!" (Y/N) said. They left the room. Sans sighed. He sat on his bed and stared at the ceiling. He started thinking about (Y\N). 'She really liked the GB(Gaster blaster) dragon. I wonder if she knows all AUs have one?'
-time skip-
Swap!Sans and (Y\N) finished making the tacos and were eating them. When the finished the tacos Swap saw Fell!Sans sitting on the couch.
"Let's go talk to Fell." (Y/N) said to Swap!sans.
"That's A Wonderful Idea!" Swap!sans said.
They left the kitchen and walked up to Fell. Fell looked up and saw them.
"What do you two want?" Fell said annoyed.
"We Just Wanted To Talk To You!" Swap!Sans said to Fell!Sans.
"Well we talked so leave me alone now." Fell said.
"But Fell Are You Sure You Don't Want To Talk?" Swap said.
"Hey Fell I remember Original!Sans showed me his GB dragon. So I'm a little curious. Do you or swap have one?" (Y/N) asked.
"I have one but I don't know about Swap." Fell said.
"Sadly The Magnificent Sans Does Not Have A Dragon." Swap said.
"Ok." (Y\N) said.
"Well do you two want to see my dragon?" Fell asked.
"YES!" Swap and (Y\N) said.
"Ok." Fell said. Then his red eye lit on red fire and a skeletal dragon appeared with red eyes that seem forever on fire with magic.
"Wow!" Swap and (Y\N) said at the same time.
After a few minutes the dragon disappeared in a red magic flame.
"That.Was. AWESOME!" (Y\N) Said excitedly.
"So Amazing!" Swap said excitedly.
While (Y\N) and Swap talked to Fell two portals opened.
A Glitchy portal and a one that looked like someone drew it.

Author's note:
Who do you think is coming next?

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