28. Regrets

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Venom took full control of Eddie's body; taking out the armed police force that came in to stop him. Not one of them was prepared for what he was, even Eddie wasn't entirely prepared, his mind still trying to figure out what was going on. But he knew a few important things; he was alive, he had an alien inside of him that could take over his body and make him more powerful than anyone else, he also knew that he needed to get to Rory.

"No!" Eddie screamed at Venom as he grabbed the police officer and opened his jaws wide to take a bite. "We do not eat police officers!" 

Suddenly there was a scream, and he turned his head quickly to see -to his utmost surprise- Anne. Forcing Venom out of control, Eddie took back his body as he morphed back into himself. He ran towards her, calling her name, and only when she saw it was him and not some beastly creature did she stop backing away.

"Annie, wait! Annie, wait! Wait!" Eddie begged. 

"What the hell is that?"

"That's what I mean... I've been... infected."

"What's happening?"

"He's inside me, I know it... it sounds crazy, but..."

"You're sick," she exclaimed. "Eddie you're really sick."

"No, I am scared!" He yelled, then took a few breaths. "And I need help."

"Hospital!" She yelled in a nervous voice, trying to retain her dignity and hiding her fear. "Right now!" 

Eddie's feet fell into stride, obeying her like a dog, but as he neared her vehicle he realized the problem. He would have to get into the car with her, and there was no way in hell he was going to subject Anne to that; he did not trust Venom, and he needed Anne to be far away from him. 

"I can't go with you, it's not safe," Eddie said.

"Get in the car Eddie, in the back."

"I like her, get in."

Eddie thought he heard authenticity in Venom's voice, and so it was with mild reluctance and a lot of fear that he slowly crawled into the vehicle. He curled up in the back, as far away from Anne as possible as she got in and began driving him to the hospital. There was some silence , followed by Anne suggesting he get another MRI; that was only interrupted by Venom speaking to him.

"No more MRI's. They hurt him..." Eddie explained, then relayed back the facts Venom was giving him. 

"What, sound is like his Kryptonite?"

"Only some sounds. And fire."

"He's talking to you right now?" Anne asked. 


"Are you in pain?"

"No. No I don't feel anything actually apart from... I'm hungry all the time. 

"And you feel sad. Do you not Eddie? When you are with her?"

"Get out of my head man."

"You never apologised. You might not live to get another chance."

"Annie," Eddie began, wondering why he was taking advice from an alien. "I just wanna say that... whatever happens, that I am truly sorry for whatever and everything I've ever done to you. I am truly truly sorry, and that... I love you."

Anne looked at him in the rear-view mirror. "Oh, Eddie, now is really not the time. Let's just keep you alive okay?"

"Awe. That's nice."

"Can... can I wear this?" Eddie help up a blanket. 

Anne nodded. A few moments of silence passed between them as they drove through the traffic towards the hospital. Sirens flashed and blared, cars honked and pounding music blasted in nearby cars with their bass cranked. 

"I know I said I'd go..." Eddie began. "But there is someone I need to find, and I think I know where she might be."

"Who?" Anne asked.

"I screwed up again, Annie," Eddie said weakly. "I let someone... I put them in harms way and I have to fix it."


"You were being an idiot."

"You're the one who could have protected Rory," Eddie growled back.

"Rory?" Anne asked. "Rory Kane?" 

"You know her?" Eddie leaned forward, needing answers. 

"She was my client, I had... Oh my goodness, you're the neighbour."

"Yeah, I'm her neighbour..." 

Anne pulled into the hospital parking lot, searching for a spot. It took her a few rolls through different lanes, but she pulled her vehicle into a spot and turned around in her seat to look at Eddie. She pointed at him. "Where is she, Eddie?"

"My guess is the Life Foundation."

"Why would she be there?" Anne asked, but got out of the car before Eddie could answer. She walked around to his side and by the time she got there, her phone was out. She brought it to her ear and then helped Eddie out of the SUV. Someone answered on the other end, and Annie explained the situation, and that she needed someone to look at Eddie immediately. 

"Eddie, why would Rory Kane be at the Life Foundation?" Anne asked again.

"Because Carlton Drake..."

"Oh, oh no..." Anne pieced it together. "Alright, we're going to get you in here, we're going to get this out of you, then we're going to get Rory."

"You can't do it without me, you have no chance."

"Anne, I need to ask you something. Can you get her? Together... I mean... do we have a shot?"

"Of course you don't."

"I don't know," she admitted. 

Eddie followed Anne into the hospital, the glaring bright lights making him wince. Regrets flooded him, regrets about Annie, what he did to her. Apologising wasn't enough, and yet it got a weight off of his chest. Seeing her here, taking care of him despite the danger he presented and the things he'd done to her, it reminded him what he lost. He knew, despite still caring for Anne, he wasn't getting her back, and he was okay with that. But he put Rory in a worse danger, and he would never forgive himself for that, he could never make up for that. 

He recalled the fear in her eyes when he told her that he broke into the Life Foundation, and it ate away at him. He was paraded through the hospital, brought to the MRI room, though not put in the machine. He listened as Dan told him that the parasite -Venom- was quite literally killing him. 

Just when he decided between his debate of getting Venom out of him and using Venom to get Rory back -he went with saving Rory and sacrificing his own internal organs to do it- Anne turned on the MRI machine and forced Venom out of him. 


This chapter is crap, I'm sorry, I'm up a mountain at a writing retreat, but it's focused on my NaNoWriMo novel, not this fanfic. I'm squeezing in what I can, but it's quite hard to write a fanfic when you are doing writing sprints and touching base with the people you're on a writing retreat with afterwards. Basically we discuss what we've written and what our updated word count is at the end of an hour or so, so I've been slowly chipping away at this chapter since midnight last night. 

If I don't post tomorrow, please don't cry the blues, okay? I'd rather have my full attention on writing a chapter of this than trying to crank out a chapter just for an update; this chapter is complete crap, because my mind isn't in it right now. 

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