2. Coffee

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                Rory sat back in her favourite spot that was indented with her shape. She picked her book back up and listened; no thumping. With a soft smile still on her lips, she went back to reading, this time making it much further as there were no more distractions. The rest of the evening went smoothly, that is until she heard the pounding music of a band whose name was probably something along the lines of Walking Corpses or Hell Hound.

Rory covered her ears with her hands and glared through the door once again, only this time she knew the source of the obtrusive sound was from Ziggy's apartment across the hall. Every night it was the same old thing; music blasting, always after ten PM when noise bylaws were in place, and yet no one ever cared. The landlord brushed it off, but he didn't live in the apartment.

Rory could say something, she knew it, but she also knew waltzing up to a man's door and knocking on it, demanding he turn his death metal down was dangerous. So, she invested in a bulk box of ear plugs, and occasionally popped a sleeping pill.

The next morning Rory woke up on the couch, having somehow fallen asleep through the noise; she must have been exhausted, she decided. As she got up, her body aching from the awkward position, and went to make herself a pot of coffee. Normally, it would be prepped and set to turn on by itself, thus rousing her with the smell of medium roast coffee ready for her to drink.

This morning she had to go through the gruelling process of making it, then staring at the machine as it slowly dripped and gurgled. When it was finally done, her head feeling full and heavy with headache, she added a heap of sugar and some soy milk. Then, she went to get the paper, which was six floors down.

Coffee mug in hand, she opened her apartment door, not caring about her dishevelled appearance, still in her work clothes. Another door opened right when she stepped out, and she glanced over furtively.

It was Eddie, hands balled into fists as he walked over to his across door neighbour, Ziggy. He raised his hand to knock.

"Don't bother," Rory said, startling Eddie who hadn't noticed her. "He sleeps until noon most days, up until three AM playing whatever he wants."

Eddie muttered something under his breath. Then he spoke louder, "Can't you call the landlord."

Rory let out a curt laugh. "Eddie, was it?"


"Buy some ear plugs, or find a new apartment. Nobody cares about our comfort here."

Eddie shook his head in disgust -not at Rory, but at his circumstance. He turned back towards his own apartment and grabbed the door handle. With a quick jostle that turned into a frantic panic, it was evident he locked himself out of his apartment.

"Doors lock on their own," she told him. "Always take your keys."

"Fuck," he muttered, then placed his head against the door. "I cannot believe this."

With a tentative look over her shoulder, as if seeking the answer on how to properly respond, she decided to make a judgement call. "Come on in mine, you can have a coffee and call the landlord for a spare."

He turned his head, still pressed against his door, and looked at her, studying her.

"Am I a painting or a human? Stop staring and get in here if you want back in your apartment," she said with an eyeroll, taking her keys out and opening her place. She held the door open, eyes still on Eddie as she waited to see what he would do.

His decision made, Eddie stepped into Rory's apartment. 


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