The Arrival

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(Jason's Pov)

I looked down at the town below me a demon-infested cesspool,so a typical day in my life of playing clean-up crew! I looked at my team before grabbing both my scythe and running through a  crowd of demons slicing them into a lot a chunks before noticing a familiar ugly-ass face. Simon Callows,which can only mean one thing:TROUBLE! And I love trouble! "YAHOO!" I yelled as I tackled him.and slam myself into a wall courtesy of Hank Minaro,a demon the size of Bane,fist to the jaw basically back-handing me,then unluckily for me two of my friends/partners Eduard Loans and Alex Connors getting beaten by two other members of Team SHADE,typical bad guy name I know,Amanda Reeves,a ninja demon bitch!,and Damian Lorres,a demon-cyborg,don't ask how the hell that happened,then I get more bad news as I look out and see the head of these assholes Excoth,super-demon real bad dude with an ugly mug,and,Simon Callows opening what looks to be a portal into another world. He and  tohis cohorts with leader and a bunch of other demons in toe enter with me and Lyon who is carrying the other two's unconcious bodies',luckily none of the demons notice us as they run off into this strange new world we entered.

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