Chapter 5: Break! Battle Formations!

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The Edge by Tonight Alive

Momo Yaoyorozu gif

A/N: My hiatus, not acceptable! As always, I am deeply sorry for making you - my dedicated readers - wait for soooooo damn long! Forgive me! And I apologize if the chapter is shit - I tried.

Chapter 5: Break! Battle Formations!



Laughter rang in the air as a collective trio of two boys and girl stood over the fallen figure. The girl of the group - naturally blonde, skinny, and dark skinned - sneered down at the person with a malice grin.

"Oh?! Look, Uchihara managed to get in the way of my hands, again," she mocked, knowing full well that she purposefully shoved the latter into the lockers.

Urusa - short brown hair, lanky, and too thin for her height - glowered at the blonde and the two boys as they laughed even more. Her left cheek was already brandishing a red blossoming hue. One she gained after one of the boys in the group had managed to hit her.

It was a normal occurrence.

"Well, maybe if your arms weren't so freakishly long and in the way, it wouldn't have happened! They can pass off as soggy noodles by how stringy they look," Urusa sassed, huffing through her nose in irritation.

She knew she was making her situation worse by back talking, but she was never one to stand down.

"I mean, how else would you manage to wrap all those boys around you so easily? Face it, if you were a pasta, you would be an expired cup of ramen - foul smelling, dried up, rotten, not to mention bad in every sense no matter how good it looks, oh, and let's not forget - revolting," the brunette smirks up at the blonde, not afraid. "That's what you are, to the core. It's just hidden beneath layers of chemically enhanced make up!"

"Ugh! Shut it, you loser," the blonde screeches, her dark caramel cheeks flushing red with anger.

She grabs Urusa from the hair, pulling her forwards before slamming her against the lockers once again.

"At least, I'm not a pathetic late bloomer! You're basically a failure waiting to happen," the blonde smirked tauntingly.

"You'll never be good enough."

"Not in school and not as a hero! Face it, Uchihara, you were born a loser."

The two boys state, adding their two cents. The three share a laugh as the said girl looks down, clenching her fists.

"Oh!? Did we make the weak, little, Uchihara cry? If you can't handle a few harsh wor-"

The blonde was cut off when Urusa punched her across the face. Her fist having absorbed the blue metal of the lockers.

"I've had enough of your shit talk! You call me pathetic, then what are you if the only thing you do is stand around and spout trash out of your mouth? You say I'm not going to make a hero, well let's see you stop me," Urusa seethes, her skin transforming into blue metal.

The two boys cower at the fact that she's using her quirk. They can't exactly fight a person made of metal with their bare fists.

"That's what I thought. Not you, nor anyone is going to stop me from becoming a hero..."

*end of flashback*

URUSA STARED AT the dark portal that allowed villains to enter the USJ. She clenched her jaw and curled her hands into fists, her whole body growing tense. In her peripheral vision she could see that some of her classmates were stepping back in caution. She wouldn't blame them, these are villains - and even though she fought many bullies, this was different. On a whole other level.

"Huddle together and don't move," Aizawa shouted, moving to stand in front of the students.

The brunette narrowed her whiskey colored eyes. Now, for sure, she knew that this was serious. Very serious. Stepping back with almost robotic-like movements, she stopped and stood next to Yaoyorozu.

"Thirteen protect the students," Aizawa yelled to the other hero.

"What is that? Is this like that training exercise at the entrance exam," Kirishima asked, using his hand to see better into the distance.

He tried to step closer, but their homeroom stopped him.

"Don't move! Those are real villains," he informed, making the situation clear to everyone.

Closing her eyes, Urusa released a heavy sigh. Great. Why would villains want to attack a class of students? Most importantly, how did they know that there was a class at this time? This seems random, but it's actually pretty organized. Why though?

Her mind was whirling with all kinds of questions. She was debating how the villains knew the details for this scheduled lesson. Did they know? Were they aware of all the details? Who would give them such a thing? Did they figure it out by themselves? Or was there an inside leak? Was she overthinking this? Is she just panicking? No, she's eerily calm right now. Her state of mind is still thinking logically. However, she could still be twisting things in her mind, right? Is she making the situation sound a lot worse than it really is?

"V-villains?! Get out of here!"

"What kinda numb-skull could think that honest to god villains would be able to just waltz in to the hero home base?"

"Sensei, what about the alarm sensors," Yaoyorozu asks, obviously thinking clearly.

Urusa goes to answer, but Todoroki beats her by entering an explanation. He states if this is the only facility the villains have ambushed or if they're attacking the others. Overall, he's saying that this attack was carefully planned rather than being a spur of the moment kind of thing. His revelation makes it clear to Urusa that she was not overthinking, not one bit.

"Thirteen, do the evacuation procedure! And try calling the school! These villains know how to get around the sensors! There's a chance there's a electrowave type guy who'll try intercepting," their homeroom teacher tells the white clad hero whilst walking towards the steps. He then directs his next words to his student. "Kaminari, you too! Try contacting UA with your quirk!"

Clenching her fists even tighter, Urusa's suddenly thankful that she's wearing gloves. Because if she wasn't, her hands would be bleeding by how hard she's embedding her nails into her palms. It's something she often does to deal with her temper and anxiety, not methodical, but it helps. It's how she kept herself from snapping at her new middle school. It kept her in line. Instead of acting recklessly, she inflicted pain upon herself until she calmed down to think rationally.

"Sensei, are you gonna fight them alone?! Even if you suppress all their quirks, there's so many of them! The battle style of Eraser Head is to capture villains after erasing their quirks," Izuku questions, trying to reason.

The embedding nails didn't work. Urusa's eye twitches in irritation. Huffing, she narrows her gaze towards the green haired boy.

"Then, what do you suggest, Midoriya? These are real villains, we're clearly outnumbered! We may be in the hero course, but we're mere students, not heroes! Aizawa is the only hero here apart from Thirteen, and if he needs to fight them all to buy us time to escape, then so be it," she snaps, gritting her teeth.

Looking away, she tries to calm down, but also misses his hurt look. She knows her words were harsh, but she's never been in this situation - her mind is whirling. Her emotions are fluctuating and she doesn't know how to respond to that, she doesn't do emotions, she represses them.

She almost flinches when she feels a hand on her shoulder. Following the pale hand, she finds Yaoyorozu smiling softly at her. Almost like she understands why she snapped. Her mind settles to confusion when she calms down at the touch, but nonetheless, she returns a small smile.

Whiskey eyes meeting onyx eyes, the latter silently asks if she's okay. Urusa nods making Momo smile once more before she drops her hand.

"A hero always has more than one trick up their sleeves! Thirteen, I'm counting on you," Aizawa tells Izuku before jumping down the long flight of stairs.

Urusa follows him with her eyes, holding her breath as he makes contact with the first villains. Though, her worry instantly washes away when she watches him wipe the floor with the villains. He beats the three very easily and she almost laughs at that.

And here I was anticipating the worst, she sighs out a breath of relief.

Taking one last look, she then follows after Yaoyorozu as they begin to evacuate. She spots Midoriya standing in his place, muttering about Aizawa's fighting. Shaking her head, she meets Iida's eyes and directs her head towards their standing friend.

"This is no time for analysis! We've got to evacuate," Iida yells at Izuku.

Though, that when everything turned against them.

Like stated, she almost laughed.

+ + + + +

She was walking the halls of the middle school, the bruise on her cheek was now a dark purple. The incident from lunch seemed so far away in her head, but at the same time it's like she just experienced it. Her peers were whispering and glancing at her, almost knowing what happened.

Again, it was common for her to get into fights.

The teachers were either oblivious or they ignored her problem when it came to bullying. The students however, they seemed to live for it, they almost craved the idea of a fight - not caring that it was always against her.

Anyways, it was after the last school bell, as she walked through the crowded halls. Clutching the straps of her backpack, she kept her head down, not wanting to meet anyone's eyes. Eye contact with anyone was practically yelling for another fight.

She was miserable.

Though, it seemed like she wasn't miserable enough.

"That's her, Nii-san! She's the one who hurt me," Urusa heard an oddly familiar voice.

Looking up, her brown eye met the scene of Jisoo Rin - the blonde, and her older brother, Jeyoung Rin. The former sibling was pointing at her with a hurt look on her face, but Urusa instantly knew that it was fake.

The brunette grimaced, already knowing her fate.

Cracking his knuckles, the Uchihara sighed as the older boy stepped towards her with a glare.

She prepared a wince for the incoming pain.

*end of flashback*

HEART STUTTERING WITH fear, Urusa stared as the warp villain appeared in front of them. They floated above them like a dark cloud - literally. They were blocking their only exit, intercepting their plan of evacuation.

"I'm afraid I can't allow that," Urusa almost laughed at how since he sounded.

Maybe she was panicking. By means, here she is on the verge of laughing, not once, but two times already.

Was she scared? That's to be determined.

Is she worried for her classmates? Most definitely. Not all of them were made to fight. Not all of them knew how to actually throw a punch.

Is she going to let her emotions render her useless? Definitely not!

Snapping out of her thoughts, she turns back to listen as the villain tells them that they came here for the sole purpose of defeating All Might. More specifically, to kill him. Swallowing, the brunette ignores her pounding heart. Those words vexed her to the very core.

How are they suppose to defeat villains whose purpose is to kill the number one hero?

No! She's not going to allow this to deter her. Heck, she's a part of the hero course, she can't give up. It's not in the description.

Clenching her fists, she fixes her posture and stands straight with confidence. It's time she starts acting like a hero rather than a victim. After all, this is just the beginning.

It seems she wasn't the only one with the same thought process because her whiskey eyes are suddenly watching both Kirishima and Bakugou rush forward. Eyes widening, Urusa stops herself from cursing profanities for their actions. They have the right intentions, but their actions are more out of recklessness than bravery. Though, she's not sure if they're the same thing.

"Bet you didn't think we'd be able to do you in before you got a chance," Kirishima boasts.

"That was quite perilous. To be expected. Though you may be mere students, you are also the world's future heroes," the man said, not affected by the duo's blitz attack.

Clenching her fists even tighter, Urusa bit her lip in irritation. "Move, you idiots! Your attacks are futile against him," she shouted, taking a step forward basically urging them to move away.

"It's no use, just run! Run, you two," Thirteen yelled as well, though the hero was aiming an offense towards the villain.

It was no use. The duo were standing in the way which allowed the warping villain to make his move.

"You will be scattered. And tortured. And slain," he announced both unemotionally and menacingly.

The next thing Urusa knew was that her vision became blurred in a whirl of black and purple. She heard her classmates give startled shouts.

With that, her stomach twisted as the floor beneath her vanished.

+ + + + +

His fist connected to her unsuspecting stomach. Urusa cried out in pain, but as she slumped forward, she was met with another fist. This time it connected to her already bruised face, successfully bringing her to graveled ground. The tiny rocks and pebbles embedded themselves in her bare knees, breaking the skin and releasing the red iron substance.

Her ears were met with the familiar sounds of laughter. She should be used to it; others laughing at her pain, but no matter how hard she tried to push the knot out her chest, it still hurt. Her vision blurred with tears - angry, frustrated, and self loathing tears.

She despised the feeling of being weak. She felt useless.

"Not so tough now, huh? Look here you, pipsqueak, you're going to listen to and do whatever my sister tells you to do. If I hear that you're not, well, I'll give you another demonstration of how pathetic you really are," Jeyoung smirked after sneering down at her defeated figure.

Urusa glared at the ground, clenching handfuls of gravel before gritting her teeth.

The older male saw her actions of clear defiance, and narrowed his eyes.

"I'm talking to you," he huffed. "Do you understand the conditi-"

"Screw you."

Her words were sharp, yet quiet, but it was enough to silence him. Irritated, he stares at the brunette with perplexion. Why is she trying too hard, he thought, why is she still fighting this?

"What," he asked before glancing at his younger sister who nodded him, urging him to continue.

Urusa looked up, her whiskey eyes that usually held a kind spark were now shadowed with animosity. She glared up at the older student before getting up slowly - wiping at her lip which was split open.

"I said, screw you," she seethed.

The texture of the gravel she was clenching in her hands absorbed into her skin, painting her usual tan skin in a cobblestone gray. Drawing back her hand, she swung her fist and punched him square in the nose.

"Screw you! Screw your sister! Screw everyone at this shitty school! I've had enough of everyone's shit," she yelled.

She delivered punch after punch with every sentence. After the contact with his nose, she swung her left fist and connected it with his temple. That brought him down to the ground, which she followed in suit. She then punched his cheek with a right hook. Then, another left punch to the face.

She ignored his yells of pain. She ignored his sister's cries of worry. She ignored the other students who were huddled around them, watching.

"Just you watch! I will become a hero! And I will defeat people like you, villains, who terrorize people for no good reason! I'll show you! I-I'll show everyone," Urusa cried, tears of frustration running down her bruised cheeks.

"I'll become a hero..."

*end of flashback*

HER BODY CRASHED against the ground upon impact. Looking up, her eyes saw the familiar sight of the USJ ceiling. Breathing an air of relief, her thudding heart slowed to a reasonable pace. Pushing herself up, she saw herself standing in a rocky landscape.

She's at the Mountain Zone.

And she's not alone.

No, further away from her are a few of her peers, Yaoyorozu, Kaminari, and Jiro. However, before she can properly breath, she sees that they're surrounded by villains.

Narrowing her eyes, and ignoring the sudden need to protect them - she knows they're capable of doing so themselves - and proceeds with her plan of attack. Touching the mountainside with her exposed fingers, she instantly turns to the rocky matter of the aforementioned. Urusa acknowledges how her body feels stiff and heavy, but pushes it away to ready herself.

Getting in a runner's stance, she leans forward - takes a breath - and propels her body. It's like someone fired a cannon and she's the rushing bullet. Instead of wanting to be an aimless shot, Urusa maneuvers her body as if she were snow skiing - or ice skating.

With acceleration, she reaches the spot of her classmates. However, as she meets the bottom, the brunette spots a villain trying to creep by Yaoyorozu's unsuspecting and vulnerable back. Using the last of her speed, Urusa jumps in the air whilst simultaneously directing a high kick to the villain's head.

With that, the Uchihara makes her entrance.

Landing on the ground in her rocky form, and a now unconscious villain at her feet, she smirks at her classmates.

"Need a hand," she smirks, greeting them whilst returning to her usual self.

Jiro smirks. "Well, with Kaminari here, we definitely need all the help we can get," she says, bashing the blond.

"Yes! Now, we fight," Yaoyorozu announces, raising her fists as a determined look dawns her face. "Jiro, take the weapon from my leg, well attack them if they get too close! Uchihara, you can use your quirk to fight them at close combat! Kaminari, is there still no contact with the school?"

"Nice plan, Yaoyorozu," Urusa said giving the ravenette a smile.

Whilst Jiro grabbed a tanto blade from the girl's left thigh, Yaoyorozu made herself a silver steel bo staff - pulling it out from her right wrist. Urusa occupied herself by turning into her favored matter, after touching her black steel alloy scarf. However, Kaminari stood still as the three females in the group prepared to fight, he was panicking.

He was aware that his quirk is more wide ranged than controlled. He can't really use it without the risk of hurting his classmates.

"We should stay together, protect each other from all sides," Yaoyorozu informed.

Urusa nodded her head. "Yeah, you and Jiro should stand back to back and cover each other. I'll try to take care of as many as I can. And Kaminari you should...err," she looked towards the girl and gave them a look, not knowing what to do with their male peer.

However, they didn't have time to answer when they were interrupted by the group of villains. In manji formation, they protected each other whilst the villains drew closer - surrounding them on all sides. In her steel form, Urusa clenched her hands into tight fists.

This time she was ready.

All at once, the villains ambushed them. It seemed their plan was plain simple; Attack. Dodging a fist to her face, Urusa ducked to the side and uppercutted the villain in his unprotected stomach. Smirking, Urusa added more force and sent him to the floor, not feeling bad for the gut-wrenching pain he's experiencing. For insurance, she gives him a harsh kick to the head, the steel boot instantly knocking him unconscious.

Quickly glancing back, Urusa saw Yaoyorozu using her staff to block and attack her opponents. Jiro was using Earphone Jack quirk, blasting them away whilst deflecting their attempts to hit her. Kaminari, well....he was trying - running and dodging out of the villain's reach.

Looking away, her eyes slightly widen at the incoming attack. She raises her hand, blocking the sword with her steel forearm. Upon contact, the sword grates on her arm and creates a cringeful screech.

Urusa smirks. "You know what they say about people who wear metal?"

The villain furrows their eyebrows, confused.

"They're really hard core," she states before twisting her arm to grab at their wrist and delivering a high kick to their face.

"Hehe, get it? Hard core," Urusa laughs to herself.

"As funny as you are, Uchihara, now's not the time for puns," Jiro called out, throwing the brunette a smirk before blasting her opponent with a sound wave.

Kaminari ducked under a large villain's fist before running towards the two girls. Urusa joined them shortly after, tightening their formation.

"That was close! Holy crap! I saw death's door," the blond stated in shock, his eyes wide. "Who the fuck are these guys?! What the hell's going on?!"

"Let's worry about the specifics later," Jiro told them, raising her acquainted tanto blade.

"Right now we need to focus on how to get out from under them," Yaoyorozu said tirelessly, pushing the villains who were creeping closer away.

Urusa huffed. "Despite the ones we take down, they just keep on coming. Sure, they're not the strongest, but at this rate, they'll wear us down," she told them, punching a villain across the face with her steel fist.

"Wait," Jiro stopped, throwing a narrowed look towards their blond peer. "Aren't you an electric type? Just fry them already!"

"Hey now! Didn't you see..." They all listened as he went on and on about being able to wear electricity - which gave Urusa an idea. He also said that his attacks aren't controlled, that it's too widespread and if they wanted him to be like Todoroki - who froze everything - covering the area in electric currents. Plus, he reminded them that he's too busy trying to call for help at the school, but he can't since it's jammed. To lay it on even thicker, he turned to them and gave them a thumbs up, "Do the three of you hear me?! You won't be able to rely on me right now! I'm relying on you three!"

Jiro gave him a deadpan look. Urusa glanced at them over shoulder, and smirked when she saw the girl kick the blond.

"All right then, be our human stun gun!" The shortest girl yelled.

"What are you doing, idiot," Kaminari screeched in a panic as he was pushed violently into a bad guy.

However, like expected, Urusa watched as Kaminari electricuted the villain he was kicked into with his touch. The sight kind of reminded the brunette of her younger brother. Tilting her head to the side, she released the steel absorption and returned to usual self.

"Alright! You three can count on me," the blond smirked confidently once realizing what he was capable of.

"Don't fuck around, you little shits," a villain yelled, sick of being underestimated.

He encased his fist in a large collection of rocks, making it a boulder, and charged at the unsuspecting blond. Running, he raised his rock covered fist and directed it towards Kaminari's face. The teen turned, just in time to see the boulder nearing his face when suddenly the rocks reverberated to nothing. Jiro stepped in just one time to save her peer, making the villain's bare fist meet Kaminari's electric clad face. He ended up getting electrocuted as well.

Urusa grinned rushing towards the blond. A plus side to the hero course, the wide variety of quirks.

Quickly placing her hand on Kaminari's shoulder, she ignores his panicked look. "Don't mind me, I'm just borrowing you electricity," she smirks.

Instantly, her flesh and costume turn to a body of condensed light. Her frame was a blinding yellow as sparks flew off her, kissing her skin with gold flares, almost daring anyone to touch her. She was the personification of high voltage - enticing, dangerous, and powerful.

Urusa felt the power, it was like her adrenaline drank several gallons of energy drinks. Her skin was literally vibrating with energy, both literally and metaphorically. It was too much, but she had to deal with it.

Running to her next opponent, she slammed her hands on their chest successfully electrocuting them. Anyone who dared to go up against her met the same fate. As she was gripping on a large man's bicep, shocking him, she felt the large pulse of Jiro's sound-wave rush through her as it took down several villains. Peeking a glance in her peripheral vision, Urusa witnessed as the black haired beauty took down a villain with a capture net, bringing him down to the ground in a tangled mess. She smirked, they were taking their attack plan and wiping the ground with the villains, completely demolishing them.

Why was I so worried, Urusa thought whilst kicking a villain in her stomach, they're just low ranking villains. Petty criminals who're angry at heroes at best, nothing impressive.

"I'm ready," Urusa turned at Yaoyorozu's yell. "It takes time to make something this big!"

The brunette watched as the girl's costume ripped on the back as she created a blanket of sorts. Raising her electrified brows, the Uchihara instantly got the idea. She smirked.

An insulation sheet, smart. That way Kaminari can use his quirk openly without hurting them, and since I'm in this form, I won't get hurt, she smiles before shaking her head. Yaoyorozu, she impresses me more and more everyday.

"A sheet?"

"Is it supposed to be a shield?"

The villains asked, and Urusa shook her electrified hear at their idiocy. Well, it is a sheild of sorts.

"You're looking at a one-hundred millimeter sheet! Kaminari, it's your turn," Yaoyorozu announces, covering both herself and Jiro with the aforementioned.

"I get ya," the blond smirks, now understanding the plan. "In that case, I'm stupid strong!"

With a yell, Urusa watches as Kaminari explodes in a wave of pure electricity. Voltage after voltage running and streaking until every villain is encased in yellow fiery sparks. The yellow jagged streams kiss at Urusa's electrified skin, but they don't bother her.

Instead, she walks back to the girls underneath the sheet and stands in front of them, a line of protection. Just in case. One never knows.

"Now then, I'm worried about the rest. Let's hurry and join back up with them," Yaoyorozu speaks up, buying the Uchihara's attention.

"That sounds grea-" Urusa turns and immediately her eyes widen.

Not concentrating on herself, her electrified form disappears back in her usual form. Her whiskey eyes dart to the side as her face explodes in a shade of red, furiously blushing at the ravenette's exposure.

"W-wow! I-I mean, sounds great! Yeah, let's head back, it's breast- I mean best! Best to see if they need help," Urusa stuttered, her eyes darting everywhere besides at the semi-naked girl in front her.

Oh, Kami, help me, the Uchihara mentally cried, her cheeks blazing hot.

Whilst Jiro was also blushing at the ravenette's exposed form, informing the latter of her ruined shirt. Yaoyorozu merely pushed the fact away like no big deal as she listened to the blushing brunette agree with her. Kaminari was just a little a ways, mumbling incoherently after frying his brain.

They all failed to notice as a hand ripped through the earth's surface.

The single villain surviving and outwitting their attack.


Here's Chapter Five! Again, sorry for the prolonged wait...also sorry if the chapter was shitty. I'll TRY to update much more!

Anyways, what did you like? Or hate?

Did you like the flashbacks, I wanted to give you a taste of how her earlier life was like. Those bullies were just a small, teensy tiny, taste. They were horrible, but they did give her thrive to try harder and the want to become a hero.

Did you like the Momo moments? I sure did!

Urusa is such a logical, sweet, and bad ass girl with her dorky moments! She makes me soft UwU

Yes, electricity is a matter!

Despite not mentioning it in her bio, Urusa will have a strong friendship with Jiro! Yay!

Anyways, don't forget to





JA NE, My lovely readers!

Total Word Count: 4,771

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