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YUTA woke up in an instant, but didn't open his eyes as he hears voices around him. He feels himself tied up, tight that he can't move. He feels his wings being touched by foul hands, and he wants nothing but to cut them off with all his strength. He calmed himself though, waiting for a perfect time.

Sicheng came to thought, and Yuta felt his blood run hot. He then tries to focus, trying to locate or feel his lover. He feels him, but barely, he feels his soul is weak. He must be still asleep, Yuta must've woken up earlier because of his supernatural occurs.

Yuta heard footsteps scurry around him, and that's when he uses his heat ray vision. He doesn't have to open his eyes for this one, for they're already open. Just not for them to see.

He takes in so many body heats, and sees them running around and standing by other things that could be heated. Yuta thinks of a plan, trying to strategize what he should do. He can't do much right now, his wings and body are tied. He couldn't move, he couldn't do anything.

That's when a door was forcefully opened, and Yuta felt the tension in the room rise. The voices then became loud and clear on his muffled ears.

"Sir— we did some test but all we could find are the same DNA samples from the last demon we took in." A man explains in a shaky voice.

"So that proves it, he's no different." A man with a low voice says. Yuta feels his anger rise. He thinks this must be the man who sent those scientists, the one behind all this chaos.

"What about the other?" The man asks unamused.

'Sicheng.' Yuta's heart beats fast at this.

"He's just a mere mortal." The man says.

"Mh, lock em up." The man states. "But do keep an eye out for any changes." He says, and with that Yuta hears an exchange of 'yes sir's.' He then feels himself being lifted by hands, and placed roughly on a metal table.

He feels the table move with him on it, and never wanted to open his eyes so badly. He had to keep up the act of sleeping though, and keep himself under cover.

Yuta then senses his lovers scent, and his heart jumps in excitement. He feels the table stop, and hears locks being unlocked. He's then picked up, and roughly thrown onto concrete. He curses in his mind on these people, and hears the 'door' close as the lock is locked on the other side.

"Yuta!" He hears a cry from another, and immediately knows it's his lovers. His eyes snap open as he feels hands shaking him, and locks his eyes with worried ones. He almost immediately tries to hug the other, but's reminded he is tied.

Yuta tried to break free, but even if he uses all his strength he cannot. It seems these ropes aren't just made out of natural resources, but more so experimental stuff.

"Calm down Yuta let me help you." Sicheng whispers as he quickly undoes the knots. He roughly had to pull one away, they were very firm against Yuta's body.

Finally, he got all the ropes off. They quickly embraced each other in a hug, and Sicheng sighed in relief.

"I thought they were gonna kill you— I was so worried I couldn't stop thinking about you." Sicheng whispered in a shaky voice, clinging to Yuta for dear life.

"I thought so too, I'm surprised they didn't. I'm here now though, it's ok." Yuta reassures. They then pull away, and that's when Yuta sees the mark on Sicheng's face. It was dark, but Yuta could see the more dark on one cheek than the other. It seems to be a bruise on the side of his cheek.

"Who did this?" Yuta asks in a low voice as he lightly travels a thumb across it.

"I was worried and scared so I kept on talking, a man with a white suit didn't like that, so he hit me." Sicheng whispers, raising a hand to cover Yuta's. Yuta's mind travels back to what happened just moments before, and thinks about the man that the scientist were talking to.

"That bastard." Yuta mumbles under his breath. Sicheng looks around the room, squinting his eyes so he can see the slightest bit better.

"There must be a way out of here." Sicheng says with hope, and stands to his feet as he tries to spot an exit.

"There's not, but I plan to make one." Yuta says.

"How?" Sicheng asks, looking back at Yuta.

"It's a full moon tonight, isn't it?" It was more of a statement than a question, and Sicheng panics at the news. He then quickly drops to his knees and cups Yuta's face.

"You can't Yuta. This is what they want, they want you fill form so they can control you. You can't even control yourself." Sicheng says in a hurry.

"Yes I can." Yuta argues, looking away from the glare in Sicheng's eyes.

"Yuta, you remember last time you went full form?" Sicheng's voice softens, and Yuta keeps his eyes down in shame. "You almost hurt me, but you did hurt somebody else. How do you know that won't happen again?"

Yuta looks up to meet Sicheng's gaze, and is speechless for a moment. He then furrows his eyebrows as he presses his lips in a thin line.

"Because this time I'll mean it."

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