Author's Note

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Hey readers!

So obviously after I saw the advanced screening of Venom, and loved it, I immediately thought I could definitely write a fic.

However, it won't be an action packed sort of story, it'll be more casual, light.

The title is totally subject to change, I think it's horribly cliche, but I was going off a line from the teaser. 

I have one chapter written, I wrote it at 12AM last night in about five minutes, but I wanted to get the story started before anyone else got their mitts on an Eddie Brock story.

It will be slightly spoilery, only in the sense that it's based in the six month period before he "becomes" Venom. 

So please, vote, comment your thoughts, add this book to reading lists for others to find! Help support me, and obviously everyone who helps out will get a dedication! 

Tagging the people who showed interest, thank you guys so much! 






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