13. Discovery

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                Eddie opened the apartment door and let Rory go in first; now he was skeptical of this place they lived in. He understood the struggles and fears that women went through on a day to day basis, he wasn't an idiot, but he never realized just how serious it was within even the home. The danger was probably higher in this apartment building that out there on the street, because Mike had a target and he knew how easy it was to corner Rory.

His hands clenched as he closed the door, but before he had a chance to say or do anything, Rory kissed him.

He took a step back in surprise, hitting the door, hands out wide on either side of him like he was surrendering. The kiss was passionate and deep, filled with so many unanswered questions, so many things that needed to be said by they both knew that nothing was going to be spoken just yet. His hands rested on her shoulders now, he began to kiss back before she broke apart from him.

She pulled him through the apartment, both of them blindly navigating through the clutter of the house, bumping into couches and chairs without a care. They finally made it to the bedroom, the door shoved open so hard that it crashed against the opposite wall and bounced back. In the hasty movements shoes were kicked off somewhere along the line, scattered down the hallway and apartment like bread crumbs so they could follow them later.

Eddie stopped before they hit the bed, breaking apart from Rory's hungry lips. His eager eyes looked down at her, he had to ask.

"Are you sure about this?" His voice was hoarse.

With a husky tone to hers, she said, "I've never been so sure about something in my life."

The bedroom door was kicked closed, and Rory was quickly peeling Eddie's shirt from over his head. His arms lifted to assist, muscular frame underneath shaking fingertips. Rory studied him for a brief second, soaking in every single inch of him, then wrapping her hand behind his head and locking fingers in his hair. She pressed against him as he slipped his hand underneath her leg, lifting it around his hips. She took the hint and wrapped the other leg, wildly attracted to the fact he could hold her up without breaking a sweat.

As he carried her the short distance to the bed, she removed her own shirt, revealing tattoos along her ribs. Eddie's hands ran along her sides, sliding around her back; she tightened her legs around his waist to remain upright. He lowered her to the bed and his eyes remained on hers. She quickly flipped him so that she was on top, and he rolled with ease, eyes filled with enjoyment that she was leading.

She leaned down and kissed him, hands running over his strong, tattooed forearms, his chest, up into his hair again. Gentle groans escaped his lips and vibrated along her tongue, making a shudder run down the length of her spine. His hands brushed her hair back so he could see her.

Rory was so used to the occasional one-night stand over the past eighteen months that she nearly reached to turn off the light, but then remembered this was Eddie, not some guy she flirted with in a bar for a few hours before going to his place. She wanted to see him, and she had a feeling he wanted to see her too.

What occurred next confirmed her feelings.

Rory leaned down against Eddie, sweat dripping from her brow, their bodies clinging together, sheets tangled at their feet. She rolled onto her side off of him, then with shaky legs she got to her feet. Eddie reached for her lazily, pulling the blanket over his body and muttering something about her leaving so soon.

"I have to pee," she said with a laugh. "The last thing I need is a UTI."

"What the hell is a UTI?" he asked, his voice ragged.

"Did Anne really never go pee after sex?" Rory exclaimed, stepping into the small bathroom but not bothering to close the door -they were way past that now. She peed quickly and washed her hairs, then studied herself in the mirror, her face flushed with colour and her eyes lit up with something she couldn't remember anymore -there was another Rory in there somewhere, slowly emerging now.

She opened the mirror to see if there was any Advil, something that might keep the swelling in her cheek from Mike's smack and would prevent work from being awkward. As she scanned through the generic no-name brand toothpaste and cotton swabs, she spotted something that stood out among all the bland. A black box. Curious, knowing she was out of her limits, she opened it and was shocked to see what was inside; two rings, a male and female wedding set. Her heart shrunk a little bit as she realized something; Eddie told her he wasn't with his ex for long, but this told Rory otherwise.

She walked back into the bedroom and scavenged for her underwear, sliding them back on and then covering herself with her shirt.

"We're going to talk about Anne... Now?" Eddie asked, referring to her question before she left to use the bathroom.

"It was a rhetorical question, Eddie," Rory replied softly, now feeling guilty about what she knew. She gestured to the bed. "Do you want me to stay, or should I head home?"

"You want to stay?"

She smiled a little. "If that's okay."

"Get in here." He gestured for her to snuggle in, and she did. He pulled the blanket up over both of them despite the fact they were both still radiating heat. His arm lazily hung over her hips, their bodies close.

"Hey Eddie?" Rory asked after a few minutes of silence.

"Mm?" He sounded as though he was almost asleep.

"If Anne changed her mind about things, if she showed up and said she wanted to work things out, would you go back to her?" she asked.

"Why would you ask that?" Eddie asked, shuffling slightly.

She turned to face him, a few inches away from him now; not trying to get away from him, but knowing that her question might lead to some strain between them, knowing that he might now ask her to leave. She wondered if she asked it to sabotage what she was developing with him, in order to keep him safe or to keep herself lonely- she used to think she was safest when she was alone, but after today she was unsure.

"I saw the rings," she admitted. "If you have the chance to be with her, I wouldn't blame you if you took it. I just need to know."

"No," Eddie replied at last. "No, Rory, not only is there no chance, but that's a highly concerning question to ask after tonight."

She was unconvinced, but it didn't matter.


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Keep in mind everything here is first draft, I still have no real idea where I am going with this story, so all feedback is really helpful and I can edit anything along the way!

Also I lost my list of names of people I need to dedicate to... That's going to be awkward for someone to find.

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