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*Hana's POV*

"Are you ready?" My mom called out as I was struggling to get my jeans on.

"Uh, j-just a minute mom." I said, buttoning up and turning around to see my mom facing me, an unusual look smeared upon her face.

"Why are you wearing jeans? We are not going to a mall Hana, it's a wedding ceremony!"

"But... I like wearing casual. They're not our owns anyway." I shrugged, turning my way to face the mirror.

"Oh my God, you'll always be a kid. There will be a lot of people there! It's a modern ceremony and I don't think this look of yours would get any guy to get attracted to y-"

"Mom!" I protested, turning around and looking at her, eyes filled with plead. "I don't want to attract any guy. I'm just going because I didn't want you to feel upset. It's a mere function."

She sighed, making me internally feel giddy that I won. But then she turned her steps to my wardrobe, her hands shuffling through my neatly stacked garments and pulling out a long dress, making me scrunch my nose.

"No, I'm not wearing that."

"You are wearing that." She looked up and down the red velvet dress, a small smile making it's way to her lips.

"Ew, that looks-"

"Amazing on you. Now just wear it." She handed me the dress and I just stared at her, my mouth frantically open.

"Mom!" I followed her upto the door of my room as she walked out before turning to face me.

"If you love me, then wear this. If you don't, then just wear your sneakers and keep on this outfit." She pointed at my figure and walked out, shutting the door in my face.

And I just stood there with the cold material in my hands as I threw a disgusted look at it, throwing it away on my bed.


"I-I'm ready."

I walked to my mom's room with wobbly legs, fiddling with my fingers as I stared at her back while she applied an orange coloured lipstick, her face almost glistening.

"Are you?" She didn't turn around, kept rubbing her face that looked fairer than ever since I could remember. My mom was beautiful. Everyone said I looked like her but in my opinions I'm nothing like her.

I look unattractive.

"Uh, yeah." I said and she turned around, her eyes practically growing bigger and her mouth falling agape as she stared at me.

"You look stunning, Hana."

In this dress? I'd never thought I could pull up with these materials. They're not my type.

But I obeyed my mom. Because I love her.

"So pretty," She sounded so excited as she quickly scooted towards me, rubbing my cheek mildly with her cold hand, "just like a princess."

"D-do I really look pretty?" I asked, unsure of her comment as I felt myself blushing at her touch.

"Mhm," she smiled, "but something is missing."


She held my arm, pulling me towards the dressing table. I stood in front, my eyes scanning my own body as I pushed my short hair out of my face, the sickly glimmering red dress seemed like burning on my skin.


"Makeup? Mom... I don't know how-"

"Sit here, let me do it."

Why is she doing this? Why is she treating me so specially today?

It seems strange.

"Remember how fond you were of makeup when you were a toddler? You used to steal all my chapsticks, until I found them hidden under your bed." She chuckled.

Those memories....they sound so embarrassing.

I lowered my head as she took some foundation in her palm, tapping on every part of my face with her index finger and slowly rubbing my plump cheeks, making me scrunch my nose.

"Hana, are you.... alright now?" She asked, concern lacing her voice.

"I'm better." I replied, smiling at her reflection in the mirror.

"Oh, if you...ever feel like... uh.." she paused on her words, a sigh escaping her mouth, "sharing anything, you can tell tell me."

I pouted, my face too falling into a frown.

"I know I've always acted tough and grim with you, that's why that horrible incident took place. But now that I think about it, I was wrong. So wrong. That's not how a mother should act."

I just stayed silent.

She continued. "I know I said it late, but late is better than never. If you want to share anything, I'm here. If you...still trust me."

"I trust you mom," I beamed at the mirror, drawing imaginary shapes in my lap. "But it is too late now."

"Late?" She breathed out, her moving hands abruptly stopping amid, now resting on my shoulders.

"I'm old enough. Not a kid anymore. I went through the tough times alone. Never bothered to tell you or dad." I said, "I harmed myself because I was frustrated at myself. I used to hate myself-"

"-In the past." I said after a brief pause. "It's not like that anymore. I'm used to go through everything alone now. I don't need to share it. Not trying to be rude, but if you didn't understood me at my worst...how can you understand me now when I'm much better and stronger?"

Silence overtook the room. Seemed like she froze.

Maybe she didn't expect me to sound so mature.

"I'm sorry Hana." That's all she said, before her hands moved to my forehead, lightly patting as I lowered my head again.

"No need to be, mom. I still love you though. And if I ever get stuck where it would be must for me to tell you, then I won't hesitate. I still trust you mom."

"I know," she smiled. Guilt completely painted on her face. She must have realised every word that I said, which sounded so simple yet carried such a heavy and deep message.

"Almost done, what colour lipstick would you like?" She asked, completely restrained by the previous conversation.

"Anything you like, mom." I hesitantly replied.

I've always chosen what others chose for me. Because I'm never sure of my own choices.

"This one," she picked out a glossy shade of red, a little lighter than my dress's colour.

I applied the gloss on my dry lips, suddenly feeling a blush painted across my caked-up face when my eyes fell on my features.

Makeup sure does makes everyone look pretty.

But for me, outside beauty is nothing.

If you're ugly on the inside, no matter how expensive products you apply to glow up, you'd stay ugly for me.

I wonder if there's anyone who thinks the same as me. Is just like me...

"Amazing. I must admit my daughter looks so beautiful."

"After applying all of this?"

A pause.

She sighed, turning her head away.

"I'm disappointed you've lost all of your self-confidence."

"I wonder what would be the reason." I mumbled, smiling to myself.

"Come on, it's already late!" My dad's voice echoed from the main door as I got up, fixing the sparkly dress and combing up my hair, my natural curls showing no difference but suiting the outfit.

I quickly stepped in high heels, the sting in my ankles overtaking me as I struggled to balance myself.

That's what happens when you wear heels after so long.

"We're coming!" My mom shouted back as she picked her purse, and my breathing quickened when I felt her cold hand slipping into my warm one.

I flinched, slightly amused.

"Maybe it's not like how I trained you to be, but I'm glad you're becoming stronger on your own."

I've been craving to hear these words from her.

We stepped into our car, I slipped into the backseat as my mom seated herself beside father, I noticed him giving me a droll look when we stepped outside.

"You're looking beautiful."

"Th-thank you...dad." I whispered, staring out of the window, biting on my overgrowing smile.

They're changing....

I'm feeling delightful...


Yo! 🤡

Character development!🤓 UwU I miss writing this book so much. But recently it's gaining a lot of attention and I'm happy to get more readers. Thank you for reading <3

Also, do keep streaming 'BUTTER'🥞

I'll try to be punctual on updates. My exams are coming up too so I'll be a bit busy. But if you're willing to wait then I promise it'll be worth it❤️

Do read, vote and comment if you liked this!!


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