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"The sun is alone too, but it still

Another positive quote in the family groupchat.


I hate it.

I hate everything.


Sighing while scrolling through my phone, I threw a disgusted look at the picture with this positive quote written on it.

What does it mean? It's a star. A freaking star. It's work is to radiate sunlight towards the Earth. These people just know nothing.

Not everything can be positive.

Look at me.

A bright looking girl. Been always happy and got everything that I wanted since my childhood.

But now...

Things are changing.

I don't feel the same anymore.

I've been feeling weird. Or I can say tired? Or annoying? Or sad... I don't even know!

I was such an all-rounder in elementary school. Everyone used to love me. Appreciate me. Adore me.

Now, I'm just..... exhausted.

Exhausted from inside.

It's me, Kim Hana.

And this is my life now. Bad grades, no friends, strict parents. Can life get worse?

Why am I feeling this way? I'm ashamed of myself. From an A+ student to barely passing my exams.

I'm just an 18 year old, living in Seoul, South Korea. I was passionate about music and singing. Having a dream to become a musician, produce my own songs and get famous.

But things sometimes don't work out.

My parents, strict since forever, already decided my future. They want me to become a doctor. Cool. Isn't it?

Never asking me about what I desire for, what I want to do, they straight out ordered me to become a doctor and got my addmission in one of the most expensive medical college in Korea.

I've become such an introvert that now I don't even talk to my parents that much. I don't talk to anyone. I'm shy and quiet in public because I just don't like humans anymore.

Because of a little research on internet about my symptoms, I guess....

Maybe I'm depressed?

If yes, I'm not surprised.

Everything annoys me.

In this incredible age, where I'm supposed to be "young, wild and free", I'm here locked in my room "depressed, sad and unmotivated."

Will this ever change?

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