Popular!Crush X Anti-social!Reader

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Yee yee this is it
Also, make crush, female reader
{Not requested}

I sit on the wall listening to music at lunch. I don't really eat. Most people just brush by me, which I'm glad of that. I hate attention. But, there is one person who I wouldn't mind getting a little bit from. (C/n). I smile a tiny bit, only hearing the music in my air pods. I look at him; his soft skin, (h/c) hair, his (toned/not toned) body. I loved him. He has never spoken to me. The only people that really speak to me are the guidance counselor, teachers, and my best friend, (bff/n). I smile as the thoughts of him and I flood my mind.

'oh, what I can dream...'

I sigh as people give me looks of pity and annoyance.

' Am I in their way?'

I look around to see where exactly I am. I'm in a corner. No one really around. I look at my phone as it buzzed.

(Bff/n): hey! Why are you always over there? Come sit with me!

Me: I'm ok.... If rather stay here

(Bff/n): sighhhhhhh ok

With that, (she/he) leaves me alone. I begin to him as (face song) plays.

~•°end of school°•~

My school counselor lives near me and she knows I have social anxiety. She drives me home everyday. I go to the bathroom, making sure I was alone. I hate using the bathroom with others in here. I step into a stall, locking it and taking out a bag of chips. I open it and eat while sitting on the toilet. All of a sudden, I hear footsteps. It seems to be more than one person. Maybe three. I look under the stall, my (short/medium/long) (h/c) hair falling in my face. I see heels. Red, black, and white.

'oh no.... Not them....'

I quietly shove the bag in my back pack and pull my feet up.

"Ugh, (y/n) is so annoying. The thing is, she doesn't even talk!" (Enemy 1) said.

"What I don't understand is how she has (c/n)'s attention! They don't talk to each other so they can't possibly like each other." ( enemy 2) stated.

"Girls, we need to stop questioning this and handle it ourselves. We could eat her out." I practically heard the evil in her voice.

" We should tell (c/n) that she liked him! I mean, it's really obvious. "


So I figured I would post this.... I am really trying... Y'all need to request so I can stop having writers block! thx

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