Guide To Dealing With Demons

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I am not an expert at this stuff and this is only a game. If you deal with some of this stuff in real life, talk to a professional, not me!

Everyday Demons

Anxiety Demon
Plan a schedule, tell yourself it's okay and move on. A good way to get rid of this demon is to not ingore it and the "anxiety task(s)" but do it as soon as you can. You can only really get rid of it if you have no other demons at the moment.

Paranoia Demon
Shut out any sounds or sights that might be making you paranoid, if something or someone is really bothering you, talk to them about it.

Sleep Demon
He keeps you awake so if soothing music helps put it on. Others things that might help are stuffies or toys you love, meditation, darkness, night lights, silence, noises and if all else fails, talk to a doctor and get medicine.

Depression Demon
Hides in dark spaces and comes out when it's quiet and still. Talk to a professional about it but to pause it's effects clam down for a moment, think about your feelings and have a cup of water. You can only pause it's effects if no other demons are around.

Halloween Demons

Hellfire Demon
Loves to scorch things. It is slender and keen, is firey red with brown mud splotches and wears a tough steel skull on its head. To scare it away, spray it with water.

Creepy Crawly Demon
Loves to scare and steal food. It is black and hairy, has venomous fangs, stands on two legs but has 6 others lifted in the air and has 6 gleaming red eyes. It spins fake webs that make you feel sticky when you are not to confuse its enemies. To kill it, grab bug spray and aim at its head!

Masked Demon
Loves to prank others. They come in all shapes in sizes and appearances but all have one thing in common, they wear a devil mask to cover their face. To scare them off, find and reverse their prank.

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