26. Conflicted

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Eddie sat on the buoy out in the water; the parasite inside of him telling him what it was, what he was. Venom. It called itself Venom. Eddie tried to wrap his mind around everything that was being said, everything that just happened. Gears turned over in his head; something -Venom- infected him at the Life Foundation, that was what Drake was really after.

Eddie placed his hand on his throbbing head; he just endured a horrific motor vehicle accident, and he knew he broke a third of the bones in his body, but he was fine now. He recalled what Doctor Skirth said, about the symbiote's being able to bond with the host, to make them work together -Venom gave him abilities that allowed him to survive what should have killed him.

"Rory," he grumbled to himself. "He'll take Rory."

"You should have thought about that first."

"You shut up," Eddie said to Venom. "I was thinking about that, who threw me out a window?"

"Good point."

"I need to make sure she is okay," Eddie decided; he had to give his -hopefully not too waterlogged cellphone- to his former boss. He might have been the one who fired him, but he wasn't the one who got him fired. Eddie knew it was his own big mouth that got himself let go, and the threat Drake no doubt held over his former networks heads if they kept Eddie on their payroll.

But Rory was more important than that.

With Venom's help, they went back to the scene of the crime. The apartment was in rough shape; a massive hole in the window and yellow tape all around the place. There were pieces of vehicles, bullet casings all over. It looked like a crime scene you would see on the six o'clock news while holding your breath that it didn't involve anyone you knew and loved. But for Eddie, it was the reality of his life right then; someone he knew and loved was in that building.

He hoped she was in there.

Sneaking in through an unguarded back entrance, noticing the tire marks around the alley, thinking the worst thoughts, Eddie entered the apartment. Cops were within, talking to some of the people who lived in there. Asking questions about anything they saw or heard. Eddie didn't stick around long enough to listen, he darted up the stairs and made it to the seventh floor. His own apartment door was on the ground, everything within his apartment upturned and destroyed. That was no surprise, he was the one who did that. He noticed Rory's door was untouched, and so he knocked.

"Rory?" He called through the door. "It's me, Eddie."

There was no answer and the pit of his stomach twisted.

"She's gone."

"You don't know that," Eddie snarled back. He knocked again, and again. Until someone else exited their apartment; it was Mike. Eddie's nervousness twisted into irrational anger; or perhaps it wasn't irrational at all.

Mike, who was soon to be evicted, glanced at Eddie with a sneer. "You won't find her here."

"What are you talking about?" Eddie asked, the anger showing through in his voice. He didn't care to hide it; he could feel Venom stirring inside of him, like a predator waiting for the prey to get close enough.

"Got what was coming to her," Mike started to descend the stairs.

Venom shot a tendril out and pinned Mike against the wall, the tendril wrapping around his chest and neck as it crushed him against the brick walls. Eddie walked up to him, still trying to wrap his mind around what he was capable of doing -what Venom did without consulting Eddie, they were going to need a chat about this, but Eddie didn't care about Mike, so he continued.

Venom's voice came through when he spoke. "Tell us what happened, or we will bite off your head."

"What the fuck, man!" Mike shrieked.

Venom said in Eddie's head, "Isn't this fun?"

Eddie regained control again. "Did someone take her?!"

"Yes!" Mike shouted. "Yes, some military or something! Get the hell off of me!"

"Can I eat him?"


"Please, he called her a bitch."

"So did you."

"I was trying to speak like your kind. I was learning. Please."

"You know what? He'll never respect women. If not Rory, someone else. Fine, go ahead," Eddie agreed.

"Who the hell are you talking to!?" Mike shouted, wriggling from under the tendril that kept him pinned there.

Venom came out, his form taking over Eddie and he grinned with those wicked sharp daggers for teeth. His voice came out deep and taunting, "Me."

Mike screamed, and Venom quickly devoured him, head, shoulders, knees and toes. When Venom was done his dinner, Eddie took back control with some struggle. He shuddered at the thought of people being eaten, but he didn't hold much guilt when he thought of Mike. Some blood splattered the wall, and Eddie decided there was nothing left for them in the apartment.

"Are we getting her back?"

"Yeah," Eddie replied. "But first I need to get something to someone, because if I don't, Drake will never be taken down. If I don't expose him for the scumbag he is, he'll keep on this route. And no offence, but I don't want anymore of your kind here."

"It's too late for that."

Eddie ignored this comment; he had to drop off his phone, which started ringing. The caller ID popped up, it was Anne. He stared at it for a moment, so badly wanting to answer, but not wanting to at all. He already got Rory dragged into this and possibly hurt or killed, he couldn't hurt Anne anymore than he already had, it was too much. He swiped the little red circle to hang up on her.

"You are conflicted."

"Stay out of it." Eddie headed back down the stairs and into the streets. It was a long way to his former workplace, but he didn't mind the walk. He jogged to keep warm, his clothes still soaked; he regretted not grabbing something to change into while he was at the apartment, but his mind hadn't been on himself. His phone continued to ring, and when he arrived at the network, he finally answered. It was Anne, still, but he didn't have much to say to her as he walked into the massive building.

Richard, the security at the network, started to tell Eddie he wasn't allowed in.

Eddie hung up the phone on a panicking Anne.

Richard told him to leave, while Venom suggested he eat him.

So much was going on, Eddie had to vacate the building just to clear his thoughts.

"Get out, okay! Just stop talking for a minute!" Eddie told Venom as he stood outside the building, trying to figure out how to get the phone to his former boss.

"You want up?"


Comment your thoughts, but don't bother telling me to update, k? If I get anymore "update" comments I'm going to stop updating. Just tell me what you thought of the chapter, don't bother just saying "update" as if I don't update or something.

K thanks. 

It's officially NaNoWriMo, and I plan on doing it and finishing it this year, so if I post later than usual, it's going to be because I need to have a word count of 1600 words or something per day on another book I'm writing.

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