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This is a true story. Event occurred on 3/8/17
I feel people should know and hopefully in the future if this ever does happen, God I hope not, that you are prepared. Please stay safe.

I'm a 16 year old girl soon to turn 17 in a few months. I'm in high school. The school day started off normal, classes went by as usual. Nothing to worry about. But for some reason in Spanish 5 period I was agitated, upset I dident know why. And no it's not my time of the month. I'm not one of those girls to really be afraid. I love scary movies, haunted houses, thrill rides. I'm a dare devil I'm just that type of person I don't get scared easily. Well after Spanish I went to 6 period history. I didn't talk to any of my friends I was just upset. I quietly did my work at my desk. I took the bus home and walked to my house. I lived on a busy road so I had to be careful for cars. I get home unlocking the door. Normally I would come home take my shower get my p.js on and do homework. Well not tonight my mom told me and my younger brother if we pulled the weeds in the back yard she would take us to go see the new movie Logan. I was excited. My grandma usually picks my brother up from the bus stop around 3:15 pm and usually drops him off around 3:30. Well around 3:10 there was 3 loud knocks at the door. I was in the bathroom at the time so I was trying to hurry to go see who it was. I hurried and got out. I didn't open the door because my mom always told us no. I peeked through the blinds and saw a red pickup truck sitting in are driveway. I thought nothing of it because people sometimes do that because we're on a busy street and they suddenly need to turn around. I didn't think anything of it and left the blinds to go let the dogs out. I had let my two cute, adorable shittzues out to go to the bathroom then headed back to my room. I headed to my room. It was no more then 5 minutes later I was plugging in my phone when I Hurd a loud plop. Like someone was jumping from a high distance. I had concrete on the side of my house that's how I was able to hear it so well. I was confused at first thinking maybe it was the neighbor doing something on the other side of the fence. I raised my side window blinds a bit and was stunned. There was a man standing there. A man jumped our fence. The fence was pretty tall too in areas because our house doesn't sit on even ground. Immediacy I start panicking while lowering my blinds. I call my mom while running to lock out French doors. She told me to call the police and that she would be home soon. I didn't want to leave them outside but opening the door would of caused to much noise. I grab a knife and run to my room tossing it on my bed. I called the police while looking for my beebee gun. I could hear my dogs going crazy. They didn't know who this man was. I could hear him trying to bust in throw the side garage door. After a few seconds of looking I couldn't find it and gave up. I ran to my door closing and locking it. The operator told me everything was going to be ok and the there on there way after I told her what was going on. I wish I could say I did something cool in this situation but honestly I stood in my closet clutching the phone crying like a baby. I had never thought this would happen. J just thought it was going to be a regular day were we would pull weeds and go to the movies, but it wasn't it was far from it. I Hurd him bust open the two garage doors to the house. He was in the house. I felt like I was in home alone only that twelve year old had pranks and more balls then I did. He opens my moms door and starts moving things around. The only reason I could hear what he was doing because my room is right next to hers. He was moving things around looking for things to take. I don't know I'm he was just ready to move on to the next room, he Hurd me or he saw my light but he tried opening my door. The lady said they were almost there trying to keep me calm. I think at that moment that the man resized someone was in the house because my light was on and my door was locked. After that I Hurd him in the kitchen then nothing. From the outline I could see shadows running around my back yard. The lady told me it was just the police and that she was going to tell them it was me. I slowly got out of my closet, unlocked the door. I was clutching the phone for dear life as flash lights were shown in my face. They quickly escorted me outside were I saw my mom, brother, who was holding our puppy. He must of shoved himself under the fence trying to get away. And my grandma. I ran to my mom crying but it was short lived as the police man pulled me aside and asked me for a description of the man. I tried my best telling him what he looked like but I was only looking at him for a few seconds before closing the blinds. After they had started to search for the man.
It's been two days and I'm still afraid to come home thinking the man will be in outlet house again. It turns out he stole 20$ and a few hundred in jewelry.
Today 3/10/17 I think I saw the red truck again. The funny thing was it was parked at the house I stand at the corner everyday for the bus stop. It was the same color and I'm pretty sure brand. I'm going to tell my mom today when I go home. One thing the cop dos tell us is that burglaries happen during he day and grand theft happens at night. I really want to catch this guy. What he did was wrong and I don't think he realizes that.

Wish me luck hopefully we catch this guy.

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