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A companion series to the journal "STUDIES IN LANGUAGE"

Honorary Editor: Joseph H. Greenberg

General Editor: Michael Noonan

Assistant Editors: Spike Gildea, Suzanne Kemmer

Editorial Board:

Wallace Chafe (Santa Barbara) Ronald Langacker (San Diego)

Bernard Comrie (Leipzig) Charles Li (Santa Barbara)

R.M.W. Dixon (Canberra) Andrew Pawley (Canberra)

Matthew Dryer (Buffalo) Doris Payne (Oregon)

John Haiman (St Paul) Frans Plank (Konstanz)

Kenneth Hale (Cambridge, Mass.) Jerrold Sadock (Chicago)

Bernd Heine (Köln) Dan Slobin (Berkeley)

Paul Hopper (Pittsburgh) Sandra Thompson (Santa Barbara)

Andrej Kibrik (Moscow)

Volumes in this series will be functionally and typologically oriented, covering specific topics in

language by collecting together data from a wide variety of languages and language typologies. The

orientation of the volumes will be substantive rather than formal, with the aim of investigating

universals of human language via as broadly defined a data base as possible, leaning toward crosslinguistic,

diachronic, developmental and live-discourse data.

Volume 42

Holger Diessel


Form, function, and grammaticalization







Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology

The paper used in this publication meets the minimum requirements of

American National Standard for Information Sciences - Permanence of

Paper for Printed Library Materials, ANSI Z39.48-1984.



Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data

Diessel, Holger.

Demonstratives : form, function, and grammaticalization / Holger Diessel.

p. cm. -- (Typological studies in language ISSN 0167-7373 ; v. 42)

Includes bibliographical references and index.

1. Grammar, Comparative and general--Demonstratives. I. Title II. Series.

P299.D46 D54 1999

415 99-046743

ISBN 90 272 2942 2 (Eur.) / 1 55619 656 3 (US) (Hb; alk. paper) CIP

ISBN 90 272 2943 0 (Eur.) / 1 55619 657 1 (US) (Pb; alk. paper)

© 1999 - John Benjamins B.V.

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Table of Contents

Acknowledgments . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ix

Abbreviations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . xi


Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1

1.1 Preliminary remarks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1

1.2 Towards a definition of demonstratives . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2

1.3 Outline and literature . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2

1.4 Language sample . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9


Morphology . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13

2.1 Demonstratives in Guugu Yimidhirr, Ambulas, Ewondo, and Korean . 13

2.1.1 Guugu Yimidhirr . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13

2.1.2 Ambulas . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15

2.1.3 Ewondo . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18

2.1.4 Korean . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20

2.2 The morphology of demonstratives . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22

2.2.1 Demonstrative clitics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22

2.2.2 The inflection of demonstratives . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25

2.2.3 Demonstrative stems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28

2.3 Summary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32


Semantics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35

3.1 The semantic features of demonstratives . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35

3.1.1 Deictic features . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35

3.1.2 Qualitative features . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47

3.1.3 Summary: the semantic features of demonstratives . . . . . . . . 50

3.2 The features of demonstratives: a systematic overview . . . . . . . . . . 50



Syntax . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57

4.1 Demonstrative pronouns and demonstrative determiners . . . . . . . . . . 59

4.1.1 Adnominal demonstrative pronouns . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 60

4.1.2 Adnominal demonstratives in English . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 62

4.1.3 Pronominal demonstrative determiners . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 71

4.1.4 Pronominal and adnominal demonstratives: an overview . . . . 73

4.2 Demonstrative adverbs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 74

4.3 Demonstrative identifiers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 78

4.3.1 Phonological evidence . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 80

4.3.2 Morphological evidence . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 84

4.4 Summary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 89


Pragmatic use . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 93

5.1 The exophoric use . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 94

5.2 The anaphoric use . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 95

5.3 The discourse deictic use . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 100

5.4 The recognitional use . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 105

5.5 The special status of exophoric demonstratives . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 109

5.6 Summary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 113


Grammaticalization . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 115

6.1 Some general principles of grammaticalization . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 116

6.2 Criteria for the grammaticalization of demonstratives . . . . . . . . . . . 118

6.3 The grammaticalization of pronominal demonstratives . . . . . . . . . . . 119

6.3.1 Third person pronouns . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 119

6.3.2 Relative pronouns . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 120

6.3.3 Complementizers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 123

6.3.4 Sentence connectives . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 125

6.3.5 Possessives . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 127

6.4 The grammaticalization of adnominal demonstratives . . . . . . . . . . . 128

6.4.1 Definite articles and noun class markers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 128

6.4.2 Linkers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 130

6.4.3 Boundary markers of postnominal relative clauses/attributes . . 132

6.4.4 Determinatives . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 135

6.4.5 Number markers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 137

6.4.6 Specific indefinite articles . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 138


6.5 The grammaticalization of adverbial demonstratives . . . . . . . . . . . . 139

6.5.1 Temporal adverbs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 139

6.5.2 Directional/locational preverbs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 140

6.6 The grammaticalization of identificational demonstratives . . . . . . . . 143

6.6.1 Nonverbal copulas . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 143

6.6.2 Focus markers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 148

6.6.3 Expletives . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 149

6.7 The diachronic origin of demonstratives . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 150

6.8 Summary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 153


Conclusion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 157

7.1 Major findings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 157

7.2 Future research . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 160

Notes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 163


Data sources . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 169


The inflectional features of pronominal demonstratives . . . . . . . . . . . . 171

References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 175

Language Index . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 193

Name Index . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 197

Subject Index . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 203


This book is a revision of my doctoral dissertation, Demonstratives in Crosslinguistic

and Diachronic Perspective, written at the State University of New York

at Buffalo. I would like to thank my thesis advisors, Matthew Dryer, Karin

Michelson, Jean-Pierre Koenig, and David Zubin for their guidance and intellectual

stimulation. I also would like to acknowledge the support and inspiration that

I received from my friends and fellow graduate students David Kemmerer,

Martha Islas, Wendy Baldwin, Alissa Melinger, Matthew Davidson, David

Houghton, and Cori Grimm. Special thanks goes to Eve Ng, who proofread the

entire manuscript. Finally, I am very grateful to Nikolaus Himmelmann and Edith

Moravcsik, who provided insightful comments on earlier versions of this book.

Parts of Chapter 4 and Chapter 6 first appeared, in different form, in the

following articles and conference papers: "The grammaticalization of demonstratives

in crosslinguistic perspective", Chicago Linguistic Society 33 (1997);

"Predicative Demonstratives", Berkeley Linguistics Society 23 (1997) (to appear);

"The morphosyntax of demonstratives in synchrony and diachrony", Linguistic

Typology 3 (1999). I thank the publishers for permission to include revised

material from these publications in the present monograph.


ABL ablative

ABES abessive

ABS absolutive

ACC accusative

ADE adessive

ADJ adjective

ADV adverbial/adverb

AFF affirmative marker

AGR agreement marker

ANA anaphor

ANIM animate

AOR aorist

ART article

ASS assertive marker

ATT attribute marker

BEN benefactive

CIRC circumstantive

CLASS classifier

COLL collective

COM comitative

COMP complementizer

CONTRF contrafactive

COP copula

DAT dative

DEF definite

DEIC deictic

DEM demonstrative

DET determiner

DIST distal

DP determiner phrase

DTM determinative

DU dual

EMPH emphatic

ERG ergative

EXCL exclamative marker

EXIST existential marker

FACT factive

FEM/F feminine

FOC focus

FUT future

GEN genitive

G1S⁄G2S noun classes

H hearer

HAB habitual aspect

IDENT identificational/


ILL illative

IMP imperative

INANIM inanimate

INDEF indefinite

INE inessive

INSTR instrumental

INTJEC interjection

INVIS invisible

LAT lative

LK linker

LOC locative

MASC/M masculine

MD modal particle

MED medial


N noun

NC noun class

NEG negative marker

NEUT/N neuter

NLZ nominalizer

NOM nominative

NONFACT nonfactive

NONPAST nonpast

NP noun phrase

NPIP noun phrase initial

NUC nucleus

NUM number

OBJ object

OBL oblique

P preposition

PART particle

PASS passive

PERF perfective aspect

PF present perfect

PL plural

POSS possessive

PRED predicative marker

PRES present

PRO pronominal/pronoun

PROX proximal

PAST past

PURP purposive

Q question

QNT quantifier

REF reference

REL relative marker

S speaker

SG singular

SPEC specific indefinite article

SUB subordinate marker

SUBJ subject

STA stative aspect

TEMP temporal

TNS tense marker

VIS visible

1SG first person singular

2SG second person singular

3SG third person singular

3PL third person plural



1.1 Preliminary remarks

All languages have demonstratives, but their form, meaning and use vary

tremendously across the languages of the world. Some languages have only a few

demonstrative particles, which they employ in a variety of syntactic contexts for

a wide range of semantic and pragmatic functions. Other languages have demonstratives

that are morphologically complex (i.e. not merely particles), syntactically

restricted, and semantically and pragmatically very specific in function.

This work provides the first large-scale analysis of demonstratives from a

crosslinguistic and diachronic perspective. It is based on a sample of 85 languages

from a wide range of genetic groups and geographical areas. The first part of

this book analyzes demonstratives form a synchronic point of view. It examines

their morphological structures, semantic features, syntactic functions, and

pragmatic uses. The second part is concerned with diachronic aspects of demonstratives,

in particular with their grammaticalization. Across languages, demonstratives

provide a common historical source for definite articles, relative and

third person pronouns, copulas, sentence connectives, directional preverbs, and

many other grammatical items. I describe the different mechanisms by which

demonstratives grammaticalize and argue that the evolution of grammatical markers

from demonstratives is crucially distinct from other cases of grammaticalization.

The main purpose of this study is to provide a source of reference for both

field workers and theoretical linguists who are interested in demonstratives and

their grammaticalization. The book provides a systematic overview of all empirical

aspects of demonstratives and addresses a number of theoretical issues that are

of more general interest in typology, syntax and grammaticalization theory.

This introductory chapter presents a preview of the major results of my

investigation and discusses previous work dealing with demonstratives and their

grammaticalization. I begin with a brief definition of the notion of demonstrative.


1.2 Towards a definition of demonstratives

There are three criteria that are relevant for the notion of demonstrative that I

have used in this study. First, demonstratives are deictic expressions serving

specific syntactic functions. Many studies confine the notion of demonstrative to

deictic expressions such as English this and that, which are used either as

independent pronouns or as modifiers of a coocurring noun, but the notion that

I will use is broader. It subsumes not only demonstratives being used as pronouns

or noun modifiers but also locational adverbs such as English here and there.

Second, demonstratives generally serve specific pragmatic functions. They

are primarily used to focus the hearer's attention on objects or locations in the

speech situation (often in combination with a pointing gesture), but they may also

function to organize the information flow in the ongoing discourse. More

specifically, demonstratives are often used to keep track of prior discourse

participants and to activate specific shared knowledge. The most basic function

of demonstratives is, however, to orient the hearer outside of discourse in the

surrounding situation.

Finally, demonstratives are characterized by specific semantic features. All

languages have at least two demonstratives that are deictically contrastive: a

proximal demonstrative referring to an entity near the deictic center and a distal

demonstrative denoting a referent that is located at some distance to the deictic

center. There are, however, a few languages in my sample in which some

demonstratives are distance-neutral. For instance, though German has three

adverbial demonstratives-hier 'here', da 'there', and dort 'there'-it employs

a single demonstrative pronoun: dies 'this/that' (cf. 3.1.1). Demonstratives such

as German dies are typologically uncommon and one might argue that they are

indistinct from third person pronouns and/or definite articles (cf. Anderson and

Keenan 1985: 280), but I will treat them as demonstratives for two reasons: first

like distance-marked demonstratives, distance-neutral demonstratives are commonly

used to orient the hearer in the surrounding situation, and second they can

always be reinforced by demonstratives that are marked for distance if it is

necessary to differentiate between two or more referents (see 3.1.1).

1.3 Outline and literature

Demonstratives have been the subject of numerous investigations in linguistics

and philosophy.1 The vast majority of studies concentrates on their pragmatic use

and meaning. The scope of the current investigation is broader. It does not only


examine their use and meaning, but also their morphological structures, syntactic

functions and grammaticalization. One of the major challenges of this work is to

integrate the analysis of different aspects of demonstratives into one coherent

presentation. This section provides an overview of my investigation, which is

organized into five chapters.

Chapter 2 examines the morphology of demonstratives. It is divided into two

sections. The first section describes the demonstrative systems of four languages.

It illustrates the extent of formal variation among demonstratives in different

languages. The second section examines the morphological structures of demonstratives

more systematically. It discusses the properties of demonstrative clitics,

the inflectional behavior of demonstratives in different syntactic contexts, and the

formation of demonstrative stems. There is to my knowledge no previous work

on the morphology of demonstratives in typological perspective. The current

study is the first investigation in this domain.

Chapter 3 investigates the semantic features of demonstratives. The meaning

of demonstratives and other deictics has been studied extensively. The collections

of articles edited by Weissenborn and Klein (1982), Jarvella and Klein (1982),

and Rauh (1983) present an overview of the research in this domain. Some of the

articles in these collections describe the semantic features of demonstratives from

a comparative or crosslinguistic perspective (e.g. Fillmore 1982; Ehlich 1983), but

most of them concentrate on the demonstratives in one particular language

(usually English). There are two studies that are especially important to my

investigation: Fillmore (1982) and Anderson and Keenan (1985). Both studies

examine the semantic features of demonstratives from a typological perspective.

My analysis is inspired by their approach, but it is based on a much larger

language sample and distinguishes systematically between semantic features of

two different domains: (i) deictic features, which indicate the location of the

referent in the speech situation, and (ii) qualitative features, which classify the

referent (cf. Lyons 1977; Rauh 1983). The deictic features comprise features that

indicate whether the referent is near, away or far away from the deictic center,

whether it is visible or out of sight, at a higher or lower elevation, uphill or

downhill, or moving toward or away from the deictic center. The qualitative

features indicate whether the referent is an object, person or place, whether it is

animate or inanimate, human or non-human, female or male, a single entity or a

set, or conceptualized as a restricted or extended entity. All of these features are

directly encoded by several demonstratives in my sample.

Chapter 4 examines the syntactic properties of demonstratives. It is argued

that one has to distinguish between the distribution and the categorial status of

demonstratives. The categorial status of a demonstrative is defined by the


combination of two features: (i) a certain distribution and (ii) a specific form.

Two demonstratives belong to different categories if they are distributionally and

formally distinguished. I use the attributes pronominal, adnominal, adverbial, and

identificational in order to indicate the syntactic context in which demonstratives

occur (i.e. their distribution); and I use the nominals (demonstrative) pronoun,

determiner, adverb, and identifier in order to indicate their categorial status.

Table 1 presents an overview of these terms.

The distinction between the distribution and categorial status of demonstratives

Table 1. Demonstratives: distribution and category

Distribution Category

pronominal demonstrative

adnominal demonstrative

adverbial demonstrative

identificational demonstrative

demonstrative pronoun

demonstrative determiner

demonstrative adverb

demonstrative identifier

is crucial because some languages use demonstratives of the same grammatical

category in more than one syntactic context, while other languages employ

categorially (i.e. formally) distinct demonstratives in each position.

Pronominal demonstratives are independent pronouns in argument position

of verbs and adpositions. They are often formally distinguished from adnominal

demonstratives, which accompany a cooccurring noun. For instance, French uses

the demonstratives celui, celle, ceux, and celles as independent pronouns and ce,

cette, and ces as modifiers of a subsequent noun. Since pronominal and adnominal

demonstratives are formally distinguished in French, I assume that they

belong to different categories: celui, celle, ceux, and celles are demonstrative

pronouns, while ce, cette, and ces are demonstrative determiners.

Unlike French, many languages do not distinguish between demonstrative

pronouns and demonstrative determiners. Tuscarora, for instance, has two

demonstrative particles, hè˜ník6˜˜ 'this/these' and kyè˜ník6˜˜ 'that/those', which are

either used in isolation as independent pronouns or together with a cooccurring

noun. Following Mithun (1987), I assume that pronominal and adnominal demonstratives

belong to the same category in Tuscarora. Unlike adnominal demonstratives

in French, adnominal demonstratives in Tuscarora do not function as

determiners; rather, they are used as independent pronouns that are only loosely

adjoined to a coreferential noun in apposition. In other words, Tuscarora does not

have demonstrative determiners; it has only demonstrative pronouns that are used


in two different syntactic contexts. There are also languages in my sample that

do not have a class of demonstrative pronouns. These languages use demonstrative

determiners in combination with a third person pronoun or a classifier in

contexts where languages such as English employ demonstrative pronouns.

Adverbial demonstratives are usually distinguished from pronominal and

adnominal demonstratives. There are only a few languages in my sample in

which adverbial demonstratives have the same form as demonstratives that are

used as independent pronouns or noun modifiers. For instance, in Ngiyambaa it

is possible to refer to a location by a demonstrative pronoun in locative case, as

illustrated in (1).

(1) Ngiyambaa (Donaldson 1980: 317)

yaba=lugu ]a-ni-la˜ guri-nja

track=3SG.GEN that-LOC-GIVEN lie-PRES

'His tracks are there.'

The demonstrative in (1) is semantically equivalent to English there, but

from a morphological and syntactic perspective it can be viewed as a demonstrative

pronoun with a locative case marker.

In addition to demonstrative pronouns, determiners and adverbs, there is a

fourth demonstrative category, which is almost entirely unknown in the typological

literature (but see Himmelmann 1997). Many languages use special

demonstrative forms in copular and nonverbal clauses, as in example (2) and (3)

from French and Ponapean.

(2) French

C' est Pascal.

this/it is Pascal

'It/this is Pascal.'

(3) Ponapean (Rehg 1981: 143)

Iet noumw pinselen. your pencil

'Here is your pencil.'

The demonstratives in these examples function to identify a referent in the

speech situation. They are usually considered demonstrative pronouns, but many

languages distinguish ordinary demonstrative pronouns from demonstratives in

copular and nonverbal clauses. Both French and Ponapean employ demonstratives

with a different form as independent pronouns in other syntactic contexts. I

distinguish therefore between demonstratives in copular and nonverbal clauses

and demonstratives that occur in other sentence types. As shown in Table 1, I use


the term identificational demonstrative for demonstratives in copular and nonverbal

clauses regardless of their categorial status; and I use the term demonstrative

identifier when I refer to demonstratives in copular and nonverbal clauses

that are categorially (i.e. formally) distinguished from demonstratives in other


Chapter 5 is concerned with the pragmatic uses of demonstratives. As

pointed out above, demonstratives are primarily used to draw the hearer's

attention to entities in the speech situation, but they may also serve a variety of

other pragmatic functions. Following Halliday and Hasan (1976: 57-76), I use the

notion exophoric for demonstratives that are used with reference to entities in the

surrounding situation, and I use the term endophoric for all other uses. The

endophoric use is subdivided into the (i) anaphoric, (ii) discourse deictic, and (iii)

recognitional uses, as shown in Figure 1.

pragmatic uses

exophoric endophoric

anaphoric discourse deictic recognitional

Figure 1. The pragmatic uses of demonstratives

The exophoric, anaphoric, and discourse deictic uses are discussed in studies

by Lyons (1977), Levinson (1983), Webber (1991), Fillmore (1997), Himmelmann

(1996, 1997), and many others. Exophoric demonstratives refer to nonlinguistic

entities in the speech situation; they focus the hearer's attention on

persons, objects or locations in the outside world. Anaphoric demonstratives are

coreferential with a noun phrase in the preceding discourse; they keep track of

prior discourse participants. Discourse deictic demonstratives refer to a chunk of

the surrounding discourse; they express an overt link between two propositions.

In addition to the exophoric, anaphoric and discourse deictic uses, Himmelmann

(1996, 1997) describes another usage, which he calls the recognitional use.

In the recognitional use, demonstratives function to indicate that speaker and

hearer are familiar with the referent due to shared experience. The demonstrative

in the following sentence exemplifies this use.


(4) English

Do you still have that radio that your aunt gave you for your birthday?

Although the radio is not present in the speech situation and is mentioned

for the first time, it occurs with the distal demonstrative that. The speaker uses

the demonstrative in order to indicate that the hearer is able to identify the

referent based on specific shared knowledge. Aspects of the recognitional use

have been described in several recent investigations (cf. Chen 1990; Gundel et al.

1993), but Himmelmann (1996, 1997) provides the only systematic account of

this use. His work is especially significant for my treatment of the pragmatic uses

in Chapter 5. Though I adopt Himmelmann's distinction of the four pragmatic

uses that I have mentioned, I challenge his hypothesis that all four uses have

equal status. In accordance with most previous work (cf. Bühler 1934; Lyons

1977), I contend that the exophoric use represents the basic use from which

all other uses derive. I support my hypothesis with evidence from language

acquisition, markedness theory, and grammaticalization.

The final chapter of this study investigates the diachronic reanalysis of

demonstratives as grammatical markers. I argue that the process by which

demonstratives grammaticalize is crucially determined by the syntactic context

in which the demonstrative occurs. More specifically, I show that pronominal,

adnominal, adverbial, and identificational demonstratives provide the source for

four different sets of grammatical markers. Pronominal demonstratives are

frequently reanalyzed as third person pronouns, relative pronouns, complementizers,

sentence connectives, pronominal determinatives, possessive pronouns,

and verbal number markers. Adnominal demonstratives may develop into definite

articles, linkers, nominal number markers, adnominal determinatives, specific

indefinite articles, and boundary markers of postnominal attributes. Adverbial

demonstratives provide a common source for temporal adverbs, directional

preverbs, and sentence connectives. Finally, identificational demonstratives may

evolve into copulas, focus markers, and expletives.

Grammaticalization is a gradual process (Lichtenberk 1991). At the initial

stage of this process, grammatical items often have the same form as their

historical source. The distinction between demonstratives and grammatical

markers such as definite articles is therefore not always immediately obvious. In

Chapter 6, I argue that the grammaticalization of demonstratives can be viewed

as a cline ranging from exophoric demonstratives used to orient the hearer in the

outside world to grammatical markers serving specific syntactic functions.

Endophoric demonstratives are somewhere in between the two ends of this cline;


they often mark the initial stage of a grammaticalization process, giving rise to

definite articles and many other grammatical items.

The diachronic reanalysis of demonstratives has been the subject of numerous

investigations, in both traditional historical linguistics and recent work in

grammaticalization. Some of the important older work includes Brugmann (1904),

Brugmann and Delbrück (1911), Paul (1920), and Behaghel (1923-1932). These

studies are exclusively concerned with the reanalysis of demonstratives in Indo-

European languages. More recent studies have shown that the grammaticalization

of demonstratives is a common historical process in virtually every language.

Heine and Reh (1984), Heine, Claudi and Hünnemeyer (1991a), Hopper and

Traugott (1993), Lehmann (1995a), and Harris and Campbell (1995) describe the

reanalysis of demonstratives as definite articles, relative and third person pronouns,

copulas, and complementizers in a wide variety of languages. Other

studies concentrate on the grammaticalization of one particular item. For instance,

the reanalysis of demonstratives as definite articles has been described in studies

by Christophersen (1939), Heinrichs (1954), Krámský (1972), Ultan (1978a),

Harris (1978, 1980), Greenberg (1978, 1991), Lüdtke (1991), Vogel (1993), Cyr

(1993a, 1993b, 1996), Leiss (1994), Epstein (1994, 1995), Laury (1995, 1997),

and Himmelmann (1997, 1998). There are also several studies that examine the

development of copulas from demonstratives: Berman and Grosu (1976), Li and

Thompson (1977), Schuh (1983a), Hengeveld (1990), Gildea (1993), and Devitt

(1994). Other studies that are relevant to my investigation include Lehmann

(1984), who describes the development of relative pronouns in Ancient Greek,

Old High German, and several other languages; Sankoff and Brown (1976), who

examine the emergence of boundary markers of postnominal attributes in Tok

Pisin; Lockwood (1968), who discusses a number of grammatical items that

developed from demonstratives in German; and Frajzyngier (1997), who shows

that nominal and verbal number markers in many Chadic languages originate

from demonstratives. Chapter 6 summarizes much of this work and discusses

several other grammaticalization channels that have only been described in

reference grammars.

Finally, I consider the question: where do demonstratives come from -

what is their historical source? Demonstratives are usually considered grammatical

items. Grammaticalization theory claims that all grammatical items are

ultimately derived from lexical expressions, but in the case of demonstratives

there is no evidence from any language that they developed from a lexical source

or any other source, for that matter, that is non-deictic (Himmelmann 1997: 20).

Based on this finding, I advance the hypothesis that demonstratives might form

a class of deictic expressions that belong to the basic vocabulary of every


language (cf. Plank 1979a; Traugott 1982). This would not only explain why demonstratives

cannot be traced back to lexical items, it would also account for the

fact that demonstratives serve a particular pragmatic function that sets them apart

from all other linguistic expressions (cf. Bühler 1934; Peirce 1955; Ehlich 1979,

1982, 1983, 1987). Furthermore, it might explain why demonstratives are among

the very few items that exhibit a non-arbitrary relationship between phonetic form

and meaning (cf. Woodworth 1991). If demonstratives are not derived from

lexical items they would present a second source domain from which grammatical

markers may emerge, and that would undermine one of the central assumptions

of grammaticalization theory.

1.4 Language sample

My study is based on a sample of 85 languages. The bulk of the data comes from

reference grammars and other published sources, supplemented by information

obtained from native speakers and language specialists. For each language, I

gathered information on the morphological structures, semantic features, syntactic

functions, and grammaticalization of demonstratives. I used two criteria for

selecting the languages of my sample: (i) genetic diversity and (ii) geographical

distance.2 For the genetic classification, I consulted two sources: Ruhlen (1991)

and the Ethnologue (Grimes 1997). With two exceptions, my sample includes at

least one language of every major language family that Ruhlen suggests. The two

exceptions are Miao-Yao and Chukchi-Kamchatkan. Both families include fewer

than half a dozen languages in Ruhlen's classification. My sample also includes

several language isolates (Burushaski, Basque, Korean, Ainu) and an Englishbased

creole (Tok Pisin). Large and diverse phyla are better represented than

small and homogeneous phyla. For instance, Niger-Congo, which comprises

several hundred languages, is represented by five languages in my sample, while

Khoisan, which subsumes 30 languages, is only represented by one.

In order to ensure geographical diversity I used the geographical divisions

suggested by Dryer (e.g. 1992a). He distinguishes six major geographical areas:

North America, South America, South East Asia and Oceanic, Africa, Eurasia,

and Australia and New Guinea (Dryer 1989c distinguishes only five areas). My

sample includes at least eight languages of each of the six geographical areas that

Dryer suggests. Below, I have given a list of all 85 languages that are included

in my sample. The sources that I have used for each language are listed in

Appendix A.


North America


















Lealao Chinantec








Tümpisa Shoshone




West Greenlandic
















South America












Epena Pedee














South East Asia and Oceanic























Mandarin Chinese







West Futuna-Aniwa

Western Malayo-Polynesian




Central-Eastern Malayo-Polynesian


Central-Eastern Malayo-Polynesian




Western Malayo-Polynesian

Central-Eastern Malayo-Polynesian



Central-Eastern Malayo-Polynesian






















Gulf Arabic



Koyra Chiini





Modern Hebrew







Western Bade






Songhay (wider affiliation unknown)

Eastern Sudanic


Central Sudanic





Central Sudanic
















































North Caucasian




Australia and New Guinea


















Guugu Yimidhirr





Tok Pisin










East New Guinea Highlands



Madang-Adelbert Range



Madang-Adelbert Range






This chapter is concerned with the morphological structures of demonstratives.

Some languages have only a few demonstrative particles; they are uninflected and

do not combine with any other morpheme. Other languages employ demonstratives

that are marked for gender, number and/or case and may combine with

derivational affixes or other free forms. Languages of this sort can have several

hundred demonstrative forms. For instance, Denny (1982: 372) reports that the demonstrative

system in Inuktitut comprises 686 different forms, formed from

twelve demonstrative roots and a wide variety of inflectional and derivational

morphemes. Another language with an extremely complex demonstrative system

is Santali, a Munda language spoken in northeastern India. According to

Bodding's description (1929: 118-147), there are well over 200 distinct forms in

the demonstrative system in Santali.

In this chapter, I first describe the demonstratives of four individual languages,

and then I examine the morphological structures of demonstratives more

systematically from a typological perspective.

2.1 Demonstratives in Guugu Yimidhirr, Ambulas, Ewondo, and Korean

The following four sections describe the demonstratives in Guugu Yimidhirr,

Ambulas, Ewondo, and Korean, respectively. The purpose of these descriptions

is to illustrate the extent of formal variation among demonstratives in different

languages.We will see that the demonstratives of some languages are morphologically

invariable, while the demonstratives of other languages are formed from a

demonstrative root and a wide variety of other morphemes.

2.1.1 Guugu Yimidhirr

Guugu Yimidhirr is a Pama-Nyungan language spoken in northeastern Australia.


The language has two demonstrative roots, yii 'proximal' and nhaa 'distal', which

are inflected for case:

The demonstratives in Table 2 refer to "things", "places" and "times" (Haviland

Table 2. Demonstratives in Guugu Yimidhirr (Haviland 1979: 73)








yii, yiyi


yiway, yuway, yiimu


yimudhirr, yimidhirr

nhaa, nhaayun


nhaway, nhaamu

nhaamunganh, nhaawanun (ABL only)


nhamudhirr, nhamidhirr

1979: 72). They may function as independent pronouns (1a), noun modifiers (1b),

locational deictics (1c), or identificational demonstratives in nonverbal clauses

(1d). That is, Guugu Yimidhirr does not distinguish between demonstrative

pronouns, determiners, adverbs, and identifiers; rather, it uses the same demonstrative

forms in various syntactic contexts:

(1) Guugu Yimidhirr (Haviland 1979: 73, 165, 92, 54)

a. ngayu nhinaan yiimuun gunda-l


'I'll hit you with this (thing I have here).'

b. nhayun nambal bada gada-y iii

DIST.ABS rock.ABS down come-PAST ...

'That rock dropped...'

c. ngayu yiway


'I'll stay here.'

d. yii yugu yalmba-aga

PROX.ABS tree.ABS sandhill-ABES

'This is a tree of the sandhill.'

The demonstratives in absolutive case have plural forms: yinharrin 'these/this

kind' and nhanharrin 'those/that kind'. They seem to be the only demonstratives

in plural. An example is given in (2).


(2) Guugu Yimidhirr (Haviland 1979: 74)

yinharrin bama binaal-mul

these.ABS people.ABS know-PRIVATE

'These (sort of) peope don't know (about it).'

The absolutive form nhaayun 'proximal' is often glossed as 'it' and might be

considered a third person pronoun:

(3) Guugu Yimidhirr (Haviland 1979: 73)

buligi gada-y, nyulu nhaayun gunda-y

bullock.ABS come-PAST 3SG.NOM DIST.ABS kill-PAST

'The bullock came and he killed it.'

The purposive form nhaamuu refers to propositions and is usually translated by


(4) Guugu Yimidhirr (Haviland 1979: 74)

nyulu wawu-murrgarra bama-agal yirrga-nda

3SG.NOM breath-unable man-ADES speak-CONTRF

guugu wangaarr-ga-m-i nhaamuu nyulu

speech.white man-GEN-mu-DAT DIST.PURP 3SG.NOM

guugu yi-mi-dhirr maa-ni

speech.ABS PROX-mu-COM take-PAST

'He was unable to talk to Aboriginals in the white man's language,

and therefore he learned Guugu Yimidhirr.'

There are two other deictic expressions in Guugu Yimidhirr that one might

classify as demonstratives: yarra 'yonder' and yarrba 'there, that way, that's the

way'. Unlike the demonstratives in Table 2, these two forms are uninflected.

Haviland (1979: 72) points out that they normally accompany gestures, but their

status and function remain somewhat unclear.

2.1.2 Ambulas

Ambulas, a Sepik language spoken in New Guinea, has three demonstrative roots:

kén 'proximal', an 'medial' and wan 'distal'. In contrast to Guugu Yimidhirr,

where the same demonstrative forms occur in a variety of syntactic contexts,

Ambulas has several categories of demonstratives serving specific syntactic


To begin with, the demonstrative roots, kén and wan, are used as demonstrative

identifiers in nonverbal clauses.


(5) Ambulas (Wilson 1980: 454)

kén bakna walkamu taalé

this just little place

'This is just a little place.'

Demonstrative pronouns are formed by combining kén and wan with the third

person pronouns dé 'he', lé 'she', bét 'they (dual)', and de 'they (plural)',

yielding the forms in Table 3.

Ambulas has a second series of demonstrative pronouns, which is used only with

Table 3. Demonstrative pronouns in Ambulas (1) (Wilson 1980: 56)














inanimate referents. The forms are given in Table 4; they are unmarked for

gender and number. Note that the inanimate demonstratives express a three way

contrast while the (animate) demonstratives in Table 3 have only two deictic

roots: proximal and distal. The medial demonstrative an does not combine with

third person pronouns.

Ambulas also has two series of demonstrative determiners, shown in Table 5.

Table 4. Demonstrative pronouns in Ambulas (2) (Wilson 1980: 56)




kénikénan, kénikinan

anikénan, anikinan

wanikénan, wanikinan, waninan

Both series distinguish three degrees of distance. The demonstratives of the first

series are also used as "an introducer and closure marker of a discourse" and as

temporal adverbs meaning 'now' and 'then' (Wilson 1980: 56). Demonstrative

determiners always precede the noun and other noun modifiers, as shown in (6a-b).


(6) Ambulas (Wilson 1980: 433, 86)

Table 5. Demonstrative determiners in Ambulas (Wilson 1980: 57)









aniké, aniki

waniké, waniki, wanina

a. kéni kudi

this talk

'This talk'

b. kénina bét-ku jébaa

this 3DU-POSS work

'This work of theirs'

Table 6 shows the demonstrative adverbs. Wilson (1980: 58) argues that they

might have developed from two morphemes: the demonstratives kén and wan and

a locational adverb or adposition. However, from a synchronic perspective these

forms are monomorphemic.

Finally, there is a series of manner demonstratives, shown in Table 7.

Manner demonstratives are commonly used to refer to a chunk of the surrounding

Table 6. Demonstrative adverbs in Ambulas (Wilson 1980: 57)









Table 7. Manner demonstratives in Ambulas (Wilson 1980: 57)

LIKE THIS (forward referring)

LIKE THIS (forward referring)

LIKE THAT (backward referring)




discourse (cf. 4.2). They are discourse deictics that indicate an overt link between

two propositions. The distal form waga refers back to an element of the preceding

discourse, while the proximal and medial forms anticipate upcoming information.

Example (7) shows the distal demonstrative waga referring back to the

preceding clause.


(7) Ambulas (Wilson 1980: 464-5)

gayéba kutdu méné gayéba kutkéyo ména

in.village he.catch.and you in.village must.catch your

naawi wale waaru waatbete waga de yo

peer with argue be.angry.and thus they do

'If he catches a pig in the village, you must catch one in the village.

When you quarrel with your peer, that is what they do.'

2.1.3 Ewondo

Ewondo is a Northwest Bantu language spoken in southern Cameroon. It

distinguishes three distance categories - proximal, medial, and distal - and six

noun classes:

The demonstratives in Table 8 can be used as independent pronouns or as noun

Table 8. Demonstrative pronouns/determiners in Ewondo (Redden 1980: 67-70)












































modifiers. That is, Ewondo does not distinguish between demonstrative pronouns

and determiners.3

Both pronominal and adnominal demonstratives always cooccur with the

definite article é. If a demonstrative is used adnominally, the article and the demonstrative

frame the noun as in the following example:

(8) Ewondo (Redden 1980: 67)

é mod \f'


'this man'

Occasionally the definite article is repeated before the demonstrative as in (9):


(9) Ewondo (Redden 1980: 67)

é mod é \f'


'this man'

The second article in this example can be omitted, but the initial é is obligatory

if the demonstrative after the noun functions as a noun modifier. If the noun is

not preceded by é the demonstrative does not form an NP with the cooccurring

noun; instead, it functions as an identificational demonstrative in a nonverbal

clause. Compare the following two examples:

(10) Ewondo (Redden 1980: 67, 67)

a. é kádá \f'

ART crab DEM

'this crab'

b. kádá \f'

crab DEM

'This is a crab.'

Due to the definite article that precedes the noun in (10a), \f' is interpreted as a

demonstrative noun modifier; that is, \f' is an adnominal demonstrative in this

case. Since the noun in (10b) does not occur with the definite article é, the

following demonstrative is interpreted as an identificational demonstrative rather

than a noun modifier.

Like adnominal demonstratives, pronominal demonstratives are generally

accompanied by the definite article é:

(11) Ewondo (Redden 1980: 178-9)

\g6' wa-yi é ]f'l6 te w-ee-ya]ga kóám

if you-want ART DEM you-FUT-wait a.long.time

'If you want that one you'll wait quite a while.'

Identificational demonstratives are formally indistinguishable from pronominal

(and adnominal) demonstratives, but adverbial demonstratives have a different

phonological form. There are two sets of adverbial demonstratives in Ewondo,

shown in Table 9.

While adnominal and pronominal demonstratives comprise three deictic

forms, adverbial demonstratives express a four way deictic contrast. They indicate

a location (i) near the speaker, (ii) near the hearer, (iii) away from speaker and

hearer, and (iv) far away from speaker and hearer. The last category is probably

also used for locations out of sight. The demonstratives of set 1 are used to

indicate an "exact location", while the demonstratives of the second set indicate


that the location is somewhere "around" or "in the vicinity of" the speaker, hearer

Table 9. Demonstrative adverbs in Ewondo (Redden 1980: 145)

SET 1 (precise) SET 2 (vague)











or some other reference point (cf. Redden 1980: 145-6). The adverbial demonstratives

of both sets may coalesce with the preposition à 'in/on/at/to', yielding the

following forms:

Table 10. Complex demonstrative adverbs in Ewondo (Redden 1980: 147)

SET 1 (precise) SET 2 (vague)













2.1.4 Korean

Korean has three demonstrative particles: i, referring to an object or person near

the speaker, ku, indicating a referent near the hearer, and ce, referring to an

object or location that is away from both speaker and hearer. The Korean demonstratives

are determiners; they cannot be used as independent pronouns. The

semantic equivalent of a pronominal demonstrative in English is a noun phrase

consisting of i, ku or ce and a "defective noun", which indicates the type of

referent (Sohn 1994: 294). The examples in (12a-c) show i, ku and ce followed

by the defective nouns kes 'thing/fact', i 'person' and il 'thing/fact'.4

(12) Korean (Sohn 1994: 294-6)

a. i kes

this thing/fact

'this (one/thing/fact)'


b. ku i

that person

'that (one/person)/he/she/it'

c. ce il

that.away thing/fact

'that (one/thing/fact)'

The demonstratives in (12a-c) are determiners; they have the same syntactic

function as demonstratives that precede a regular noun, as in the following examples:

(13) Korean (Sohn 1994: 114, 114, 114)

a. i cip

this house

'this house'

b. ku cha

that car

'that car (near you)'

c. ce san

that mountain

'that mountain over there'

I, ku and ce are morphologically invariable. Number and case is indicated through

affixes on the (defective) noun:

(14) Korean (Sohn 1994: 297)

i kes-tul-i


'these (things/facts)'

Korean has three demonstrative adverbs that correspond to i, ku and ce:

Synchronically yeki, keki and ceki are monomorphemic, but historically they are

Table 11. Demonstrative adverbs in Korean (Sohn 1994: 296)







composed of the base form eki meaning 'place' and the demonstrative

determiners i, ku and ce (cf. Sohn 1994: 296). In place of the demonstrative

adverbs, the demonstratives i, ku and ce may be used with the defective noun kos

'place' in order to indicate a location:


(15) Korean (Sohn 1994: 295)

ku kos-ey kathi kaca

that place-to together go

'Let's go there together.'

Finally, there are three diminutive demonstratives in Korean: yo 'near speaker',

ko 'near hearer', and co 'away from speaker and hearer' (Sohn 1994: 114). Like

i, ku and ce, the diminutive demonstratives are determiners; they cannot occur

without a subsequent noun.

2.2 The morphology of demonstratives

The four previous sections exemplified the extent of formal variation among demonstratives

of different languages. We saw that the demonstratives of some

languages are morphologically invariable (e.g. Korean), while the demonstratives

of other languages inflect for gender, number and/or case (e.g. Guugu Yimidhirr,

Ewondo). We also saw that some languages distinguish demonstrative pronouns,

determiners, adverbs, and identifiers (e.g. Ambulas), while other languages have

only a single series of demonstratives that they employ in various syntactic

contexts (e.g. Guugu Yimidhirr). And finally we saw that the semantic features

of demonstratives vary across languages: some languages have only two deictic

terms (e.g. Guugu Yimidhirr), others have three (e.g. Korean), and yet others

have four (e.g. demonstrative adverbs in Ewondo). In what follows I examine the

form, meaning and syntax of demonstratives more systematically. In the remainder

of the current section, I investigate their morphological structures. I describe

in turn the properties of demonstrative clitics (2.2.1), the inflectional features of

demonstratives in different syntactic contexts (2.2.2), and the formation of demonstrative

stems (2.2.3). The semantic and syntactic features will be examined

in Chapter 3 and 4, respectively.

2.2.1 Demonstrative clitics

Most demonstratives are phonologically unbound. There is, however, a substantial

number of languages in my sample in which some demonstratives may cliticize

to an element in their environment: Acehnese, Ponapean, Lango, Margi, Nandi,

and several others. All of the demonstrative clitics that are included in my sample

are enclitics (i.e. clitics that follow their host); demonstrative proclitics do not

occur, but they seem to occur in other languages. An example from Yagaria is

shown in (16b):


(16) Yagaria (Renck 1975: 64, 66)

a. ma'i nina

this water

'this water'

b. m=ígopa


'this ground'

Example (16a) shows an unbound demonstrative, which is commonly replaced by

a proclitic, as in (16b), if the referent is not emphasized (clitic boundaries are

indicated by the equal sign =).

All demonstrative clitics that are included in my sample are used adnominally;

pronominal, adverbial and identificational demonstratives are always

unbound. There are, however, languages in which the latter are clitics. Consider,

for instance, the following examples from Kilba (Chadic), in which both adnominal

and identificational demonstratives are attached to a preceding noun:

(17) Kilba (Schuh 1983b: 315, 318)

a. kí=nà


'this house'

b. k'6t'6]=ná


'This/it is a sheep.'

The demonstrative clitics in (17a-b) have the same segmental shape, but they are

tonally distinguished. The demonstrative in (17a) is a determiner marked by

falling tone, while the demonstrative identifier in (17b) carries a rising tone.

Like adnominal and identificational demonstratives, pronominal demonstratives

may cliticize to an element in their environment. The following example

from Kawaiisu (Numic) shows a pronominal demonstrative that is attached to the

first word of the clause. The pronominal enclitics are usually translated by third

person pronouns, but since they are marked for distance (=ina 'proximal' vs.

=ana 'distal') one might consider them demonstratives (cf. Zigmond et al.

1991: 47-48).

(18) Kawaiisu (Zigmond 1991: 172)

mee-gG-pGgadG=ina ‘una wiigara

say-BEN-PERF=DEM.PROX.SG.ANIM that red.racer

'Red Racer said to her.'


Unlike adnominal, pronominal and identificational demonstratives, adverbial demonstratives

are always unbound. I am at least not aware of any language in

which adverbial demonstratives are clitics.5

While demonstratives may cliticize to an element in their environment, they

are probably never bound to a specific word. Some of the sources that I consulted

refer to bound demonstratives as suffixes (e.g. Creider and Tapsubei Creider

1989: 40; Noonan 1992: 86), but they seem to use the term suffix in a broad

sense subsuming all bound forms including enclitics. Among other things,

suffixes and enclitics differ in their syntactic behavior: while suffixes are

associated with a specific word, enclitics are attached to a phrase (cf. Zwicky

1977; Klavans 1985; Anderson 1992: 198-223).6 Although the distinction between

suffixes and enclitics is theoretically well defined, it is empirically often difficult

to decide whether an (adnominal) demonstrative is bound to a word or a phrase.

The distinction is especially problematic if adjectives and other noun modifiers

precede the noun. In such a case, it is usually impossible to determine whether

a bound demonstrative is a suffix of the noun or an enclitic of the noun phrase.

If, on the other hand, the modifiers follow the noun, it is immediately obvious

whether a bound demonstrative is used as an enclitic or suffix. Consider, for

instance, the following examples from Lango.

(19) Lango (Noonan 1992: 155, 155, 156)

a. gwók=k'I


'this dog'

b. gwôkk à dwó]=]'I

dog ATT big.SG=this

'this big dog'

c. gwóggî à d'f]'f àryf'=n'I

dogs ATT big.PL two-this

'these two big dogs'

The demonstratives in (19a-c) attach to the last free form of the noun phrase: in

(19a) the demonstrative follows a noun, in (19b) it follows an adjective, and in

(19c) a numeral. Noonan (1992: 86) refers to the adnominal demonstratives in

Lango as suffixes, but these examples show that they are enclitics of the noun

phrase rather than suffixes of the noun (as Noonan points out in a footnote). I

suspect that all demonstratives being referred to as suffixes in my sources are in

fact enclitics. Suffixes tend to be obligatory in the contexts in which they occur,

while enclitics are often interchangeable with unbound (stressed) forms. Since demonstratives

are commonly used to emphasize a referent, I hypothesize that


bound demonstratives can always be replaced by an unbound stressed form. If

this is correct, it would suggest that all bound demonstratives are clitics and that

demonstrative affixes do not exist.

2.2.2 The inflection of demonstratives

Most languages included in my sample have at least some demonstratives that are

inflected for gender, number and/or case. The inflectional features of demonstratives

vary with their syntactic function. Pronominal demonstratives are more

likely to inflect than adnominal and identificational demonstratives, which, in

turn, are more often inflected than adverbial demonstratives. Table 12 shows the

number and percentage of pronominal demonstratives that are inflected for

number, gender and case in my sample; a detailed overview of the inflectional

features of pronominal demonstratives is given in Appendix B.

There are 68 languages in my sample in which pronominal demonstratives are

Table 12. The inflectional features of pronominal demonstratives (cf. Appendix B)

Inflected Uninflected Number Gender Case Total















marked for gender, number, and/or case, and 17 languages in which pronominal

demonstratives are uninflected. In some of the latter, (pronominal) demonstratives

are always accompanied by a nominal such as a defective noun (e.g. Korean; cf.

2.1.4), a third person pronoun (e.g. Kusaiean; cf. 4.1.3), or a classifier (e.g. Nùng;

cf. 4.1.3). Such demonstratives are strictly speaking not pronominal. They are demonstrative

determiners that are embedded in a noun phrase. Demonstratives of

this sort will be discussed in Section 4.1.3.

Apart from such 'pronominal NPs', there are only ten languages in my

sample in which pronominal demonstratives are uninflected, namely Acehnese,

Izi, Koyra Chiini, Mulao, Oneida, Tuscarora, Tok Pisin, Urim, Urubu-Kaapor, and

Usan. In all of these languages, nouns are in general uninflected (or, at least, they

are not regularly inflected as in English). The demonstratives of these languages

behave therefore just like other nominals and can be considered pro-nouns even

though they lack the trappings of a typical pronoun.

The most common inflectional feature of pronominal demonstratives is

number followed by gender and case. There are sixty-four languages in my

sample in which pronominal demonstratives are inflected for number, thirty-eight


languages in which they are inflected for gender, and twenty-five languages in

which they are case-marked. The case endings of pronominal demonstratives are

usually the same as, or very similar to, the case endings of nouns, while the

gender and number features are either expressed by special endings or, more

frequently, by stem alternations (see below).

Like pronominal demonstratives, the majority of adnominal demonstratives

is uninflected. However, there is a significant number of languages in my sample

in which adnominal demonstratives are morphologically invariable while pronominal

demonstratives are inflected for gender, number, and/or case. In fact, if a

language employs adnominal demonstratives that are marked for gender, number

and/or case, one can predict that the pronominal demonstratives are marked for

the same feature(s). Table 13 lists some of the languages in my sample in which

adnominal demonstratives are uninflected while pronominal demonstratives are

marked for gender, number and/or case (note that some of the case endings might

be enclitics of the noun phrase rather than suffixes of the noun).

In all of the languages shown in Table 13, adnominal demonstratives cooccur

Table 13. Inflected DEM PROs vs. uninflected DEM DETs

Pronominal Adnominal




Epena Pedee




































Total: 8 4 7 10

with an inflected noun. The grammatical features of the noun phrase are thus

sufficiently marked by the inflectional endings of the noun. This is illustrated by

the following example from Lezgian.


(20) Lezgian (Haspelmath 1993: 259)

a insan-ar

that human-PL

'these people'

Like adnominal demonstratives, identificational demonstratives are often morphologically

invariable in languages in which pronominal demonstratives are marked

for gender, number and/or case. Table 14 shows that there are (at least) nine

languages in my sample in which pronominal demonstratives have certain

inflectional features while identificational demonstratives are morphologically

unmarked. Languages in which pronominal demonstratives are uninflected while

identificational demonstratives are marked for gender, number and/or case do not

occur in my sample.

Demonstrative adverbs are almost always uninflected. In Section 2.1.1, we saw

Table 14. Inflected DEM PROs vs. uninflected DEM IDENTs

Pronominal Identificational









T. Shoshone


















Ø (kén PROX)

Ø (to)

Ø (n'6mù)

Ø (ce)

Ø (das)

Ø (]ú)

Ø (nía PROX)

Ø (det)

Ø (isün PROX)

Total: 9 5 3 9

that the semantic equivalents of 'here' and 'there' in Guugu Yimidhirr are demonstratives

with certain (locational) case endings, but since they belong to the

same paradigm as demonstratives that are used as independent pronouns and noun

modifiers, they cannot be classified as adverbs. Guugu Yimidhirr does not have

a particular class of demonstrative adverbs.

There are, however, a few languages in my sample in which demonstrative

adverbs are case-marked and categorially distinguished from demonstrative pronouns.

One of them is Hua, in which both demonstrative pronouns and adverbs

are inflected for case. Demonstrative adverbs consist of two morphemes in Hua,

a demonstrative root and one of four locative case markers, while demonstrative


pronouns are formed from three elements: a demonstrative root, a (non-locative)

case marker, and the suffix -bo', which Haiman (1980: 259) analyzes as a

nominalizer (see next section). Compare the following two forms:

(21) Hua (Haiman 1980: 259, 259)

a. ma-bo'-mamu'


'this (one)'

b. ma-roga



The demonstrative pronoun in (21a) consists of three morphemes: the demonstrative

root ma, the nominalizer -bo', and the case marker -mamu'. (21b) shows a

demonstrative adverb formed from two morphemes: a demonstrative root and a

locative case marker. Unlike the demonstrative pronoun in (21a), the demonstrative

adverb does not include the nominalizer -bo', and therefore it cannot be

classified as a demonstrative pronoun in locative case. Both pronominal and

adverbial demonstratives are case-marked in Hua, but they are categorially

distinguished due to the absence and presence of -bo'.

2.2.3 Demonstrative stems

Having described the inflectional endings of demonstratives, I now examine the

formation of demonstrative stems. A demonstrative stem is a demonstrative

without its inflectional endings. It consists of a demonstrative root (i.e. a deictic

element) and possibly some other morpheme: a derivational affix or another free

form. In the following I concentrate on the stem formation of demonstrative

pronouns and adverbs; demonstrative determiners and identifiers will not be

considered because they have either the same stems as pronominal demonstratives

or they consist only of a demonstrative root.

In the literature, it has often been argued that demonstrative pronouns and

determiners are derived from demonstrative adverbs (cf. Anderson and Keenan

1985: 279; Greenberg 1985: 277; Himmelmann 1996: 246), but Brown (1985) and

Woodworth (1991) present evidence that challenges this view. Their studies show

that demonstrative adverbs are often morphologically more complex than demonstrative

pronouns and determiners, which seems to suggest that they are derived

from demonstrative pronouns or noun modifiers that combined with some other

morpheme. My data include examples that would support either one of these

hypotheses. I assume therefore that there is no unidirectional pathway leading


from demonstrative adverbs to demonstrative pronouns/determiners or vice versa.

Both developments seem to occur. Furthermore, it is conceivable that in some

languages demonstrative pronouns, determiners, and adverbs developed independently

of one another from a deictic particle with no specific syntactic function

(see below).

The stems of demonstrative pronouns are often formed from a demonstrative

root and a nominalizing affix, a third person pronoun, or a classifier. In the

previous section we saw that the stems of demonstrative pronouns in Hua are

formed from a demonstrative root and the suffix -bo'. Haiman (1980: 259)

characterizes -bo' as a "nominalizing suffix", used to derive pro-nominals from

a demonstrative root. Similar stem formations occur in several other languages

in my sample. Lezgian, for instance, has two demonstrative roots, i 'proximal'

and a 'distal', which may function as noun modifiers (e.g. a insan-ar that human-

PL 'those people'; Haspelmath 1993: 259). The demonstrative pronouns are

formed by combining i and a with the suffix -da 'ergative/oblique' (-di 'absolutive'),

which is otherwise used to derive nouns from adjectives. Haspelmath

(1993: 110) characterizes the demonstrative pronouns in Lezgian as "substantivised


(22) Lezgian (Haspelmath 1993: 110, 111)

a. -da deriving a noun from an adjective

˜qacu > ˜qacu-da

'green' '(the) green one'

b. -da deriving a DEM pronoun from a DEM root

i > i-da

'this' 'this one'

In other languages, demonstrative pronouns are composed of a demonstrative root

and a third person pronoun. Consider, for instance, the demonstrative in (23) from

Margi, which consists of the third person pronoun nàjà, the plural marker -'yàr,

and the demonstrative root -tà.

(23) Margi (Hoffmann 1963: 86)

ná1à nàjà-'yàr-tà 3-PL-that

'Give me those!'

Apart from Margi, there are six other languages in my sample in which demonstrative

pronouns are formed by combining a demonstrative root with a third

person pronoun: Acehnese, Ambulas, Ao, Barasano, Kokborok, and Khasi. In

some of these languages, the combination of a demonstrative root and a third


person pronoun is optional (e.g. Acehnese), but in others it is obligatory (e.g.

Ao). Table 15 shows the demonstrative pronouns in Ao. They are formed from

two demonstrative roots, ya 'proximal' and ci 'distal', and one of five third

person pronouns: pá 'he', lá 'she', ipá 'it', pa»lhnok 'they (human)', and item

'they (non-human)':

The demonstratives in Table 15 can be viewed as '(grammatical) compounds'

Table 15. Demonstrative pronouns in Ao (Gowda 1975: 34)

















formed from two independent words. Since they are only slightly different from

demonstratives with inflectional endings, I suspect that third person pronouns are

a common historical source for gender and number markers on demonstratives.

The grammaticalization path that I suggest is schematized in (24a-b).

(24) a. 3.PRO DEM > 3.PRO-DEM > AFFIX-DEM


At the initial stage of the grammaticalization process, demonstratives and third

person pronouns are two independent forms that commonly cooccur. Such

pronominal NPs occur, for instance, in Kusaiean (cf. 4.1.3). At the next stage, demonstratives

and third person pronouns coalesce and form a complex word

consisting of two elements that are still used as independent words in other

contexts. This stage is exemplified by the demonstratives in Ao in Table 15. At

the final stage, demonstratives and third person pronouns must cooccur and can

no longer be used in isolation. At this point, the third person pronouns have

basically assumed the function of gender/number markers.7

Finally, pronominal demonstratives are quite frequently formed from a demonstrative

root and a classifier, which may evolve into a noun class marker.

Examples from Mandarin Chinese, Yagua and Barasano are shown in (25) to

(27), respectively.


(25) Mandarin Chinese (Li and Thompson 1981: 533)



'that (one)'

(26) Yagua (Payne and Payne 1990: 374)



'this (one)'

(27) Barasano (Jones and Jones 1991: 57)



'that (one)'

The stems of demonstrative adverbs are usually distinguished from the stems of

demonstrative pronouns, determiners and identifiers. They are often formed from

a demonstrative root and a locative or directional affix, as in the following

example from Kiowa:

(28) Kiowa (Watkins 1984: 189)

鲘-dé Ø-df'˜-+Ი g'f ó-y

here-toward 3SG-move-come and over.there-widely.bounded

Ø-ph '˛ f˜


'He was coming here and stopped over there.'

Example (28) includes two demonstrative adverbs: one is marked by the locative

suffix -y 'location.widely.bounded' and the other by the directional marker -dé

'toward speaker'. The corresponding demonstrative pronouns/determiners are built

on the same demonstrative roots ( ˛ é˜-'proximal' and ó- 'distal'), but they combine

with other suffixes.

Similar demonstrative adverbs occur in many other languages in my sample.

Demonstrative adverbs in Yimas, for instance, are formed from three deictic

roots, k 'proximal', m 'medial', and n 'distal', and a locative affix. As shown in

Table 16, the proximal and distal roots combine with the prefix ta-, while the

medial form occurs with the suffix -nti.

Other languages form demonstrative adverbs from a demonstrative root and

a noun meaning 'place'. For instance, in Section 2.1.4 we saw that the demonstrative

adverbs in Korean developed from a demonstrative particle and the defective

noun eki 'place' (cf. 29).


(29) Korean (Sohn 1994: 296)

Table 16. Demonstrative adverbs in Yimas (Foley 1991: 114)







yeki < i eki

'here (NEAR S)' 'this place'

keki < ku eki

'there (NEAR H)' 'that place'

ceki < ce eki

'there (AWAY FROM S+H)' 'that place'

Similar demonstrative adverbs seem to occur in Kokborok (cf. Gowda 1975: 33).

2.3 Summary

In this chapter, I first described the demonstrative systems of four individual

languages and then I examined the morphological features of demonstratives more

systematically. The major findings of my investigation can be summarized as follows:

1. Though the demonstratives of most languages are independent words, there

are some languages in which certain demonstratives may cliticize to an

element in their environment.

2. The occurrence of demonstrative clitics is largely restricted to adnominal demonstratives;

pronominal, adverbial and identificational demonstratives are

almost always free forms.

3. Though (adnominal) demonstratives may cliticize to an adjacent element,

they are probably never bound to a specific word; that is, there are probably

no demonstrative affixes.

4. The inflectional features of demonstratives vary with their syntactic function:

pronominal demonstratives are more likely to inflect than adnominal and

identificational demonstratives, which, in turn, are more often inflected than

adverbial demonstratives. The latter are usually uninflected unless they occur

with a set of locational case markers.


5. The most frequent inflectional feature is number, followed by gender and


6. In languages in which nouns are inflected for gender, number and/or case,

pronominal demonstratives are always marked for the same features whereas

adnominal and identificational demonstratives are often uninflected. In fact,

if adnominal and/or identificational demonstratives are inflected, one can

predict that the pronominal demonstratives of the same language occur (at

least) with the same inflectional features.

7. Though the stems of most demonstratives are monomorphemic, there are demonstratives

whose stems are composed of multiple morphemes. The stems

of demonstrative pronouns may consist of a deictic root and a nominalizer,

a third person pronoun or a noun classifier, and the stems of demonstrative

adverbs may be formed from a deictic root and a locative/directional affix

or a locational noun. Demonstrative determiners and identifiers have either

the same stems as demonstrative pronouns or their stems consist solely of

a deictic root.



The previous chapter examined the morphological properties of demonstratives.

This chapter investigates their meaning. The meaning of demonstratives comprises

two kinds of features: (i) deictic features, which indicate the location of the

referent relative to the deictic center, and (ii) qualitative features, which characterize

the referent (cf. Lyons 1977: 648; cf. also Fillmore 1982; Rauh 1983; Hanks

1989, 1990). The deictic features indicate whether the referent is near or removed

from the deictic center, whether it is at a higher or lower elevation, uphill or

downhill, or whether it is moving toward or away from the deictic center. These

features are primarily encoded by demonstrative roots. The qualitative features

provide classificatory information about the referent. They indicate, for instance,

whether the referent is animate or inanimate, female or male, or human or nonhuman.

These features are usually expressed by morphemes that attach to a demonstrative

root, but in some languages the root itself is classifying. The

following two sections investigate the deictic and qualitative features of demonstratives,

respectively. The final section provides an overview of all features -

semantic, pragmatic and syntactic - that are commonly encoded by demonstratives.

3.1 The semantic features of demonstratives

3.1.1 Deictic features

Demonstratives are deictics. Deictic expressions are linguistic elements whose

interpretation makes crucial reference to some aspect of the speech situation. As

Levinson (1983: 54) puts it, "deixis concerns the ways in which languages encode

or grammaticalize features of the context of utterance or speech event, and thus

also concerns ways in which the interpretation of utterances depends on the

analysis of that context". Deictic expressions are traditionally divided into three

semantic categories: person, place and time (cf. Bühler 1934: 102). Person deixis


comprises the personal pronouns I and you, which denote the speech participants;

place deictic expressions refer to objects, locations or persons (apart from the

speech participants); and time deictic expressions indicate a temporal reference

point relative to the time of the speech event. Demonstratives are place (or

spatial) deictics. They indicate the relative distance of an object, location or

person vis-à-vis the deictic center (also called the origo), which is usually

associated with the location of the speaker.

In addition to person, place and time deixis, Levinson (1983: 61-96) discusses

two other deictic categories: "social deixis", which concerns the social status

of the speech participants (for which some languages employ honorifics), and

"discourse deixis", which applies to deictic elements that refer to aspects of the

surrounding discourse (cf. Fillmore 1997: 103-125). In Chapter 5, I show that demonstratives

are often used as discourse deictics, which can be seen as an

extension of their primary use as spatial deictics.

All languages have at least two demonstratives locating the referent at two

different points on a distance scale: a proximal demonstrative referring to an

entity near the deictic center, and a distal demonstrative indicating a referent that

is located at some distance to the deictic center. English, for instance, has such

a two-term deictic system, consisting of the proximal demonstratives here and

this and their distal counterparts there and that. There are many other languages

in my sample that have a two-term deictic system. Consider, for instance, the demonstratives

in Table 17 from Vietnamese. Like English, Vietnamese has two demonstrative

pronouns/determiners and two demonstrative adverbs. Note that the

proximal and distal forms of the demonstrative pronouns/determiners are only

distinguished by tone; they have the same segmental features.

Table 17. Demonstratives in Vietnamese (Thompson 1965: 142)








Both English and Vietnamese indicate the contrast between proximal and distal

referents through different demonstrative roots. Alamblak expresses the same

contrast through bound morphemes that attach to a demonstrative root unmarked

for distance.

As shown in Table 18, the deictic suffixes -ar 'proximal' and -ur 'distal' are

not obligatory to form pronominal/adnominal demonstratives in Alamblak. Bruce


(1984: 81-82) does not explain when and why a demonstrative root is used

Table 18. Demonstrative pronouns/determiners in Alamblak (Bruce 1984: 81)


















without a distance marker, but there are many examples in his grammar in which

Gnd does not occur with -ar or -ur. In such a case, Gnd is often translated by a

definite article, but it is always glossed as 'DEM'. It seems that Gnd serves a

pragmatic function that is somewhere in between a definite article and a demonstrative.

Like Alamblak, French uses two bound morphemes, ci 'proximal' and là

'distal', to indicate the relative distance of the referent to the deictic center. The

demonstrative roots themselves are distance-neutral. Table 19 shows that ci and

là are attached either to a demonstrative pronoun or to a noun that is preceded

by a demonstrative determiner.

The distance markers ci and là are usually obligatory to form a demonstrative

Table 19. Demonstrative pronouns/determines in French















ce livre-ci

cette maison-ci

ces livres-ci

ces maisons-ci

ce livre-là

cette maison-là

ces livres-là

ces maisons-là

pronoun; they can only be omitted if celui, celle, ceux, or celles are modified by

a relative clause or a prepositional phrase (cf. Calvez 1994: 62). The demonstrative

determiners ce, cette and ces, on the other hand, are frequently used without

ci or là. Harris (1978, 1980) argues that ce, cette and ces can be viewed as

definite articles rather than demonstratives when they occur without a distance

marker. This raises the interesting question whether distance is a necessary

feature of the category demonstrative. Are demonstratives generally marked for


distance or are there reasons to consider an item a demonstrative even if it does

not indicate the relative distance of its referent to the deictic center? Anderson

and Keenan (1985: 280) argue that a deictic expression unmarked for distance

"would be little different from a definite article" or third person pronoun (cf. Frei

1944: 119). In their view, demonstratives are generally distance-marked.

Himmelmann (1997: 53-62) takes a different view. He argues that demonstratives

do not always encode a deictic contrast. His hypothesis is primarily

based on data from colloquial German. There are two expressions in colloquial

German that one might consider demonstratives: dies and stressed das. Dies is

almost always used adnominally, but das can be both an independent pronoun and

a modifier of a cooccurring noun. Dies and das do not contrast deictically: both

forms may occur with proximal and distal meaning. In order to indicate that dies

or das are used contrastively, they are commonly accompanied by a demonstrative

adverb (e.g. das da 'this/that there', das Haus da 'this/that house there').

Himmelmann argues that at least one of these forms, dies, functions as a demonstrative.

8 He shows that dies serves the same pragmatic functions as demonstratives

that are deictically contrastive. Like this and that in English, dies focuses

the hearer's attention on entities in the speech situation, often in combination with

a pointing gesture. Since definite articles and third person pronouns do not

function to orient the hearer in the surrounding situation, dies must be a demonstrative

despite the fact that it does not encode a deictic contrast. Similar demonstratives

seem to occur in other languages. Supyire, for instance, has only one

series of demonstratives which, according to Carlson (1994: 160), is "used with

both proximal and distal meaning". I assume therefore, with Himmelmann, that

demonstratives are not generally distance-marked. Some languages have demonstratives

that do not indicate a deictic contrast. The occurrence of distance-neutral

demonstratives is, however, crosslinguistically infrequent. Apart from German and

Supyire there are only five other languages in my sample in which some demonstratives

are distance-neutral: Alamblak, French, Czech, Koyra Chiini, and Tok

Pisin. Moreover, even though pronominal and adnominal demonstratives are not

always deictically contrastive, adverbial demonstratives are generally distancemarked

(cf. Himmelmann 1997: 49). All eighty-five languages included in my

sample have at least two adverbial demonstratives that indicate a deictic contrast.

The occurrence of distance-neutral demonstratives is thus restricted to certain

syntactic contexts. All languages employ at least some demonstratives that are

distance-marked, and, as the examples from Alamblak, French, and German have

shown, distance-marked demonstratives are often used to reinforce demonstratives

that are distance-neutral (also in Koyra Chiini; cf. Heath 1999: 61). Distance is


thus after all a feature that occurs in the demonstrative system of all languages

even though individual elements of the system may lack a distance feature.

Turning to languages with three deictic terms, one has to distinguish between

systems in which the middle term refers to a location in medial distance relative

to the deictic center, and systems in which the middle term denotes a referent

close to the hearer. Anderson and Keenan (1985: 282-286) refer to these two

systems as distance-oriented and person-oriented systems, respectively (cf.

Fillmore 1982: 49-50). Spanish, for instance, has a distance-oriented system,

consisting of the demonstratives este 'proximal', ese 'medial' and aquel 'distal'

(Anderson and Keenan 1985: 283-5), while Japanese has a person-oriented

system, in which the middle terms (based on the deictic root so-) refer to a

location near the hearer: sore 'that (near hearer), soko 'there (near hearer)' etc.

(cf. Kuno 1973; Imai 1996). Two other examples from Yimas and Pangasinan are

shown in Table 20 and 21, respectively.

The demonstratives in Yimas are built on three demonstrative roots: k 'proximal'

Table 20. Demonstrative pronouns/determiners in Yimas (Foley 1991: 112)














Table 21. Demonstrative pronouns in Pangasinan (Benton 1971: 88)











and n 'distal', which take number prefixes, and m 'medial', which takes number

suffixes. They form a distance-oriented system, while the demonstratives in

Pangasinan are person-oriented: the middle term tan refers to a location near the

hearer. Anderson and Keenan (1985) point out that in both distance-oriented and

person-oriented systems the middle term is often the preferred form for anaphoric


Not every deictic system that includes three deictic terms is either a distance


or a person-oriented system. Nama, for instance, has three deictic terms which,

according to Anderson and Keenan (1985: 285-286), are basically used as a

variant of a two-term system. Nama uses the demonstrative nee to indicate a

referent near the deictic center, and it uses nãá ( is a click) in order to refer

to objects or persons that are not included in the domain that is conceptualized

as the deictic center. However, the latter term is only used in "neutral deictic

settings" and it does not occur in contrast to nee. That is, nee and nãá are never

used within the same construction to indicate that one of two referents is closer

to the deictic center than the other. In order to express a deictic contrast between

two referents, Nama employs a third demonstrative, náú 'distal', which is used

only in contrast either to nee or nãá; it never occurs in sentences without one

of the other two forms. Examples are given in (1a-b).

(1) Nama (Anderson and Keenan 1985: 286, 286)

a. nee kxòep tsı˜í náú kxòep

this man and that man

'this man and that one'

b. nãá kxòep tsı˜í náú kxòep

that man and that (other) man

'that man and that other one'

Returning to the contrast between distance and person-oriented systems, it is

interesting to note that distance-oriented systems tend to have fewer deictic terms

than person-oriented systems. A distance-oriented system is usually confined to

three deictic terms. Anderson and Keenan (1985: 286-295) report languages

having four, five or even more demonstratives distinguished by pure distance, but

such systems do not occur in my data. Based on the languages in my sample, I

would support Fillmore (1982: 48-9), who maintains that "that there are never

really more than three [distance categories]" and that all larger systems either

involve the hearer as a point of reference or other deictic dimensions such as

visibility or elevation.

Unlike distance-oriented systems, person-oriented systems may involve four

deictic terms. In Section 2.1.3 we saw, for instance, that Ewondo has four

adverbial demonstratives: vá 'near speaker', vála¯ 'near hearer', válí 'away from

speaker and hearer', and álí 'far away from speaker and hearer'. The corresponding

pronominal and adnominal demonstratives have only three deictic terms in

Ewondo, but as shown in Table 22, Quileute uses four distance categories

throughout the entire deictic system.

Note that the location of the hearer is only relevant to the first and second

terms within this system. The third and fourth distance categories relate the


referent to a domain that includes both speaker and hearer. In other words, the

Table 22. Demonstratives in Quileute (Andrade 1933: 246, 252)








yü'x» ˜o












deictic center is conceptualized in two different ways in this system: it is

conceptualized as the sole domain of the speaker (excluding the hearer) for the

first and second deictic terms (i.e. NEAR S and NEAR H); and it is conceptualized

as the common domain of speaker and hearer for the two other terms (i.e. NEAR

S+H and AWAY FROM S+H). None of the demonstratives in this system involves

more than three reference points: (i) the referent, (ii) the deictic center, and,

depending on the term, (iii) another reference object. A person-oriented system

including four deictic terms is thus basically a variant of a three-term deictic

system with an additional category for referents near the hearer.9

In addition to distance, demonstratives may indicate whether the referent is

visible or out of sight, at a higher or lower elevation, uphill or downhill, upriver

or downriver, or moving toward or away from the deictic center. Fillmore

(1982: 51) considers these features non-deictic, but based on the information that

I have gathered from my sources I would contend that they have a deictic

character. Like the features 'proximal' and 'distal', these features are deictic

because they indicate the location of the referent relative to the deictic center: the

referent is 'out of sight' or 'downriver' from the perspective of the speaker (or

some other reference point to which the deictic center has been shifted). It is

conceivable that some of the morphemes that encode these feature can also be

used non-deictically (e.g. uphill from the village), but in all of the sources that I

consulted their meaning is described in such a way that it involves the speaker

as the unmarked point of reference. This suggests that these features are deictic

and that the non-deictic use of these morphemes (if it exists) is due to pragmatic

extensions. In the remainder of this section, I discuss examples of demonstratives

that encode features of such semantic categories as visibility or elevation that

receive a deictic interpretation.

Visibility is a common deictic category in Native American languages. In my

sample, there are seven American Indian languages that have particular demon42


strative forms for invisible referents: West Greenlandic, Halkomelem, Quileute,

Passamaquoddy-Maliseet, Tümpisa Shoshone, Ute, and Epena Pedee. Table 23

shows the demonstrative pronouns/determiners in Ute (only the subject forms are

shown). Two of the three demonstratives in this table are distinguished by pure

distance while the third term is used for referents out of sight.

Most languages in which visibility is a feature of the deictic system have a single

Table 23. Demonstratives in Ute (Givón 1980: 55)














deictic term to indicate a referent out of sight, but Quileute has three: one for

referents nearby (which may be partly visible), one for referents whose location

is known, and one for referents whose location is unknown (cf. Andrade

1933: 252). Table 24 shows the three forms of the invisible demonstrative adverbs

in this language.

Another deictic dimension that is relatively frequent in my sample is elevation.

Table 24. Invisible demonstrative adverbs in Quileute (Andrade 1933: 252)

NEAR (maybe partly visible)



x» a'x» ˜e



Nine languages have demonstratives that indicate whether the referent is at a

higher or lower elevation relative to the deictic center. These demonstratives

occur in languages spoken in New Guinea (Usan, Hua, Tauya) in the Himalayan

area (Lahu, Khasi, Byansi), in Australia (Dyirbal, Ngiyambaa), and in the

Caucasus (Lezgian). Table 25 shows the deictic system in Khasi, which is based

on six demonstrative roots: three of them locate the referent on a distance scale,

two others indicate a referent at a higher or lower elevation, and one refers to

objects or locations out of sight. The demonstrative roots are either combined

with personal pronouns or with adpositions.

A similar system is employed in Lahu, which has five demonstrative

adverbs: three of them are distinguished by (pure) distance and the other two


indicate whether the referent is above or below the deictic center. The demonstra-

Table 25. Demonstratives in Khasi (Nagaraja 1985: 11-12; Rabel 1961: 67)


M.SG (u 'he') F.SG (ka 'she') PL (ki 'they') (ša 'to')































tives in Lahu are monomorphemic, they are uninflected and do not combine with

any other morpheme.

While Khasi and Lahu employ particular demonstrative roots in order to refer to

Table 26. Demonstrative adverbs in Lahu (Matisoff 1973: 110-1)








entities at different elevations, Tauya expresses the same deictic contrast through

prefixes that are attached to a demonstrative root: pise- refers to a location above

the deictic center, and tofe- indicates a referent at a lower elevation.

Like Tauya, Dyirbal indicates the horizontal location of a referent through bound

Table 27. Elevation in Tauya (MacDonald 1990: 102)








morphemes: -gali 'down' and -gala 'up' (cf. Dixon 1972: 48). In addition,


Dyirbal has also a series of bound forms that indicate whether the referent is

uphill or downhill from the perspective of the speaker:

Dixon treats the forms in Table 28 as single morphemes, but Anderson and

Table 28. Downhill and uphill in Dyirbal (Dixon 1972: 48)







-baydí i

-baydí a

-baydí u




Keenan (1985: 292) break them down into two elements: -baydí and -day, which

encode the geographical features 'downhill' and 'uphill', and the word final

vowels, -i, -a and -u, which indicate the distance features: 'short', 'medium' and

'long' (i.e. 'proximal', 'medial' and 'distal'). The forms in Table 28 are part of

a more complex system in which the feature 'hill' contrasts with the feature

'river', encoded by the following forms:

According to Dixon (1972: 48), "'river' is the marked feature in the system 'river

Table 29. Downriver and upriver in Dyirbal (Dixon 1972: 48)











versus hill'". Like the 'hill' suffixes, the 'river' suffixes consist of two morphemes,

-balb 'downriver' and -daw 'upriver', and the distance markers, -ala

'medial' and -ulu 'distal'.10

Geographical features such as uphill and downhill or upriver and downriver

are crosslinguistically uncommon. Apart from Dyirbal, there are only two other

languages in my sample in which they occur: Hua and West Greenlandic. Like

Dyirbal, Hua has demonstratives which indicate whether the referent is uphill or

downhill. They distinguish two degrees of distance: buga refers to a location a

short distance uphill; biga indicates a location a long distance uphill; muna refers


to a location a short distance downhill; and mina indicates a referent a long

distance downhill.

West Greenlandic has two demonstratives that refer to objects or locations along

Table 30. Uphill and downhill in Hua (Haiman 1980: 258)








the coastline: anna indicates a referent to the north along the coastline from the

perspective of the speaker, and qanna refers southwards relative to the location

of the speaker. The deictic system of West Greenlandic is especially complex.

Apart from anna and qanna, it includes three demonstrative roots that are marked

for pure distance: ma(t)- 'proximal', u(a)- 'medial', and ik- 'distal'; four demonstrative

roots that indicate distance and elevation: kat-/kan- 'down a medial

distance', sam- 'down a long distance', pik- 'up a medial distance', and pav- 'up

a long distance'; and two demonstrative roots that refer to an object or location

that is either "outside beyond a wall" or "on the other side (interior or exterior)

of some intervening surface, usually a wall or door": qam- 'interior/exterior' and

kig- 'exterior' (Fortescue 1984: 260). In addition, there is an archaic form used

for referents out of sight: im- 'invisible'. Table 31 shows the twelve demonstrative

roots employed in West Greenlandic combined with an absolutive case


All demonstratives that we have seen thus far in this section indicate a

stationary referent. In some languages, demonstratives are also used to indicate

that the referent is moving in a certain direction relative to the deictic center.

Movement (or direction) is often expressed by bound morphemes that attach to

a demonstrative stem. For instance, Nunggubuyu has three "kinetic suffixes"

(Heath 1980: 152) that indicate whether the referent is moving (i) toward the

speaker, (ii) away from the speaker, or (iii) across the speaker's line of vision.

The examples in (2a-b) illustrate the use of the directional markers. They are

suffixed to demonstrative identifiers in these examples, but they also occur with

demonstrative pronouns/determiners and adverbs (Heath 1984: 281-291).


(2) Nunggubuyu (Heath 1980: 152, 152, 152)

Table 31. Demonstrative roots in West Greenlandic (Fortescue 1984: 259-262)





































'There he/she comes.'

b. yuwa˜-gi˜-Áli


'There he/she goes away.'

c. yuwa˜-gi-yaj


'There he/she goes across.'

Similar demonstratives occur in several other languages in my sample. Kiowa, for

instance, has three directional markers that have the same meaning as the kinetic

affixes in Nunggubuyu: -dé indicates a referent moving toward the deictic center;

-p marks referents that are moving away from the deictic center; and -pé attaches

to demonstratives that refer to entities moving across the visual field of the speaker.

(3) Kiowa (Watkins 1984: 189, 189, 190)

a. f'˜-dé Ø-df'-+áî ˜

there-toward 3SG-move-come

'He was coming here (toward me from far away).'

b. f'-p Carnegie-kù Ø-df'˜-+hf'˜

there-away Carnegie-to 3SG-move-go

'He went off there toward Carnegie.'


c. f'˜-pé Ø-áî ˜

there-along 3SG-come.PAST

'She came along there.'

Finally, Inuktitut has a deictic prefix which indicates that the deictic center has

been shifted from the speaker to another person in the speech situation. Demonstratives

that are marked by this prefix refer to a location relative to the person to which

the deictic center has been shifted. Compare the following two examples:

(4) Inuktitut (Denny 1982: 362, 362)

a. pik-unga


'up there from my perspective' (speaker's perspective)

b. ta-ik-unga


'up there from your/his/her/their perspective(s)'

The demonstrative in (4a) consists of a deictic root and a locative marker; it

refers to a location that is 'up there' from the perspective of the speaker. The demonstrative

in (4b) occurs with the same locative marker, but in addition it is

marked by the "field shifting prefix" ta- (Denny 1982: 362). Ta- indicates that the

deictic center has been transferred from the speaker to another person so that the

referent of the demonstrative is 'up there' from the perspective of the person to

which the deictic center has been shifted.

3.1.2 Qualitative features

In addition to deictic information, demonstratives usually provide some qualitative

information about the referent. They may indicate, for instance, whether the

referent is animate or inanimate or whether it is a single entity or a set. I have

divided the qualitative features into six categories: (i) ontology, (ii) animacy, (iii)

humanness, (iv) sex, (v) number, and (vi) boundedness. I will discuss these

categories in turn.

The category of ontology subsumes two semantic features which indicate

whether a demonstrative refers to a location or to an object or person. In most

languages, demonstrative adverbs can only refer to a location while demonstrative

pronouns are used to indicate a person or object. In other words, the semantic

distinction between locational and non-locational referents corresponds rather

closely with the categorial distinction between demonstrative adverbs and



The categories animacy, humanness and sex overlap to some extent: a demonstrative

that indicates a human referent presupposes, for instance, that the

referent is also animate. However, since animacy, humanness and sex are not

synonymous, they must be kept separate.

Animacy distinctions are encoded by the demonstratives in several American

Indian languages in my sample (e.g. Apalai, Barasano, Hixkaryana, Passamaquoddy-

Maliseet, Ute). Table 32 shows the animate and inanimate demonstratives

in Apalai.

One of the few languages in which demonstratives are marked for humanness in

Table 32. (In)animate demonstratives in Apalai (Koehn and Koehn 1986: 95)
















my sample is Burushaski, an isolate language spoken in Pakistan. Burushaski

indicates humanness and animacy through distinct demonstrative roots. In

addition, it expresses sex as a secondary feature through certain case suffixes.

Table 33 shows the nominative/accusative, genitive and dative forms of the

proximal demonstrative pronouns. The nominative/accusative forms are unmarked

for sex, but the genitive and dative forms indicate the sex features of the referent

indirectly through their case endings.

In addition to animacy, humanness and sex, demonstratives may be marked for

Table 33. Demonstrative pronouns in Burushaski (Lorimer 1935: 141)









(+few others)


















number. Number is the most frequent non-deictic category of the demonstratives


in my sample (cf. 2.2.2). Most languages distinguish between singular and plural

forms only, but some languages have also a dual (cf. Ambulas 2.1.2). Table 34

shows that the demonstratives in Wardaman have as many as four number

features: (i) singular, (ii) dual, (iii) plural, and (iv) collective:

The last semantic category to be discussed in this section is boundedness (for a

Table 34. Demonstrative pronouns/determiners in Wardaman (Merlan 1994: 139)


















general discussion of the category 'boundedness' see Talmy 1988: 178-80).

Boundedness is a central category of the deictic system in Inuktitut. Inuktitut has

two series of demonstratives: one indicates a restricted referent and the other is

specifically used to indicate an unbound or extended referent. The two series are

shown in Table 35.

The bound forms, which Denny (1982: 360) calls "restricted", refer to an object

Table 35. Demonstrative roots in Inuktitut (Denny 1982: 372)









location "whose entire extent is comprehensible to the eye in a single glance",

while the unbound forms, which Denny calls "extended", refer to objects and

locations "whose entire extent is not comprehensible in a single glance" (Denny

1982: 360). The choice between these forms is not determined by the objective

size of the referent; crucial is how the speaker conceptualizes the entity to which

s/he refers.


3.1.3 Summary: the semantic features of demonstratives

The two previous sections described the semantic features of demonstratives,

which were divided into two categories: (i) deictic features, which indicate the

location of the referent relative to the deictic center, and (ii) qualitative features,

which provide some classificatory information about the referent. The major

results of these two sections are summarized in 1 to 6:

1. All languages have at least two demonstratives that are deictically contrastive:

a proximal demonstrative referring to an entity near the deictic center

and a distal demonstrative indicating a referent that is located in some

distance to the speaker.

2. In some languages, pronominal, adnominal and/or identificational demonstratives

are distance-neutral, but adverbial demonstratives are always deictically


3. Deictic systems that involve more than two deictic terms can be divided into

distance-oriented systems, in which the deictic center is the only point of

reference for the location of the referent, and person-oriented systems, in

which, in addition to the deictic center, the location of the hearer serves as

another reference point.

4. Distance-oriented systems have usually not more than three deictic terms

while person-oriented systems may have up to four.

5. In addition to distance, demonstratives often encode a number of 'special'

deictic features: they may indicate, for instance, whether the referent is

visible or out of sight, at a higher or lower elevation, uphill or downhill,

upriver or downriver, or moving toward or away from the deictic center.

6. Apart from deictic information, demonstratives usually provide some

qualitative information about the referent: they may indicate whether the

referent is a location, object or person, whether it is animate or inanimate,

human or non-human, female or male, a single entity or set, or conceptualized

as a restricted or extended entity.

3.2 The features of demonstratives: a systematic overview

In addition to semantic information, demonstratives often provide some information

concerning aspects of their pragmatic use and syntactic function. There are,

for instance, languages in which exophoric, anaphoric, discourse deictic, and

recognitional demonstratives have different forms, and there are also languages


in which pronominal, adnominal, adverbial, and identificational demonstratives

are formally distinguished. Thus, there are three kinds of features that demonstratives

encode: (i) semantic features, which indicate the kind of referent and its

location; (ii) pragmatic features, which indicate how demonstratives are used; and

(iii) syntactic features, which indicate their syntactic functions. Table 36 provides

an overview of all features - semantic, pragmatic and syntactic - that are

encoded by demonstratives in my sample.

Table 36. An overview of the features encoded by demonstratives


(i) Deixis

Distance Visibility Elevation Geography Movement













toward S

away from S

across the visual

field of S

(ii) Quality

Ontology Animacy Humanness Sex Number Boundedness















Category Case Agreement







(i) Gender




(ii) Number




(iii) Case




Use Reference



discourse deictic


(i) Emphasis



(ii) Contrast



(iii) Precision




The features in Table 36 are organized into three main categories: semantics,

syntax and pragmatics (given in bold italics). The three main categories are

divided into several subcategories (in italics), which subsume the features that are

directly encoded by demonstratives (in roman type). The features listed under

each subcategory are in contrastive distribution, but they may cooccur with

features of other subcategories. For instance, a demonstrative cannot have two

case features, but it may have a case feature, a category feature, up to three

agreement features, and so on. Let me emphasize that these features are meant

to characterize the information that is directly encoded in the morphological form

of a demonstrative. A demonstrative may be used, for example, as an anaphoric

pronoun referring to a human being, but if this is not reflected in its form it will

not have the features 'anaphoric', 'pronoun' and 'human'. Each feature is either

expressed by a demonstrative root or by one of the morphemes with which it

combines. In addition, there are a few forms in which a feature is associated with

the combination of a demonstrative root and a particular affix. For instance, some

languages have demonstratives that are interpreted as pronouns when they are

case-marked due to the fact that case markers only occur with pronominal demonstratives

in these languages (cf. 2.2.2 and 4.1). In such a case, the feature

'pronoun' is associated with the entire form rather than with one of its components.

The semantic features are divided into two categories: Deixis and Quality.

The category Deixis has five subcategories: (i) Distance, (ii) Visibility, (iii)

Elevation, (iv) Geography, and (v) Movement (or Direction). The category

Quality is divided into six subcategories: (i) Ontology, (ii) Animacy, (iii) Humanness,

(iv) Sex, (v) Number, and (vi) Boundedness. The features of these categories

were discussed at length in the previous two sections.

The syntactic features are divided into three categories: (i) Category, (ii)

Case, and (iii) Agreement. Category subsumes four features which indicate the

categorial status of a demonstrative: (i) 'pronoun', (ii) 'determiner', (iii) 'adverb',

and (iv) 'identifier'. The categorial status of demonstratives will be examined in

the following chapter. The agreement features are subsumed by three subcategories:

(i) Gender, (ii), Number and (iii) Case. Case is listed twice because case is

not only an agreement feature; its primary function is to indicate grammatical


The pragmatic features are divided into two categories: Use and Reference.

The category Use has four features: (i) 'exophoric', (ii) 'anaphoric', (iii) 'discourse

deictic', and (iv) 'recognitional'. Chapter 5 will show that many languages

employ distinct demonstrative forms for these four uses. The category Reference

is further divided into (i) Emphasis, (ii) Contrast, and (iii) Precision. The features

of these categories indicate the kind of reference that is expressed by a demonSEMANTICS


strative. More specifically, they indicate whether a demonstrative is (i) emphatic

or non-emphatic, (ii) contrastive or non-contrastive, and (iii) whether it is used

with vague or precise reference. Since these features are not discussed anywhere

else in this study, I use the remainder of this section to illustrate their form and


Emphasis is usually expressed by emphatic suffixes that attach to a demonstrative

root, as in the following example from Ngiti.

(5) Ngiti (Kutsch 1994: 374)

w'f-r'I nf'ny ' } tsìtsì

DEM-EMPH eat.PF banana(s)

'That one has eaten bananas.'

Similar emphatic affixes augment demonstratives in Basque (Saltarelli 1988: 215-6),

Dyirbal (Dixon 1972: 48), Logbara (Crazzolara 1960: 55), Ewondo (Redden

1980: 70), and Ponapean (Rehg 1981: 143-154).12 Table 37 shows the emphatic

and non-emphatic demonstrative determiners in Ponapean (allomorphs are

omitted). The emphatic forms consist of the non-emphatic singular forms and a

numeral classifier. The classifier shown in this table is men, which indicates an

animate referent. Inanimate demonstrative pronouns involve a different classifier.

The emphatic plural forms are formed by combining the non-emphatic demonstratives

with the morpheme pwu-, which does not occur in any other context.

Like Emphasis, Contrast is usually expressed through a particular affix. Woleaian,

Table 37. Emphatic demonstrative determiners in Ponapean (Rehg 1981: 144, 149)















for instance, has a suffix that indicates a contrastive referent "as when pointing

out one member of a group" (Anderson and Keenan 1985: 289):

(6) Woleaian (Anderson and Keenan 1985: 289)



'that one near you'


Like Woleaian, Manam marks contrastiveness by a particular suffix. Demonstratives

being marked by this suffix indicate that the speaker selects the referent

"out of a set" (Lichtenberk 1983: 334).

(7) Manam (Lichtenberk 1983: 334)

tomóata ]áe-ni-Ø y-ún-a

man this-SELECT-3SG 3SG-hit-1SG.OBJ

'This man (out of several) hit me.'

Finally, there are demonstratives that indicate either vague or precise reference.

Ewondo, for instance, has two series of adverbial demonstratives that convey this

kind of information: vá 'near speaker', vála¯ 'near hearer', válí 'away from

speaker and hearer, and álí 'far away from speaker and hearer' are used with

precise reference, while mú 'around the location of the speaker', múlu¯ 'around the

location of the hearer', wóé 'away from the location of speaker and hearer' and

múlí 'far away from the location of speaker and hearer' indicate a location

somewhere around (or in the vicinity of) a certain point of reference (cf. 2.3).

Similarly, in Daga, a language spoken in New Guinea, demonstratives occur with

the suffix -na if the location of the referent is vague, and they are unmarked if

they refer to a precise location (cf. Anderson and Keenan 1985: 291).13

Concluding this chapter, I describe some demonstratives using the features

in Table 36. The number of features that are encoded by a demonstrative varies

with the size of the demonstrative system: demonstratives of complex systems

provide more information than demonstratives of small systems. Acehnese, for

instance, has only three invariable demonstratives which carry one semantic

feature (cf. 8), while the demonstratives in Tümpisa Shoshone, which has more

than a hundred different forms, indicate seven features (cf. 9).

(8) Acehnese nyoe

Syntax -

Semantics proximal

Pragmatics -

(9) Tümp. Shoshone s-u-tungku 'ANA-INVIS-NOM.DU'

Syntax pronoun/determiner


Semantics invisible



Pragmatics anaphoric


(10) English there

Syntax adverbial

Semantics distal


Pragmatics exophoric/anaphoric

(11) Ngiyambaa ]a-ni-la: 'DIST-LOC-GIVEN'

Syntax pronoun/determiner/(adverb/identifier)



Semantics distal


Pragmatics anaphoric

(12) Korean i

Syntax determiner

Semantics proximal

Pragmatics exophoric/anaphoric

(13) German dessen

Syntax pronoun/determiner




Semantics neutral




Pragmatics exophoric/anaphoric



Having described the morphological and semantic properties of demonstratives,

I now examine their syntactic features. As pointed out in the introduction, I

distinguish between the use of a demonstrative in a specific syntactic context and

its categorial status. Demonstratives occur in four different syntactic contexts: (i)

they are used as independent pronouns in argument position of verbs and

adpositions, (ii) they may cooccur with a noun in a noun phrase, (iii) they may

function as verb modifiers, and (iv) they occur in copular and nonverbal clauses.

I refer to demonstratives being used in one of these four contexts as (i) pronominal,

(ii) adnominal, (iii) adverbial, and (iv) identificational demonstratives,

respectively. Some languages have only one series of demonstratives that they use

in all four contexts, but most languages employ distinct demonstrative forms in

some or all of these positions. If adnominal, pronominal, adverbial, and identificational

demonstratives are formally distinguished, I assume that they belong to

different grammatical categories, which I refer to as (i) demonstrative pronouns,

(ii) demonstrative determiners, (iii) demonstrative adverbs, and (iv) demonstrative

identifiers, respectively.

The term demonstrative pronoun is probably the most transparent term of

these four notions. Demonstrative pronouns are pro-nominals; they are used in

lieu of a noun (phrase) and have the usual morphological features of nominals

(i.e. gender, number and case), if the nominals of a particular language are

marked for these features (cf. 2.2.2).

The term demonstrative determiner applies to adnominal demonstratives that

are formally distinguished from demonstratives in other syntactic contexts.

Traditional grammar assumes that demonstrative determiners are noun modifiers

(e.g. Bloomfield 1933), but Hudson (1984), Abney (1987) and others have argued

that the determiner is head of NP (or DP). Below I argue against the "Determiner-

as-head hypothesis". More specifically, I show that some of the head

features are shared by a demonstrative determiner and a cooccurring noun.


The term demonstrative adverb is adopted from Fillmore (1982: 47), who

uses this notion for locational deictics such as English here and there (and also

for manner demonstratives, cf. 4.2). The category adverb applies to a variety of

items that are semantically quite diverse and morphologically often not consistently

marked as a particular word class (cf. Schachter 1985: 20). Syntactically,

adverbs are used as modifiers of verbs, adjectives and other adverbs. Since

locational deictics are primarily used to indicate the location of the event or

situation denoted by a cooccurring verb they may be classified as adverbs.

The term demonstrative identifier is used for demonstratives in copular and

nonverbal clauses that are formally distinguished from demonstratives in other

sentence types. The term has the connotation of a semantic or pragmatic notion,

but I use it as a label for a grammatical category on a par with demonstrative

pronouns, determiners and adverbs. In two previous studies (Diessel 1997a,

forthcoming) I referred to demonstrative identifiers as "predicative demonstratives".

I adopted this notion from studies by Denny (1982: 365) and Heath

(1984: 269-336), where it is used to refer to a particular class of demonstratives

in Inuktitut and Nunggubuyu. Other notions that I have found in the literature that

seem to correspond to the notion of demonstrative identifier are "demonstrative

predicator" (Schuh 1977), "predicative pronoun" (Marconnès 1931: 110), "copulative

demonstrative" (Ziervogel 1952: 47-8), "existential demonstrative" (Benton

1971: 90), "pointing demonstrative" (Rehg 1981: 143), and "deictic identifier

pronoun" (Carlson 1994: 160). Since demonstrative identifiers often occur in

nonverbal clauses, they are sometimes considered to be functionally equivalent

to a demonstrative plus copula, which many languages require in this construction

(Hengeveld 1992). In fact, demonstrative identifiers are often glossed as

'this/' or 'here/' (e.g. Carlson 1994: 241; Dayley 1989: 145). This

explains why some studies use the attribute 'predicative' in order to characterize

demonstrative identifiers. The occurrence of demonstrative identifiers is, however,

not restricted to nonverbal clauses. Demonstratives in copular sentences are also

often distinguished from (pronominal) demonstratives in other sentence types.

Since the demonstratives in copular clauses are certainly not predicative, I

decided to replace the notion predicative demonstrative by demonstrative identifier.

In the following three sections, I discuss the evidence for the distinction

between demonstrative pronouns, determiners, adverbs, and identifiers, and I take

a closer look at languages in which these categories are not distinguished. I begin

by examining the distinction between demonstrative pronouns and determiners,

then I discuss demonstrative adverbs, and finally I consider the evidence for my

hypothesis that many languages have a class of demonstrative identifiers.


4.1 Demonstrative pronouns and demonstrative determiners

The majority of languages uses the same demonstrative forms as independent

pronouns and as modifiers of a cooccurring noun. In my sample, there are only

twenty-four languages in which pronominal and adnominal demonstratives are

formally distinguished. In some of these languages they have different stems, as

in the following examples from Mulao and Japanese:

Mulao uses the demonstratives ni5 and hui5 as independent pronouns and na˜i6

Table 38. Demonstratives in Mulao (Wang and Guoqiao 1993: 52)








Table 39. Demonstratives in Japanese (Kuno 1973: 27)









and ka6 as modifiers of a cooccurring noun (the superscript numbers indicate

tone). The Japanese demonstratives consist of a distance and a category marker:

ko-, so- and a- indicate the relative distance between the referent and the deictic

center, and -re and -no indicate whether the demonstrative functions as a pronoun

or determiner.

In other languages, pronominal and adnominal demonstratives have the same

stems but differ in their inflection (cf. 2.2.2). Two examples from Turkish and

Lezgian are shown in Table 40 and 41 respectively.

Turkish has three demonstrative roots: bu 'proximal', s¸u 'medial', and o

'distal' (Lewis 1967 glosses s¸u 'the following'). The demonstrative determiners

are uninflected, but the demonstrative pronouns occur with number and case

suffixes, which are joined to the demonstrative root by an alveolar nasal. Like

Turkish, Lezgian has three demonstrative roots, i 'proximal', a 'distal' and at'a

'yonder'. They are marked for gender and number when they are used as


independent pronouns, but they are uninflected when they cooccur with an

Table 40. Demonstratives in Turkish (Kornfilt 1997: 106, 311)






















SG/PL bu s¸u o

PL ABS bun-lar s¸un-lar on-lar

Table 41. Demonstratives in Lezgian (Haspelmath 1993: 111)





















SG/PL i a at'a

(inflected) noun (cf. 2.2.2).

If pronominal and adnominal demonstratives have different stems as in

Mulao and Japanese or if they differ in their inflectional behavior as in Turkish

and Lezgian, I assume that they belong to different grammatical categories,

which I refer to as demonstrative pronouns and demonstrative determiners,


4.1.1 Adnominal demonstrative pronouns

Unlike Mulao, Japanese, Turkish, and Lezgian, most languages use the same demonstrative

forms in the position of independent pronouns and adjacent to a

cooccuring noun. In my sample, there are sixty-one languages in which

adnominal and pronominal demonstratives have the same stems and the same

inflectional features. In most of these languages there is no evidence that

pronominal and adnominal demonstratives belong to different categories. Both


demonstratives are often independent pronouns, which are either used as arguments

of verbs and adpositions or adjoined to a coreferential noun in apposition

(cf. Hale 1983; Heath 1986; Baker 1996: chap4). Tuscarora, for instance, has two

demonstratives, hè˜ní˜k6˜˜ 'this/these' and kyè˜ník6˜˜ 'that/those', which are either

used as independent pronouns or with a cooccurring noun (Mithun 1987). When

hè˜ní˜k6˜˜ and kyè˜ník6˜˜ are used adnominally they are only loosely combined with

the juxtaposed noun: (i) both noun and demonstrative can represent the entire NP

without the other element, (ii) their position with respect to each other is flexible

(cf. 1a-b), and (iii) they are often separated by an intonational break (cf. 1c):

(1) Tuscarora (Mithun 1987: 184, 184, 186)

a. hè˜ní˜k6˜˜ áha˜q

that horse

'that horse'

b. u‘né˜wa˜k hè˜ní˜k6˜˜

ghost that

'that ghost'

c. wa‘tkahá˜hi˜q hè˜ní˜k6˜˜, ... ruya‘kwáhehr that he.body.carries

'It met that dinosaur.'

Based on these examples, Mithun (1987) argues that adnominal demonstratives

in Tuscarora are free nominals that cooccur with a coreferential noun in apposition.

There are several other languages in my sample in which adnominal demonstratives

behave in the same way as in Tuscarora and have been analyzed as

independent pronouns that are juxtaposed to a coreferential noun (e.g. Dyirbal,

Nunggubuyu, Wardaman, Oneida, West Greenlandic, Karanga). In some of these

languages, adnominal demonstratives may even be separated from the noun by

an intervening constituent. Such discontinuous noun phrases are quite common

in Australian languages (cf. Dixon 1972; Hale 1983; Heath 1986). An example

from Wardaman is shown in (2).

(2) Wardaman (Merlan 1994: 143)

dang-nyi wunggun-bu-ndi yibiyan-yi

yonder-ERG 3SG:3NON.SG-hit-PAST man-ERG

'That man hit them.'

In Tuscarora and Wardaman, adnominal demonstratives are not categorially

distinguished from demonstrative pronouns. These languages do not have a


particular class of demonstrative determiners. Adnominal demonstratives are

demonstrative pronouns that are adjoined to a neighboring noun in some kind of

appositional structure.14

4.1.2 Adnominal demonstratives in English

At this point one might ask whether adnominal and pronominal demonstratives

generally belong to the same category if they are phonologically and morphologically

indistinguishable. Consider, for instance, the adnominal demonstratives in

English. They have the same form as pronominal demonstratives, but are they independent

pronouns that are joined to an appositive noun, or do they function as

determiners? The categorial status of demonstratives in English is controversial.

To begin with, Van Valin and LaPolla (1997: 62) argue that "demonstratives

are pronominal in nature". In their view, this and that are pronouns no matter

where they occur. If they are used adnominally they occupy a particular slot in

the noun phrase. Van Valin and LaPolla use tree diagrams with two "projections"

in order to describe the syntactic and semantic relationships between the elements

of a noun phrase: a "constituent projection", which represents the major constituents

of the noun phrase, and an "operator projection", which represents the

operators of the noun and the entire NP. Both the constituent and operator

projection have several layers: nucleus, core, periphery, and the whole noun

phrase. For Van Valin and LaPolla's treatment of adnominal demonstratives, it

is essential to distinguish between elements that occur inside of the core layer and

elements outside of the core. To be precise, there is only one slot outside of the

core, called the "NP-initial position", which is the place where possessor NPs

usually occur. Articles, adjectives and numerals are treated as operators of the

core; they are only represented in the operator projection:























NUM operator projection

constituent projection

Figure 2. Layered structure of NP (Van Valin and LaPolla 1997: 59)

Adnominal demonstratives are also treated as operators by Van Valin and

LaPolla. But unlike articles, demonstratives are not 'pure' operators in their view.

They are also represented in the constituent projection where they occupy the

NP-initial position (NPIP) outside of the core.
















operator projection

constituent projection




Figure 3. Layered structure of NP with adnominal DEM (Van Valin and LaPolla 1997: 62)

In this analysis, adnominal demonstratives are pronouns that occur in a specific

syntactic slot in which independent nominals (i.e. pronouns or nouns) function as

operators of a juxtaposed noun (phrase). Van Valin and LaPolla (1997: 62) point

out that in their analysis the house has a different syntactic structure from this

house because articles and adnominal demonstratives are treated as members of

two distinct categories, which are associated with different slots in the noun

phrase: articles are pure operators inside of the core, while (adnominal) demonstratives

are treated as independent pronouns that may "occur as NP modifiers"

outside of the core (Van Valin and LaPolla 1997: 62). In defense of their analysis,

Van Valin and LaPolla argue that although this "might seem odd from an English

perspective" there is good crosslinguistic evidence that articles and adnominal demonstratives

are categorially distinguished. They point out that in some languages

articles and adnominal demonstratives may cooccur, and they cite Dryer's work

on word order correlations (Dryer 1989a, 1992a), which shows that articles and

demonstratives follow different word order patterns across languages: while the

order of article and noun correlates with the order of verb and object, the order

of demonstrative and noun is in principle independent of the basic word order

pattern that characterizes a particular language (cf. Dryer 1989a: 89, 1992a: 103-4).

Crosslinguistically, demonstratives tend to precede the noun regardless of the


order of verb and object (cf. Dryer 1989a: 95, 1992a: 96). This might indicate, as

Dryer points out, that articles and demonstratives do not always belong to the

same category.

Though articles and demonstratives are not always members of the same

category, there is good evidence that English the and this/that have the same

categorial status. English is one of the few languages in my sample in which

adnominal demonstratives are in paradigmatic relationship with articles, possessives

and other noun operators (e.g. every), which share a number of syntactic

features. This is a clear indication that adnominal this and that belong to a

category of determiners subsuming (adnominal) demonstratives, articles, possessives

and several other items such as every. Van Valin and LaPolla's argument

is based on the assumption that adnominal demonstratives have the same categorial

status across all languages, but that is not the case. As shown above,

there are languages in which adnominal demonstratives are independent pronouns

that are adjoined to a coreferential noun in apposition, and there are other

languages in which adnominal demonstratives are determiners, which require a

cooccurring noun.

To summarize the discussion thus far, I consider adnominal demonstratives

determiners if they are formally distinguished from demonstratives in other

contexts. They might differ from demonstrative pronouns, adverbs and identifiers

in three ways. First, they might have a particular phonological form, as in Mulao

and Japanese (cf. 4.1). Second, they might differ in their inflectional behavior,

as in Turkish and Lezgian (cf. 4.1). And third, they might have specific syntactic

properties, as in English, where adnominal demonstratives belong to the same

paradigm as articles and possessives. Adnominal this and that cannot be treated

as pro-nominals, unless one wants to claim that all determiners are independent

pronouns in English.

Assuming that the adnominal demonstratives in English are determiners, one

could argue, as an alternative to Van Valin and LaPolla's analysis, that pronominal

this and that are determiners that accompany an empty head instead of a

cooccurring noun. This view is captured in the tree diagram in Figure 4, which

I adopted from Abney (1987: 279-280). Abney discusses this structure as an

alternative to the analysis that he eventually suggests (see below).







Figure 4. Demonstrative determiner with empty head noun (Abney 1987: 280)

Figure 4 provides an analysis that solves the problem in theory: if pronominal demonstratives

in English generally cooccur with an empty head, they are indeed

determiners. But as far as I can see, there is no empirical evidence for this claim.

Pronominal this and that do not constitute empty-headed NPs. There is no

structural and no psycholinguistic evidence that would support such a claim. The

assumption that adnominal demonstratives accompany an empty head is motivated

by theory internal considerations, which are irrelevant to the current investigation.

After considering the structure in Figure 4, Abney (1987) presents an

alternative analysis. He maintains that pronouns and determiners are in principle

not distinguished. That is, Abney claims that pronouns such as I, he and someone

belong to the same category as determiners such as a, the and every (cf. Postal

1969; Vennemann and Harlow 1977; Hudson 1984: 90-2). Abney refers to the

members of this category as determiners, but they should be called 'pro-terminers'

to be neutral.

In order to understand Abney's hypothesis, one has to consider the context

in which it is proposed. Abney is not interested in the categorial status of this and

that; he is primarily concerned with the structure of the noun phrase in English

and constituency in universal grammar. His ultimate goal is to show that NP has

basically the same constituent structure as IP. Abney assumes, for conceptual

reasons, that the constituent structure of all phrases is essentially the same and

should be reduced to a single X-bar schema. IP is a maximal projection of a

functional category, namely of INFL. Abney suggests that determiners are the

equivalent of INFL in NP. That is, he claims that determiners project a phrase in

which the determiner functions as head and the noun as a complement of the








Figure 5. Determiner phrase (Abney 1987: 279)

In order to account for the different behavior of traditional pronouns and

traditional determiners, Abney distinguishes between different subtypes of

determiners. More specifically, he claims that the category determiner is subcategorized

in the same way as the category verb. Like verbs, determiners can be

transitive or intransitive. Traditional determiners such as the definite article the

are transitive; they take a noun as their complement. Traditional pronouns, on the

other hand, are intransitive determiners that do not take a complement. In this

approach, demonstratives are treated as determiners with variable valency: they

may be used intransitively without a nominal complement, or they are used

transitively in a determiner phrase. Demonstratives correspond to verbs such as

eat or burn, which can also be both transitive and intransitive.15

Abney's analysis is largely motivated by conceptual and theory internal

considerations, as he himself points out (Abney 1987: 351). He abandons the

distinction between determiners and pronouns primarily because this strengthens

the "Det-as-head analysis", which, in turn, allows him to maintain that the

structure of NP/DP is basically the same as the structure of IP.16 If determiners

belong to the same category as pronouns it appears to be more plausible to

analyze determiners as the head of NP/DP because pronouns are commonly

treated as the head of NP. There is, however, only little empirical support for this

claim. The only piece of evidence that might suggest that pronouns and determiners

are not distinguished comes from items such as this and that that can be

both independent pronouns and determiners. But since most pronouns cannot

function as determiners and most determiners cannot be used as independent

pronouns this argument alone is not convincing. Abney seeks to support his

analysis by two other empirical observations. First, he argues that in certain

contexts personal pronouns such as I and you are also used as determiners, as in

I Claudius and you idiot(s) (Abney 1987: 282). This argument is, however, based

on false assumptions. The personal pronouns that are used in these examples are

not restrictive. They do not determine the referential scope of the associated

nominal; rather, they are used as independent pronouns that cooccur with an

appositive noun.17


Second, Abney (1987: 283) claims that determiners are also similar to pronouns

in that they are the basic site of the grammatical features that characterize

a noun phrase. Chapter 2 has shown, however, that pronominal and adnominal

demonstratives do not always behave in the same way in this respect. There are

many languages in which adnominal demonstratives are not the site of grammatical

features even though pronominal demonstratives inflect. Abney's hypothesis that

determiners and pronouns form a single category is thus empirically unmotivated

and therefore I suggest that pronominal and adnominal this and that are to be

categorially distinguished.

To summarize, we have considered three analyses of this and that providing

three different answers to the question: what is the categorial status of adnominal

demonstratives in English? Van Valin and LaPolla argue that both adnominal and

pronominal this and that are independent pronouns. Alternatively, it has been

argued that they function as determiners, which cooccur either with a noun or an

empty head. Finally, Abney suggests that one should abandon the distinction

between pronouns and determiners altogether. All three analyses treat pronominal

and adnominal demonstratives as members of the same category, but ultimately

they are not convincing. I follow therefore the traditional view, which holds that

pronominal and adnominal this and that belong to different categories despite the

fact that they are phonologically and morphologically not distinguished (cf.

Bloomfield 1933). Adnominal this and that occur in a specific syntactic slot

where they cannot be analyzed as pronouns, and there is no evidence that

pronominal this and that would function as determiners. The English demonstratives

have the syntactic properties of two distinct word classes, and it seems that

one can only account for this if one assumes that adnominal and pronominal demonstratives

are categorially distinguished. Like many other languages, English

has both demonstrative pronouns and demonstrative determiners.

It is, of course, no accident that pronominal and adnominal this and that

share the same phonological and morphological features. Historically, the

determiners can be traced back to independent pronouns. Old English did not

have demonstrative determiners. Unlike adnominal demonstratives in Modern

English, adnominal demonstratives in Old English were not obligatory to form a

noun phrase and could cooccur with other elements that determine a noun

semantically such as possessives (cf. Traugott 1992: 173):


(3) Old English (Traugott 1992: 173)

þa com þær gan in to me heofoncund Wisdom, &

then came there going in to me heavenly Wisdom and

þæt min murnede mod mid his wordum gegrette

that my sad spirit with his words greeted

'Then heavenly Wisdom came to me there and greeted my sad spirit

with his words.'

In example (3), the demonstrative þæt cooccurs with a possessive pronoun. In

such a case, the demonstrative usually precedes the possessor as in (3), but

Traugott (1992: 173) points out that there are also examples in Old English in

which the demonstrative follows the possessor. Both the fact that demonstratives

could cooccur with a possessive (pro)noun and that their position vis-à-vis the

possessor was not entirely fixed shows that the noun phrase in Old English was

not as tightly constrained as the noun phrase in Modern English. Traugott

(1992: 173) argues that there are examples in the Old English data in which

adnominal demonstratives can only be analyzed as independent pronouns.

Consider, for instance, the demonstrative in (4):

(4) Old English (Traugott 1992: 173)

se heora cyning ongan ða singan

that their king began then to.sing

'He (that one), their king, then began to sing.'

Old English is a so-called 'verb-second language' in which the finite verb occurs

after the first constituent of a clause, which is typically an adverb (cf. Traugott

1992: 275). Sentence (4) includes the temporal adverb ða 'then', which was

strongly preferred in sentence initial position. Traugott (1992: 173) argues that ða

does not occur before the verb in this example because the demonstrative se "is

probably a pronoun in a topicalized construction", which motivates the unusual

occurrence of the subject NP before the verb, where it is joined to the coreferential

demonstrative in some kind of appositional structure. If it is correct that the

adnominal demonstratives of Old English were independent pronouns, as the

analysis of (4) suggests, one has to assume that the demonstrative determiners of

Modern English developed from a pronominal source.

Himmelmann (1997) argues that the evolution of determiners from independent

pronouns is due to a common historical process whereby pragmatic discourse

structures develop into tightly organized phrase structure configurations (cf. Givón

1979; Hopper 1987; Lehmann 1995a). In his view, syntactic structure is the result

of a grammaticalization process by which elements in apposition (or juxtaposition)


are reanalyzed as hierarchically organized phrases (cf. Givón 1979: chap5).

Himmelmann points out that this process has an effect on the categorial status

of the elements that are involved in an emergent phrase structure configuration.

An appositional noun phrase, for instance, consists of two nominals, one of which

might be a pronoun. When such a structure is reanalyzed as a hierarchically

organized NP the categorial statuses of the items involved in this structure change

and new grammatical categories emerge. In the case of the English noun phrase,

pronominal elements such as demonstratives and possessives were reanalyzed as

determiners. They are distinguished from independent pronouns in that they fill

a specific slot in the NP, which can only be occupied by an element that belongs

to a particular class of linguistic items. The categorial change that led from

pronouns to determiners is not yet reflected in the morphology of this and that,

but as the grammaticalization process continues pronouns and determiners might

eventually assume different forms.

The grammaticalization process that gave rise to the structure of the noun

phrase in Modern English did not only affect the demonstratives and other

adnominal elements, it also changed the status of the cooccurring noun. In Old

English, nouns were free nominals which could form a noun phrase without a

cooccurring article, demonstrative or possessive. In Modern English, the occurrence

of bare nouns is restricted to certain types of nouns (e.g. proper names,

mass nouns) and certain uses (e.g. indefinite plural). In all other contexts, a noun

requires a cooccurring determiner as much as a determiner requires a cooccurring

noun. The noun phrase of Modern English is a grammatical construction in which

neither the noun nor the determiner can be the sole representation of the whole

phrase.18 Himmelmann (1997: 144-157) argues that the head and dependent

properties of the English NP is split between its components. Following Zwicky

(1985, 1993), he assumes that the distinction between heads and dependents is

based on a set of semantic, syntactic and morphological features, as shown in

Table 42.

In the unmarked case, the head and dependent features are divided among

the constituents of the phrase, but both Zwicky and Himmelmann argue that in

some constructions the head and dependent features are split among their

components. The noun phrase of Modern English provides an excellent example.

Semantically, the noun is the head of the construction, and since many determiners

do not inflect (e.g. a, the, every) one might argue that the noun is also the

morphosyntactic locus. However, the syntactic head features are represented by

both the noun and the determiner: (i) both constituents are usually required, (ii)

both the demonstrative and the noun have word rank (i.e. there can only be one

element of each in a noun phrase), and (iii) together they determine the categorial


status of the phrase and its external syntax (Lyons 1977: 392). The adnominal de-

Table 42. Head and dependent features (Zwicky 1993: 298)

Head Dependent






word rank

category determinant

external representative

morphosyntactic locus



phrase rank


externally transparent

morphosyntactically irrelevant

monstratives in English have therefore both head and dependent features. They

must be distinguished from pure modifiers such as adjectives, which have only

dependent features. Unlike demonstratives, adjectives (i) are not obligatory, (ii)

they do not have word rank (i.e. they can be iterated and modified by an adverb),

and (iii) they are irrelevant to the external syntactic behavior of a noun phrase.

In order to indicate that determiners are distinguished from ordinary noun

modifiers, they are sometimes given a special status. In the generative literature,

demonstratives are often classified as specifiers (Chomsky 1981), which are

distinguished from modifiers such adjectives due to the fact that they have both

head and dependent features (cf. Zwicky 1993; Pollard and Sag 1994; Borsley


4.1.3 Pronominal demonstrative determiners

In the previous two sections, we have seen that some languages distinguish

between demonstrative pronouns and determiners while other languages have only

demonstrative pronouns. In this section, I show that there are also languages that

have only demonstrative determiners and lack a class of demonstrative pronouns.

We have already seen an example of such a language in Chapter 2, where I have

argued that Korean uses a demonstrative determiner and a defective noun in lieu

of a demonstrative pronoun. Korean does not have demonstratives that are used

as independent pronouns; (pronominal) demonstratives are always accompanied

by a nominal constituent, as in the following example:


(5) Korean (Sohn 1994: 295)

[ce il-ul] nwu-ka mak-keyss-ni

[that thing-ACC who-NOM block-will-Q

'Who would be able to block that?'

There are several other languages in my sample in which demonstratives are

generally embedded in a noun phrase. In some of these languages demonstratives

are accompanied by a classifier, as in the following example from Nùng:

(6) Nùng (Saul and Freiberger Wilson 1980: 61)

[tú té] non cá mu'n

[CLASS that sleep all night

'That one slept all night.'

In other languages, demonstratives cooccur with a third person pronoun, as in (7)

from Kusaiean:

(7) Kusaiean (Lee 1975: 101)

el uh

3SG this

'this (one)'

In Chapter 2, we saw that some languages form demonstrative pronouns from a

demonstrative root and a classifier (e.g. Barasano) or a third person pronoun (e.g.

Ao). The examples from Nùng and Kusaiean suggest that these demonstratives

are historically derived from a noun phrase in which the two elements were


Although some languages do not have independent demonstrative pronouns,

there are two contexts in which demonstratives usually do not cooccur with a

nominal constituent: (i) in copular and nonverbal clauses, and (ii) in contexts

where a demonstrative refers to an adjacent proposition. Consider the following

two examples:

(8) Kusaiean (Lee 1975: 109)

Sohn pa nge

John (COP) this

'This is John.'

(9) Nùng (Saul and Freiberger Wilson 1980: 21)

da» lão tê va» tê

grandmother that say that

'That grandmother said that.'


Example (8) shows a demonstrative in a copular clause; and example (9) shows

a demonstrative that refers to an adjacent proposition or speech act. Although demonstratives

are usually accompanied by a third person pronoun or a classifier

in Kusaiean and Nùng, the demonstratives in (8) and (9) are used without a

cooccurring nominal. The missing nominal reflects the fact that the demonstratives

in these examples do not have the status of a common pronoun. The demonstrative

in (8) is an identificational demonstrative, which many languages

distinguish from demonstrative pronouns (cf. 4.3), and the demonstrative in (9)

is a discourse deictic demonstrative referring to a chunk of the surrounding

discourse. Discourse deictic demonstratives can be seen as pro-forms of the

proposition(s) to which they refer, but unlike ordinary pronouns they do not

substitute for a common noun or noun phrase denoting a person or object (cf.

5.3). In other words, discourse deictic demonstratives are not prototypical pronouns.

If one takes the notion of pronoun in its narrow sense as a pro-nominal

that replaces a common noun (i.e. a noun denoting an object or person) in an

ordinary main clause (i.e. a clause with a common main verb rather than a

copula), the demonstratives in (8) and (9) do not qualify as pronouns. I maintain

therefore my hypothesis that Kusaiean and Nùng do not have a class of demonstrative


4.1.4 Pronominal and adnominal demonstratives: an overview

Table 43 summarizes what I have said in this section about the categorial status

Table 43. Demonstrative pronouns and demonstrative determiners



























of adnominal and pronominal demonstratives. It distinguishes three types of

languages: (i) languages in which adnominal and pronominal demonstratives


belong to different categories; (ii) languages that have only demonstrative

pronouns; and (iii) languages that have only demonstrative determiners.

4.2 Demonstrative adverbs

Having examined the categorial status of pronominal and adnominal demonstratives,

I turn now to demonstrative adverbs. The term demonstrative adverb applies

to locational deictics such as here and there in English. Locational deictics are

adverbial in that they are primarily used to indicate the location of the event or

situation that is expressed by a cooccurring verb; that is, locational deictics

function as some sort of verb modifiers. In many languages, locational deictics

can also be used adnominally as in English this guy here or German das Haus da

'this/that house there'. In this use, they usually cooccur with a demonstrative

determiner that they intensify. That is, if a demonstrative adverb is used adnominally

it usually does not function as an operator of the noun; rather, it is

used to reinforce a cooccurring demonstrative determiner. In some languages, this

use has been grammaticalized and has given rise to new demonstrative forms that

consist of an old demonstrative determiner and a locational adverb. Afrikaans, for

instance, has two demonstratives, hierdie 'this' and daardie 'that', which are

historically derived from the Dutch demonstrative/article die and the demonstrative

adverbs hier 'here' and daar 'there' (cf. Raidt 1993). When these forms first

appeared they were only used adnominally, but now they are also increasingly

used as independent pronouns. Similar demonstratives occur in Swedish (e.g. det

här hus-et 'the/this here house-the') and French (e.g. cette maison-là 'this/that


Apart from locational deictics, manner demonstratives are usually classified

as demonstrative adverbs (cf. Fillmore 1982: 48).20 Manner demonstratives have

been largely ignored in the literature on deixis. Most of the sources that I

consulted list only their forms and gloss them as 'in this/that way' or 'like

this/that', but they do not explain their meaning or function. Manner demonstratives

seem to involve some sort of comparison and they are often used as

discourse deictics (cf. 5.3). Some examples are given in Table 44. Since the use

and function of manner demonstratives is not sufficiently explained in most of

my sources, the following discussion concentrates on locational deictics.

Most languages distinguish locational deictics from pronominal and

adnominal demonstratives, but there are a few languages in my sample in which

they have the same form. In Chapter 2 we saw, for instance, that Guugu Yimidhirr


uses demonstratives with certain (locative) case endings as locational deictics.

Table 44. Manner demonstratives





T. Shoshone


koo 'in this way', soo 'in that way', aa 'in that way'

taa 'in this way', too 'in that way'

kéga 'like this', aga 'like that', waga 'like that'

näin 'in this way', noin 'in that way', niin 'so' etc.

inni 'this way'/'like that', enni 'this way'/'like that' etc.

onyá 'like this', ontán 'like that (near H)', onmán 'like that'

They belong to the same morphological paradigm as demonstratives that correspond

to this and that in English. There is no evidence for the existence of an

independent class of demonstrative adverbs in Guugu Yimidhirr.

My sample includes only a few other languages in which adverbial demonstratives

are members of the same category as pronominal and adnominal demonstratives.

Ponapean is one of them. Unlike Guugu Yimidhirr, Ponapean distinguishes

demonstrative pronouns from demonstrative determiners, but adverbial

demonstratives have the same form as the singular demonstrative pronouns. That

is, adverbial and pronominal demonstratives belong to the same category in


Finnish is particularly interesting in this regard. In Finnish, demonstratives can

Table 45. Demonstratives in Ponapean (Rehg 1981: 143-154)

















be arranged on a cline of adverbiality ranging from forms that are clearly

pronominal to forms that are primarily adverbial (cf. Laury 1997: 128-146).

Finnish has three demonstrative roots: tämä, tuo and se. Tämä refers to entities

near the deictic center, tuo indicates a referent at some distance to the deictic

center, and se is mostly used anaphorically and is perhaps best analyzed as a

definite article in contemporary Finnish (cf. Laury 1995, 1997: 147-264). The

three demonstratives are always case-marked. Finnish has a complex case system

including six locational case forms, which are divided into two groups: three


"internal case forms" - inessive, elative and illative - and "three external case

forms" - adessive, ablative and allative. The internal and external case forms of

tämä, tuo and se are shown in Table 46.

The external demonstratives are primarily used to indicate a possessor,

Table 46. Locational case forms of the Finnish demonstratives (Laury 1997: 129)

(a) Internal case forms = Internal demonstratives
























(b) External case forms = External demonstratives
























recipient or instrument; they are only occasionally used to indicate a location. The

internal demonstratives, on the other hand, are primarily used with reference to


In addition to the forms shown in Table 46, Finnish has a set of "locational

demonstratives", which occur in three different case forms: adessive, ablative and

lative. The locational demonstratives are morphologically similar to the singular

forms of the external demonstratives, but they do not have plural forms.

Table 47. Locational demonstratives in Finnish (Laury 1997: 129)














The adessive and ablative forms of tämä and se have a long or diphthongized

vowel in the first syllable, which distinguishes these forms from the

corresponding external forms. The adessive and ablative forms of tuo are

indistinguishable from the external demonstratives in written Finnish, but Laury

points out that they are differently pronounced. Finally, the lative forms of all

three locational demonstratives - tänne, tuonne, and sinne - are clearly

distinguished from the corresponding allative forms, tälle, tuolle, and sille.

The external demonstratives are usually considered demonstrative pronouns

by Finnish linguists, but the status of the internal and locational demonstratives

is controversial. Traditionally, they have been considered adverbs (cf. Laury

1997: 134), but Laury points out that there is no morphological evidence in

support of this view. Although the internal demonstratives are commonly used to

refer to a location they behave morphologically like ordinary demonstrative

pronouns rather than adverbs. Moreover, Laury shows that even the locational demonstratives

are not prototypical adverbs. Unlike demonstrative adverbs such as

English here and there, the locational demonstratives in Finnish are case-marked

and they are frequently used adnominally. These are typical properties of demonstrative

determiners (or pronouns). However, when the locational demonstratives

are used adnominally they do not always agree with the cooccurring noun as a

demonstrative determiner (or pronoun). The following example shows a locative

demonstrative in lative case preceding a noun with an illative case marker.

(10) Finnish (Laury 1997: 135)

katotaas sinne ‘kurkkuu

look.PASS DEM.LOC.LAT throat.ILL

'Let's look at that throat.'

The lack of agreement between a locational demonstrative and a cooccurring

noun suggests that the case endings of the locational demonstratives do not have

a syntactic function: they do not indicate grammatical relations, rather they are

used to specify the location of the referent. In other words, the case markers have

primarily a semantic function (similar to a locational adposition). The locational

demonstratives can therefore be seen as demonstrative adverbs despite the fact

that they are case-marked.

The internal demonstratives are integrated into the morphological paradigm

of demonstrative pronouns, but like locational demonstratives they do not

generally agree with a noun when they are used adnominally. The following

example shows an internal demonstrative in inessive case followed by a noun

with an adessive case marker.


(11) Finnish (Laury 1997: 136-7)

ja siin ‘puuhellalla,... kerran ni,... mää

and DEM.INE wood.stove.ADE once so 1SG

illalla ‘paistoin

evening.ADE fry.PAST.1SG

'And on the wood stove, one time, I was frying.'

According to Laury, the internal demonstratives have features of both demonstrative

pronouns and demonstrative adverbs. Morphologically, they behave like

ordinary demonstrative pronouns, but syntactically they are often used like demonstrative

adverbs, and semantically they are equivalent to locational deictics

(i.e. adverbial demonstratives). Laury (1997: 138) argues that the Finnish demonstratives

can be arranged on a cline of adverbiality ranging from forms that are

primarily used as pronouns to forms that behave more like typical adverbs:

Up to this point, I have argued that demonstratives can be divided into four

Table 48. Locational demonstratives in Finnish arranged on a cline of adverbiality (cf.

Laury 1997: 138)





• they are case- and number-

marked like DEM PROs

• they are case- and number-

marked like DEM PROs

• they are case-marked like

DEM PROs, but they are

unmarked for number

• they do not always agree

with a cooccurring noun

• they do not always agree

with a cooccurring noun

• they behave syntactically

like DEM ADVs, but they

may cooccur with a noun

• they are primarily used to

indicate a possessor, recipient,

or instrument

• they are semantically

equivalent to locational


• they are semantically

equivalent to locational


syntactic categories, but the Finnish demonstratives show that the boundaries

between these categories are not always clear-cut.

4.3 Demonstrative identifiers

While demonstrative pronouns, determiners, and adverbs are well established

categories of linguistic analysis, the last category to be discussed in this chapter


is widely unknown. Demonstrative identifiers have been described under various

names in reference grammars, but they have never been recognized in the

typological and theoretical literature on demonstratives (but see Himmelmann

1997: 126).

Demonstrative identifiers occur in copular and nonverbal clauses. Like other

demonstratives, they are used to focus the hearer's attention on entities in the

surrounding situation or in the universe of discourse. Most studies consider the

demonstratives in copular and nonverbal clauses demonstrative pronouns, but as

pointed out in the introduction, the demonstratives being used in these constructions

are often formally distinguished from pronominal demonstratives in other

contexts: they may have a different phonological form or may differ in their

inflection. If the demonstratives in copular and nonverbal clauses are phonologically

or morphologically distinguished from pronominal demonstratives in other

clause types, I assume that they form a class of demonstrative identifiers independent

of demonstrative pronouns. If, on the other hand, the demonstratives in

copular and nonverbal clauses are formally indistinguishable from demonstrative

pronouns, I assume that they belong to the same grammatical category. English,

for instance, does not distinguish between demonstrative pronouns and demonstrative

identifiers. The demonstratives in copular clauses have the same phonological

and morphological features as pronominal demonstratives in other contexts and

hence they are considered demonstrative pronouns.21

Demonstrative identifiers are similar to deictic presentatives such as French

voilà, Latin ecce, and Russian vot. Fillmore (1982: 47) calls such presentatives

"sentential demonstratives". Both demonstrative identifiers and sentential demonstratives

are commonly used to introduce new discourse topics, but they have

different syntactic properties. Demonstrative identifiers are embedded in a

specific grammatical construction, a copular or nonverbal clause, while sentential

demonstratives are syntactically more independent. Although they might occur in

sentences that are functionally equivalent to copular and nonverbal clauses (e.g.

Voilà un taxi. 'Here is a taxi.'), they are more commonly used as one word

utterances, which may be loosely adjoined to a neighboring constituent. I assume

therefore that demonstrative identifiers are distinguished from sentential demonstratives,

but the distinction is not clear-cut (see the discussion of Nunggubuyu


In Chapter 6 I will show that demonstrative identifiers are a common

historical source for nonverbal copulas. The distinction between demonstrative

identifiers and copulas is not always immediately obvious: a demonstrative

identifier is easily confused with a copula that appears in a sentence with no overt

subject. Consider, for instance, the following example from Ambulas.


(12) Ambulas (Wilson 1980: 454)

kén bakna walkamu taalé

this just little place

'This is just a little place.'

Example (12) shows a nonverbal clause consisting of the demonstrative identifier

kén and a predicate nominal (DEM Ø NP). Without further evidence, example

(12) could be taken as a copular clause with no overt subject, in which kén would

function as a copula (Ø COP NP). However, since kén refers to a location and

is deictically contrastive (kén 'proximal' vs. wan 'distal'), it would be mistaken

to analyze it as a copula. If kén were a copula it would be non-referential and

non-contrastive. Thus, although (12) is syntactically ambiguous, kén can only be

interpreted as a demonstrative because of its meaning. There is, in other words,

a clear semantic contrast between a nonverbal copula and an identificational demonstrative

in a nonverbal clause.

The following two sections present evidence for my hypothesis that many

languages have a distinct class of demonstrative identifiers. In Section 4.3.1, I

consider demonstrative identifiers whose stems are phonologically distinguished

from the stems of demonstrative pronouns, and in Section 4.3.2, I examine demonstrative

identifiers that differ from demonstrative pronouns in their inflection.

4.3.1 Phonological evidence

The strongest evidence for my hypothesis that many languages have a particular

class of demonstrative identifiers comes from languages in which the stems of

identificational demonstratives are phonologically distinguished from the stems

of demonstrative pronouns. In this section, I discuss examples from Supyire,

Karanga, Ponapean, Western Bade, and Kilba. My sample includes further

examples from Izi, Swazi, Margi, and Pangasinan, which will not be considered

(the Pangasinan demonstratives are discussed in Section 4.4).

Table 49 shows the demonstrative pronouns and demonstrative identifiers in

Supyire. The demonstrative pronouns have an initial nasal consonant, which does

not occur with the demonstrative identifiers. Both demonstrative pronouns and demonstrative

identifiers are inflected for gender (noun class) and number. Note that

Supyire does not distinguish between proximal and distal forms (cf. 3.1.1).

Carlson (1994: 240) points out that the demonstrative identifiers might have

developed from a pronominal demonstrative and a copula. Their use is restricted

to affirmative nonverbal clauses. In negative contexts, Supyire uses a particular

negative identifier; and in copular clauses demonstrative identifiers are replaced


by demonstrative pronouns. Example (13a) shows a demonstrative pronoun, and

Table 49. Demonstrative pronouns - identifiers in Supyire (Carlson 1994: 159-61)



NC1 ]'gé m' píí we pii

NC2 ' ]ké ' \jé ke ye

NC3 'ndé ' \cíí le cii

NC4 'nté te

NC5 m' pé pe

example (13b) shows one of the demonstrative identifiers.

(13) Supyire (Carlson 1994: 190, 241)

a. mu à pyi a ']gé cè la


'Did you know this/that one?'

b. ku kè


'Here/there it is.'

Supyire has also a set of "simple identifier pronouns", which occur in the same

syntactic context as the demonstrative identifiers in Table 49. The identifier

pronouns are, however, non-deictic; they are usually glossed as '' (cf. Carlson

1994: 160).

Table 50 shows the demonstrative pronouns and demonstrative identifiers of

three gender classes in Karanga, which are inflected for number and noun class;

proximal and distal demonstratives are formally distinguished. The demonstrative

pronouns begin with a vowel, while the demonstrative identifiers occur with an

initial h-. Both the demonstrative pronouns and identifiers have allomorphs that

are omitted in Table 50. Marconnès (1931: 110) argues that the demonstrative

identifiers, which he calls "predicative pronouns", form "a complete predicate, i.e.

include the verb 'to be' or some other verb, and correspond to English 'here is',

'here are', 'there is', 'there are', 'there goes' etc." Examples of demonstrative

pronouns and demonstrative identifiers are given in (14a-b) respectively.


(14) Karanga (Marconnès 1931: 102, 111)

Table 50. Demonstrative pronouns - identifiers in Karanga (Marconnès 1931: 101-10)



































a. ndi no da uyu

I like this

'I like this one.'

b. hero sadza porridge

'There is the porridge.'

Western Bade has three demonstrative roots: one referring to an object or location

near the speaker, one referring to an object or location away from the speaker,

and another one which Schuh (1977: 19-20) glosses as "particular". The distal demonstrative

pronouns have the same form as the distal demonstrative identifiers,

but the proximal and particular forms are different: the demonstrative pronouns

end in a rounded mid back vowel, which is replaced by a long low vowel in the

corresponding forms of the demonstrative identifiers. Moreover, the proximal and

particular forms of the demonstrative identifiers occur optionally with the suffix

-ni which, according to Schuh, does not change their meaning. Both demonstrative

pronouns and demonstrative identifiers are inflected for gender and number.22

The demonstrative identifiers, which Schuh calls "deictic predicators", occur only

in nonverbal clauses:

(15) Western Bade (Schuh 1977: 20)

m' sàa wúnáajàa]íi


'Here's your dog.'


Table 52 shows the demonstrative pronouns and demonstrative identifiers in

Table 51. Demonstrative pronouns - identifiers in Western Bade (Schuh 1977: 19-20)






m' só

m' síi

m' s6'nò

m' có

m' cíi

m' c6'nò

m' dó

m' díi

m' d6'nò

m' sàa(ní)

m' sîi

m' s6'náa(ní)

m' càa(ní)

m' cîi

m' c6'náa(ní)

m' dàa(ní)

m' dîi

m' d6'náa(ní)

Ponapean. The demonstrative pronouns begin with a bilabial nasal and the demonstrative

identifiers have an initial high front vowel.

Example (16a-b) illustrate the use of these forms: (16a) shows a demonstrative

Table 52. Demonstrative pronouns - identifiers in Ponapean (Rehg 1981: 150-53)













pronoun functioning as the subject of the verb mengila 'wither', and example

(16b) shows a demonstrative identifier in a nonverbal clause.

(16) Ponapean (Rehg 1981: 143, 150)

a. met pahn mengila

this will wither

'This will wither.'

b. iet noumw naipen

this/here your knife

'Here is your knife.'

Finally, in Kilba demonstrative identifiers are monosyllabic enclitics while demonstrative

pronouns are free forms consisting of two or more syllables. It is

unclear whether the demonstratives in Kilba are marked for number. Schuh

(1983b) does not discuss their inflectional features; he only provides the forms

in Table 53.


(17) Kilba (Schuh 1983b: 318)

Table 53. Demonstrative pronouns - identifiers in Kilba (Schuh 1983b: 315-317)





(n ' 6)n ' 6nnà








'It's a sheep.'

Schuh (1983b: 317) classifies the enclitics =ná, =ndá and =]gá as demonstratives,

but he commonly translates them by a third person pronoun or an expletive.

The demonstrative enclitics are usually unstressed like third person pronouns, but

since they indicate a deictic contrast I consider them demonstratives. Note that

all demonstrative identifiers cited in this section are marked for distance. Demonstrative

identifiers are genuine deictic expressions; they are not expletives such

as English it in It is Friday. In fact, in some languages demonstrative identifiers

are primarily used exophorically. This is reflected in the terminology that some

of my sources use for demonstrative identifiers: Rehg (1981: 15) calls them

"pointing demonstratives" and Carlson (1994: 160) uses the notion "deictic

identifier pronoun".

4.3.2 Morphological evidence

The previous section has shown that demonstratives in copular and nonverbal

clauses are often phonologically distinguished from pronominal demonstratives

in other sentence types. This section shows that they may also differ in their

inflection. As pointed out in Chapter 2, in the majority of languages pronominal

demonstratives have the same grammatical features as other nominals: if nouns

are inflected for gender, number and/or case, pronominal demonstratives usually

have the same inflectional features. Unlike pronominal demonstratives, identificational

demonstratives do not always occur with the same inflectional endings as

other nominals. There is a substantial number of languages in my sample in

which pronominal demonstratives are inflected for gender, number and/or case

while identificational demonstratives are morphologically invariable. If pronominal

and identificational demonstratives differ in their inflection, I assume that

they belong to distinct categories. That is, if identificational demonstratives are


not inflected in a language in which pronominal demonstratives are marked for

gender, number and/or case, I assume that they belong to a particular class of demonstrative

identifiers. This section discusses examples from Duwai, Nunggubuyu,

Tümpisa Shoshone, Inuktitut, French, and German. Other examples from

Ambulas (cf. 2.1.2), Pangasinan (cf. 4.4), and Modern Hebrew (cf. 6.6.1) are

discussed elsewhere in this study.

Duwai has two demonstrative identifiers, n'6mù 'proximal' and náamù

'distal', which are uninflected. They are distinguished from the demonstrative

pronouns shown on the left hand side of Table 54. The pronouns have a different

stem form and are differentiated for number.23

In Nunggubuyu, demonstrative pronouns occur with two noun class markers, a

Table 54. Demonstrative pronouns - identifiers in Duwai (Schuh 1977: 25-26)





' ]gàannó

' ]gàanàwó





prefix and a suffix, while demonstrative identifiers take only the suffix. The

noun class affixes are also used to indicate number distinctions. Both demonstratives

occur optionally with a case marker. Table 55 shows only the masculine

singular forms; the demonstratives of other noun classes have the same structure.

In Nunggubuyu, demonstrative identifiers are often used without a cooccurring

Table 55. Demonstrative pronouns - identifiers in Nunggubuyu (Heath 1984: 272-4)














nominal so that one might argue that they are better analyzed as sentential demonstratives

(see above). However, since Nunggubuyu is a non-configurational

language, in which all constituents are syntactically more independent than in

languages with rigid phrase structure configurations (cf. Heath 1984, 1986), I


assume that the ability to use demonstrative identifiers without a cooccurring

noun is not a property of the demonstratives but rather a consequence of general

typological characteristics. Example (18) shows a demonstrative identifier that is

accompanied by a coreferential noun.

(18) Nunggubuyu (Heath 1984: 278)

ya˜-gi na-walyi-nyung

this-M.SG M.SG-male-HUMAN.SG

'Here is the man.'

In Tümpisa Shoshone, demonstrative pronouns are inflected for number and case

and may take the prefix s-, which Dayley (1989: 136) calls an "obviative marker".

The demonstrative identifiers are unmarked for number, they take the suffix

-sü(n) instead of a regular case ending, and they never occur in the obviative

form. Table 56 shows only the proximal and medial forms; there are parallel

forms built on three other demonstrative roots.

The use of demonstrative pronouns and identifiers is exemplified in (19a-b)

Table 56. Demonstrative pronouns - identifiers in T. Shoshone (Dayley 1989: 137-43)
























(19) Tümpisa Shoshone (Dayley 1989: 141, 145)

a. u punikka setü

it see that

'This one saw it.'

b. esü nahim pungku our.DU pet

'This is our pet.'


Inuktitut has demonstrative identifiers that behave syntactically like demonstrative

identifiers in Nunggubuyu: since they are frequently used as one word utterances

they could be classified as sentential demonstratives rather than demonstrative

identifiers. However, since Inuktitut is a non-configurational language like

Nunggubuyu, I assume that the specific properties of the identificational demonstratives

are due to the particular structure of this language.

Table 57 shows the demonstrative identifiers in Inuktitut in comparison to

the demonstrative pronouns. The demonstrative pronouns consist of three

morphemes: a deictic root, a case suffix, and the nominalizer -sum-. The demonstrative

identifiers, on the other hand, are formed by a morphological process

which doubles the final consonant and adds a low back vowel:

The following sentences illustrate the use of demonstrative pronouns and demon-

Table 57. Demonstrative pronouns - identifiers in Inuktitut (Denny 1982: 364-5)


PROXIMAL uv-sum-ing




DISTAL ik-sum-ing




UP.DISTAL pik-sum-ing



'up there'

DOWN.DISTAL kan-sum-ing



'down there'

strative identifiers respectively:

(20) Inuktitut (Denny 1982: 365)

a. pik-sum-inga takujuq he.sees

'He sees the (one) up there.'

b. Piita uvva


'Here is Peter.'

French has a demonstrative particle, ce 'this/that/there/it', which is used only in

copular clauses.24 Ce does not generally function as a demonstrative. In fact, in

most instances ce is non-deictic and functions either as a third person pronoun or


as an expletive (cf. Reed 1994). However, in those cases in which ce has a

deictic interpretation, it can be analyzed as a demonstrative identifier. The demonstrative

pronouns, celui and celle, are morphologically and phonologically

distinguished from ce. They are marked for gender and number, and they are

usually reinforced by the deictic particles ci and là (cf. 3.1.1). Ce does not inflect

for gender and number and is replaced by celui, celle, ceci, or cela if the speaker

seeks to indicate the relative distance between the referent and the deictic center.

In other words, French has a demonstrative identifier, but its use is not obligatory

in copular clauses.

Finally, in German, where pronominal demonstratives are inflected for gender,

Table 58. Demonstrative pronouns - identifiers in French (Calvez 1993: 33, 62)















number, and case, identificational demonstratives are uninflected. Consider the

examples in (21a-b).

(21) German

a. Das ist meine Schwester.

DEM.NOM/ACC.SG.N is my sister.SG.F

'This is my sister.'

b. Das sind meine Freunde.

dem.nom/ACC.SG.N are my friend.PL

'These are my friends.'

Example (21a-b) show two copular clauses including the demonstrative das. The

demonstrative has the same form as the nominative/accusative, singular, neuter

form of the demonstrative pronouns, but unlike pronominal demonstratives it is

uninflected. Note that the coreferential predicate nominal in (21a) has feminine

gender and that the predicate nominal in (21b) occurs in plural. Since the demonstratives

in these examples are uninflected and do not agree with the coreferential

noun, they must be distinguished from demonstrative pronouns. They are demonstrative

identifiers, which occur only in copular clauses.


4.4 Summary

In this chapter, I have examined the syntactic properties of demonstratives. I have

argued that one has to distinguish between the use of a demonstrative in a

specific syntactic context and its categorial status. Demonstratives occur in four

different syntactic contexts: (i) they are used as independent pronouns in

argument positions of verbs and adpositions; (ii) they occur together with a noun

in a noun phrase; (iii) they may function as locational adverbs modifying a

cooccurring verb; and (iv) they are used in copular and nonverbal clauses. I have

shown that the demonstratives being used in these four contexts are often

formally distinguished from one another. They might have different stem forms,

they might differ in their inflection, or they might have different syntactic

properties. If they are distinguished by any of these criteria, they belong to

different grammatical categories, for which I suggested the terms (i) demonstrative

pronoun, (ii) demonstrative determiner, (iii) demonstrative adverb, and (iv)

demonstrative identifier. I have shown that languages differ as to how they

exploit these categories. Many languages distinguish between demonstrative

pronouns and demonstrative determiners, but some languages have only one of

these two categories. Languages that do not have demonstrative determiners use

instead demonstrative pronouns with a coreferential noun in apposition, while

languages that do not have demonstrative pronouns use demonstrative determiners

together with a classifier or a third person pronoun in lieu of a demonstrative

pronoun. Unlike pronominal and adnominal demonstratives, adverbial demonstratives

usually have a special form. There are only a few languages in my sample

that do not have a distinct class of demonstrative adverbs. Demonstrative

identifiers occur in copular and nonverbal clauses. They may differ from demonstrative

pronouns in two ways: they may have a particular phonological form or

they may have other inflectional features. The category demonstrative identifier

is crosslinguistically not as common as the category demonstrative adverb, but the

distinction between demonstrative pronouns and demonstrative identifiers is at

least as frequent as the distinction between demonstrative pronouns and determiners.

I will conclude this chapter with a short discussion of the demonstratives

from two languages that exemplify the extent of variation in this domain: one in

which pronominal, adnominal, adverbial, and identificational demonstratives are

formally distinguished, and one in which they belong to the same category.

Acehnese represents the latter. The Acehnese demonstratives are shown in

Table 59.

Acehnese has three demonstrative particles that indicate three degrees of


distance: nyoe 'proximal', nyan 'medial' and jêh 'distal'. The three demonstra-

Table 59. Demonstratives in Acehnese (Durie 1985: 130)











tives have three bound allomorphs: =noe 'proximal', =nan 'medial' and =dêh

'distal'. All six demonstratives may occur in every possible syntactic context (cf.

the discussion of demonstratives in Guugu Yimidhirr in 2.1.1). That is, they may

be used adnominally as in (22a), they may function as independent pronouns or

as locational adverbs (cf. 22b-c), and they are also used as identificational

markers in nonverbal clauses (cf. 22d).

(22) Acehnese (Durie 1985: 191, 268, 256, 132)

a. ureueng=nyan


'that person.'

b. neu=peusom nyan bek ji=teu-peu lê=gop

2=hide that NEG 3=know-what by=other.person

'Hide that so that no one else will know.'

c. nyan ji=pura-pura teungeut jih

there 3=pretend-pretend sleep he

'There he goes pretending to be asleep.'

d. nyan aneuk=lông

that child=1SG

'That is my child.'

All four examples include the medial demonstrative nyan. In (22a), nyan is used

adnominally. Adnominal demonstratives usually cliticize to a preceding noun, but

they are not generally bound.25 In (22b), nyan is used as an independent pronoun

functioning as the object of the verb peusom 'to hide'. The demonstrative in (22c)

is ambiguous: it is either used to indicate a location or it functions as a presentational

marker. Durie (1985: 132) points out that the Acehnese demonstratives may

serve as locational adverbs (which he calls "locative pronouns"), but apart from

(22c) I did not find any example in Durie's grammar in which nyan might be

interpreted as an adverbial demonstrative. There are, however, several examples

in which some of the other demonstratives are used adverbially (often after a


preposition). In the final example, nyan serves as an identificational marker in a

nonverbal clause. The sentences in (22a-d) show that adnominal, pronominal,

adverbial, and identificational demonstratives are formally indistinguishable in

Acehnese. They belong to the same grammatical category, which may occur in

four different syntactic contexts.

The demonstratives in Pangasinan represent the other end of the spectrum.

Pangasinan uses particular demonstrative forms in each of the four contexts in

which demonstratives occur. The Pangasinan demonstratives are shown in

Table 60.

The Pangasinan demonstratives are divided into four grammatical categories:

Table 60. Demonstratives in Pangasinan (Benton 1971: 51-52, 88-91)


PROXIMAL sá-ta-y (SG/PL)

sa-rá-ta-y (PL)

(i)yá (SG)

(i)rá-ya (PL)

diá nía



(i)tán (SG)

(i)rá-tan (PL)

ditán nítan

DISTAL sá-ma-y (SG/PL)

sa-rá-ma-y (PL)

(i)mán (SG)

(i)rá-man (PL)

dimán níman

determiners, pronouns, adverbs, and identifiers.26 The demonstrative determiners

are formed from the article sa, the deictic roots ta 'proximal' and ma 'distal', and

the suffix -y, which Benton calls a topic marker, but which is probably a linker

(Nikolaus Himmelmann p.c.). In the plural, demonstrative determiners are marked

by -ra-, which precedes the deictic root and the linker. Benton (1971: 51-2)

classifies these forms as articles, but since they indicate a deictic contrast I

consider them demonstratives. The demonstrative pronouns consist of the demonstrative

roots ya 'proximal', tan 'nearer hearer' and man 'distal', which optionally

occur with an initial high front vowel; the plural forms are also marked by -ra-.

The demonstrative adverbs occur with an initial stop and do not have plural

forms, while the demonstrative identifiers take an initial nasal and are also

unmarked for number. The sentences in (23a-d) exemplify the use of these forms.


(23) Pangasinan (Benton 1971: 53, 89, 90, 91)

a. sá-ma-y apók


'My grandchild' (i.e 'that grandchild of mine')

b. sikató so analíw imán

he TOPIC bought that

'He (is the one who) bought that.'

c. sikató-y inmogíp ditán

he-LK slept here/there

'He (was the one who) slept here/there.'

d. nía so kánen mo TOPIC food your

'Here's your food.'

The demonstrative in (23a) is a demonstrative determiner; the demonstrative in

(23b) is a pronoun; the one in (23c) is a demonstrative adverb; and the final

example shows a demonstrative identifier.

Acehnese and Pangasinan represent the two ends of a spectrum ranging from

languages in which all demonstratives belong to the same category to languages

in which demonstratives are divided into four distinct classes. Most languages fall

somewhere in between these two extremes. English, for instance, distinguishes

three demonstrative categories: demonstrative adverbs, demonstrative determiners,

and demonstrative pronouns. It does not have a separate class of demonstrative

identifiers; the demonstratives being used in copular constructions are ordinary

demonstrative pronouns. Korean has two demonstrative categories: demonstrative

determiners and demonstrative adverbs. It does not have demonstrative pronouns

and demonstrative identifiers. The functional equivalent of the latter two are noun

phrases that consist of a demonstrative determiner and a defective noun (cf.

2.1.4). To cite one other example, Nunggubuyu has demonstrative pronouns, demonstrative

adverbs and demonstrative identifiers. Adnominal demonstratives are

demonstrative pronouns that cooccur with an appositive noun (Heath 1986). The

three demonstrative categories are formally distinguished through noun class

markers: the demonstrative pronouns take two noun class markers, a prefix and

a suffix, the demonstrative identifiers do not take noun class prefixes, and the demonstrative

adverbs do not occur with noun class suffixes (Heath 1984: 274-318).


Pragmatic use

Demonstratives serve important pragmatic functions in the communicative

interaction between the interlocutors. They are primarily used to orient the hearer

in the speech situation, focusing his or her attention on objects, locations, or

persons, but they also serve a variety of other pragmatic functions. Following

Halliday and Hasan (1976: 57-76), I use the notion exophoric for demonstratives

that are used with reference to entities in the speech situation, and I use the term

endophoric for all other uses. The endophoric use is further subdivided into the

anaphoric, discourse deictic and recognitional uses. Anaphoric and discourse

deictic demonstratives refer to elements of the ongoing discourse (cf. Fillmore

1997; Lyons 1977; Levinson 1983; Himmelmann 1996, 1997). Anaphoric demonstratives

are coreferential with a prior NP; they keep track of discourse participants.

Discourse deictic demonstratives refer to propositions; they link the clause

in which they are embedded to the proposition to which they refer. Recognitional

demonstratives do not refer to elements of the surrounding discourse; rather, they

are used to indicate that the hearer is able to identify the referent based on

specific shared knowledge. The recognitional use is restricted to adnominal demonstratives,

while the demonstratives of all other uses may occur in any

possible syntactic context. That is, recognitional demonstratives are always used

with a cooccurring noun, while exophoric, anaphoric and discourse deictic demonstratives

may also be used pronominally, adverbially and in copular and

nonverbal clauses.

This chapter examines the various pragmatic uses of demonstratives from a

crosslinguistic perspective. It follows rather closely the work by Himmelmann

(1996, 1997), which I have cited above. My analysis is consistent with Himmelmann's

investigation except for one claim that he makes regarding the status of

the exophoric use. Himmelmann argues, in disagreement with much previous

work, that all four uses have equal status. Challenging this hypothesis, I maintain

that the exophoric use is indeed the basic use from which all other uses derive.

I support my hypothesis with evidence from language acquisition, markedness

theory, and grammaticalization. My analysis proceeds as follows: Sections 5.1 to


5.4 examine the exophoric, anaphoric, discourse deictic, and recognitional uses

respectively, and Section 5.5 argues that the exophoric use is basic.

5.1 The exophoric use

Exophoric demonstratives focus the hearer's attention on entities in the situation

surrounding the interlocutors. They have three distinctive features: first, they

involve the speaker (or some other person) as the deictic center; second, they

indicate a deictic contrast on a distance scale (unless they belong to the small

minority of demonstratives that are distance-neutral; cf. 3.1.1); and third, they are

often accompanied by a pointing gesture. None of these features is shared by the

three endophoric uses.

Fillmore (1997: 63) distinguishes between two uses that are exophoric from

my perspective: the gestural and the symbolic use (cf. Levinson 1983: 65-66).

The gestural use requires monitoring the speech event in order to identify the

referent, whereas the symbolic use involves activating knowledge about the

communicative situation and the referent. The two uses are exemplified by the

following examples, which Levinson (1983) provides in order to illustrate the


(1) English (Levinson 1983: 66, 66)

a. This finger hurts.

b. This city stinks.

The demonstratives in both sentences involve the speaker (or some other person)

as the deictic center. They are anchored in the speech situation, which indicates

that they are exophoric. However, only the demonstrative in (1a) can be accompanied

by a pointing gesture. This example illustrates the gestural use. The demonstrative

in (1b), which does not involve a pointing gesture, draws on knowledge

about the larger situational context, which involves more than what is immediately

visible in the surrounding situation. This example illustrates the symbolic use.

The symbolic use shows that the exophoric use is not limited to concrete

referents that are present in the surrounding situation. Exophoric demonstratives

are sometimes described as 'pointers' which simply locate an object in the

physical world, but this view is too simplistic (for a critique of this view see

Hanks 1990, De Mulder 1996, and Himmelmann 1996). Exophoric demonstratives

may also refer to entities that are not immediately visible in the speech situation,

as in (1b) (where the city as a whole is not visible) and in the following example.27


(2) English (Levinson 1983: 66)

Hello, is Peter there? (on the telephone)

Moreover, exophoric demonstratives are also commonly used with reference to

entities that do not have a physical existence, as in (3):

(3) English

This is a nice feeling.

Even more abstract than the demonstratives in (2) and (3) is the use that Bühler

calls "Deixis am Phantasma" (Bühler 1934: 121-140). This use involves shifting

the deictic center from the speaker in the current speech situation to a person in

a different situation that is evoked by the ongoing discourse. This phenomenon,

which Lyons (1977: 579) calls "deictic projection" (cf. Jakobson 1957; Ehlich

1979; Sitta 1991), is characteristic of narratives and descriptions. Himmelmann

(1996) cites the following example from the Pear Stories, in which the proximal

demonstrative this refers to a location that only exists in the imagination of the


(4) English (Himmelmann 1996: 222)

And he's... you see a scene where he's... coming on his bicycle this


In (4), the deictic center has been shifted from the speaker to an imaginary

observer in the story world. The demonstrative is deictically anchored in the

situation evoked by the ongoing discourse (cf. Linde and Labov 1975; Ullmer-

Ehrich 1979).

McNeill, Cassell and Levy (1993) show that demonstratives 'am Phantasma'

can also be accompanied by a pointing gesture, just like demonstratives that are

anchored in the immediate speech situation. The referents are physically absent,

but they do exist in the universe of discourse, and speakers point to them as if

they were there. The use of deictic gestures provides strong evidence for my

hypothesis that the use of demonstratives 'am Phantasma' is a subtype of the

exophoric usage.

5.2 The anaphoric use

Anaphoric demonstratives are coreferential with a noun or noun phrase in the

previous discourse. They refer to the same referent as their antecedent (cf. Lyons

1977: 660). Unlike exophoric demonstratives, which are primarily used to orient


the hearer in the outside world, anaphoric demonstratives serve a languageinternal

function: they are used to track participants of the preceding discourse.28

Anaphoric demonstratives interact with other tracking devices such as

personal pronouns, definite articles, zero anaphors, and pronominal affixes on the

verb. There are a number of studies that examine the specific properties of

anaphoric demonstratives in comparison to other tracking means (cf. Linde 1979;

Ehlich 1979, 1982; Givón 1983; Sidner 1983; Ariel 1988; Gundel et al. 1993;

Lichtenberk 1988, 1996; Himmelmann 1996; Comrie forthcoming). These studies

show that anaphoric demonstratives are often used to indicate a referent that is

somewhat unexpected and not currently in the focus of attention. Comrie

(forthcoming) observes, for instance, that anaphoric demonstratives in Dutch,

German and Russian exclude the topic of the preceding discourse as a possible

antecedent. Continuing topics are tracked by third person pronouns or definite

noun phrases in these languages, while anaphoric demonstratives are coreferential

with non-topical antecedents, which are usually less expected. Consider the

following example from German.

(5) German

Der Anwalti sprach mit einem Klientenj. Da eri/derj

the lawyer talked with a client since he/

nicht viel Zeit hatte, vereinbarten sie ein weiteres

not much time had agreed.on they a further

Gespräch nächste Woche.

conversation next week

'The lawyer talked to a client. Since he didn't have much time, they

agreed to have another meeting next week.'

The referent of the third person pronoun er is the subject NP der Anwalt 'the

lawyer' of the preceding sentence. The pronoun continues the topic of the

previous discourse. By contrast, the demonstrative der can only be coreferential

with the non-topical NP at the end of the first sentence, einen Klienten 'a client'.

Anaphoric demonstratives in German do not track continuing topics; rather, they

indicate a topic shift. Very often, they occur after the first mention of a thematically

prominent referent that persists in the subsequent discourse (cf. Himmelmann

1997: 229).

Similar conditions license the use of anaphoric demonstratives in many other

languages. For instance, Lichtenberk (1996) points out that in To'aba'ita demonstratives

are especially frequent after a new referent has been mentioned for the

first time. The following example is characteristic in this respect.


(6) To'aba'ita (Lichtenberk 1996: 387-8)

Si u'unu 'eri 'e lae suli-a te'e wane bia

CLASS story that it:FACT go about-them one man and

kwai-na bia 'a-daro'a te'e wela, wela wane.

spouse-his and BEN-their.DU one child child man

Wela 'eri kali wela fa'ekwa ni bana. 'e a'i

child that little child small PART only it NEG

si tala 'a-na kai lae 'a-si

NEG be.possible BEN-his he:NONFACT go to-CLASS

kula n-e nii daa.

place REL-it:FACT be.located far

'This story is about a man, his wife, and their child, a boy. The child

was very little. He wasn't able to go faraway places.'

Example (6) shows the first paragraph of a narrative about a man, his wife, and

their child. The three major participants are mentioned for the first time in the

initial sentence. The subsequent discourse concentrates on wela 'the child', which

is the main topic of the sentences that follow. When the child is mentioned for

the second time (at the beginning of the second sentence), it is marked by the

anaphoric demonstrative 'eri 'that'. Similar to the demonstrative in (5), the demonstrative

in (6) functions to establish a new discourse topic. Note that wela is

tracked by a third person pronoun once it is in the focus of attention (from the

third sentence onwards). One might object to this analysis by arguing that the use

of the demonstrative at the beginning of the second sentence is motivated by the

fact that the child is selected out of a group of several potential topics. However,

the same strategy is used in contexts in which anaphoric demonstratives are not

selective. Consider, for instance, the following example.

(7) To'aba'ita (Lichtenberk 1996: 385-7)

... keka soeto'o ta ai ura wela 'eri, ma

they ask some woman for child that and

imole 'e-ki keka sore'e: "Kamili'a 'e a'i

person that-PL they say we.EXCL it:FACT NEG

si thaito'oma-na."

NEG know-it

'... they asked some women about the child, and those people said:

"We don't know.'"

According to Lichtenberk (1996: 387), the noun phrase imole 'eki 'those people'

is coreferential with ta ai 'some women' in the preceding clause, which intro98


duced a new discourse referent. As in all previous examples, the referent is

marked by an anaphoric demonstrative when it is mentioned for the second time.

The use of anaphoric demonstratives after first mention is a common strategy

to establish major discourse participants in the universe of discourse. Cyr (1993a,

1993b, 1996) notes the use of this strategy in Montagnais (Algonquian), and

Himmelmann (1996) provides the following example from Tagalog (Austronesian).

(8) Tagalog (Himmelmann 1996: 229)

May kasaysayan sa isang manlalakbay; (0.7 sec)

EXIST statement LOC one traveler (0.7 sec)

ang manlalakbay na ito ay si Pepito.


'(One incident) is told about a traveler; this traveler (his name) was


Example (8) includes the anaphoric demonstrative na ito after the noun manlalakbay

'traveler'. Similar to the demonstratives in previous examples, the demonstrative

in (8) indicates that the focus of attention has been shifted to a new

participant that was mentioned for the first time in the preceding sentence.

Himmelmann (1996: 229) points out that the use of anaphoric demonstratives

after the first mention of a new discourse participant is especially common in

languages that do not have a definite article; however, even in languages that

employ a definite article, demonstratives are often preferred in this position (cf.

Christophersen 1939: 29). Once a new discourse participant has been established

as topic, it is usually tracked by third person pronouns, zero anaphors, definite

articles, or pronominal affixes on the verb; but when a referent is mentioned for

the second time, demonstratives are often the most common tracking device. The

three steps that are involved in this strategy are summarized in Table 61.

Anaphoric demonstratives are not only used to establish new discourse topics.

Table 61. The use of anaphoric demonstratives after first mention

• 1st mention

• (indefinite) NP

• new referent

• 2nd mention

• anaphoric DEM

• referent established as topic

• subsequent mentions

• 3.PRO, definite ART etc.

• (topical) referent continued

Lichtenberk (1988) observes, for instance, that in To'aba'ita demonstratives are

also commonly used to reactivate a referent that occurred at some distance in the

preceding discourse, while the referent of an immediately preceding clause is


usually tracked by a third person pronoun or a pronominal affix on the verb.29

What all anaphoric demonstratives have in common is that they do not just

continue the focus of attention; rather, they indicate that the antecedent is not the

referent that the hearer would expect in this context (i.e. the most topical NP).

Anaphoric demonstratives are used when reference tracking is somewhat problematic,

or as Himmelmann puts it: "demonstratives are used for tracking only if

other tracking devices fail" (Himmelmann 1996: 227).30

Many languages have particular demonstratives that are specialized for the

anaphoric use. Japanese, for instance, has three demonstrative roots: ko- 'near

speaker', so- 'near hearer' and a- 'away from speaker and hearer', which

combine with a category marker (e.g. -ro 'pronoun', -no 'determiner' etc.). All

three demonstrative roots can be used exophorically, but only the so- demonstratives

are commonly used as anaphors (cf. Imai 1996; see also Anderson and

Keenan 1985: 285-6). Consider the following example.31

(9) Japanese (Kuno 1973: 284)

Kinoo Yamada to yuu hito ni aimasita.

yesterday Yamada as named person met

Sono (*kono *ano) hito, miti ni mayotte

that person way in lose

komatte.ita node, tasukete agemasita. because helping gave (the favor of)

'Yesterday, I met a man by the name of Yamada. Since he lost his

way and was having difficulties, I helped him.'

The expression sono hito 'that person' is coreferential with a noun phrase in the

preceding sentence. The only demonstrative that is acceptable in this context is


Like Japanese, Wardaman and Finnish have three demonstratives, but only

one of them is commonly used to track prior discourse participants. Wardaman

uses the medial demonstrative nana for anaphoric reference (Merlan 1994: 138),

and Finnish uses the distal demonstrative se (cf. Laury 1995, 1997). In both

languages, anaphoric demonstratives can be used as independent pronouns and

adjacent to a coreferential noun.

The anaphoric demonstratives in Japanese, Wardaman and Finnish can also

be used exophorically, but some languages employ demonstratives that are

exclusively used as anaphors. In Latin, for instance, the demonstrative is

'this/that' can only be used anaphorically, whereas hic 'near speaker', iste 'near

hearer' and ille 'away from speaker and hearer' are primarily used with reference

to entities in the surrounding situation. Note that is is not a third person pronoun:


continuing topics are tracked by zero anaphors in Latin; is is predominantly used

to track topics that are discontinuitive, contrastive or emphatic.

Like Latin, Lezgian has three exophoric demonstratives and a special form

for anaphoric reference, which Haspelmath (1993) glosses as 'the aforementioned'.

Pronominal demonstratives are generally marked for number and case

in Lezgian, while adnominal demonstratives are uninflected (cf. 4.1.1). In the

following example the anaphoric demonstrative ha is used to indicate that the

noun universitet is coreferential with the St. Petersburg University mentioned in

the preceding sentence. Note that ha can also function as an independent pronoun.

(10) Lezgian (Haspelmath 1993: 191)

Zun sifte Sankt=Peterburg.di-n universitet.di-z,

I.ABS first St.=Petersburg-GEN university-DAT

fizika.di-n fakul'tet.di-z, haˆx-na-j... Axpa zun ha

physics-GEN faculty-DAT enter-AOR-PAST then I.ABS that

universitet.di-n juridioeˇ skij fakul'et.di-z haˆx-na.

university-GEN juridical faculty-DAT enter-AOR

'I first entered St. Petersburg University, faculty of physics. Then I

entered the law faculty of that university.'

There are several other languages in my sample that have special anaphoric demonstratives:

Hixkaryana (Derbyshire 1985: 7, 130), Ngiti (Kutsch 1994: 372-5),

Urubu-Kaapor (Kakumasu 1986: 381), Maricopa (Gordon 1986: 55), and Koyra

Chiini (Heath 1999: 62).

Finally, there are languages in which anaphoric demonstratives are marked

by an additional affix. Anaphoric demonstratives in Tümpisa Shoshone, for

instance, take the prefix s-, which is "used to signal given or definite information"

(Dayley 1989: 136):

(11) Tümpisa Shoshone (Dayley 1989: 142)

S-a-tü s-a-kka u tukummahanningkünna.

ANA-DEM-NOM ANA-DEM-OBJ him cook.for

'She cooked that for him.'

Similar anaphoric markers occur in Usan (Reesink 1987: 80), West Greenlandic

(Fortescue 1984: 259), and Ngiyambaa (Donaldson 1980: 137).

5.3 The discourse deictic use

Like anaphoric demonstratives, discourse deictic demonstratives refer to elements


of the surrounding discourse. Discourse deictic demonstratives are, however, not

coreferential with a prior NP; rather, they refer to propositions (cf. Lyons 1977;

Webber 1991; Canisius and Sitta 1991; Grenoble 1994; Herring 1994; Himmelmann

1996: 224-229; Fillmore 1997: 103-106).32 More specifically, discourse

deictic demonstratives focus the hearer's attention on aspects of meaning,

expressed by a clause, a sentence, a paragraph, or an entire story. Consider the

following example:

(12) English (Webber 1991: 111-2)

A: Hey, management has reconsidered its position. They've

promoted Fred to second vice president.

B: a. That's false. (reference to proposition)

b. That's a lie. (reference to illocution)

The demonstratives in (12a-b) refer to an entire sentence. More precisely, the demonstrative

in (12a) refers to the propositional content of the preceding utterance,

while the demonstrative in (12b) focuses the hearer's attention on its illocutionary

force (cf. Webber 1991: 112).

Discourse deictic demonstratives, like the ones in this example, must be

distinguished from what Lyons calls "pure text deixis" (Lyons 1977: 668).33 Pure

text deictic demonstratives refer to the material side of language, as exemplified

in the following sentences.

(13) English (Webber 1991: 108)

I'm sorry. I didn't hear you. Could you repeat that?

The demonstrative in (13) does not refer to a preceding proposition or speech act;

rather, it refers to a string of speech sounds that the speaker could not interpret.

Pure text deixis is a particular instance of the exophoric use. It refers to linguistic

entities treated as an object of the surrounding situation. By contrast, discourse

deictic demonstratives focus the hearer's attention on aspects of meaning evoked

by the ongoing discourse. The referent of a discourse deictic demonstrative has

no existence outside of the universe of discourse in the physical world.

Like anaphoric demonstratives, discourse deictic demonstratives serve a

language-internal function. There are, however, a number of significant differences

between the two uses. To begin with, anaphoric demonstratives are used to

track prior discourse participants, while discourse deictic demonstratives function

to establish an overt link between two propositions: the one in which they are

embedded and the one to which they refer (cf. Grenoble 1994). Consider the

following example:


(14) English (USA Today page 25C, Dec. 12, 1997)

"The object is to make fun", said Jon Butler, executive director of Pop

Warner. "Teams have been working together since August to get here

and we want them to have a good time."

That's why PopWarner moved to the Disney complex three years

ago. With more than 5,000 players, coaches and parents attending in

1994, it was growing.

The demonstrative at the beginning of the second paragraph summarizes the

information expressed in the preceding discourse, providing a thematic ground for

the sentences that follow. Being thematically associated with both the paragraph

that precedes and the paragraph that follows, the demonstrative creates an overt

link between two discourse units. It is similar to a sentence connective in that it

functions to combine two chunks of discourse. In the following chapter, I will

argue that discourse deictic demonstratives provide a common historical source

for the development of conjunctions and complementizers (cf. 6.3.3 and 6.3.4).

Another difference between anaphoric and discourse deictic demonstratives

concerns the likelihood with which the referents of these demonstratives persist

in the ongoing discourse. Himmelmann (1996: 225) points out that the referents

of anaphoric demonstratives usually continue in the subsequent discourse, while

the referents of discourse deictic demonstratives normally do not persist. This is

a consequence of their discourse pragmatic function: anaphoric demonstratives are

commonly used to introduce a major discourse participant, which is often the

main topic of the sentences that follow, whereas discourse deictic demonstratives

function to provide a thematic link between two propositions (or speech acts) at

one particular point in the progressing discourse.

Finally, discourse deictic demonstratives may refer to the discourse that

precedes as well as to the discourse that follows, while anaphoric demonstratives

can only be coreferential with a noun phrase in the previous discourse. That is,

anaphoric demonstratives are always anaphoric, while discourse deictic demonstratives

can be both anaphoric and cataphoric.34 This is illustrated in (15a-b).

(15) English

a. A: I've heard you will move to Hawaii?

B: Who told you that (*this)?

b. A: Listen to this (*that): John will move to Hawaii.

The distal demonstrative in (15a) refers back to the preceding proposition,

whereas the proximal demonstrative in (15b) anticipates upcoming information

expressed in the subsequent clause. Note that this and that are not interchangeable

with one another in these examples. The use of both demonstratives is limited to


certain contexts. Discourse deictic that is used only with anaphoric reference; that

is, that may not refer to portions of the following discourse (cf. Fillmore

1997: 104-5; see also Halliday and Hasan 1976: 68). Discourse deictic this, on the

other hand, can be both anaphoric and cataphoric, but it refers only to utterances

produced by the same speaker; that is, this cannot refer to propositions or speech

acts across speaker boundaries (cf. Chen 1990: 144; Gundel et al. 1993: 288).

Table 62 summarizes the major differences between the discourse deictic

and anaphoric (tracking) uses.

Like anaphoric demonstratives, discourse deictic demonstratives are often

Table 62. Anaphoric and discourse deictic demonstratives

Anaphoric demonstratives Discourse deictic demonstratives

• they are coreferential with a prior NP • they refer to propositions/speech


• they keep track of discourse participants

• they link two discourse units

• the referent commonly persists in the

subsequent discourse

• the referent usually does not persist

in the subsequent discourse

• only anaphoric • anaphoric and cataphoric

formally distinguished from demonstratives serving other pragmatic functions.

Usan, for instance, has two demonstratives, ende and ete, that are only used as

discourse deictics (cf. Reesink 1987: 81; see also Himmelmann 1997: 128). Ende

refers to propositions of the previous discourse; it consists of the demonstrative

root e 'proximal', the anaphoric marker -ng 'given', the adposition -t 'locative',

and a second demonstrative root at the end of the word. Ete is used to refer to

subsequent propositions; it is formed from e 'proximal', -t 'locative' and e

'proximal' (cf. Reesink 1987: 81). In addition to ende and ete, Usan has four

exophoric demonstratives and a special form for anaphoric reference: eng. The

latter consists of the proximal demonstrative e and the anaphoric marker -ng.

Table 63 shows the exophoric, anaphoric and discourse deictic demonstratives

that occur in Usan. The use of ende and ete is exemplified in (16a-b).


(16) Usan (Himmelmann 1997: 303, 309-10)

Table 63. Demonstratives in Usan (Reesink 1987: 76-81)












a. Âgin amug igo namaibâ, ... bush be 2SG.OBJ.angry.SG.FUT.3SG ...

wai qeru me netinei.

animal blood not 2SG.OBJ.give.1SG.FUT(UNCERTAIN)

Ende qâmâra bo is âin erobon

DEM say.3SG again descend bamboo under.cover



'"My sister-in-law is in the bush and will be angry with you...

I can't give the animal blood to you." When he said thus, (the

moon) went down again and stayed inside the bamboo.'

b. End ete qâmb igurei: ... "See inaun

DEM DEM say be.3PL.PAST "now moon

ag et igâma ende qi eng in

on.the.ground DEM be.3SG DEM 'or' DEM 1PL

munangit wai igumune ...".

human animal be.1PL ..."

'Therefore they used to say thus: "If the moon were still here

on the ground, we humans would have been animals,..."'

In (16a), ende summarizes the information of the preceding sentence, and in

(16b), ete is used to anticipate the information expressed in the subsequent quote.

As pointed out in Chapter 4, some languages have a particular class of

manner demonstratives, which are usually glossed as 'in this way', 'like this', or

'thus'. Manner demonstratives are frequently used as discourse deictics, as in the

following example from Ainu.


(17) Ainu (Refsing 1986: 98)

Ikoytupa an hi kamuy nukar wa, pon cep

suffer.from.lack.of we NLZ gods see and be.small fish

poronno an eimekkar wa, taa e se ruwe ne.

a.lot PASS bestow and in.this.way you bring ASS

'The gods saw our suffering and a lot of small fish were bestowed

upon us, and in this way it is that you have brought them.'

The manner demonstrative in (17), taa 'in this way', is derived from the root of

the proximal demonstrative ta. It functions as an anaphoric discourse deictic

referring back to the preceding propositions. There are several other languages

in my sample that use manner demonstratives as discourse deictics. In Chapter

2 we saw, for instance, that Ambulas uses the manner demonstratives kéga 'like

this', aga 'like that', and waga 'like that' in order to refer to propositions: kéga

and aga are cataphoric discourse deictics, while waga refers (anaphorically) to

elements of the preceding discourse.

5.4 The recognitional use

The recognitional use has received much less attention in the literature than any

of the other uses. Although this use is recognized in a number of studies (e.g.

Lakoff 1974; Auer 1981, 1984; Chen 1990; Gundel et al. 1993), it has never

been described in detail until recently. Himmelmann (1996, 1997) is the first to

provide a systematic account of this use.

The recognitional use has two properties that distinguish it from all other

uses. First, recognitional demonstratives are only used adnominally.35 Second,

recognitional demonstratives do not have a referent in the preceding discourse or

the surrounding situation; rather, they are used to activate specific shared

knowledge.36 Consider the following example:

(18) English (Himmelmann 1996: 230)

... it was filmed in California, those dusty kind of hills that they have

out here in Stockton and all, ... so ...

In (18) the dusty hills are mentioned for the first time. Although first mentions

are usually marked by an indefinite article in English, the dusty hills occur with

the distal demonstrative those. The demonstrative indicates that the following

noun expresses information that is familiar to the hearer due to shared experience.

Example (19) is similar in this respect.


(19) English (Gundel et al. 1993: 278)

I couldn't sleep last night. That dog (next door) kept me awake.

As in the previous example, example (19) includes a noun that occurs with a demonstrative

at its first mention. The demonstrative does not refer to an entity in

the surrounding discourse or speech situation; rather, it indicates that the speaker

believes that the hearer knows the referent.

Recognitional demonstratives mark information that is discourse new and

hearer old. Prince (1992) introduces the terms "discourse new / discourse old"

and "hearer new / hearer old" in order to distinguish information that has been

evoked by the preceding discourse from information that is already in the hearer's

knowledge store (i.e. old with respect to the speaker's beliefs). Discourse old

information is also hearer old information, but hearer old information might be

discourse new: the hearer might know something although it was previously not

mentioned. Such information is unactivated (cf. Chafe 1987; 1994), but pragmatically

presupposed (cf. Dryer 1996). Recognitional demonstratives are specifically

used to mark information that is discourse new (i.e. unactivated) and hearer old

(i.e. pragmatically presupposed). More precisely, recognitional demonstratives

mark information that is (i) discourse new, (ii) hearer old, and (iii) 'private'

(Himmelmann uses the term "specific" rather than private). Private information

is information that speaker and hearer share due to common experience in the

past. It is distinguished from general cultural information shared by all members

of the speech community. General cultural information is also hearer old at its

first mention, but unlike private hearer old information it is marked by a definite

article in English. Hawkins (1978: 115-122) refers to the use of definite articles

with nouns expressing general cultural information as the "larger situational use

of the definite article". Two examples are given in (20a-b).

(20) English

a. Last night I met the President.

b. I joined the navy for two years.

The President and the navy express general cultural information which is familiar

to all speakers of the speech community including the current speaker and hearer.

Since the President and the navy do not convey private information, recognitional

demonstratives are not allowed in (20a-b). These examples show that the

recognitional use is restricted to nouns that encode private information.

The recognitional use often implies that speaker and hearer share the same

view or that they sympathize with one another. Consider the following examples

adapted from Lakoff (1974).


(21) English (Lakoff 1974: 351, 352)

a. How's that throat?

b. That Henry Kissinger sure knows his way around in Hollywood.

The demonstrative in (21a) indicates that the speaker shares the hearer's concern

about his or her throat, and the demonstrative in (21b) suggests that the interlocutors

share the same view about Henry Kissinger. As in these examples, recognitional

demonstratives are often used to indicate emotional closeness, sympathy,

and shared beliefs and therefore Lakoff (1974) calls this use "emotional deixis".

Since the referent of a recognitional noun phrase was not previously

activated, the speaker cannot be certain as to whether the hearer will indeed

identify the referent. The information expressed by the noun following a recognitional

demonstrative may not be sufficient for the hearer to find the referent

in his or her knowledge store. In order to facilitate the identification task, the

speaker may provide additional information about the referent in a relative clause,

as in following example from German.

(22) German (Auer 1984: 637)

Was isn eigentlich mit diesem Haustelephon, was

what is MD with that house.telephone what

mir (wir) immer khabt ham;...

we had have...

'What happened to that house telephone that we used to have?'

The Haustelephon 'house telephone' is a new discourse entity which is mentioned

for the first time in this sentence. It is marked by an adnominal demonstrative in

order to indicate that the hearer is familiar with the referent. However, since the

Haustelephon was not previously activated the speaker cannot be certain as to

whether the hearer will indeed identify the referent, and for that reason s/he

provides additional information about the Haustelephon in a relative clause.

Relative clauses are so frequently used after a recognitional mention that Himmelmann

(1996: 230) considers the occurrence of relative clauses and other noun

modifiers a secondary feature of this use. Furthermore, he notes that the noun

marked by a recognitional demonstrative is often followed by a pause, providing

a chance for the hearer to ask for clarification if s/he could not identify the

referent (cf. Himmelmann 1997: 72-3). This is exemplified in (23).


(23) German (Himmelmann 1997: 58)

A: Was hast n (dann) gelesen? (0.2sec)

what have you (then) read (0.2sec)

B: (Ja) diesen Aufsatz von dem Olson. (1.5sec)

(Yeah) that essay by the/that Olson (1.5sec)

A: Was is n des für einer? (0.4sec) Ach so! (0.2sec)

what is PART that P one (0.4sec) INTJEC (0.2sec)

Von dem hab ich immer noch nix mitgekriegt.

About him have I still yet anything heard

A: 'What did you read next?' (0.2sec)

B: 'That essay by Olson.' (1.5sec)

A: 'What kind of person is he?' (0.4sec) 'Oh wait! Right!'(0.2 sec)

'I still haven't heard anything about him.'

The 'essay by Olson', which speaker B mentions in line two, is a new discourse

topic. Since speaker B believes that speaker A is familiar with the referent,

Aufsatz 'essay' is marked by a recognitional demonstrative. Following this speech

act, there is a pause of 1.5 seconds which allows the hearer to ask for clarification.

The recognitional use must be distinguished from the use of the demonstratives

in the following examples:

(24) English (Himmelmann 1997: 78)

a. Similar payroll tax boosts would be imposed on those under the

railroad retirement system.

b. The true artist is like one of those scientists who, from a single

bone, can reconstruct an animal's entire body.

Similar to the recognitional use, the demonstratives in (24a-b) occur with a

subsequent relative clause. However, they do not appeal to private shared

knowledge, nor do they focus the hearer's attention on entities in the speech

situation or discourse. These demonstratives do not fit any of the uses discussed

thus far. Himmelmann (1997: 78) characterizes them as semantically empty

proforms that provide an anchorage point for the relative clauses that follow. In

chapter 6, I will argue that the head of a relative clause is often marked by a

grammatical item that developed from a recognitional demonstrative. I will refer

to such grammatical items as determinatives. The demonstratives in (24a-b) can

be seen as determinatives at an early stage of the grammaticalization process.

They are formally indistinguishable from adnominal demonstratives, but they have

lost the discourse pragmatic properties of a (recognitional) demonstrative and


serve a purely grammatical function. In other languages, determinatives are

further grammaticalized and formally distinguished from their historical source

(cf. 6.4.4).

Apart from the recognitional use, there is one other context in which nonexophoric

demonstratives are commonly used without a referent in the preceding

discourse. In colloquial English, unstressed this is frequently used to introduce

new discourse topics (cf. Prince 1981; Wald 1983; Wright and Givón 1987;

Gernsbacher and Shroyer 1989). Consider the following example:

(25) English (Prince 1981: 233)

A few years ago, there was this hippie, long-haired, slovenly. He

confronted me...

Like recognitional that, unstressed this precedes a noun that is mentioned for the

first time, but it serves a very different discourse pragmatic function: recognitional

that introduces hearer old information, while unstressed this marks

information that is hearer new. Furthermore, while the referent of recognitional

that is usually of low topicality and does not recur in the subsequent discourse

(Himmelmann 1996: 230; 1997: 83), unstressed this marks important new topics

that usually persists in the subsequent discourse (cf. Prince 1981; Wald 1983;

Wright and Givón 1987; Givón 1990). Following Wright and Givón (1987), I

assume that unstressed this is not just a different use of the proximal demonstrative;

rather, it functions as an article used to mark specific indefinite information

(cf. Gundel et al. 1993: 275). I will discuss specific indefinite this together with

similar articles from other languages in the following chapter on grammaticalization

(cf. 6.4.6).

Like anaphoric and discourse deictic demonstratives, recognitional demonstratives

may have a particular form. Himmelmann (1996: 231-234, 1997: 62-71) reports

that there are several Australian languages that employ a particular demonstrative

in order to activate private hearer old knowledge. Yankunytjatjara, for instance,

uses the demonstratives panya in order to "call the listener's attention to the fact

that he or she is already familiar with the referent" (Goddard 1985: 107).

Himmelmann (1996: 232) argues that panya is a recognitional demonstrative and

he discusses further examples from Nunggubuyu and Mparntwe Arrernte.

5.5 The special status of exophoric demonstratives

The previous sections discussed four different pragmatic uses of demonstratives:

the exophoric, anaphoric, discourse deictic, and recognitional uses. In the


literature, it is often assumed that the exophoric use is the basic use from which

all other uses derive (cf. Brugmann 1904: 7-8; Bühler 1934: 390; Lyons

1977: 671). This view has recently been questioned by Himmelmann (1996; see

also Hanks 1990; Fuchs 1993; Laury 1997), who maintains that there is no

evidence for the common assumption that the exophoric use is basic. Moreover,

he argues that the four pragmatic uses discussed in the preceding sections must

be of equal status because all four uses are universally attested. If the three

endophoric uses were derived from the exophoric use, one would expect,

according to Himmelmann (1996: 242), that the transpositions (or extensions)

from the exophoric use to the three other uses would be less pervasive and less


Himmelmann proposes this hypothesis based on very little data. In my view,

it is still an open question whether all four uses are universally attested. And even

if it turns out that all four uses are universal, it would not rule out that the

exophoric use is basic and that the three other uses are derived from this use by

regular transpositions. In the remainder of this chapter, I will argue, following

previous work by Brugmann (1904), Bühler (1934), Lyons (1977), and many

others, that the exophoric use is indeed the basic use from which all other uses

derive. I present three arguments in support of this view. First, the exophoric use

is prior in language acquisition. Second, exophoric demonstratives are morphologically

and distributionally unmarked. And third, the grammaticalization of demonstratives

originates from the anaphoric, discourse deictic and recognitional uses;

that is, exophoric demonstratives are never immediately reanalyzed as grammatical

markers. All three arguments suggest that the exophoric use has a special

status. It is the prototypical use from which all other uses derive.

In a study on the acquisition of deictic words in English, Eve Clark (1978)

has shown that gestures are crucial for young children to learn the use of deictic

words such as this and that and here and there. She argues that the acquisition

of deictic expressions occurs in four steps. At first, children use a pointing

gesture without any words to focus the hearer's attention on entities in the

surrounding situation. Then they begin to use an isolated demonstrative accompanied

by a gesture. Next, they combine demonstratives with other linguistic

expressions, producing utterances such as this shoe or that mine. And finally, they

learn how to use demonstratives without a deictic gesture if the identification of

the referent is sufficiently determined by situational clues (Clark 1978: 96-97; cf.

Weissenborn 1988). The development is summarized in Table 64, which I

adopted from Clark's paper (1978: 97).

Although Clark does not distinguish between different pragmatic uses, it is

clear from her argumentation that the exophoric use is learned prior to the other


uses because the exophoric use is the only use that is commonly accompanied by

Table 64. From deictic gesture to deictic word (Clark 1978: 97)

Stage Gesture Utterance Example







'da' (= 'that')

'that shoe'

'that coat is mine'

a pointing gesture. Children learn the use of exophoric demonstratives based on

the directive force of deictic gestures, which in turn provides the ground for the

acquisition of those uses that do not involve a gesture. The exophoric use of demonstratives

is thus of central significance for the development of deictic words

from deictic gestures, which suggests that the exophoric use plays a central role

within the deictic system.37

Additional support for this view comes from markedness theory (cf. Greenberg

1966; Croft 1990: chap4). As shown in the preceding sections, many

languages employ distinct demonstratives for different uses. In particular,

anaphoric demonstratives are often marked by an affix that is added to a demonstrative

root. I have given an example from Tümpisa Shoshone in Section 5.2.

Three further examples from Usan, Ngiyambaa, and West Greenlandic are shown

in (26) to (28).

(26) Usan (Reesink 1987: 80)

Exophoric e 'this'

Anaphoric e-ng 'this-GIVEN'

(27) Ngiyambaa (Donaldson 1980: 139)

Exophoirc ]ilu 'this.ERG'

Anaphoric ]ilu-la˜ 'this.ERG-GIVEN'

(28) West Greenlandic (Fortescue 1984: 261)

Exophoric manna 'this'

Anaphoric ta-manna 'ANA-this'

Like anaphoric demonstratives in Tümpisa Shoshone, anaphoric demonstratives

in Usan, Ngiyambaa, and West Greenlandic are formed by adding an extra

morpheme to a demonstrative root. The anaphoric demonstratives are thus morphologically

more complex than their exophoric counterparts. Morphological complexity

is one of the criteria that typologists use in order to determine the unmarked

value of a grammatical category. Croft (1990) defines this criterion as follows:


Structure: the marked value of a grammatical category will be expressed by at

least as many morphemes as is the unmarked value of that category. (Croft

1990: 73)

Assuming this criterion, anaphoric demonstratives are structurally marked: in all

languages included in my sample, anaphoric demonstratives involve at least as

many morphemes as exophoric demonstratives, and in some languages they are

distinguished from exophoric demonstratives by an additional morpheme. That is,

if anaphoric and exophoric demonstratives do not have the same number of

morphemes, anaphoric demonstratives are always more complex.

Like anaphoric demonstratives, discourse deictic and recognitional demonstratives

may have a special form, but they are usually not more complex than

exophoric demonstratives. Since they do not occur with an additional morpheme

they are structurally unmarked. However, recognitional demonstratives have a

marked distribution. As pointed out above, recognitional demonstratives are only

used adnominally, while all other demonstratives occur in various syntactic

contexts. Lexical items that occur in fewer syntactic contexts than other members

of the same category are distributionally marked according to the following


Behavior (distributional): if the marked value occurs in a certain number of

distinct grammatical contexts (construction types), then the unmarked value will

also occur in at least those contexts that the marked value occurs in. (Croft

1990: 82)

Thus, anaphoric demonstratives are morphologically (or structurally) marked

vis-à-vis demonstratives of the exophoric use, and recognitional demonstratives

have a marked distribution relative to the demonstratives of all other uses. Only

discourse deictic demonstratives do not seem to be marked by any of the

markedness criteria that typologists assume.

Finally, the exophoric use must be considered basic because the grammaticalization

of demonstratives always originates from one of the three endophoric

uses. Anaphoric demonstratives are, for instance, frequently reanalyzed as third

person pronouns (cf. 6.3.1); discourse deictic demonstratives provide a common

historical source for sentence connectives (cf. 6.3.4); and recognitional demonstratives

may develop into determinatives (cf. 6.4.4). Anaphoric, discourse deictic and

recognitional demonstratives serve language-internal functions; they are already

to some extent grammaticalized in that they function to organize the information

that is encoded in the ongoing discourse. Since exophoric demonstratives serve

a language-external function, they cannot be immediately reanalyzed as grammatical

markers. A demonstrative will always first go through a stage at which it is used


with reference to linguistic entities in the surrounding discourse before it assumes

a specific grammatical function. One can think of the grammaticalization of demonstratives

as a continuum ranging from items that are used to orient the hearer

in the outside world to items that are routinely used to organize the lexical

material within the ongoing discourse. Exophoric demonstratives mark one end

of this cline. The other is represented by grammatical items such as third person

pronouns, sentence connectives, and determinatives. The three endophoric uses

are somewhere in between the two ends of this cline, referring to linguistic

entities within the universe of discourse. Figure 6 shows the cline of grammaticalization

that I propose.

Exophoric Endophoric Grammatical


discourse deictic


e.g. 3rd person pronoun

e.g. sentence connective

e.g. determinative


Figure 6. The grammaticalization cline of demonstratives

5.6 Summary

In this chapter, I have examined the pragmatic uses of demonstratives in discourse

and face-to-face conversations. Following Himmelmann (1996, 1997), I

have distinguished four different uses: the exophoric, anaphoric, discourse deictic,

and recognitional uses. Exophoric demonstratives are primarily used to orient the

hearer in the speech situation. They focus his or her attention on entities in the

world outside of discourse and they are often accompanied by a pointing gesture.

I have shown that the exophoric use is not restricted to concrete referents that are

visible in the speech situation. Exophoric demonstratives are also commonly used

with reference to abstract and removed objects, and they may indicate a referent

in a fictive situation evoked by the ongoing discourse (Deixis 'am Phantasma').

Anaphoric demonstratives are coreferential with a noun or noun phrase in the

previous discourse; they keep track of discourse participants that are contrastive,

emphatic and somewhat unexpected. Very often, they occur after the first mention

of a new referent in order to establish a new discourse topic. Discourse deictic

demonstratives refer to an adjacent chunk of discourse. More specifically, they


refer to aspects of meaning: the propositional content or illocutionary force of an

utterance. Unlike anaphoric demonstratives, discourse deictic demonstratives do

not track continuing topics; rather, they express an overt link between two

propositions or speech acts. Finally, recognitional demonstratives activate private

hearer old knowledge. They mark new discourse referents that speaker and hearer

know from common experience in the past. Very often, recognitional demonstratives

are accompanied by a relative clause (or a prepositional phrase) providing

additional information about the referent. In the final section, I argued that the

exophoric use of demonstratives is basic and unmarked. I presented three

arguments in support of this view: first, the exophoric use is crucial for the

acquisition of demonstratives by young children; second, exophoric demonstratives

are morphologically unmarked relative to anaphoric demonstratives and

distributionally unmarked vis-à-vis recognitional demonstratives; and third, the

grammaticalization of demonstratives originates from the three endophoric uses.



The previous chapters dealt with synchronic aspects of demonstratives: their

morphological structures, semantic features, syntactic functions, and pragmatic

uses. This chapter is concerned with the diachrony of demonstratives. More

specifically, it investigates the development of demonstratives into grammatical

markers. Crosslinguistically, demonstratives provide a common historical source

for a wide variety of grammatical items such as definite articles, relative and third

person pronouns, copulas, sentence connectives, complementizers, number

markers, and possessives. The development of multiple grammatical markers from

a single source item has been called polygrammaticalization (Craig 1991). It

occurs when a single lexeme undergoes grammaticalization in several syntactic

contexts (cf. Lehmann 1995b: 1258). Grammaticalization is often viewed as a

process that involves isolated linguistic items, but it is the entire grammatical

construction, rather than an isolated item, that is subject to grammaticalization (cf.

Bybee, Perkins and Pagliuca 1994: 11). This chapter shows that the path-ofevolution

that a demonstrative might take is crucially determined by the syntactic

context in which it occurs. Specifically, it is argued that pronominal, adnominal,

adverbial, and identificational demonstratives give rise to four different sets of

grammatical markers which usually retain some of the syntactic properties that

the demonstrative had in the source construction. Pronominal demonstratives

develop into grammatical items that are either still used as pronouns (or have at

least some of the properties of a pro-nominal). Adnominal demonstratives give

rise to grammatical items that function as operators of nominal constituents.

Adverbial demonstratives evolve into operators of verbs or verb phrases. And

identificational demonstratives develop into grammatical markers that interact

with nominal constituents derived from predicate nominals. There is thus a rather

close correspondence between the syntactic function of the demonstrative in the

source construction and the grammatical function of the target.

This chapter is organized as follows. Section 6.1 discusses some general

principles of grammaticalization, providing the theoretical background for the


following investigation. Section 6.2 defines the criteria that I will use in order to

determine if and to what extent a demonstrative has undergone grammaticalization.

Sections 6.3 to 6.6 describe the grammaticalization channels that originate from

pronominal, adnominal, adverbial, and identificational demonstratives, respectively.

Finally, Section 6.7 addresses the question: where do demonstratives come

from - what is their historical source?

6.1 Some general principles of grammaticalization

Grammaticalization is usually defined as the process whereby lexical items

develop into grammatical items and items that are already grammaticalized

assume new grammatical functions (cf. Meillet 1921: 131-133; KurySowicz

1965: 52; Lehmann 1985: 303; Heine, Claudi and Hünnemeyer 1991a: 1-5;

Hopper and Traugott 1993:xv; Bybee, Perkins and Pagliuca 1994: 4-5). Lexical

items are content words, which encode the main semantic concepts of an

utterance. Grammatical items, on the other hand, are function words, which

organize the lexical material within a sentence. Lexical items comprise the major

word classes-nouns, verbs, and adjectives-while grammatical items subsume

such elements as prepositions, conjunctions, and auxiliaries. The former are

always open classes (except for adjectives, which may be open or closed class;

see Dixon 1982), while the latter are closed class items (cf. Talmy 1988).

Lexical and grammatical items form a cline of grammaticality ranging from

free content words to bound grammatical morphemes (Hopper and Traugott

1993: 7). Between the two ends of this cline there is a wide variety of items that

are more or less grammaticalized. Grammaticalization can be seen as the process

by which an item moves towards the grammatical end of this cline. This process

is unidirectional (cf. Hopper and Thompson 1993: 94-129). That is, lexical items

develop into grammatical items and grammatical items may further grammaticalize,

but grammatical items do not develop into lexical items or items that are less

grammaticalized. A few counterexamples have been cited in the literature (cf.

Jefferson and Zwicky 1980; Matsumoto 1988; Harris and Campbell 1995: 336-339),

but most of them are controversial (cf. Bybee, Pagliuca and Perkins 1994: 13-14),

and even if there are cases of "degrammaticalization" (Heine, Claudi and

Hünnemeyer 1991b: 149) they would be so rare that they hardly undermine the

claim that grammaticalization is basically a unidirectional process.

The development of grammatical items follows certain pathways, called

grammaticalization channels (cf. Heine, Claudi and Hünnemeyer 1991a: 221).

Grammaticalization channels are patterns of historical change leading time and


again from the same source to the same target. Crosslinguistically, they are very

similar and they tend to be stable over time. That is, new grammatical items may

evolve through a certain grammaticalization channel at different times, giving rise

to grammatical categories with different layers. Many Indo-European languages

have, for instance, several layers of adpositions that represent different stages of

a grammaticalization process, leading from constructions including a relational

noun (e.g. in front of) to adpositions with highly abstract meanings (e.g. of) (cf.

Lehmann 1985).

Grammaticalization may affect all aspects of a linguistic sign: its phonological

form, its morphosyntactic features, and its meaning or function (cf. Heine and

Reh 1984; Hopper and Traugott 1993; Lehmann 1993, 1995a, 1995b). At the

phonological level, grammaticalization often involves a process of phonological

reduction and coalescence (cf. Bybee, Pagliuca and Perkins 1994: 4-9). Items

tend to shorten and to fuse with other elements in their environment when they

grammaticalize; free forms lose some of their phonological substance, turn into

clitics and then into affixes before they eventually disappear (cf. Heine and Reh

1984: 17-28). Phonological reduction and coalescence are perhaps the most

obvious signs that grammaticalization has occurred, but they are not restricted to

grammaticalization. Lehmann (1989) points out that lexicalization may also

involve phonological reduction and coalescence. He defines lexicalization as a

word formation process by which formerly independent items are combined into

complex words with idiosyncratic semantic properties. Unlike lexicalization,

grammaticalization gives rise to forms that are morphologically and semantically

regular and transparent (cf. Lehmann 1995b: 1263-1264).38

At the morphosyntactic level, grammaticalization often restricts the distributional

freedom of an item: more grammaticalized items tend to occur in a

specific slot in a grammatical construction. Very often they are arranged in

paradigms and their occurrence is obligatory in certain contexts (cf. Lehmann

1995a: 137-143). Moreover, lexical items may lose the ability to inflect when they

grammaticalize. Although this is frequently accompanied by phonological

reduction, it is in principle an independent process. Grammatical items may lose

the ability to inflect even if they keep all of their phonological substance: they

may occur with a frozen affix that has lost its meaning or function.

At the semantic level, grammaticalization involves a process of semantic

bleaching or fading (Sweetser 1988, 1990): lexical items become semantically

less concrete and pragmatically less significant (cf. Heine and Reh 1984: 15). At

the same time, they gain new grammatical functions or meanings (cf. Sweetser

1988; Heine, Claudi and Hünnemeyer 1991a). According to Traugott (1989),

linguistic signs become more subjective when they grammaticalize. She argues


that the meaning of a grammatical item is often situated in the speaker's subjective

belief toward the situation.

Heine, Claudi and Hünnemeyer (1991a) have shown that grammaticalization

processes are commonly motivated by metaphorical extensions, metonymic

transfers, and pragmatic inferences (cf. Claudi and Heine 1986; Traugott and

König 1991). In their view, and in the view of many others, the initial stage of

a grammaticalization process usually involves the metaphorical (or metonymic)

use of a lexical expression or a conversational implicature that is triggered by a

specific item.

6.2 Criteria for the grammaticalization of demonstratives

Having described the general principles of grammaticalization, I turn now to the

features that characterize the grammaticalization of demonstratives. As pointed

out at the end of Chapter 5, the grammaticalization of demonstratives is a

continuous process leading from exophoric demonstratives used to orient the

hearer in the outside world to grammatical items serving specific syntactic

functions. This process involves a number of changes that one might summarize

as follows:

Functional changes

1. Grammatical items that developed from demonstratives are no longer used

to focus the hearer's attention on entities in the outside world.

2. They are deictically non-contrastive.

Syntactic changes

3. Their occurrence is often restricted to a particular syntactic context.

4. They are often obligatory to form a certain grammatical construction.

Morphological changes

5. They are usually restricted to the distal or, less frequently, the proximal


6. They may have lost their ability to inflect.

Phonological changes

7. They may have undergone a process of phonological reduction.

8. They may have coalesced with other free forms.

These are eight criteria that one might use in order to determine if and to what

extent a demonstrative has grammaticalized. The two functional criteria apply to

(almost) all demonstratives that have undergone grammaticalization: grammatical


items that developed from demonstratives do not function to orient the hearer in

the outside world and they are always non-contrastive (but see Section 6.5.2 for

discussion of a notable exception). The other criteria may or may not apply,

depending on the grammaticalization channel, the properties of the source item,

and the stage that an emergent grammatical marker has reached. More grammaticalized

demonstratives are more likely to have undergone any of the formal

changes than less grammaticalized demonstratives. At the initial stage of a

grammaticalization process, grammatical markers often have the same morphosyntactic

and phonological properties as the source items (Hopper 1991).

Given the criteria I have suggested, one has to assume that anaphoric,

discourse deictic, and recognitional demonstratives are already to some extent

grammaticalized (as I have argued in Section 5.5). All three endophoric demonstratives

serve language-internal functions and they are non-contrastive.39

Moreover, anaphoric and recognitional demonstratives are usually restricted to the

distal form, which suggests that they have undergone a morphological process,

and recognitional demonstratives occur only in adnominal position, which indicates

that they have changed syntactically. The division between grammatical items and

endophoric demonstratives is strictly speaking an idealization. There is no clearcut

borderline that separates endophoric demonstratives from grammatical

markers. There are only demonstratives that are more or less grammaticalized.

In the following four sections, I describe eighteen grammaticalization

channels that commonly originate from a demonstrative. For each channel, I

provide at least one example of a grammatical item that has undergone some

morphosyntactic and/or phonological changes so that source and target are

formally distinguished. Some of the grammaticalization processes that I examine

have been discussed extensively in the literature on grammaticalization, but other

changes have only been described in reference grammars or other special sources.

I begin my investigation with the reanalysis of pronominal demonstratives,

followed by the grammaticalization of adnominal and adverbial demonstratives,

and I conclude with grammatical items that developed from identificational demonstratives

in copular and nonverbal clauses.

6.3 The grammaticalization of pronominal demonstratives

6.3.1 Third person pronouns

In many languages, third person pronouns are historically derived from pronominal

demonstratives.40 Givón (1984: 353-360) has shown that the emergence of


third person pronouns from demonstratives is part of a diachronic cline that one

might describe as follows:

(1) DEM PRO > third person PRO > clitic PRO > verb agreement

At the beginning of this cline we find anaphoric pronominal demonstratives

tracking emphatic, contrastive and unexpected discourse topics. Anaphoric demonstratives

that develop into third person pronouns become de-stressed and their

use is gradually extended to all persisting topics. When third person pronouns

continue to grammaticalize they may become clitics, which may eventually turn

into agreement markers (cf. Givón 1984: 353; Lehmann 1995a: 39-42).

The entire cline is attested in the history of the French language. Modern

standard French uses pronominal clitics to track continuing topics, but in certain

nonstandard varieties the clitics are essentially used as agreement markers, which

are commonly accompanied by a coreferential (pro)noun (cf. Lambrecht 1981).

Historically, the clitics go back to free third person pronouns, which in turn

developed from the demonstrative ille in Vulgar Latin (e.g. Harris

1978: 100-101).

6.3.2 Relative pronouns

Relative pronouns are often marked by a relativizer, which might be an (uninflected)

particle or an (inflected) pronoun (cf. Keenan 1985). Though relative

pronouns are widely used in European languages (both Indo-European and non-

Indo-European such as Hungarian, Finnish and Georgian), they seem to be very

uncommon in other parts of the world (cf. Comrie 1998). In my sample, there is

only one non-European language that has a relativizer which one might consider

a relative pronoun: Tümpisa Shoshone (Dayley 1989: 357-374). The relative

pronoun in Tümpisa Shoshone is, however, rather different from the kind of

relative pronoun that is commonly found in European languages. In European

languages, relative pronouns tend to occur in the initial position of the relative

clause and their case features are determined by their syntactic function within

the embedded clause (cf. Comrie 1998). By contrast, relative pronouns in

Tümpisa Shoshone may occur in any position in the relative clause and they have

the same case features as the coreferential noun in the superordinate clause.

Relative pronouns have two common historical sources: (anaphoric) pronominal

demonstratives and wh-question words (cf. Lehmann 1984). Consider the

following examples from German:


(2) German

a. Er hat einen neuen Vorschlag gemacht, der

he has a new suggestion made REL

mir besser gefallen hat.

me better pleased has

'He made a new suggestion, which I liked better.'

b. Er hat einen neuen Vorschlag gemacht; der hat

he has a new suggestion made REL has

mir besser gefallen.

me better pleased

'He made a new suggestion; this one I liked better.'

The relative pronoun in (2a) occurs in a dependent clause, marked by the position

of the finite verb at the end of the sentence. It has the same form as the pronominal

demonstrative in (2b), which is embedded in an independent main clause

(marked by a finite verb in second position). Relative pronouns and pronominal

demonstratives are morphologically indistinguishable in German, but since their

syntactic features are different they are commonly distinguished (cf. Eisenberg

1994: 200).41 Relative pronouns are always fronted (i.e. they are always the first

element in the relative clause), whereas pronominal demonstratives occur in the

usual position of a (pro-)noun. That is, the relative pronoun in (2a) can only

occur clause-initially, while the pronominal demonstrative in (2b) may also occur

after the dative pronoun mir and the finite verb hat (cf. relative pronoun: *Mir

der besser gefallen hat vs. demonstrative pronoun: Mir hat der besser gefallen).

Moreover, while relative pronouns are generally unstressed, anaphoric demonstratives

may bear a contrastive accent.

The development of relative pronouns in German is controversial. Behaghel

(1923-1932, III: 766) argues that they derive from an (anaphoric) pronominal demonstrative

that continued a noun of the preceding sentence. However, Paul

(1916-20, IV: 189-191) and Lockwood (1968: 242-244) contend that they

evolved from a pronominal demonstrative that was originally governed by the

verb in the main clause, as in (3):

(3) Old High German (Lockwood 1968: 243)

enti aer antwurta demo za imo sprah

but he answered DEM.DAT to him spoke

'But he answered the one (who) spoke to him.'

In this example, demo is syntactically part of the main clause (i.e. it is governed

by the main verb antwurta 'answer'), but semantically it belongs to both main


and subordinate clause: it is an undergoer in the main clause and an actor in the

subordinate clause. If main and subordinate clause require the same case, it is

possible to interpret the demonstrative as a syntactic element of the subordinate


(4) Old High German (Lockwood 1968: 243)

thô liefun sâr thie nan minnôtun meist

then ran at.once DEM.NOM him loved most

'Then ran at once they who loved him most.'

The demonstrative in (4) is syntactically ambiguous: it occurs in nominative case

and could be interpreted as the syntactic subject of the verb in either the main

clause or the subordinate clause. According to Lockwood, the relative pronoun

in German evolved from pronominal demonstratives that were ambiguous as in

this example. The conversion was completed once the pivotal pronoun was represented

twice, in main and subordinate clause, as in the following example from

Early New High German:

(5) Early New High German (Lockwood 1968: 244)

Wer ist die, die aufgehet aus der Wüste wie

who is who rises from the desert like

ein gerader Rauch?

a straight smoke

'Who is the one who rises from the desert like smoke?'

Lehmann (1984: 378-383) suggests yet another developmental pathway along

which the relative pronoun in German might have emerged. He argues that the

German relative pronoun evolved from an adnominal demonstrative that preceded

a postnominal attribute as in (6):

(6) Old High German (Lehmann 1984: 378)

kuningin thia richun

queen DEM mighty

'the mighty queen'

Lehmann maintains that relative clauses in German are the result of a process

whereby attributive adjectives like the one in (6) are expanded to attributive

clauses in which the adnominal demonstrative is reinterpreted as a relative

pronoun. A crucial stage of this process is marked by participial constructions

like the one in (7), which are commonly found in Old High German:


(7) Old High German (Lehmann 1984: 379)

ich bim Gabriel thie azstantu fora gote

I am Gabriel DEM standing in.front.of god

'I am Gabriel standing in front of God.'

Lehmann argues that the adnominal demonstrative in (7) establishes an overt link

between the preceding noun and the participial construction, which it nominalizes.

This construction has properties of both the attributive adjective in (6) and a fullfledged

relative clause: like the attributive adjective in (6), the participial

construction in (7) is a nominalized constituent that is linked to the preceding

noun by an adnominal demonstrative; and like full-fledged relative clauses in

Modern German, it is a clausal attribute that includes a verb, though the verb is

nonfinite. Lehmann (1984: 379) argues that participial constructions of this sort

developed into finite relative clauses by analogy to an older relative construction

that included a finite verb and later disappeared.

Though Lehmann rejects the common assumption that the relative pronoun

in German evolved from a pronominal demonstrative, he does not deny that there

are languages in which relative pronouns can be traced back to pronominal demonstratives.

On the contrary, he argues that the relative pronoun in Ancient

Greek evolved from an anaphoric demonstrative pronoun. If Lehmann's analysis

is accurate, relative pronouns may arise from two types of demonstratives: (i)

pronominal demonstratives (which are either used as anaphors or as the pivot of

a bi-clausal construction) and (ii) adnominal demonstratives that link a nominal

attribute to the head noun.

6.3.3 Complementizers

Complementizers are frequently based on pronominal demonstratives that are used

as discourse deictics (cf. Frajzyngier 1991). The complementizers of North and

West Germanic languages, for instance, arose from a demonstrative that originally

occurred in the main clause referring forward to the subsequent proposition.

Harris and Campbell (1995: 287) provide the following example from Middle

High German, which exemplifies the source construction.

(8) Middle High German (Harris and Campbell 1995: 287)

joh gizalta in sâr thaŠ, thiu sâlida untar in uuas

and told them immediately that the luck among them was

'And he told them immediately that good fortune was among them.'

The initial clause in (8) includes the pronominal demonstrative thaŠ, which

anticipates the information expressed in the following clause. When the cataphoric


demonstrative was reanalyzed as a complementizer it became associated with the

following subordinate clause where it occurs in Modern German.

The same process gave rise to the complementizer that in English (cf.

Traugott 1992: 230-238). Hopper and Traugott (1993: 185-189) argue that the

that-complementizer started out as a copy of a cataphoric pronominal demonstrative

that occurred in the preceding main clause. Consider the following example

from Old English:

(9) Old English (Hopper and Traugott 1993: 186)

þæt gefremede Diulius hiora consul, þæt þæt

DEM arranged Diulius their consul COMP DEM

angin wearð tidlice þurhtogen

beginning was in.time achieved

'Their consul Diulius arranged (it) that it was started on time.'

The initial þæt in (9) is a fronted object pronoun used to anticipate the complement

clause, which is introduced by a copy of the cataphoric demonstrative.

Hopper and Traugott (1993: 186) point out that one could analyze the complement

clause as an appositive of the object pronoun, rather than an argument of the verb

in the preceding clause. The appositive clause turned into a complement clause

when the cataphoric demonstrative was no longer used to anticipate its occurrence.

The complementizers of North Germanic languages such as Swedish att

and Icelandic að developed along the same pathway. Lockwood (1968: 222-223)

provides the following two examples from Faroese, which show that the grammaticalization

channel is still productive.

(10) Faroese (Lockwood 1968: 223)

a. eg sigi, at hann kemur

I say that he comes

'I say that he comes.'

b. eg sigi tað, hann kemur

I say that he comes

'I say that: he comes.'

The complement clause in (10a) is marked by the complementizer at, which

introduces the embedded clause. Like the complementizers in English and

German, the complementizer in Faroese can be traced back to a cataphoric demonstrative

in the main clause. Example (10b) has the same structure as the

construction from which the complement clause in (10a) developed. It includes

a pronominal demonstrative that is used to anticipate the subsequent clause. This


sentence exemplifies the source construction from which the complementizers in

North and West Germanic languages evolved.

6.3.4 Sentence connectives

Sentence connectives are frequently formed from a pronominal demonstrative and

some other element (e.g. an adverb or adposition) that indicates the semantic

relationship between the conjoined propositions. Consider, for instance, the

following example from Hixkaryana:

(11) Hixkaryana (Derbyshire 1985b: 157)

nomokyaknano tuna heno. Gre ke romararGn

it.was.coming rain QNT DEM because.of my.field

hokohra wehxaknano

NEG I.was

'It was raining heavily. Therefore I did not work on my field.'

Example (11) shows two clauses linked by the pronominal demonstrative Gre and

the causal postposition ke. Derbyshire (1985a: 57, 1985b: 157) treats Gre ke as a

sentence connective, consisting of two words (cf. English so that), which are

routinely used in combination to express a causal link between two propositions.

Similar sentence connectives occur in many other languages in my sample. Epena

Pedee, for instance, has a number of 'temporal relators' (Harms 1994: 144)

formed from the distal demonstrative ma and a suffix that indicates the semantic

relationship between the linked propositions. The most common temporal relator

is mapái 'and/so then', consisting of ma and -pái, which Harms (1994: 144)

glosses as 'only'. Mapái is used to express a link between two closely related

events, as in (12):

(12) Epena Pedee (Harms 1994: 144)

tá-cˇi náwe te cˇáa peecˇiadai-pá-ri ma-pái cˇi

our-REF mother house each dizzy-HAB-PRES that-only REF

khari-pa-rí-pa khari-pá-ri kh½i ra pa-ru-má-a

sing-HAB-PRES-ERG sing-HAB-PRES face arrive-PRES-LOC-DAT

'The shaman gets dizzy and loses her balance in each house. And

then the singer sings until she (the shaman) revives.'

Sentence connectives are either based on pronominal demonstratives that are used

as discourse deictics, or they involve a manner (adverbial) demonstrative. Epena

Pedee, for instance, has a number of sentence connectives that consist of the

manner demonstrative maa 'like that' and a morpheme that specifies the semantic


relationship between the conjoined propositions. Example (13) includes the

sentence connective maaphéda 'after that' formed from maa 'like that' and -phéda

meaning 'after':

(13) Epena Pedee (Harms 1994: 145)

perõrá-pa imáma wárra pee-thaa-hí maa-phéda

spotted.cavy-ERG tiger son kill-OBJ-PAST like.that-after

unu-hi-dá ewári ába mée

find-PAST-PL day one jungle

'A spotted cavy killed a tiger's child. After that, one day they met

in the jungle.'

Like Epena Pedee, Khasi has a set of sentence connectives that are formed from

a distal demonstrative and a bound morpheme. Example (14) exhibits a complex

sentence consisting of two clauses linked by na]ta 'then', which is formed from

the adpositional marker na]- and the demonstrative root -ta:

(14) Khasi (Nagaraja 1985: 100)

u khla u la ba˜m na]-ta u la thyú

ART tiger ART PAST ate P-DEM ART PAST slept

'The tiger ate then he slept.'

Finally, German employs a large number of pronominal adverbs that developed

from an old oblique form of the pronominal demonstrative das (i.e. dara, dar)

and an adposition:

The pronominal adverbs in Table 65 are either used to substitute for a preposi-

Table 65. Pronominal adverbs in German (Paul 1992)

Modern form Source Gloss











dara ubiri
















tional phrase or they function to join two neighboring clauses. These forms are


only weakly grammaticalized: the prepositions are still governed by the verb and

the demonstratives establish an anaphoric link like discourse deictics but unlike

fully grammaticalized conjunctions. In the following example, the pronominal

adverb darüber 'about that/it' is used to indicate a link between the preceding

question and the following clause.

(15) German

A: Was machst du, wenn du fertig bist?

what do you when you finished are

'What are you going to do when you are finished?'

B: Darüber habe ich noch nicht nachgedacht.

DEM.OBL.about have I yet not thought.about

'I haven't thought about it yet.'

Darüber is composed of the old oblique form of the pronominal demonstrative

das, which is no longer used in Modern German, and the preposition über

'about', which is governed by the verb nachdenken at the end of the clause.

6.3.5 Possessives

Many languages do not have particular possessive markers, instead using personal

or demonstrative pronouns (often in genitive case) in order to indicate the

possessor. For instance, in Supyire a possessor may be realized by a pronominal

demonstrative preceding the noun denoting the possessee. Possessive demonstratives

have the same form as adnominal demonstratives, but unlike the latter,

possessive demonstratives agree with their antecedent rather than with the head

noun. The different agreement behavior of adnominal and possessive demonstratives

is shown in (16a-b): the adnominal demonstrative in (16a) has the same

noun class features as the following noun, while the noun class of the possessive

demonstrative in (16b) corresponds to the noun class of its referent or antecedent.

(16) Supyire (Carlson 1994: 200, 201)

a. ']ké ba-gé

DEM(G2S) house-DEF(G2S)

'this/that house'

b. ']gé ba-gé

DEM(G1S) house-DEF(G2S)

'that/this one'e house'

The possessive demonstratives in Supyire are ordinary pronominal demonstratives

serving a particular semantic function in this construction. They may, however,


turn into possessive markers if they become disassociated from pronominal demonstratives

that are used in other contexts. The development of possessive

markers from pronominal demonstratives is well attested. For instance, the French

possessive leur 'their' developed from the genitive masculine plural form of the

pronominal demonstrative ille in Vulgar Latin. Harris (1978: 87-95) describes the

development as follows. Classical Latin used the possessive pronoun suus in

order to indicate a possessor within the same sentence, and it used the genitive

forms of the anaphoric demonstrative is in order to indicate a possessor that is not

mentioned in the same clause. In other words, Classical Latin distinguished

reflexive from non-reflexive possessives: suus was used as a reflexive possessive,

and eius SG.M, eorum PL.M and earum PL.F functioned as non-reflexive possessives.

The latter were later replaced by illius SG.M⁄F, illorum PL.M and illarum

PL.F when the demonstrative ille took over the function of is. Old French lost the

distinction between reflexive and non-reflexive possessives and restricted the use

of suus to singular while the former masculine plural form of the non-reflexive

possessives, illorum, was adopted as the corresponding plural form. The singular

and plural feminine forms, illius and illarum, disappeared. As the grammaticalization

process continued, illorum was shortened to leur (il-lor-um) and by

analogy it developed a new plural form, leurs, used to indicate multiple possessees.

6.4 The grammaticalization of adnominal demonstratives

6.4.1 Definite articles and noun class markers

Adnominal demonstratives provide a common historical source for definite

articles. The development has been described in numerous studies including

Christophersen (1939), Heinrichs (1956), Krámský (1972), Ultan (1978a), Harris

(1978, 1980), Greenberg (1978, 1991), Lüdtke (1991), Vogel (1993) Cyr (1993a,

1993b, 1996), Leiss (1994), Epstein (1994, 1995), Lehmann (1995a), Laury

(1995, 1997), and Himmelmann (1997, 1998). This section summarizes the

central findings discussed in these works.

Most of the studies that I have cited assume that definite articles arise from

anaphoric adnominal demonstratives (e.g. Greenberg 1978: 69; see Himmelmann

1997 for a different view). The use of anaphoric demonstratives is usually

confined to non-topical antecedents that tend to be somewhat unexpected,

contrastive or emphatic (cf. 5.2). When anaphoric demonstratives develop into

definite articles their use is gradually extended from non-topical antecedents to


all kinds of referents in the preceding discourse. In the course of this development,

demonstratives lose their deictic function and turn into formal markers of

definiteness. An example of such a definite marker is the article the in English.

The semantic reanalysis of adnominal demonstratives as markers of definiteness

is usually accompanied by certain formal changes. Since articles are

generally unstressed they often lose some of their phonological substance and

cliticize to an element in their environment. The definite articles in Swedish,

Rumanian and Basque, for instance, are bound morphemes (i.e. enclitics or

suffixes) that evolved from free forms.

Furthermore, as we have seen in Chapter 4, adnominal demonstratives are

often independent pronouns that are only loosely adjoined to a coreferential noun

in apposition. Since articles are in general syntactically dependent, one has to

assume that adnominal demonstratives often lose their status as free nominals

when they become reanalyzed as definite markers (cf. Himmelmann

1997: 144-157).

Finally, Plank and Moravcsik (1996) report (based on unpublished work by

Siewierska and Bakker 1992) that, at least in European languages, demonstratives

are significantly more often inflected than articles, which suggests that adnominal

demonstratives often lose the ability to inflect when they grammaticalize as

definite markers.

Once demonstratives have turned into definite markers, their use may spread

from definite nouns to nouns expressing specific indefinite information (cf.

Greenberg 1978). When this happens, articles occur with (almost) every noun,

definite and indefinite, unless the noun is (i) non-specific (i.e. generic), (ii)

inherently definite (e.g. proper names), or (iii) otherwise marked for definiteness

(e.g. by a demonstrative). Greenberg (1978) mentions several Bantu languages

having articles of this type (Bemba, Zulu, Xhosa). When such articles continue

to grammaticalize they often turn into gender or noun class markers before they

eventually disappear (cf. Schuh 1990). Table 66 shows three nouns from Turkana

marked by three different gender prefixes whose historical relationship to the

distal demonstratives is still reflected in their phonological form:

Table 66. Noun class markers in Turkana (Dimmendaal 1983: 307)















6.4.2 Linkers

Definite articles are used to indicate the information status of a nominal expression.

They must be distinguished from linking articles, or linkers, which function

to establish an overt link between the elements of a complex noun phrase. Unlike

definite articles, which tend to occur at the margin of an NP, linkers are usually

placed between the head noun and the associated modifiers. Consider, for

instance, the following examples from Tagalog, in which the noun modifiers (i.e.

an adjective in (17a), a relative clause in (17b), a numeral in (17c), a demonstrative

in (17d), and an interrogative pronoun in (17e)) are linked to the following

noun by the linking article na (allomorph -ng).

(17) Tagalog (Himmelmann 1997: 160, 161, 161, 162; Foley 1980: 181)

a. ang maliít na langgám

SPEC small LK ant

'the little ant'

b. ang paa ng mama... na bàbaríl sa kanyá

SPEC foot GEN man LK gun LOC 3SG.DAT

'the feet of the man who was going to shoot at him'

c. sa isa-ng mànlalakbáy

LOC one-LK traveler

'about a traveler'

d. ay yuu-ng mama


'when that man'

e. ano-ng puno

what-LK tree

'what tree'

Similar constructions occur in many other Austronesian languages, in which the

linker has often the same or a very similar form as the linker in Tagalog (cf.

Foley 1980). Examples from Toba Batak, Tolai, Wolio, and Ilokano are given in

(18) to (21).

(18) Toba Batak (Foley 1980: 186)

huta na leban

village LK another

'another village'


(19) Tolai (Foley 1980: 189)

a mamat na vat

ART heavy LK stone

'a/the heavy stone'

(20) Wolio (Foley 1980: 192)

heqgane na be-a-umba-mo


'the time he will come'

(21) Ilokano (Foley 1980: 185)

ti kuarta nga in-gatang-mo

ART money LK PERF-buy-2SG

'the money with which you bought'

Himmelmann (1997: 172-188) argues that the linkers in Tagalog and other

Austronesian languages developed from adnominal demonstratives. He points out

that na (and nga) is not only a common form of the Austronesian linker; the

same form is also frequently used as a medial or distal demonstrative (e.g. na

'that' Sichule, nana 'that' Kambera) (Himmelmann 1997: 164). Table 67 shows

the Proto-Oceanic demonstratives as reconstructed by Ross (1988; adopted from

Himmelmann 1997: 164). Note that the medial demonstrative na has the same

form as the linkers in Tagalog, Toba Batak, Tolai, and Wolio, which probably

emerged from this form.

Linkers are not only found in the Austronesian language family. There are also

Table 67. Proto-Oceanic demonstratives (Ross 1988: 100)







linkers in Chadic (Schuh 1983a, 1990), Cushitic (Hetzron 1995), and Albanian

(Sasse 1991). In Chadic and Cushitic, the linker is a genitive suffix that evolved

from a (demonstrative) determiner (cf. Schuh 1990: 601-607). Schuh (1983a,

1990) presents two possible scenarios for the development of the "genitive-linking

morphemes" in Bade, Hausa, Kera, and other Chadic languages, without committing

himself to either one. Either they evolved from a determiner of the possessed

noun, as in (22a), or they developed from a pronoun that functioned as the head

of the possessor, as in (22b).


(22) The evolution of genitive-linking morphemes in Chadic (cf. Schuh

1990: 605-6)

a. [[possessee DET] possessor ] > possessee-GEN possessor

[[horse that] of John's]

b. possessee [PRO possessor] > possessee-GEN possessor

[horse [that of John's]]

If (22b) is the right scenario the genitive linkers would not derive from determiners

(i.e. adnominal demonstratives) but rather from (demonstrative) pronouns

that occurred with a possessor NP in apposition.

The Albanian linker is a free morpheme, which is obligatory with adjectives

(23a) and genitive nouns (23b), but does not occur with demonstratives (23c) and

other noun operators.

(23) Albanian (Himmelmann 1997: 167, 171, 171)

a. (një) shok i mirë

one friend.INDEF.M LK.NOM.SG.M good

'a good friend'

b. nën-a e vajz-ë


'a girl's mother'

c. ky libër

this.NOM.SG.M book.INDEF.M

'this book'

Himmelmann (1997: 172-183) shows that linkers occur more frequently with

lexical attributes such as adjectives, genitives and relative clauses than with noun

operators such as demonstratives and interrogative pronouns (cf. Foley 1980).

Based on this finding, he argues that the grammaticalization of linkers originates

in constructions that involve a noun and a lexical attribute and that the use of

linkers with noun operators is due to later extensions. If Himmelmann's hypothesis

is correct the linker in Tagalog is further grammaticalized than the linker in

Albanian. The former is used with both attributes and operators, while the use of

the latter is restricted to certain types of lexical attributes and does not occur with

noun operators.

6.4.3 Boundary markers of postnominal relative clauses/attributes

Relative pronouns are only one of several relative markers that may arise from

a demonstrative. Many African languages have relative clauses in which the head

of the relative construction is marked by an adnominal demonstrative that is


repeated at the end of the relative clause.42 Consider, for instance, the following

example from Izi:

(24) Izi (Meier, Meier and Bendor-Samuel 1975: 165)

kèbé ndú» ònó !nwé né ngú ònó ré

keep people DEM own mother your DEM well

'Keep your mother's relatives well.'

The relative construction in (24) includes two adnominal demonstratives: one that

occurs after the head noun, and one that occurs at the end of the relative clause

(which is a nonverbal clause in this case). The initial demonstrative can be

analyzed as a modifier of the head noun, but the final demonstrative does not

have an obvious function. Meier, Meier and Bendor-Samuel (1975: 165) argue

that the final instance of ònó serves as a boundary marker of the relative clause:

it "gives cohesion to what otherwise would be a rather loose construction". In

their perspective, the final ònó is not an ordinary demonstrative, but rather a

grammatical marker used to form relative clauses. The same type of relative

construction occurs in Sango:

(25) Sango (Samarin 1967: 73)

á.famille só ahé mbi só, mbi yí ála p7p7

relatives that laugh 1SG that 1SG like them NEG

'Relatives who make fun of me, I don't like them.'

Like relative clauses in Izi, relative clauses in Sango are often marked by a copy

of the demonstrative that accompanies the head noun at the end of the relative

clause. According to Samarin (1967: 73), the final demonstrative is used to tie the

whole construction together; it is a specific grammatical marker used to indicate

the final boundary of the relative clause.

Sankoff and Brown (1976) describe the emergence of a similar relative

construction in Tok Pisin. Like relative clauses in Izi and Sango, relative clauses

in Tok Pisin occur with an adnominal demonstrative at the final boundary of the

relative clause.

(26) Tok Pisin (Sankoff and Brown 1976: 632)

meri ia, em i yangpela meri, draipela meri ia,

girl REL 3SG PRED young girl big girl REL

em harim istap

3SG listen ASP

'This girl, who was a young girl, big girl, was listening.'


The relative clause in (26) is marked by the particle ia, which is etymologically

related to the adverbial demonstrative here in English. Ia was first reanalyzed as

an adnominal demonstrative before it assumed the function of a boundary marker

in relative clauses (e.g. man ia 'this guy'; Sankoff and Brown 1976: 639-641).

Sankoff and Brown (1976: 657) point out that ia is often omitted when the

relative clause occurs at the end of a sentence, where the final boundary of the

relative clause is sufficiently marked by intonation. They characterize the two

instances of ia in (26) as a "bracketing device" used to mark relative clauses and

other postnominal attributes (Sankoff and Brown 1976: 631); that is, both

instances of ia serve a grammatical function in this construction. Example (27)

shows that the ia...ia construction is not only used to mark relative clauses; it

also occurs with nominal attributes that follow a preceding noun.

(27) Tok Pisin (Sankoff and Brown 1976: 642)

... na em, man ia, lapun man ia, stap autsait ia

man this old man this stayed outside here

'... and this man, this old man, stayed outside.'

In this example, ia "brackets" the noun phrase in apposition to man. Sankoff and

Brown maintain that ia...ia has basically the same function in this construction

as in relative clauses. In both contexts, it is used to mark lexical material that

provides necessary information for the identification of the preceding noun

(Sankoff and Brown 1976: 640).43

Finally, Ewe has relative clauses that are marked by two relative particles,

si and lá, which seem to have the same function as the two ias in Tok Pisin.

(28) Ewe (Heine and Reh 1984: 251)

nyf'nu si vá étsf lá mé-ga-le o

woman REL come yesterday REL NEG-yet-be NEG

'The woman who came yesterday is no longer here.'

Sentence (28) includes a relative construction that is marked by two relative

particles: si and lá. Si follows the head noun and lá occurs at the end of the

relative clause. Historically, si is related to the proximal demonstrative sia, which

is composed of a demonstrative root and a definite marker, and lá can be traced

back to a definite article, which in turn may have developed from an adnominal

demonstrative. Heine and Reh (1984: 251) consider si and lá a "discontinuous

morpheme" used to mark relative clauses. According to their analysis, si...lá has

basically the same function as ia...ia in Tok Pisin. In both languages, relative

clauses are framed by two relative markers that derive from adnominal demonstratives

(cf. Benveniste 1966).44 Heine and Reh (1984: 251) argue that relative


clauses in Ewe might have developed from an afterthought construction that was

used to clarify the meaning of the preceding noun, which has now become the

head of the relative construction.

6.4.4 Determinatives

In Chapter 5 it was pointed out that a recognitional demonstrative may turn into

a relative marker that indicates the nominal head of a relative clause. Himmelmann

(1997: 77-78) argues that English has such a relative marker at an early

stage of the grammaticalization process.

(29) English (Himmelmann 1997: 78)

...provision was made for payment for unemployment relief by nationwide

taxation rather than by a levy only on those states afflicted with

manpower surplus.

The distal demonstrative in this example does not indicate a referent in the

preceding discourse or speech situation, nor is it used to activate private hearer

old knowledge; rather, it functions to mark the nominal head of a relative clause.

Demonstratives of this sort are sometimes called determinatives (cf. Quirk et al.

1972: 217; Himmelmann 1997: 77-80). They are not only used adnominally, but

also as independent pronouns functioning as the head of the subsequent relative


(30) English (Himmelmann 1997: 77)

Those who backed a similar plan last year hailed the message.

Like English, Swedish has determinatives, which serve the same grammatical

function. They are morphologically indistinguishable from adnominal demonstratives,

but their syntactic properties are different. While adnominal demonstratives

always cooccur with a definite article that is attached as a suffix to the following

noun, adnominal determinatives precede a noun that is not marked by a definite

article. Consider the following examples:

(31) Swedish (Holmes and Hinchliffe 1994: 167, 168; Viberg et al.

1991: 144)

a. De turist-er-na fick mycket sol.

DEM tourist-PL-DEF got lot.of sun

'Those tourists got a lot of sun.'


b. De turist-er som åkte till Island fick mycket sol,

DTM tourist-PL REL went to Island got lot.of sun

medan de turist-er som åkte till Italien fick

while DTM tourist-PL REL went to Italy got

regn varje dag.

rain every day

'Those tourists who went to Iceland got a lot of sun, while

those tourists who went to Italy had rain every day.'

c. Jag vill ha tillbaka bok-en som du lånade

I want have back book-DEF REL you borrowed

i förra veckan.

in last week

'I'd like the book back that you borrowed last week.'

Example (31a) shows an adnominal demonstrative modifying a noun that is

marked for definiteness by the suffix -na. Sentence (31b), on the other hand,

includes two adnominal determinatives that precede a noun without a definite

article (i.e. without the suffix -na). Note that the nominal head of a relative

clause is not generally used without a definite article. The definite article is only

omitted if the head noun is accompanied by a determinative as in (31b). Example

(31c) shows that the head noun of a relative construction does occur with a

definite article if it is not marked by a determinative.

Like determinatives in English, determinatives in Swedish can be used

pronominally, as in the following example:

(32) Swedish (Holmes and Hinchliffe 1994: 169)

Island har mycket att bjuda dem som gillar äventyr.

Iceland has a.lot to offer DTM REL like adventure

'Iceland has a lot to offer those who like adventures.'

German has a determinative that developed from the definite article der and the

demonstrative jener (Lockwood 1968: 73). Derjenige and its inflected forms are

primarily used as the head of a relative clause as in the following example (cf.

Drosdowski 1995: 336):

(33) German

Derjenige, der das gemacht hat, wird bestraft. who this/it did has will be.punished

'The one who has done this will be punished.'

In colloquial German, derjenige may also occur with a subsequent prepositional

phrase (e.g. Wir nehmen denjenigen mit dem besten Angebot. 'We will take the


one with the best offer.'), and occasionally it is used as a plain pronoun (e.g.

Derjenige soll kommen. 'That one is supposed to come.'). However, according to

Lockwood (1968: 73), these are extensions of the use of derjenige with a following

relative clause; originally, derjenige was used only as a determinative


6.4.5 Number markers

In a recent study, Frajzyngier (1997) has shown that demonstratives may be the

historical source for plural markers. He discusses data from several Chadic

languages in which plural markers and demonstratives are morphologically

related.46 Consider the following examples from Mupun, Hona and Podoko:

(34) Mupun (Frajzyngier 1997: 201)

saar 'hand'

saar mo 'hands'

mo 'these/they'

(35) Hona (Frajzyngier 1997: 204)

kwàlàmbá 'bottle'

kwàlàmbá-yà 'bottles'

dí-yà 'this'

(36) Podoko (Frajzyngier 1997: 207-8)

16ya 'bird'

16ya-kaki 'birds'

yma-ká 'that'

In all three examples, the plural marker has the same form as a demonstrative or

one of its components. Based on these and parallel data from several other

Chadic languages, Frajzyngier maintains that the plural markers in Chadic

developed from former demonstratives. His analysis appears to be straightforward

in the case of plural markers that evolved from plural demonstratives: the latter

are readily reinterpreted as plural markers if they lose their deictic function.

However, Frajzyngier maintains that plural markers also arose from singular demonstratives.

He discusses several factors that may have contributed to the

grammaticalization of singular demonstratives as plural markers. Most importantly,

he points out that plural marking in Chadic is often confined to definite nouns

marked by an adnominal demonstrative or a related noun modifier. Due to the

cooccurrence of definiteness and plural marking, adnominal demonstratives may

become associated with the semantic feature of plurality and then they are


immediately reanalyzed as plural markers if they lose their deictic function.

Plural marking is not confined to nouns in Chadic. Verbs are also commonly

marked by a plural affix. As in many other languages, the plural affixes of verbs

are often similar to the plural markers of nouns in Chadic. Frajzyngier attributes

the morphological resemblance of verbal and nominal plural markers to a

common historical origin. He claims that both plural markers developed from demonstratives.

I suspect, however, that nominal and verbal plural markers originate

from demonstratives in two different source constructions: nominal plural

markers are probably derived from adnominal demonstratives that accompany a

juxtaposed noun, while verbal plural markers develop from pronominal demonstratives

that cliticize to a verb stem.

Frajzyngier's study is primarily concerned with Chadic languages, but he

points out that there are also many other languages in which plural markers and

demonstratives are morphologically related (cf. Dryer 1989b). It is thus conceivable

that the development of plural markers from demonstratives is a widespread

phenomenon and by no means restricted to Chadic.

6.4.6 Specific indefinite articles

Wright and Givón (1987) have shown that many languages distinguish between

two different indefinite nouns: indefinite nouns having a specific referent and

indefinite nouns denoting a non-specific entity. Specific indefinites are often used

to introduce a major discourse participant that will persist in the subsequent

discourse, whereas non-specific indefinites do not usually recur in the sentences

that follow. Many languages mark specific indefinites by an article based on the

numeral 'one' and non-specific indefinites by zero (cf. Wright and Givón 1987;

Givón 1995). Standard English does not distinguish between the two indefinites;

both specific and non-specific indefinites occur with the article a. However, in

colloquial English, unstressed this and these are commonly used to mark specific

indefinite information that will persist in the subsequent discourse (cf. Wright and

Givón 1987: 15-28; cf. also Prince 1981; Wald 1983; Gernsbacher and Shroyer

1989). A typical example is shown in (37):

(37) English (Givón 1990: 921)

...So next he passes this bum and boy, the guy was real ragged, run

down and all, was not even begging, just sitting there; so he stops and

gives him a dollar and the next thing you know the guy is screaming...

The noun phrase this bum introduces a new discourse participant, which is one

of the main topics in the sentences that follow. Following Wright and Givón


(1987), I assume that unstressed this is a particular indefinite article, strictly

distinct from the adnominal demonstrative from which it descended. Unlike the

demonstrative, indefinite this is generally non-deictic; that is, indefinite this does

not function to orient the hearer in the speech situation or in the universe of

discourse; rather, it provides particular processing instructions. As Givón

(1990: 921) puts it, indefinite this is a "grammatical signal" that "instructs the

hearer to open and activate a file for the referent".47

There is, at least, one other language in my sample that seem to have a

specific indefinite article derived from an adnominal demonstrative. Like English,

Urim uses a former demonstrative to introduce new discourse topics. In this

function, demonstratives are often accompanied by the indefinite article ur, as in

the following example.

(38) Urim (Hemmilä 1989: 46)

kin ur pa ekg naren ampen tukgwan

woman a that two gather breadfruit ripe

'Two women were gathering ripe breadfruits.'

6.5 The grammaticalization of adverbial demonstratives

6.5.1 Temporal adverbs

Time is an abstract concept that is often metaphorically structured in spatial terms

(e.g. Lakoff and Johnson 1980). Mapping spatial expressions onto the temporal

dimension provides a common historical source for the development of temporal

markers (cf. Bybee and Dal 1989; Bybee, Pagliuca and Perkins 1991; Lichtenberk

1991; Haspelmath 1997). Since temporal expressions are semantically more

abstract and subjective than spatial terms, it is commonly assumed that the

development of temporal markers from spatial expressions is a case of grammaticalization

(cf. Heine, Claudi and Hünnemeyer 1991a: 156-157; Haspelmath 1997).

Temporal adverbs such as now and then in English are frequently derived

from adverbial demonstratives (cf. Anderson and Keenan 1985: 297-299). Very

often, adverbial demonstratives are directly imported into the temporal domain.

Anderson and Keenan (1985: 298) cite, for instance, the examples in Table 68

from Wik-Munkan (Pama-Nyungan), which are used both as locational and

temporal deictics. They consist of three deictic stems, in- 'proximal', an- 'medial'

and nan- 'distal', and two suffixes, -pal, which indicates movement from a

certain direction, and -man, which denotes a stationary referent.48


Anderson and Keenan (1985: 298) point out that some of the terms in Table 68

Table 68. Spatial-temporal deictics in Wik-Munkan (Anderson and Keenan 1985: 298)

Form Spatial sense Temporal sense







'right here'

'from here'

'from there (distant)'

'around there'

'from there (near)'

'there (close), that place'

'right now, today'

'from now'

'from then (on)'

'around now'

'from then (recent)'

'now (general), any near time'

have acquired special meanings so that the temporal senses are not always

predictable from the corresponding spatial terms. This is a clear indication that

the temporal expressions have become independent of the spatial demonstratives

from which they derive.

According to Anderson and Keenan (1985: 298), it is fairly uncommon for

a language to employ temporal deictics that are completely independent of the demonstrative

system. However, temporal and spatial deictics do not always have

the same morphological form as in Wik-Munkan. Consider, for instance, the

following forms from Kannada:

The temporal adverbs, i˜ga 'now' and a˜ga 'then', involve the same deictic roots

Table 69. Demonstratives and temporal adverbs in Kannada (Schiffmann 1983: 38-9)










as all other elements of the deictic system, but they are clearly distinguished from

adnominal, pronominal and identificational demonstratives. There are many other

languages in my sample in which temporal adverbs are formally distinguished

from demonstratives, but involve the same deictic roots.49

6.5.2 Directional/locational preverbs

Preverbs are elements such as con-, re- and dis- in Latin that are affixed to the

verb stem. According to Lehmann (1995a: 97-104), preverbs are commonly


derived from relational adverbs that indicate the semantic relationship between

a verb and a noun. Lehmann shows that a language may have several layers of

preverbs whose syntactic and semantic properties can be quite different. For

instance, the oldest layer of preverbs in German includes inseparable prefixes of

the verb (e.g. be-, er- and ver-). Their semantic contribution to the verb is vague

and the meaning of the resulting forms is usually quite idiosyncratic. Preverbs

that developed more recently (e.g. aus-, auf- and ab-) tend to be semantically

more transparent and they are separable from the verb stem in certain contexts.

Directional preverbs are often derived from adverbial demonstratives.50

German, for instance, has two directional preverbs, hin 'hither' and her 'thither',

which developed from an old demonstrative root, hi, which only survived in a

few forms such as hin and her and hier 'here' and heute 'today' (cf. Lockwood

1968: 36, 72). Hin and her are still sometimes used as independent adverbs, but

more frequently they function as preverbs. Lehmann maintains that preverbation

in German and other Indo-European languages is not an instance of grammaticalization

but rather of lexicalization.51 He argues that the use of preverbs in

these languages is usually not fully productive and that most verbs including a

preverb are semantically irregular. These are typical properties of a word

formation process rather than grammaticalization (cf. Lehmann 1989).

Although I would not dispute Lehmann's general conclusion, it seems to me

that the formation of complex verbs including a directional preverb are usually

more regular and productive than other instances of preverbation. The two

directional preverbs in German, for instance, combine fully productively with all

verbs expressing a directional process and the resulting forms are semantically

regular and transparent. Some examples are shown in Table 70.

The verbs shown in this table express a process or activity that is directed

toward a specific location. The meanings of these verbs are completely regular

and their formation is fully productive. Verbs that do not fit this pattern such as

hindeuten 'to indicate', hinrichten 'to execute', or hinweisen 'to point out'

developed from verbs that were at one point semantically regular. It is thus

essential to distinguish between the development by which the demonstrative

adverbs hin and her turned into directional preverbs and subsequent changes that

affected the entire verb form. The former is an instance of grammaticalization,

giving rise to verbs that are semantically regular and transparent. Only the latter

is a lexicalization process whereby a verb including hin and her may assume a

new meaning that diverges from the original pattern.

There are several other languages in my sample in which directional

preverbs developed from demonstratives. Papago, for instance, has two directional


preverbs, ‘i- 'toward' and ‘a(m)- 'away', which are based on the adverbial de-

Table 70. Directional preverbs in German















'to come hither / thither'

'to go by vehicle hither / thither'

'to run hither / thither'

'to run hither / thither'

'to swim hither / thither'

'to crawl hither / thither'

'to fly hither / thither'

'to chase hither / thither'

'to take hither / thither'

'to get hither / thither'

'to drag hither / thither'

'to carry hither / thither'

'to listen to or s.o. / to me'

'to look at or s.o. / at me'

monstratives ‘ia 'here' and ‘am 'there' (Mason 1950: 42, 65).

(39) Papago (Mason 1950: 42)

a. ‘i-‘gebeı

'Take it there.'

b. ‘am-hihi‘


'They went there.'

Two further examples from Mojave and Inuktitut are shown in (40) and (41)

respectively. In both languages, preverbs have the same form as some of the demonstratives

that are used as independent words in other contexts. Note that the

preverb in (40) does not indicate the direction of a motion verb; rather, it is used

to mark the location expressed by a positional verb. Apart from motion verbs,

verbs denoting a location or existence provide a common context for the occurrence

of a directional/locational preverb.

(40) Mojave (Munro 1976: 35)


'I am around.' (or 'Here I am.')


(41) Inuktitut (Denny 1982: 373)



'He is going via around up there.'

6.6 The grammaticalization of identificational demonstratives

6.6.1 Nonverbal copulas

In a frequently cited paper, Li and Thompson (1977) have shown that copulas

often arise from demonstratives and third person pronouns. More specifically,

they argue that nonverbal copulas derive from anaphoric pronouns, either from

anaphoric personal pronouns or from anaphoric demonstrative pronouns. Subsequent

studies by Schuh (1983b), Eid (1983), Gildea (1993), and Devitt (1994)

supported their finding (see Stassen 1997: 76-91 for a crosslinguistic overview

of nonverbal copula constructions).

In this section, I argue that Li and Thompson's analysis is only partially

correct. Though I agree with their hypothesis that nonverbal copulas often

develop from anaphoric third person pronouns, I disagree with their claim that

copulas may develop along the same path from anaphoric pronominal demonstratives.

Challenging their view, I maintain that the development of nonverbal

copulas from third person pronouns and from demonstratives follow two different

pathways. Before I discuss the demonstrative-to-copula path-of-evolution I will

briefly describe the mechanism whereby personal pronouns develop into copulas.

The mechanism is shown in (42), which I adapted from Devitt (1994: 144):

(42) [NP NP] / [NPi [PROi NP] ] Þ [NPi COPi NP]


nonverbal clause topicalization copular clause

Li and Thompson maintain that the reanalysis of anaphoric pronouns as nonverbal

copulas originates from a topic-comment construction in which the topical NP is

resumed by an anaphoric subject pronoun. Since the topic and the pronominal

subject are coreferential they will agree if there is any agreement marking in the

language. When such a topic-comment construction is routinely used to express

an identity relation between the topic and the predicate nominal, the topicalized

NP is eventually reanalyzed as the subject of an equational sentence in which the

anaphoric pronoun assumes the function of a copula. Li and Thompson support


their analysis by data from several languages including Modern Hebrew, where

the reanalysis of third person pronouns as copulas is due to a very recent

development; so recent, indeed, that their status as copulas is not immediately

obvious. Consider the following examples:

(43) Modern Hebrew (Glinert 1989: 189, 188)

a. ha-sha'oni hui matana

the-clock.M.SG is/he.M.SG present.F.SG

'The clock is a present.'

b. hevrati bóing hii taagid anaki

company.F.SG Boeing is/she corporation.M.SG giant

'The Boeing company is a giant corporation.'

In both sentences hu 3SG.M and hi 3SG.F agree with the sentence-initial NP, which

one might interpret either as the topicalized noun phrase of a nonverbal clause or

as the subject of a copular construction. If the initial NP is the subject of a

copular clause, hu and hi would be nonverbal copulas; but if it is the topic of a

topic-comment construction, hu and hi would function as anaphoric pronouns.

Following Berman and Grosu (1976), Li and Thompson argue that hu and hi are

nonverbal copulas in this context. They present three arguments in support of

their view. First, they point out that the NP preceding hu and hi can be a first or

second person pronoun, as in (44).

(44) Modern Hebrew (Berman and Grosu 1976: 271)

ani/ata/hu hu hašoter

I/you/he 3SG.M the.policeman

'I am / you are / he is the policeman.'

If hu were a pronoun in this example, the sentence would be ungrammatical

because pronominal hu and hi have to agree with their antecedent.

Second, a topicalized noun phrase is usually separated from the following

clause by an intonational break. Since hu and hi follow the sentence-initial

constituent without a pause, the latter must be the subject of a copular clause,

rather than a topicalized noun phrase of a nonverbal clause.

And finally, while the predicate nominal of an identificational sentence can

be questioned (45a-b), it is impossible to question the postverbal NP of a topiccomment

construction (46a-b), as illustrated by the following examples adopted

from Berman and Grosu (1976):


(45) Modern Hebrew (Berman and Grosu 1976: 277, 277)

a. moše hu xayal

Moshe he/is soldier

'Moshe is a soldier.'

b. ma hu moše

what he/is Moshe

'What is Moshe?'

(46) Modern Hebrew (Berman and Grosu 1976: 277, 277)

a. moše, hu ohev et rivka

Moshe he/is loves ACC Rivka

'Moshe, he loves Rivka.'

b. *et mi moše, hu ohev

ACC whom Moshe he loves

*'Who is such that Moshe, he loves her?'

Thus far, I agree with Li and Thompson's analysis. I challenge, however, their

claim that the development of nonverbal copulas from demonstratives involves

the same mechanism as the development of copulas from third person pronouns.

More precisely, I disagree with their hypothesis that nonverbal copulas derive

from anaphoric pronominal demonstratives that resume a topicalized noun phrase.

Questioning this part of their analysis, I maintain that nonverbal copulas that are

based on demonstratives develop from identificational demonstratives in nonverbal

clauses. Crucial evidence for my hypothesis also comes from Modern


Modern Hebrew has not only copulas that are derived from personal

pronouns, but also a set of nonverbal copulas that developed from the demonstratives

ze M.SG, zot F.SG and éle PL. Like hu and hi, the demonstratives are still

used with their original function; that is, apart from their use as copulas, they are

still used as demonstratives. When ze, zot and éle are used as demonstratives they

may function as pronominal demonstratives or as identificational demonstratives

in nonverbal clauses. Pronominal and identificational demonstratives have the

same form, but they differ in their agreement behavior: anaphoric pronominal demonstratives

agree in gender and number with their antecedent, while identificational

demonstratives agree with the predicate nominal that follows. This is

exemplified in (47a-b).


(47) Modern Hebrew (Glinert 1989: 100, Informant)

a. ten li kasdai aHéret, ani sone et zoti

give me helmet.F.SG other I hate ACC DEM.F.SG

'Give me another helmet, I hate this (one).'

b. zei abai sheli

DEM.M.SG father.M.SG mine

'This is my father.'

The demonstrative in (47a) is an anaphoric pronominal demonstrative. It agrees

in gender and number with the noun kasda 'helmet' in the preceding clause (both

demonstrative and noun are feminine singular). Example (47b), on the other hand,

shows an identificational demonstrative in a nonverbal clause. In this sentence,

the demonstrative agrees in gender and number with the following predicate

nominal aba (sheli) '(my) father' (both demonstrative and noun are masculine

singular). In order to determine whether the nonverbal copula developed from a

pronominal or identificational demonstrative, one has to examine the agreement

properties of the copula:

(48) Modern Hebrew (Glinert 1989: 189)

ha-báyit shelHa zoti dugmai tova

the-house.M.SG your COP/DEM.F.SG example.F.SG good

'Your house is a good example.'

Example (48) includes two noun phrases of different genders and the feminine

singular demonstrative zot, which Glinert (1989: 189) analyzes as a copula in this

example. The copula agrees in gender and number with the predicate nominal at

the end of the sentence, rather than with the sentence initial NP. The plural

copula in (49) exhibits the same kind of agreement.

(49) Modern Hebrew (Glinert 1989: 190)

ha-músika she-baHárti élei (ze) ktaimi

the-music.M.SG SUB-I.picked COP/DEM.PL pieces.PL

she-kulam ohavim

SUB-love everyone

'The music I picked is pieces everyone loves.'

Like zot in (48), the plural copula éle agrees with the predicate nominal rather

than the preceding subject. Note that in casual speech, the copual ze may occur

instead of éle (or zot) regardless of the gender and number features of the

coreferential noun. Since the copulas in (48) and (49) show the same agreement

behavior as the demonstratives in nonverbal clauses, I assume that they derive

from identificational demonstratives rather than anaphoric demonstrative


pronouns, as Li and Thompson have argued. (50) shows the mechanism that I

suggest for the developmental pathway from demonstratives to copulas.

(50) [NP] [DEMi NPi] Þ [NP COPi NPi]

There are two crucial differences between the grammaticalization path shown in

(50) and the mechanism described by Li and Thompson (which I believe is only

appropriate for nonverbal copulas derived from third person pronouns). First, the

agreement features of copulas derived from demonstratives are determined by the

predicate nominal rather than the subject; and second, copular clauses including

a former demonstrative develop from two intonation units, a topical NP and a

nonverbal clause, that merge into a single construction, whereas copular clauses

that include a former third person pronoun emerge from a construction that is

expanded by left-dislocation.52

Additional support for my analysis comes from Kilba. Kilba has three

nonverbal copulas which have the same form as identificational demonstratives

in nonverbal clauses, while they differ from demonstrative pronouns. The demonstrative

pronouns are complex free forms whereas the identificational demonstratives

and nonverbal copulas are monosyllabic enclitics. Consider the forms in

Table 71, which is repeated from Section 4.3.1.

Schuh (1983b) shows that the identificational demonstratives have turned into

Table 71. Demonstrative pronouns - identifiers in Kilba (Schuh 1983b: 315-317)





(n ' 6)n ' 6nnà






copulas that mark three different tenses: =ná has been reanalyzed as a present

tense copula, =ndá indicates past tense, and =]gá is used in copular clauses

whose subject is out of sight (a similar development occurred in Panare; cf.

Gildea 1993):

(51) Kilba (Schuh 1983b: 321)

a. ùsmân h'6bà ná

Usman Kilba is

'Usman is a Kilba.' (Usman is present)


b. ùsmân h'6bà ndá

Usman Kilba was

'Usman was a Kilba.'

c. ùsmân h'6bà ]gá

Usman Kilba was

'Usman is a Kilba.' (Usman is not present)

6.6.2 Focus markers

In a recent study, Luo (1997) has shown that focus markers often have the same

or a very similar morphological form as copulas and/or demonstratives. The

morphological resemblance among these categories suggests that in such cases

they are historically related. Givón (1979: 246-248) and Heine and Reh

(1984: 147-182) have shown that in many African languages focus markers

emerged from former copulas (see McWhorter 1994 for an alternative analysis

of the evolution of the focus marker ni in Swahili). More specifically, they have

argued that focus markers frequently arise from copulas in cleft constructions.

The mechanism is shown in (52):

(52) [[Ø COP NP]S [REL CL]S]S Þ [[FOC NP]NP ...]S

The source construction consists of two clauses: a copula clause (with zero

subject) providing focal information and a relative clause providing presupposed

information. In the target construction, the copula clause has been reanalyzed as

a focal NP of the former relative clause. Given that demonstratives are a common

historical source for nonverbal copulas (see above), one might posit that the

morphological relationship between demonstratives and focus markers is due to

the development of focus markers from nonverbal copulas that in turn evolved

from identificational demonstratives in nonverbal clauses:


Though (53) appears to be a likely pathway for the development of focus markers

(cf. Luo 1997), it is conceivable that focus markers may also develop directly

from identificational demonstratives in nonverbal clauses. (54) shows the

mechanism by which they would thus emerge.

(54) [[DEM Ø NP]S [REL CL]S]S Þ [[FOC NP]NP ˜]S


Note that the source construction in (54) has the same structure as the one in (52)

except that the focal part of the cleft construction includes an identificational demonstrative

in a nonverbal clause rather than a copula with zero subject. The

mechanism in (54) may account for the development of focus markers in

languages such as Ambulas and Mokilese, where demonstratives and focus

markers are morphologically related but show no obvious relationship to a copula.

As shown in 2.1.2, Ambulas has two demonstrative identifiers, kén 'proximal'

and wan 'distal', which are frequently used as focus markers:

(55) Ambulas (Wilson 1980: 157)

véte dé wak a [wan méné] kaapuk yéménén

see.and he said ah FOC you not you.went

'He saw him and said, "Ah, so you did not go.'"

Similarly, Mokilese (Austronesian) employs a focus marker (ioar) which,

according to Harrison (1976: 309), can be traced back to an old deictic form that

is cognate to a demonstrative identifier in Ponapean (see 4.3.1).

(56) Mokilese (Harrison 1976: 311)

ioar Wilson ma pwehng ih mehu

FOCUS Wilson REL told him that

'It was Wilson who told him that.'

Since there is no evidence that the focus markers in Ambulas and Mokilese

developed from a copula, it is at least a plausible hypothesis that they emerged

directly from a demonstrative identifier in a nonverbal clause.

6.6.3 Expletives

Expletives are semantically empty pro-forms that some languages require to form

certain syntactic constructions. Two examples from French and Modern Hebrew

are given in (57) and (58) respectively.

(57) French (Calvez 1993: 332)

C'est toi que je connais le mieux. you that I know the best

'You are the one I know best.'


(58) Modern Hebrew (Glinert 1989: 63)

(ze) tov [she-bat]

it good SUB-you.came

'It's good (that) you came.'

In these examples, ce and ze function as dummy pro-forms (the use of ze is

optional): they do not have a referent and serve a purely grammatical function.

Historically, ce and ze are derived from identificational demonstratives in copular

clauses. In other syntactic contexts, expletives developed from demonstratives that

were originally used as pronouns or adverbs (cf. Traugott 1992: 216-219). An

example of the former is English it in It rained; and an example of the latter is

the existential there in sentences like There was an old man who lived in Western

New York.

6.7 The diachronic origin of demonstratives

Having described the grammaticalization of demonstratives, I now address the

question: where do demonstratives come from - what is their historical source?

Demonstratives are usually considered grammatical items (for a different

view see Woodworth 1991: 285). Grammaticalization theory holds that all

grammatical items are eventually derived from lexical expressions (cf. Hopper

and Traugott 1993: 104), but there is no evidence from any language that demonstratives

developed from a lexical source or any other source, for that matter, that

is non-deictic. Demonstratives are sometimes reinforced by lexical items such as

ecce 'behold' in Vulgar Latin, which strengthened the weakened demonstrative

ille (VL ecce ille > OFr cest cel > Fr ce; Harris 1978: 70-77). In such a case, the

lexical item may become part of the demonstrative, and if the original demonstrative

subsequently disappears the lexical item may assume a deictic function (cf.

Brugmann 1904).53 This might be, however, the only mechanism by which a nondeictic

term may evolve into a demonstrative. Frajzyngier (1987, 1996) claims

that the demonstratives in Mupun and several other Chadic languages developed

from motion verbs and verbs of saying, but his analysis is very speculative and

the suggested development appears to be unmotivated.54 As Himmelmann

(1997: 20) notes, apart from those cases where a demonstrative developed from

a lexical item that functioned to reinforce a weakened demonstrative, there is no

convincing evidence from any language that demonstratives may have evolved

from a lexical source (cf. Traugott 1982: 245; Hopper 1991: 31; Hopper and

Traugott 1993: 129). A number of studies have therefore suggested that demonGRAMMATICALIZATION


stratives might present an exception to the hypothesis that all grammatical expressions

are eventually derived from lexical items (cf. Plank 1979a; Traugott

1982).55 Demonstratives, or the deictic elements on which they are based, might

belong to the basic vocabulary of every language. This is not only suggested by

the absence of any positive evidence for a lexical source, it is also supported by

the fact that demonstratives belong to the very few items that display a nonarbitrary

relationship between phonetic form and meaning. Based on a representative

sample of 26 languages, Woodworth (1991) has shown "that there is a

systematic relationship between vowel quality and distance such that the vowel

quality of the form with proximal meaning has a higher pitch than that of the

form with distal meaning." This confirms earlier studies by Sapir (1949) and

Ultan (1978b) who cast the same finding in articulatory terms: the vowels of

proximal demonstratives tend to be higher and more advanced than the vowels

of the corresponding medial and distal forms. Plank (1979a) argues that the iconic

relationship between phonetic shape and meaning might indicate that demonstratives

are newly created words (cf. also Plank 1979b). Questioning the hypothesis

that all grammatical items are either derived from lexical items or from grammatical

items that previously developed from a lexical source, he argues:

doch möchte ich bei meiner Konzeption von lexikalisch und grammatisch nicht

a priori ausschliessen, dass bestimmte grammatische Mittel ihren historischen

Ursprung nicht in lexikalischen oder ehemals funktionsverschiedenen grammatischen

Ausdrucksmitteln haben. Zumindest bei grammatischen Kategorien aus

Bereichen, in denen Form-Bedeutungszuordnungen tendentiell auf ikonischer

statt auf rein symbolischer Basis erfolgen, sollte auch das erste Verfahren der

"Urschöpfung" von Ausdrücken in unmittelbar grammatischer Funktion im

Auge behalten werden. Zu denken wäre dabei an zwei- oder mehrstufige

Systeme der Ortsdeixis (hier - dort), deren Vokalmuster in vielen Sprachen

frappante Ähnlichkeiten aufweisen, ... (Plank 1979a: 331-332)

[but for my conception of lexical and grammatical I do not want to exclude a

priori that certain grammatical items do not originate from lexical items or

items that previously served another grammatical function. At least for those

grammatical categories for which the pairing of form and meaning is partially

iconic rather than purely symbolic, the first strategy of creating new terms that

are immediately used to serve a grammatical function should also be considered.

Place deictic systems including two or more terms show, for instance, a

pattern of vowel alternation that is strikingly similar in many languages, ...]

The iconic relationship between sound shape and meaning could, of course, also

be the result of a phonological process that is involved in the grammaticalization

of demonstratives. But given that sound symbolism is usually associated with


newly created words, the systematic relationship between vowel quality and

distance seems to support the hypothesis that demonstratives are new creations.

This would also be in accordance with the fact that demonstratives are not

ordinary grammatical items. Grammatical items function to organize the lexical

material in discourse, while demonstratives serve a language-external function (at

least in their most basic use). A number of scholars, including Peirce (1955) and

Bühler (1934), have argued that demonstratives and other deictics form a

particular class of items that is distinct from all other linguistic expressions (see

also Ehlich 1979, 1982, 1983, 1987). Demonstratives are used to orient the hearer

in the speech situation, focusing his or her attention on objects of interest. This

is one of the most basic functions of human communication for which there

might be a particular class of linguistic expressions that emerged very early in the

evolution of language. In this connection, it is interesting to note that demonstratives

are also among the very first items in language acquisition. According to

Eve Clark (1978: 95), demonstratives often appear in the first ten words of

English-speaking children, and they are always among the first fifty. Apart from

demonstratives there are hardly any other closed class items that English-speaking

children learn before they begin to construct their first simple sentences (Brown

1973). All this suggests that demonstratives are not ordinary grammatical

markers, and hence it would make sense if they do not derive from lexical items

as all other grammatical markers.

If demonstratives are not derived from lexical items, there would be two

different sources from which grammatical markers may emerge: lexical expressions

and demonstratives. The grammaticalization of items from both domains

would be unidirectional. That is, grammatical items develop from lexical expressions

and demonstratives but never vice versa. Furthermore, there would be no

transitions between the two source domains - demonstratives do not develop

into lexical items, nor is there evidence that lexical items have ever been

reanalyzed as demonstratives. These considerations are summarized in Figure 7.










Figure 7. The two source domains of grammatical items

According to Figure 7, grammatical markers evolve from two different sources:

lexical items and demonstratives. The grammaticalization processes that originate

from these two sources differ significantly. The grammaticalization of lexical

items involves such mechanisms as metaphorical extension, metonymic transfer

and conversational implicature (cf. Sweetser 1990; Heine, Claudi and Hünnemeyer

1991a; Traugott and König 1991; Hopper and Traugott 1993; Bybee,

Perkins and Pagliuca 1994). These mechanisms are irrelevant to the grammaticalization

of demonstratives, which is based on the extension of the exophoric use

to the three endophoric uses (cf. 5.5). Endophoric demonstratives serve a

language-internal function, providing a natural starting point for the development

of grammatical markers. It seems that grammatical morphemes always emerge

from a secondary use of the source expression: lexical items that are used in a

metaphorical (or metonymic) sense or that trigger a conversational implicature

and demonstratives that function to indicate a referent in the universe of discourse

or to activate private shared knowledge.

6.8 Summary

In this chapter, I have shown that demonstratives provide a common historical


source for a wide variety of grammatical items. I have examined the grammaticalization

path of eighteen grammatical markers that frequently arise from demonstratives.

I have shown that the path-of-evolution that a demonstrative takes is

largely determined by the syntactic context in which it undergoes grammaticalization.

Pronominal, adnominal, adverbial, and identificational demonstratives

provide input into different grammaticalization channels giving rise to grammatical

items that usually retain some of the syntactic properties of their historical

source. There are, however, a few grammatical items that may arise from more

than one source. Sentence connectives, for instance, derive from pronominal demonstratives

that are used as discourse deictics and from manner demonstratives,

which are commonly classified as adverbs. Also, expletives may originate from

demonstratives in three different contexts: (i) identificational demonstratives in

copular and nonverbal clauses, (ii) pronominal demonstratives functioning as

subjects of an impersonal verb, and (iii) adverbial demonstratives in existential

constructions. Table 72 provides an overview of the grammaticalization channels

that I have examined in this chapter.

The list of grammatical items hown in Table 72 is by no means exhaustive.

Other grammaticalization processes starting from a demonstrative have been

suggested in the literature. For instance, Vries (1995) has argued that a number

of Papuan languages have topic markers that are based on pronominal demonstratives,

and Ehlich (1986, 1987) has shown that interjections and discourse markers

may evolve from deictics (i.e. demonstratives).56 Finally, it is well known that in

many languages demonstratives are commonly used as hesitation signals (e.g.

Korean, Japanese, Mandarin Chinese, Finnish, Passamaquoddy-Maliseet).

In the final section of this chapter, I have considered the hypothesis that demonstratives

(or the deictic roots on which demonstratives are based) belong to

the basic vocabulary of every language. I presented three arguments that seem to

support this view. First, there is no positive evidence that demonstratives derive

from lexical items. Second, demonstratives exhibit an iconic relationship between

phonetic shape and meaning, which is usually associated with newly created

words. And third, demonstratives do not serve a language-internal function like

ordinary grammatical markers; rather, they are used for one of the most basic

functions of human communication, for which there might be a class of linguistic

items that is distinct from both lexical and grammatical expressions.


Table 72. The grammaticalization of demonstratives

Source Target

Pronominal demonstratives: third person pronouns

relative pronouns


sentence connectives


adnominal determinatives

verbal number markers



Adnominal demonstratives: nominal number markers

definite articles/noun class markers


boundary markers of attributes

pronominal determinatives

specific indefinite articles

(relative pronouns)

Adverbial demonstratives: directional preverbs

temporal adverbs


Identificational demonstratives: nonverbal copulas

focus markers




It has been the purpose of this study to provide a comprehensive overview of the

form, function and grammaticalization of demonstratives in the world's languages.

This final chapter summarizes the major results of my investigation and discusses

some of the areas that merit further examination.

7.1 Major findings

Chapter 2 examined the morphological features of demonstratives: the occurrence

of demonstrative clitics, the inflectional properties of demonstratives in different

syntactic contexts, and the formation of demonstrative stems. It was shown that

the occurrence of demonstrative clitics is largely restricted to adnominal demonstratives;

pronominal, adverbial and identificational demonstratives are almost

always unbound. The inflectional properties of demonstratives vary with their

syntactic function. Pronominal demonstratives are more often inflected than

adnominal and identificational demonstratives, which in turn are more likely to

inflect than adverbial demonstratives; the latter are usually uninflected unless they

occur with a set of locative case markers. The stem of most demonstratives is

monomorphomemic. If it consists of more than one morpheme, pronominal demonstratives

are often formed from a demonstrative root and a nominalizing

suffix, a third person pronoun or a classifier, and adverbial demonstratives may

be composed of a demonstrative root and a locative marker or a locational noun.

Adnominal and identificational demonstratives have either the same stems as

pronominal demonstratives or they consist solely of a deictic root.

Chapter 3 examined the semantic features of demonstratives. It was argued

that demonstratives have two kinds of semantic features: deictic features, which

indicate the location of the referent in the speech situation, and qualitative

features, which characterize the referent. The deictic features indicate whether the

referent is near or away from the deictic center, whether it is at a higher or lower

elevation, whether the referent is visible or out of sight, uphill or downhill,

upriver or downriver, or whether it is moving toward or away from the deictic


center or across the speaker's line of vision. I argued that although pronominal

and adnominal demonstratives are not always deictically contrastive, all languages

have at least two (adverbial) demonstratives that indicate a contrast on a distance

scale: a proximal demonstrative, which refers to a location near the deictic center,

and a distal demonstrative, which indicates a referent at greater distance. The

qualitative features of demonstratives are subsumed under six semantic categories:

(i) ontological status, (ii) animacy, (iii) humanness, (iv) sex, (v) number, and (vi)

boundedness. The features of these categories classify the referent, which

provides important clues for its identification by the hearer.

Chapter 4 investigated the distribution and the categorial status of demonstratives.

I argued that demonstratives occur in four syntactic contexts: (i) they are

used as independent pronouns in argument position of verbs and adpositions, (ii)

they are used together with a cooccurring noun or (iii) a cooccurring verb, and

(iv) they may occur in copular and nonverbal clauses. Some languages employ

the same demonstratives in all four contexts, but most languages have several

series of demonstratives that serve specific syntactic functions in particular

environments. If the demonstratives being used in one of these four contexts are

phonologically distinguished or if they have different morphosyntactic properties,

they belong to different grammatical categories, which I call (i) demonstrative

pronouns, (ii) demonstrative determiners, (iii) demonstrative adverbs, and (iv) demonstrative

identifiers. I used the corresponding adjectives - pronominal,

adnominal, adverbial, and identificational - in order to refer to the use of a demonstrative

in a specific syntactic context regardless of its categorial status. It

was shown that some languages do not have a particular class of demonstrative

determiners, instead, using a demonstrative pronoun with a coreferential noun in

apposition. Other languages lack a particular class of demonstrative pronouns and

use demonstrative determiners together with a classifier, a third person pronoun,

or a nominal particle where most languages use a demonstrative pronoun.

Adnominal demonstratives in English are phonologically and morphologically

indistinguishable from demonstrative pronouns, but since they are associated with

two different word classes one must assume that pronominal and adnominal this

and that belong to distinct categories. In Old English, adnominal demonstratives

had the status of independent pronouns that were adjoined to a coreferential noun

in apposition, but in Modern English, adnominal demonstratives are determiners

and categorially distinguished from demonstrative pronouns. Adverbial demonstratives

are usually distinct from demonstrative pronouns and determiners. There are

only a few languages in my sample in which adverbial demonstratives belong to

the same category as pronominal and adnominal demonstratives. Finally, identificational

demonstratives are usually considered demonstrative pronouns, but my


investigation showed that the demonstratives in copular and nonverbal clauses are

often formally (i.e. categorially) distinguished from pronominal demonstratives

in other contexts: they may have a particular phonological form or they may

differ in their inflection.

Chapter 5 was concerned with the pragmatic uses of demonstratives.

Following a recent study by Himmelmann (1996), I distinguished four different

uses: (i) the exophoric, (ii) anaphoric, (iii) discourse deictic, and (iv) recognitional

uses. Exophoric demonstratives function to orient the hearer in the speech

situation; they serve a language-external function. The other three uses function

to refer to linguistic elements in the surrounding discourse or to activate private

shared knowledge; they serve a language-internal function enhancing discourse

coherence. I used the notion of endophoric demonstrative in order to distinguish

these three uses from the exophoric use. Anaphoric demonstratives are coreferential

with a prior NP; they keep track of discourse topics. Discourse deictic

demonstratives refer to a chunk of the surrounding discourse; they express an

overt link between two discourse units. Finally, recognitional demonstratives

activate information that is already in the hearer's knowledge store. The exophoric

use is the most basic use from which all other uses derive: exophoric demonstratives

are prior in language acquisition, they are morphologically and

distributionally unmarked (vis-à-vis anaphoric and recognitional demonstratives),

and the grammaticalization of demonstratives originates from one of the three

endophoric uses. One can think of the grammaticalization of demonstratives as

a cline ranging from exophoric demonstratives that are used to orient the hearer

in the outside world to grammatical markers that serve a specific syntactic

function. Anaphoric, discourse deictic, and recognitional demonstratives are

somewhere in between the two ends of this cline.

In Chapter 6 I showed that the grammaticalization of demonstratives is

largely determined by the syntactic context in which a demonstrative occurs.

Pronominal, adnominal, adverbial, and identificational demonstratives are

associated with grammatical items that usually retain some of the syntactic

properties of their historical source. Pronominal demonstratives are frequently

reanalyzed as third person pronouns, relative pronouns, complementizers, sentence

connectives, possessives, expletives, and verbal number markers; adnominal demonstratives

may develop into definite articles (noun class markers), linkers,

adnominal determinatives, nominal number markers, boundary markers of

postnominal attributes, and, perhaps, relative pronouns; adverbial demonstratives

are often reanalyzed as temporal adverbs and in some languages they developed

into directional preverbs, sentence connectives, and expletives; and identificational

demonstratives are the source for nonverbal copulas, focus markers, and expletives.


Finally, I considered the hypothesis that demonstratives might not derive from

lexical items, as commonly assumed, but rather from a class of genuine deictics

that belong to the basic vocabulary of every language. I presented three arguments

in support of this view. First, there is no convincing evidence from any

language that would indicate that demonstratives evolve from a lexical source.

Second, demonstratives are among the very few items that exhibit an iconic

relationship between form and meaning, which is characteristic of newly created

words. And third, demonstratives serve one of the most fundamental functions of

human communication for which all languages use a set of deictics that might

have developed very early in the evolution of language.

7.2 Future research

My findings raise a number of questions that deserve further investigation. In this

final section, I outline some areas of future research that would thematically

continue the current work.

In Chapter 4, I discussed the semantic values of demonstratives as described

in reference grammars. The vast majority of grammars that I consulted use

semantic labels such as 'proximal' or 'near speaker' in order to characterize the

meanings of demonstratives. These labels are, however, only rough approximations.

The meaning of a demonstrative is often more complex. It would be a very

interesting project to study the semantic values of demonstratives in greater detail.

One issue that requires special attention is the distinction between distanceoriented

and person-oriented systems, as suggested by Anderson and Keenan. Are

these really two different systems, or is a person-oriented system just a variant

of a distance-based system with a special deictic term for entities near the hearer,

as I have argued in my discussion of the deictic system in Quileute?

Another interesting question that could not be addressed in this work is why

languages differ as to the number and kind of deictic terms that they employ. It

has been repeatedly argued that the cultural environment of a speech community

determines, at least to some extent, the size of a deictic system (cf. Frei 1944;

Denny 1978; Perkins 1992). Specifically, it has been claimed that the size of a

deictic system decreases "as the degree to which the spatial environment is manmade

increases" (e.g. Denny 1978: 80). This claim has been put forward based

on crosslinguistic comparison: the deictic systems of many aboriginal languages

are much more complex than the deictic systems of languages that are spoken by

people in modern societies. This hypothesis presupposes that the deictic systems

of languages such as English, French or Japanese were more complex at an


earlier stage in their history. In order to test the hypothesized correlation between

the size of a deictic system and the cultural environment of the speech community

one has to study the historical development of deictic systems. In particular,

it is necessary to examine the deictic systems of languages spoken in societies

that underwent significant socioeconomic changes.57

Another topic that would be worthwhile to investigate is whether the

distinction between different demonstrative categories correlates with other

syntactic features of a language. What motivates, for instance, the categorial

distinction between demonstrative pronouns and demonstrative determiners, which

occurs in some languages but not in others? And why do most languages employ

a spearate class of demonstrative adverbs? I suspect that the existence of different

demonstrative categories correlates with the existence of more general word

classes. For instance, if a language has a class of determiners, I would expect that

adnominal demonstrative will be distinguished from pronominal, adverbial and

identificational demonstratives. If, on the other hand, a language does not have

a class of determiners (like Old English), it is quite likely that adnominal demonstratives

belong to the same category as demonstratives that occur in other

contexts. In other words, my hypothesis is that the distinction between demonstrative

pronouns, determiners, adverbs, and identifiers is motivated by the devision

between more general word class that occur in a particular language.

In the chapter on grammaticalization, I did not consider the question of

whether the distance features of demonstratives might have an effect on their

path-of-evolution. Greenberg (1978: 61) and Givón (1984: 226) argued that

definite articles are almost always derived from distal demonstratives. There

might be similar correlations between other grammatical markers and certain

distance categories. My impression is that most grammatical markers derive from

distal demonstratives, but this needs thorough investigation.

Finally, it is left for future research to decide whether demonstratives are

derived from lexical expressions, as most previous studies assumed, or whether

they are based on a set of genuine deictics, as I suggested. Although it is, of

course, impossible to prove that demonstratives form a genuine class of deictics

that did not evolve from lexical expressions, this hypothesis will become increasingly

convincing if future studies fail to find evidence for a non-deictic source

from which demonstratives might have emerged.


1. An overview of some of the philosophical literature on deixis and demonstratives is given in

Levinson (1983: 55-61).

2. Rijkhoff and Bakker (1998) provide an overview of various sampling methodologies. See also

Bell (1978), Dryer (1989c), Nichols (1992), Rijkhoff, Bakker, Hengeveld, and Kahrel (1993),

and Bybee, Perkins and Pagliuca (1994).

3. Note that some of the forms in Table 8 end in a long vowel (e.g. mı¯líí). The final vowel is only

lengthened when the demonstratives are used pronominally; in adnominal position, the final

vowel is always short.

4. In "extremely limited non-colloquial situations" the demonstratives ku and i can occur without

a defective noun, ku meaning 'he' and i 'this fact' (cf. Sohn 1994: 294).

5. Note that adverbial demonstratives may attach to a noun when they are used adnominally, as

in French cette maison-là 'that house there' (cf. 4.2).

6. In some studies, clitics are defined in phonological terms: clitics are usually unstressed and they

are not affected by phonological rules that are sensitive to word boundaries. However, Anderson

(1992: 200) shows that phonological criteria are insufficient to define clitics. He argues that

clitics can only be defined in syntactic terms. Clitics are "phrasal affixes" (Klavans 1985: 95),

which may attach to various elements of a phrase: (i) the initial word, (ii) the final word, (iii)

the head etc. (cf. Anderson 1992: 202).

7. The case markers of demonstratives have probably a different origin. As pointed out above, the

case endings of demonstratives are usually very similar to the case endings of nouns and

therefore it is reasonable to assume that they developed from the same source. As Lehmann

(1985, 1995a), Lord (1993) and others have shown, case markers are frequently derived from

adpositions or serial verbs.

8. Himmelmann does not consider the categorial status of das. While some German linguists

consider das a demonstrative when it is stressed (e.g. Engel 1988), others assume that stressed

das is not distinguished from the (unstressed) definite article of the same form (e.g. Bisle-Müller


9. The same argument applies, of course, to person-oriented systems with three deictic terms,

which can be seen as variants of two-term systems.

10. Dixon (1972: 48) points out that the suffixes of the 'river' series refer to 'water' features in

general, and that the 'hill' suffixes may also refer to 'cliff', 'tree' etc.

11. The use of demonstrative determiners and demonstrative identifiers is usually not restricted to

a certain kind of referent: they refer to whatever is denoted by the noun or predicate nominal

with which they cooccur.


12. Some of my sources use the notion intensive instead of emphatic (cf. Redden 1980: 70; Dixon

1972: 48). I assume that emphatic and intensive markers have basically the same pragmatic


13. Note that 'precision' is different from 'boundedness'. The features of the category 'precision'

indicate whether the speaker draws the hearer's attention to a specific location or whether the

location of the referent is not made precise, while the features of the category 'boundedness'

indicate how the referent is conceptualized.

14. See Moravcsik (1997) for an interesting discussion of adnominal demonstratives in Hungarian,

which behave in some ways like independent pronouns and in others like "satellites of the noun"

(cf. 6.4.1).

15. Note that under Abney's analysis determiners are the only functional elements that are

subcategorized like verbs (and other lexical elements). All other functional elements require a

complement, i.e. they cannot be intransitive (cf. Abney 1987: 285).

16. Further theory internal support for the Det-as-head analysis comes from the following consideration.

Jackendoff (1977) has shown that there can be two specifiers in the English noun phrase:

[The]1 [many]2 good men. The traditional NP analysis cannot accommodate such structures

because X-bar theory does not allow for more than one specifier per phrase. The Det-as-head

analysis provides room for an additional specifier by treating one of them as the head of DP and

the other as its specifier (cf. Abney 1987: 287-295). This argument relies, of course, crucially

on the assumption that many and other adnominal elements that may occur in the 'second

determiner slot' are in fact determiners.

17. Abney points out that this is a possible interpretation, but his discussion suggests that there is

also a non-restrictive reading (which I don't get).

18. I use the term 'construction' in the sense of Construction Grammar, in which constructions are

defined as conventional pairings of form and meaning (cf. Fillmore, Kay and O'Connor 1988;

Fillmore and Kay 1993; Goldberg 1995; Lakoff 1987; Diessel 1997b).

19. The French forms are less grammaticalized in that the adverbial intensifiers ci and là are not

obligatory like their counterparts in Afrikaans and Swedish.

20. Temporal deictics such as English now and then are also sometimes classified as demonstrative

adverbs (cf. Anderson and Keenan 1985: 297), but I will keep them separate from demonstratives.

In Section 6.5.1, I argue that temporal deictics are grammatical markers that frequently

develop from adverbial demonstratives.

21. There is, however, a semantic difference between pronominal and identificational demonstratives

in English: in copular clauses, this and that may refer to a person as in This is my friend. In all

other syntactic contexts, pronominal this and that cannot denote a human referent (cf. Halliday

and Hasan 1976: 62-63).

22. Schuh (1977) does not decompose the demonstrative in Table 51, but they seem to consist of

a deictic root (m-), a gender/number affix (-s MASC, -c FEM, -d PL), and a distance/category

marker (-o 'proximal pronoun', -aa(ni) 'proximal identifier'; ii 'distal pronoun/identifier', -6no

'particular pronoun', -6naa(ni) 'particular identifier').

23. Schuh (1977) does not indicate morpheme boundaries, but the plural forms of the demonstrative

pronouns are apparently formed from a demonstrative root and the plural marker -aw-, which

is inserted into the root before the final mid back vowel.

24. The ce in copular clauses must be kept separate from the masculine singular form of the demonNOTES


strative determiners; cf. C'est Pascal 'This is Pascal' vs. ce cadeau 'this gift'.

25. In Durie's grammar (1985), there are only examples of adnominal demonstratives that cliticize

to a preceding element, but his description suggests that adnominal demonstratives can also be

free forms.

26. In addition to the forms in Table 60, Pangasinan has two further series of demonstratives, which

Benton (1971: 91-93) calls "demonstratives of similarity" and "independent demonstratives".

The demonstratives of similarity are manner demonstratives; they belong to the category of demonstrative

adverbs. The independent demonstratives occur in a variety of contexts: (i) in

equational sentences, (ii) after the marker ed (which seems to function as an adposition), and

(iii) linked to a noun phrase by the particle ya. They appear to be similar to sentential demonstratives

such as French voilà, but this needs further investigation.

27. Since the out-of-sight demonstratives that we saw in Chapter 3 are anchored in the speech

situation and are deictically contrastive, they can be viewed as exophoric demonstratives despite

the fact that they refer to entities that are not present in the speech situation.

28. Himmelmann (1996) refers to the anaphoric use as the "tracking use", emphasizing the discourse

pragmatic function of demonstratives that are coreferential with a prior NP.

29. The average referential distance of third person pronouns is 1.7 in Lichtenberk's data. The

referential distance of demonstratives is much higher: it is 3.4 for the proximal demonstrative

'eri, and 8.6 for the distal demonstrative baa. These are the figures for adnominal demonstratives.

Lichtenberk does not consider the pronominal use of 'eri and baa.

30. An exception to this might occur in languages that do not have third person pronouns and/or

definite articles (or languages in which the use of third person pronouns is restricted to

human/animate referents). These languages frequently employ anaphoric demonstratives to track

major discourse participants (Nikolaus Himmelmann p.c.).

31. Kuno (1973: 282-290) argues that ano can also be used anaphorically. He points out, however,

that unlike sono, ano only occurs when the antecedent denotes an entity that speaker and hearer

know personally from previous experience. This suggests that ano functions as a recognitional

demonstrative rather than an anaphor.

32. Demonstratives referring to an event or situation are often subsumed under the discourse deictic

use (cf. Webber 1991; Himmelmann 1996).

33. Lyons (1977: 668) refers to discourse deictic demonstratives as "impure text deixis". The notion

of text deixis is sometimes used as a synonym of the notion discourse deixis or as a cover term

subsuming both text and discourse deixis.

34. In the literature, the notion anaphoric is used in two different ways: on the one hand it refers

to the tracking use of demonstratives, and on the other hand it indicates that a pronoun, noun

(phrase) or adverb refers to an element of the preceding discourse. In the former sense,

'anaphoric' contrasts with the terms 'exophoric', 'discourse deictic' and 'recognitional'; in the

latter sense, it contrasts with the term 'cataphoric'.

35. According to Nikolaus Himmelmann (p.c.), recognitional demonstratives in Nunggubuyu can

also be used pronominally, but in all languages with which I am familiar recognitional demonstratives

are used only adnominally.

36. Himmelmann (1996: 236-9) points out that a recognitional demonstrative may be coreferential

with a distant NP that is no longer activated.

37. In accordance with the data from language acquisition, Brugmann (1904) and Bühler (1934)


argue that the exophoric use of demonstratives is prior in the evolution of language. That is,

they claim that the more abstract uses of demonstratives developed phylogenetically from demonstratives

that were used to focus the hearer's attention on concrete objects in the speech

situation. If this is correct, it would strengthen my hypothesis that the exophoric use is basic.

38. Note that the notion of lexicalization is also used to denote the (uncommon) process by which

grammatical items develop into lexical forms (cf. Hopper and Traugott 1993: 104).

39. Discourse deictic demonstratives may indicate a contrast between anaphoric and cataphoric

reference, but they do not indicate two different locations on a distance scale.

40. First and second person pronouns are usually not derived from demonstratives. But see

Humboldt (1832) for some examples.

41. There is one minor difference in genitive plural. The genitive plural of the relative pronoun is

deren. The pronominal demonstrative, on the other hand, has two forms: deren and derer

(Drosdowski 1995: 335-336). Deren is used to indicate the possessor in a possessive noun

phrase (e.g. die Schüler und deren Eltern 'the pupils and their parents'), while derer is used

either to refer to a subsequent relative clause (e.g. das Schicksal derer, die... 'the fate of those

who...'), or as a free standing pronoun functioning as the object of verbs that take an argument

in genitive case (e.g. Wir gedenken derer nicht mehr. 'We don't commemorate those (people)

any more') (cf. Drosdowski 1995: 334).

42. I use the following terminology: a 'relative clause' is an embedded clause that is used to modify

a noun phrase in the main clause, which I refer to as the 'head of the relative construction'. The

'relative construction' comprises the embedded clause and the head noun.

43. According to Verhaar (1995: 215-6), the ia...ia construction occurs only in one particular dialect

and is almost entirely absent in "standard or received Tok Pisin". It is one of several relative

constructions used "by speakers when they do not know immediately how to continue what they

are saying...". (Verhaar 1995: 216).

44. Like Heine and Reh, Benveniste (1966) argues that si and lá "frame" the relative clause in Ewe.

However, in contrast to Heine and Reh, Benveniste does not consider si ... lá a discontinuous

morpheme; rather, he contends that si and lá serve two separate functions in this construction.

45. To be precise, Lockwood only considers derjenige plus prepositional phrase. That is, he does

not mention the use of derjenige as a plain pronoun and he also ignores the occasional use of

derjenige with a subsequent noun (e.g. Diejenigen Leute, die das gesagt haben,...' 'Those people

who said that...').

46. Frajzyngier uses the notion of demonstrative as a cover term for demonstratives, definite articles

and anaphoric pronouns. I only cite examples that Frajzyngier glosses as demonstratives.

47. Himmelmann (1996: 222) argues that unstressed this is an extension of the use of Deixis am

Phantasma (cf. 5.1) and therefore should not be considered a grammatical marker. If indefinite

this was just another use of the proximal demonstrative, one would expect that it occurred in

contrast to the distal form that and that it is stressed in certain contexts. Since indefinite this is

always unstressed and non-contrastive, I assume, with Wright and Givón, that unstressed this

does not represent a particular use but rather a specific grammatical marker.

48. The latter contrasts with a third suffix (not shown in this table) which indicates a "location in

a time-dependent fashion: that is, location at some fixed point in time" (Anderson and Keenan

1985: 298).

49. Wari' has three demonstratives that combine spatial and temporal reference. They indicate how


long the referent, which is either a person or object, has been absent from the current speech

situation: paca' 'that just occurred (always heard but never seen)', cara ne 'that recently absent',

and cara pane 'that long absent' (these are the adnominal forms). While ne and pane are

sentence-final temporal deictics, it is unclear whether paca' and cara can be traced back to any

other form; in particular, it is unclear if they derived from locational deictics.

50. Turkish has two locational preverbs, bu 'proximal' and o 'distal', that have the same morphological

form as the adnominal demonstratives while they differ from demonstrative adverbs and

pronouns; the latter two are morphologically more complex. At first glance, these data seem to

suggest that the preverbs in Turkish originated from adnominal demonstratives. It is, however,

difficult to conceive how a preverb might have developed from an adnominal demonstrative,

given that preverbs and adnominal demonstratives occur in very different syntactic contexts.

Following Himmelmann (1997: 21), I assume that demonstratives are historically based on

deictic particles with no specific syntactic function. Given that all demonstratives in Turkish

include the deictic roots, bu and o, it is quite likely that bu and o are the direct descendants of

such particles. I suspect that the preverbs of Modern Turkish developed from these particles.

More specifically, I make the following claim (which is subject to future investigation): the

preverbs bu and o evolved from deictic particles that were used adverbially before the demonstratives

of the current system emerged.

51. Lehmann (1995a: 101-3) examines another type of preverbation in Totonac and Abkhaz which,

in his view, might be an instance of grammaticalization.

52. Li and Thompson do not use the term left-dislocation and thus one cannot be certain as to

whether they mean that the topical NP is a left-dislocated constituent of a nonverbal clause. This

is, however, how subsequent studies have interpreted their analysis (cf. Gildea 1993; Devitt 1994).

53. Brugmann (1904: 123) discusses a similar case in Swiss German, where the identity pronoun

selb 'ipse', which many German dialects use to strengthen the weakened demonstrative der,

assumed a deictic function.

54. Williams (1976: 33) claims that Tuscarora has a demonstrative (kyé:nv: 'this') that is derived

from the verb: k-yenv: 'I am holding it'. She does not explain, however, how this might have

happened. It seems that her hypothesis is solely based on the morphological similarity between

the two forms, which could simply be an accident.

55. Traugott (1982: 245) says, for instance: "However, it is dubious whether we can trace all

grammatical markers derived by processes of grammaticalization to lexical items rather than to

certain seemingly fundamental grammatical items, such as demonstrative pronouns and

interrogatives. The Indo-European t-demonstrative and kU-interrogative, for example, have been

remarkably resistant to change over several thousand years, and no lexical source seems

reconstructable for them."

56. Wilkins (1992) argues that interjections and deictics have many features in common, which

might suggest that there is a common diachronic relationship between interjections and deictics

(i.e. demonstratives).

57. Fuchs (1996) shows that standard Croatian (spoken in the city of Zagreb) has (almost) lost the

middle term of a three-term deictic system, which most rural dialects of Croatian have preserved.

Her discussion implies that the change in the Zagreb dialect has been caused by changes in the

socioeconomic environment of the speakers. According to Frei (1944: 123) two-term deictic

systems are in general derived from three-term systems by reduction of the middle term as in

the Zagreb dialect of Croatian.


Data sources

Acehnese Durie (1985)

Ainu Refsing (1986), Dettmar (1989)

Alamblak Bruce (1984)

Ambulas Wilson (1980)

Ao Gowda (1975)

Apalai Koehn and Koehn (1986)

Barasano Jones and Jones (1991)

Basque Saltarelli (1988)

Burushaski Lorimer (1935), Berger (1998)

Byansi Trivedi (1991)

Canela-Krahô Popjes and Popjes (1986)

Czech Harkins (1953)

Duwai Schuh (1977)

Dyirbal Dixon (1972)

Epena Pedee Harms (1994)

Ewondo Redden (1980)

Finnish Sulkala and Karjalainen (1992), Laury (1995, 1997)

French Calvez (1993)

Georgian Hewitt (1995)

German Eisenberg (1994)

Gulf Arabic Holes (1990, 1995)

Guugu Yimidhirr Haviland (1979)

Halkomelem Galloway (1993)

Hixkaryana Derbyshire (1985a, 1985b)

Hua Haiman (1980)

Izi Meier, Meier and Bendor-Samuel (1975)

Japanese Kuno (1973), Imai (1996)

Kannada Schiffmann (1983), Sridhar (1990)

Karanga Marconnès (1931)

Khasi Rabel (1961), Nagaraja (1985)

Kiowa Watkins (1984)

Korean Lee (1989), Sohn (1994)

Koyra Chiini Heath (1999)

Kunuz Nubian Abdel-Hafiz (1988)

Kusaiean Lee (1975)

Lahu Matisoff (1973)

Lango Noonan (1992)

Lealao Chinantec Rupp (1989)


Lezgian Haspelmath (1993)

Logbara Crazzolara (1960)

Mam England (1983)

Manam Lichtenberk (1983)

Mandarin Chinese Chao (1968), Lin (1981), Li and Thompson (1981)

Margi Hoffmann (1963)

Modern Hebrew Glinert (1989)

Mojave Munro (1976)

Mulao Wang and Guoqiao (1993)

Nama Hagman (1977)

Nandi Creider and Tapsubei Creider (1989)

Ngiti Kutsch (1994)

Ngiyambaa Donaldson (1980)

Nùng Saul and Freiberger Wilson (1980)

Nunggubuyu Heath (1980, 1984)

Oneida Michelson (1996), Diessel (1999b)

Pangasinan Benton (1971)

Passamaquoddy-Maliseet Leavitt (1996), Ng (1999)

Picurís Zaharlick (1977)

Ponapean Rehg (1981)

Punjabi Bhatia (1993)

Quileute Andrade (1933)

Santali Bodding (1929)

Slave Rice (1989)

Supyire Carlson (1994)

Swazi Ziervogel (1952)

Swedish Viberg et al. (1995), Holmes and Hinchliffe (1994)

Tauya MacDonald (1990)

Tok Pisin Verhaar (1995)

Tümpisa Shoshone Dayley (1989)

Turkana Dimmendaal (1983)

Turkish Lewis (1967), Underhill (1976), Kornfilt (1997)

Tuscarora Mithun (1987)

Tzutujil Dayley (1985)

Urim Hemmilä (1989)

Urubu-Kaapor Kakumasu (1986)

Usan Reesink (1987)

Ute Givón (1980)

Vietnamese Thompson (1965), Phú Phong (1992)

Wardaman Merlan (1994)

Wari' Everett and Kern (1997)

Western Bade Schuh (1977)

West Futuna-Aniwa Dougherty (1983)

West Greenlandic Fortescue (1984)

Yagua Payne and Payne (1990)

Yankunytjatjara Goddard (1985)

Yimas Foley (1991)


The inflectional features of

pronominal demonstratives1

Number Gender Case None2

Acehnese +

Ainu +

Alamblak + +

Ambulas + +

Ao + +

Apalai + +

Barasano + +

Basque + + +

Burushaski + + +

Byansi + +

Canela-Krahô +

Czech + + +

Duwai +

Dyirbal + +

Epena Pedee + + +

Ewondo + +

Finnish + +

French + +

Georgian + +

German + + +

Gulf Arabic + +

Guugu Yimidhirr + +

Halkomelem + +

Hixkaryana + +

Hua +

Izi +

Japanese +

Kannada + + +

Karanga + +

Khasi + +

Kiowa + +

Korean *

Koyra Chiini +

Kunuz Nubian +

Kusaiean *


Lahu *

Lango +

Lealao Chinantec (+)

Lezgian + +

Logbara +

Mam +

Manam +

Mandarin Chinese *

Margi +

Modern Hebrew + +

Mojave + +

Mulao +

Nama + +

Nandi +

Ngiti +

Ngiyambaa + +

Nùng *

Nunggubuyu + + +

Oneida +

Pangasinan +

Passamaquoddy-Maliseet + +

Picurís + +

Ponapean +

Punjabi + + +

Quileute + +

Santali + + +

Slave +

Supyire + +

Swazi (+) +

Swedish + +

Tauya +

Tok Pisin +

Tümpisa Shoshone + +

Turkana + +

Turkish + +

Tuscarora +

Tzutujil +

Urim +

Urubu-Kaapor +

Usan +

Ute + + +

Vietnamese *

Wardaman + +

Wari' + +

Western Bade + +

West Futuna-Aniwa *

West Greenlandic + +


Yagua + +

Yankunytjatjara + +

Yimas + +

Total 64 38 25 17

1. Some of the sources that I consulted do not explicitly discuss the inflectional features of

pronominal demonstratives. In particular, in grammars of languages in which demonstratives

are not marked for gender, number and/or case, it is often not stated that pronominal demonstratives

are uninflected. Moreover, there are several grammars in my sample that do not distinguish

between (inflectional) affixes and clitics (cf. 2.2.1). The reader would therefore be

advised to check the original sources before citing information from this appendix.

2. The star * indicates that the language does not have pronominal demonstratives.


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Language Index


Abkhaz 167

Acehnese 11, 22, 25, 29 30, 54,


Afrikaans 74, 164

Ainu 9, 12, 75, 104, 105

Alamblak 12, 36

Albanian 131-2

Ambulas 12, 15-8, 22, 26, 27, 29,

38, 49, 75, 80, 85, 105, 149

Ancient Greek 8, 123

Ao 11, 29, 30, 72

Apalai 10, 48


Bade 131

Barasano 10, 29, 30-1, 48, 72

Basque 9, 10, 53, 129

Bemba 129

Burushaski 9, 10, 48

Byansi 11, 26, 42


Canela-Krahô 10

Croatian 167

Czech 12, 27, 38


Daga 54

Dutch 74, 96

Duwai 11, 26, 27, 85

Dyirbal 12, 42, 43-44, 53, 61


English 2, 7, 25, 36, 38, 55, 58,

62-74, 75, 77, 79, 92, 94-95,

101-2 105-7, 108-9, 110, 124,

129, 135, 138-9, 149, 158, 160,


Old English 68-70, 124, 158, 161

Epena Pedee 10, 26, 42, 125-6

Ewe 134-5, 166

Ewondo 11, 18-20, 22, 53, 54


Faroese 124

Finnish 12, 75-78, 99, 120, 154

French 4, 5, 12, 27, 37, 38, 74, 79,

85, 87-8, 120, 128, 149, 160,

163, 164, 165


Georgian 12, 120

German 2, 8, 12, 27, 38, 55, 74, 85,

88, 96, 107, 108, 120-1, 126,

127, 136-7, 140-2, 166, 167

Swiss German 167

Old High German 8, 121-3

Middle High German 124

Early New High German 122

Gulf Arabic 11

Guugu Yimidhirr 12, 13-15, 22, 27,

74-5, 90


Halkomelem 10, 42


Hausa 131

Hixkaryana 10, 48, 100, 125

Hona 137

Hua 12, 26, 27-8, 29, 42, 44-5

Hungarian 120, 164


Icelandic 124

Ilokano 131

Inuktitut 13, 47, 49, 58, 85, 87,


Izi 11, 25, 80, 133


Japanese 12, 39, 59-60, 65, 73, 75,

99, 154, 160


Kambera 131

Kannada 12, 26, 140

Karanga 11, 61, 80, 81-2

Kawaiisu 23

Kera 131

Khasi 11, 29, 42-3, 126

Kilba 23, 80, 83-4, 147-8

Kiowa 10, 31, 45-6

Kokborok 29, 32

Korean 9, 12, 20-2, 25, 31-2, 55,

71-2, 73, 92, 154

Koyra Chiini 11, 25, 38, 100

Kunuz Nubian 11

Kusaiean 11, 25, 30, 72-3


Lahu 11, 42-3

Lango 11, 22, 24

Latin 79, 99-100, 120, 128, 140, 150

Lealao Chinantec 10

Lezgian 12, 26, 27, 29, 42, 59-60,

65, 73, 100

Logbara 11, 53


Mam 11

Manam 11, 54

Mandarin Chinese 11, 30-1, 154

Margi 11, 22, 27, 29, 80

Maricopa 100

Modern Hebrew 11, 85, 144-6,


Mojave 10, 142

Mokilese 149

Montagnais 98

Mparntwe Arrernte 109

Mulao 11, 25, 59-60, 65, 73

Mupun 137, 150


Nama 11, 26, 40

Nandi 11, 22

Ngiti 11, 53, 100

Ngiyambaa 5, 12, 42, 55, 79, 100,


Nùng 11, 25, 61

Nunggubuyu 12, 45-6, 58, 61, 85-6,

87, 92, 109


Oneida 10, 25, 61


Panare 147

Pangasinan 11, 27, 39, 75, 80, 85,

91-2, 165

Papago 141-2

Passamaquoddy-Maliseet 10, 42, 48,


Picurís 10

Podoko 137

Ponapean 5, 11, 22, 53, 75, 80, 83,


Punjabi 12


Quileute 10, 42, 160



Rumanian 129

Russian 79, 96


Sango 133

Santali 11, 13

Sichule 131

Slave 10

Spanish 39

Supyire 11, 38, 80-1, 127

Swahili 148

Swazi 11, 80

Swedish 12, 27, 74, 124, 129, 135-6,



Tagalog 98, 130, 131

Tauya 12, 26, 42-3

To'aba'ita 96-7, 98, 165

Toba Batak 130

Tok Pisin 8, 9, 12, 25, 38, 133-4,


Tolai 131

Totonac 167

Tümpisa Shoshone 10, 27, 42, 54,

75, 85-6, 100, 111, 120

Turkana 11, 129

Turkish 12, 26, 59-60, 65, 73, 167

Tuscarora 4, 10, 25, 61, 73, 167

Tzutujil 10


Urim 12, 25, 139

Urubu-Kaapor 10, 25, 100

Usan 12, 25, 42, 100, 103, 111

Ute 10, 42, 48


Vietnamese 11, 36


Wardaman 12, 49, 61, 73, 99

Wari' 10, 166-7

Western Bade 11, 80, 82-3

West Futuna-Aniwa 11

West Greenlandic 10, 42, 44-6, 61,

100, 111

Wik Munkan 139-40

Woleaian 53-4

Wolio 131

Yagaria 22-3

Yagua 10, 30-1

Yankunytjatjara 12, 109

Yimas 12, 31-2, 39


Xhosa 129


Zulu 129

Name Index


Abney, S. P. 57, 65-68, 164

Anderson, S. R. 2, 3, 24, 28, 38, 39,

40, 44, 53, 54, 99, 139, 140, 160,

163, 166

Andrade, M. J. 42

Ariel, M. 96

Auer, J. C. P. 105, 107


Baker, M. C. 61

Bakker, D. 129, 163

Behaghel, O. 8, 121

Bell, A. 163

Bendor-Samuel, J. 133

Benton, R. A. 58, 91-2, 165

Benveniste, E. 134, 166

Berman, R. A. 8, 144

Bisle-Müller, H. 163

Bloomfield, L. 57, 68

Bodding, P. O. 13

Borsley, R. D. 71

Brown, C. 28

Brown, P. 8, 133-4

Brown, R. 152

Bruce, L. 36-7

Brugmann, K. 8, 110, 165, 167

Bühler, K. 7, 9, 35, 95, 110, 152,


Bybee, J. L. 115-7, 139, 153, 163


Calvez, D. J. 37, 88, 149

Campbell, L. 8, 116, 123

Canisius, P. 101

Carlson, R. 38, 58, 80-1, 127

Cassell, J. 95

Chafe, W. L. 106

Chen, R. 7, 103, 105

Chomsky, N. 71

Christophersen, P. 8, 98, 128

Clark, E.V. 110-11, 152

Claudi, U. 8, 116-8, 139, 153

Comrie, B. 96, 120

Craig, C. G. 115

Crazzolara, J. P. 53

Creider, C. A. 24

Croft, W. 111-2

Cyr, D. E. 8, 98, 128


Dahl, Ö. 139

Dayley, J. D. 86, 100, 120

Delbrück, B. 8

De Mulder, W. 94

Denny, J. P. 13, 47, 49, 58, 87, 143,


Derbyshire, D. C. 100, 125

Devitt, D. 8, 143, 167

Dimmendaal, G. J. 129

Dixon, R. M.W. 43-4, 53, 61, 116,

163, 164

Donaldson, T. 5, 100, 111

Drosdowski, G. 136, 166

Dryer, M. S. 9, 64-5, 106, 138, 163

Durie, M. 90, 165



Ehlich, K. 3, 9, 95, 96, 152, 154

Ehrich, V. 95

Eid, M. 143

Eisenberg, P. 121

Engel, U. 163

Epstein, R. 8, 128


Fillmore, C. J. 3, 6, 35-6, 39, 40, 41,

58, 74, 79, 93, 94, 101, 103, 164

Foley, W. A. 32, 39, 130-2

Fortescue, M. 45-6, 100, 111

Frajzyngier, Z. 8, 137-8, 150

Frei, H. 38, 160, 167

Freiberger Wilson, N. 72

Fuchs, A. 110

Fuchs, Z. M. 167


Gernsbacher, M. A. 109, 138

Gildea, S. 8, 143, 147, 167

Givón, T. 42, 69, 70, 96, 109,

119-20, 138-9, 148, 161, 166

Glinert, L. 144-6, 149

Goddard, C. 109

Goldberg, A. E. 164

Gordon, L. 100

Gowda, K. S. G. 30, 32

Greenberg, J. H. 8, 28, 111, 128,

129, 161

Grenoble, L. 101

Grimes, B. F. 9

Grosu, A. 8, 144-5

Gundel, J. K. 7, 96, 103, 105, 109

Guoqiao, Z. 59


Haiman, J. 28, 29, 45

Hale, K. 61

Halliday, M. A. K. 6, 93, 103, 164

Hanks, W. F. 35, 94, 110

Harlow, R. 66

Harms, P. L. 125-6

Harris, A. C. 8, 116, 123

Harris, M. 1978. 8, 37, 120, 128,


Harrison, S. P. 149

Hasan, R. 6, 93, 103, 164

Haspelmath, M. 27, 29, 60, 100, 139

Haviland, J. 14-5

Hawkins, J. A. 106

Heath, J. 38, 45, 58, 61, 85-6, 92,


Heine, B. 8, 116-8, 134, 139, 148,

153, 166

Heinrichs, H. M. 8, 128

Hemmilä, R. 139

Hengeveld, K. 8, 58, 163

Herring, S. C. 101

Hetzron, R. 131

Himmelmann, N. 5, 6, 7, 8, 28, 38,

69, 70, 79, 91, 93-6, 98-9,

101-3, 105-10, 113, 128, 130-2,

135, 150, 159, 163, 165, 166,


Hinchliffe, I. 135-6

Hoffmann, C. 29

Holmes, P. 135-6

Hopper, P. J. 8, 69, 115-6, 119, 124,

150, 153, 166

Hudson, R. 57, 66

Humboldt, W.von 166

Hünnemeyer, F. 8, 116-8, 139, 153


Imai, S. 39, 99


Jackendoff, R.S. 164

Jakobson, R. 95

Jarvella, R. J. 3

Jefferson, R. J. 116

Johnson, M. 139

Jones, W. 31

Jones, P. 31



Kahrel, P. 163

Kakumasu, J. 100

Kay, P. 164

Keenan, E. L. 3, 28, 38, 39, 40, 44,

53, 54, 99, 120, 139-40, 160,


Klavans, J. L. 24, 163

Klein, W. 3

Koehn, E. 48

Koehn, S. 48

König, E. 118, 153

Kornfilt, J. 60

Krámský, J. 8, 128

Kuno, S. 39, 59, 99, 165

KurySowicz, J. 116

Kutsch Lojenga, C. 100


Labov, W. 95

Lakoff, G. 106-7, 139, 164

Lakoff, R. 105

Lambrecht, K. 120

LaPolla, R. J. 62-5, 68

Laury, R. 8, 75-8, 99, 100, 128

Lee, K. D. 72

Lehmann, C. 8, 69, 115-7, 120,

122-3, 128, 140-1, 163, 167

Leiss, E. 8, 128

Levinson, S. C. 6, 35-6, 93-5, 163

Levy, E. T. 95

Lewis, G. L. 59

Li, C. N. 8, 31, 143-5, 167

Lichtenberk, F. 7, 54, 96-8, 139,


Linde, C. 95-6

Lockwood, W. B. 8, 121-2, 141,

136-7, 166

Lord, C. 163

Lorimer, D. L. R. 48

Lüdtke, H. 8, 128

Luo, C. 148

Lyons, J. 3, 6, 7, 35, 71, 93, 95,

101, 110, 165


MacDonald, L. 43

Marconnès, F. S. J. 58, 81-2

Mason, J. A. 142

Matisoff, J.A. 43

Matsumoto, Y. 116

McNeill 95

McWhorter, J. 148

Meier, I. 133

Meier, P. 133

Meillet, A. 116

Merlan, F. C. 49, 61, 99

Mithun, M. 4, 61

Moravcsik, E. 129, 164

Munro, P. 142


Nagaraja, K. S. 43, 126

Nichols, J. 163

Noonan, M. 24


O'Connor 164


Pagliuca, W. 115-6, 139, 153

Paul, H. 8, 121, 126

Payne, T. E. 31

Payne, D. L. 31

Peirce, C. S. 9, 152

Perkins, R. D. 115-6, 139, 153, 160,


Plank, F. 9, 129, 151

Pollard, C. 71

Postal, P. M. 66

Prince, E. F. 106, 109, 138


Quirk, R. 135



Rabel, L. 43

Raidt, E. H. 74

Rauh, G. 3, 37

Redden, J. E. 18-20, 53, 164

Reed, L. 88

Reesink, G. P. 100, 103-4, 111

Refsing, K. 105

Reh, M. 5, 8, 117, 134, 148, 166

Rehg, K. L. 53, 58, 75, 83

Renck, G. L. 23

Rijkhoff, J. 163

Ross, M. D. 131


Sag, I. A. 71

Saltarelli, M. 53

Samarin, W. J. 133

Sankoff, G. 8, 133-4

Sapir, E. 151

Sasse, H-J. 131

Saul, J. E. 72

Schachter, P. 58

Schiffmann, H. F. 140

Schuh, R. G. 8, 58, 82-4, 85, 129,

131-2, 143, 147, 164

Shroyer, S. 109, 138

Siewierska, A. 129

Sitta, G. 95, 101

Sohn, H-M. 20-2, 72, 163

Stassen, L. 143

Sweetser, E. 117, 153


Talmy, L. 49, 116

Tapsubei Creider, J. 24

Thompson, L. C. 36

Thompson, S. A. 8, 31, 143-5, 167

Traugott, E. C. 8, 9, 68-9, 116-8,

124, 150, 151, 153, 166, 167


Ullmer-Ehrich, V. 95

Ultan, R. 8, 128, 151


Van Valin, R. D. Jr. 62-5, 68

Vennemann, T. 66

Verhaar, J.W. M. 166

Viberg, Å. 135

Vogel, P. M. 8, 128

Vries, L. de 154


Wald, B. 109, 138

Wang, C. 59

Watkins, L. J. 31, 46

Webber, B. L. 6, 101, 165

Weissenborn, J. 3, 110

Wilkins, D. P. 167

Williams, M. M. 167

Wilson, P. R. 16-8, 80, 149

Woodworth, N. L. 9, 28, 150-1

Wright, S. 109, 138, 166


Ziervogel, D. 58

Zigmond, M. L. 23

Zwicky, A. M. 24, 70-1, 116

Subject Index



Locational 17, 47, 90, 139-40

Temporal 7, 16, 69, 139-40, 155,

159, 164

Animate/inanimate 16, 47-8, 158

Appositional NP 4, 61-2, 65, 67,

69-70, 92, 158


Definite 7-8, 18, 19, 37-8, 64-5,

67, 75, 91, 96, 98, 106, 115,

128-9, 134, 135-6, 155, 159,

163, 166

Indefinite 7, 105

Specific indefinite 7, 109, 129,

138-9, 155, 159


Boundary marker 7, 132-5, 155, 159

Boundedness 47, 49, 50, 158, 164


Classifier 5, 25, 29, 30, 33, 53, 72,

73, 157-8

Clitic 22-6, 32, 83-4, 90, 120, 129,

157, 163

Complementizer 7, 8, 102, 123-5,

155, 159

Construction Grammar 70, 164

Copula 7, 8, 58, 73, 79-80, 115,

143-8, 148-9, 155, 159

Copular clause 5-6, 57-8, 72-3,

79-92, 93, 143-8, 154, 164


Defective noun 20-1, 25, 31, 33,

71-2, 92


Am Phantasma 95, 113, 166

Emotional 107

Person 35-6, 47

Place 36, 47

Shift 47, 95

Social 36

Text 101, 165

Time 36

Deictic system

Distance-oriented 39-41, 50, 160

Person-oriented 39-41, 50, 160

One term 2, 37-9, 50

Two term 36-40, 50, 163, 167

Three term 19, 39-41, 50, 163,


Four term 19, 40-1, 50

Five, six, seven terms 40

Deictic features

Across the speaker's line of vision

45-7, 157

Along the coast line 45, 50, 157

Away from the speaker 45-7, 50,


Distance features 35-41, 50, 158

Toward the speaker 45-7, 50, 157

Up - down 40, 42-3, 50, 157

Uphill - downhill 41, 44-5, 50,



Upriver - downriver 41, 44, 50,


Visible - invisible 40, 41-2, 50,



Acquisition 110-11, 152

Adverb/ adverbial 2, 4-5, 7, 14, 17,

19-25, 27-9, 31-3, 36, 38, 42, 45, 47,

50, 53-4, 57-8, 74-8, 89-92, 93, 115,

134, 139-143, 154-5, 158, 161

Complex forms (stems) 21, 28-32,

111-2, 157

Determiner/adnominal 4-5, 7, 14,

16, 18, 20-6, 28-9, 31-3, 36-9, 42,

45, 50, 57-8, 59-74, 75, 89-92, 93,

100, 107-8, 115, 122-3, 128-139,

140, 154-5, 158, 161, 163

Diachronic origin 8-9, 150-4, 160,


Diminutive 22

Identifier / identificational 4-7, 14-5,

19, 22-5, 27-8, 32-3, 45, 50, 57-8,

73, 78-88, 89-92, 93, 115, 140,

143-150, 154-5, 158, 163

Inflection 25-8, 30, 32, 84-8, 157

Manner 17, 58, 74-5, 104-5, 125,

154, 165

Phylogenetic development 165-6

Predicative (see identificational)

Pronoun/pronominal 4-5, 7, 14, 16,

18, 22-33, 36-9, 42, 45, 47-8, 50, 53,

57-8, 59-74, 75, 77-8, 89-92, 93,

100, 115, 119-28, 132, 135, 140,

143-8, 154-5, 158, 161

Sentential 79, 85, 87, 165

Determinative 7, 108, 109, 112-3,

135-7, 155, 159

Determiner-as-head hypothesis 57,

66-8, 164

Directional marker (see preverb)


Expletive 7, 84, 88, 149-50, 153,

155, 159


Female/male 48, 158

Focus marker 7, 148-50, 155, 159



General 7-9, 30, 69-70, 74,

108-9, 112-13, 115-55, 159,

160-1, 167

Polygrammaticalization 115

Principles 116-119


Hesitation signal 154

Human/nonhuman 47-8, 158


Interjection 154, 167


Linker 7, 91, 130-2, 155, 159


Markedness 110-14

Morphological marking

Case 25-8, 32-3, 163

Gender 25-7, 30, 33

Number 25-7, 30, 33, 48-9, 137-8


Nominalizer 28, 29, 33, 87, 157

Non-configurational 85-6, 87

Nonverbal clause 5-6, 14-5, 19,

57-8, 72, 79-92, 93, 143-8,

148-9, 154, 159

Noun class marker 30, 128-9, 155,


Number marker 7, 115, 137-8, 155,




Possessive 7, 65, 68-70, 115, 127-8,

155, 159

Pragmatic uses of demonstratives

Anaphoric 6, 39, 50, 75, 93,

95-100, 101-3, 109-14, 116,

120, 127-8, 143, 159, 166

Cataphoric 102, 103, 105, 123-4,

165, 166

Discourse deictic 6, 17, 36, 50, 73-4,

93, 100-5, 109-14, 123, 125, 127,

154, 159, 166

Endophoric 6, 7, 93, 109-14, 119,

153, 159

Exophoric 6-7, 50, 84, 93, 94-5, 99,

101, 109-14, 159, 165

Gestural 94

Recognitional 6-7, 50, 93, 105-9,

109-14, 116, 159, 165

Symbolic 94

Preverb 7, 140-3, 155, 159, 167

Pronominal NP 25, 30



Contrastive / non-contrastive 52-4

Emphatic/ non-emphatic 52-3

Precise /vague 19-20, 52-4, 164

Relative pronoun 7, 8, 115, 120-3,

155, 159, 166


Sentence connective 7, 102, 112-3,

115, 125-8, 154, 155, 159

Sound symbolism 9, 151-2, 160


Third person pronoun 5, 7, 8, 15, 16,

23, 25, 29, 30, 33, 38, 72, 73,

84, 87, 96, 97, 99, 112-3, 115,

119-20, 155, 157, 159, 165

Topic marker 154

In the series TYPOLOGICAL STUDIES IN LANGUAGE (TSL) the following titles have

been published thus far:

1. HOPPER, Paul J. (ed.): Tense-Aspect: Between semantics & pragmatics. 1982.

2. HAIMAN, John & Pamela MUNRO (eds): Switch Reference and Universal Grammar.

Proceedings of a symposium on switch reference and universal grammar, Winnipeg, May

1981. 1983.

3. GIVÓN, T.: Topic Continuity in Discourse. A quantitative cross-language study. 1983.

4. CHISHOLM, William, Louis T. MILIC & John A.C. GREPPIN (eds): Interrogativity: A

colloquium on the grammar, typology and pragmatics of questions in seven diverse languages,

Cleveland, Ohio, October 5th 1981-May 3rd 1982. 1984.

5. RUTHERFORD, William E. (ed.): Language Universals and Second Language Acquisition.

1984 (2nd ed. 1987).

6. HAIMAN, John (Ed.): Iconicity in Syntax. Proceedings of a symposium on iconicity in

syntax, Stanford, June 24-26, 1983. 1985.

7. CRAIG, Colette (ed.): Noun Classes and Categorization. Proceedings of a symposium on

categorization and noun classification, Eugene, Oregon, October 1983. 1986.

8. SLOBIN, Dan I. & Karl ZIMMER (eds): Studies in Turkish Linguistics. 1986.

9. BYBEE, Joan L.: Morphology. A Study of the Relation between Meaning and Form. 1985.

10. RANSOM, Evelyn: Complementation: its Meaning and Forms. 1986.

11. TOMLIN, Russel S.: Coherence and Grounding in Discourse. Outcome of a Symposium,

Eugene, Oregon, June 1984. 1987.

12. NEDJALKOV, Vladimir (ed.): Typology of Resultative Constructions. Translated from the

original Russian edition (1983). English translation edited by Bernard Comrie. 1988.

14. HINDS, John, Shoichi IWASAKI & Senko K. MAYNARD (eds): Perspectives on

Topicalization. The case of Japanese WA. 1987.

15. AUSTIN, Peter (ed.): Complex Sentence Constructions in Australian Languages. 1988.

16. SHIBATANI, Masayoshi (ed.): Passive and Voice. 1988.

17. HAMMOND, Michael, Edith A. MORAVCSIK and Jessica WIRTH (eds): Studies in

Syntactic Typology. 1988.

18. HAIMAN, John & Sandra A. THOMPSON (eds): Clause Combining in Grammar and

Discourse. 1988.

19. TRAUGOTT, Elizabeth C. and Bernd HEINE (eds): Approaches to Grammaticalization,

2 volumes (set) 1991

20. CROFT, William, Suzanne KEMMER and Keith DENNING (eds): Studies in Typology

and Diachrony. Papers presented to Joseph H. Greenberg on his 75th birthday. 1990.

21. DOWNING, Pamela, Susan D. LIMA and Michael NOONAN (eds): The Linguistics of

Literacy. 1992.

22. PAYNE, Doris (ed.): Pragmatics of Word Order Flexibility. 1992.

23. KEMMER, Suzanne: The Middle Voice. 1993.

24. PERKINS, Revere D.: Deixis, Grammar, and Culture. 1992.

25. SVOROU, Soteria: The Grammar of Space. 1994.

26. LORD, Carol: Historical Change in Serial Verb Constructions. 1993.

27. FOX, Barbara and Paul J. Hopper (eds): Voice: Form and Function. 1994.

28. GIVÓN, T. (ed.) : Voice and Inversion. 1994.

29. KAHREL, Peter and René van den BERG (eds): Typological Studies in Negation. 1994.

30. DOWNING, Pamela and Michael NOONAN: Word Order in Discourse. 1995.

31. GERNSBACHER, M. A. and T. GIVÓN (eds): Coherence in Spontaneous Text. 1995.

32. BYBEE, Joan and Suzanne FLEISCHMAN (eds): Modality in Grammar and Discourse.


33. FOX, Barbara (ed.): Studies in Anaphora. 1996.

34. GIVÓN, T. (ed.): Conversation. Cognitive, communicative and social perspectives. 1997.

35. GIVÓN, T. (ed.): Grammatical Relations. A functionalist perspective. 1997.

36. NEWMAN, John (ed.): The Linguistics of Giving. 1998.

37. RAMAT, Anna Giacalone and Paul J. HOPPER (eds): The Limits of Grammaticalization.


38. SIEWIERSKA, Anna and Jae Jung SONG (eds): Case, Typology and Grammar. In honor

of Barry J. Blake. 1998.

39. PAYNE, Doris L. and Immanuel BARSHI (eds.): External Possession. 1999.

40. FRAJZYNGIER, Zygmunt and Traci S. CURL (eds.): Reflexives. Forms and functions.


41. FRAJZYNGIER, Zygmunt and Traci S. CURL (eds): Reciprocals. Forms and functions.


42. DIESSEL, Holger: Demonstratives. Form, function and grammaticalization. 1999.

43. GILDEA, Spike (ed.): Reconstructing Grammar. Comparative Linguistics and Grammaticalization.


44. VOELTZ, F.K. Erhard and Christa KILLIAN-HATZ (eds.): Ideophones. n.y.p.

45. BYBEE, Joan and Paul HOPPER (eds.): Frequency and the Emergence of Linguistic

Structure. 2001.

46. AIKHENVALD, Alexandra Y., R.M.W. DIXON and Masayuki ONISHI (eds.): Noncanonical

Marking of Subjects and Objects. 2001.

47. BARON, Irene, Michael HERSLUND and Finn SORENSEN (eds.): Dimensions of Possession.


48. SHIBATANI, Masayoshi (ed.): The Grammar of Causation and Interpersonal Manipulation.


49. WISCHER, Ilse and Gabriele DIEWALD (eds.): New Reflections on Grammaticalization.


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