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I sigh as I look at the clock. 2:58, 2 minutes will school is over. It's also two minutes till I have to go see HER. If your wondering who I mean I mean the art teacher. She's weird, loud, and never makes any sense! But she told me to stay after school and I just don't want anymore trouble going.

I walk in and see her standing behind her desk. Infront of her desk is another desk with a white cloth on it. It looks like the cloth is covering something. I wonder what it is.

" please sit down" she says to me. I sit at the desk. She looked down at me." Ive noticed you know." She said. Im confused.noticed what?" your changing" she said" ma'am i think you got the wrong student" i said,standing.i began to leave the room.

" your wrist arent the best canvas." She said. I stopped in my tracks. My cuts." They are beautiful in you eyes and it is true art but its not the right kind. Art give out emotion. But your art can kill" she said,coming to me. I didnt dare look back at her." Your a wonderful young boy. I know your bullied, and i know your home isnt the best either. Ive visted because my concern."

I turn and let her see my tears. " i know its hard"she said. I hugged her. My tears finally falling. She wrapped her arms around me."i had the same art as you one time" she said. I was shocked. " let me talk to you then i want you to make a choice." She said. I nod. She smiled.

"Looks people are mean and no one should go through so much pain as to cut themselfs or cause themselfs any pain." She said. I nod. " ive seen you durimg lunch. I see how you sit alone. I see how you force a smile. Dont do that. Ill help you but you have to trust me"she said. I looked at my wrist.

Multiple scars and dried blood. My tears fall on my wrist. I close my eyes. Im so disgusted with myself. A soft,warm hand is placed on my wrist. I opened my eyes and followed the arm to my teacher.

"I know im not normal either. Im always different but its because i love it." She smiled. Thats who she truley is. " dont let anyone change you. I saw the pictures of you in your house. When you were younger you were always so glad. You were so happy. But i know reality hit you." She frowned

Im speechless. I cant speak. I cant move." Listen reality sucks. But its not all bad. Because reality will show you the truth. When it comes time for you to be released into the world as an adult you will make it. Because you know." She said. The weird teacher is deep. Who knew she went through my kind of pain and understands.

She grabbed my wrist,gently. She pulled me back to her desk. I watched her gently pull out a canvas. On it were a bunch of blobs and slashes of paint." I did this when i was 8 years old. My older brother was taken from this world. So i took my paint brush and slashed. This painting has no meaning but to hold something that only the painter understands."

I cant see a picture. But the blobs and slashes remind me. Its like my past. So she knows how to realese everything." I have pain,sadness,and anger on this painting. Now its your turn. Choose" she said

She placed the painting down and moved the cloth. It was a razor and a paintbrush. "Im not gonna stop you. Ive done all possible. So here. Its your choice." She said. My hands shake. What should i do? I know someone cares. I have something to stay for. But should i really go through all this pain for one person? I guess i have to pick.

-razor ending-

I picked up the razor. I can hear her sigh." Alright then. Go on. End your life as you wish. I will miss you." She said and walked out of her class room.

I looked at my wrist. I can finally leave! I can leave this place! I make a huge gash on my wrist and quickly do the same to the other. Blood splatters and i see darkness. Im going to make everyone happy.

Its all in a flash. Everythings burning.i looked around seeing fire and demons.hell?! What?! I made everyone happy! I left! Why am i here?! A tv is sent into my view. My parent. Crying. Cops are at the door. Whats happening?

It changes and the art teacher is there. Shes being arrested. What the heck?! It changes again. My teacher. Shes hanging herself?! In three seconds. Shes hanging. Its changes. My parents. With a little girl? She holds a picture. Moms crying. Dads holding her.

-living world-
"Mommy whos this?" The little girl asked her crying mother.

" sweetheart thats your big brother" her dad answers.

She stares at the picture and places her hand on it."where is he now?"

Her mother cries harder

Her father sighs

"He's gone baby girl" her father said

//////TIME PASSES///////

" so this is his grave?" The young,8 year old girl asked.

Her father nod

She hugged the grave." Bubby" she said.

It was time to go.

"Lets go honey" her father said.

She laid down her newest drawing.

Her and her father left.

"Shes adorable" my teacher said,beside me

I smiled and nod.

" her pictures are gretting better" she added

I looked at my little sisters picture. Every week since she saw my picture she places a picture of us. Its me and her.

I look at my sister one more time.

She looks in direction. I wish she can see me.

She giggled and waved lightly

I wave back.

I looked at my teacher.

"Meeting her wouldve been worth all the pain" i said

-paint brush ending-

I pick up the paint brush. She laid down a canvas."go" she said. I slashed and blobed. Years of this go by. Im doing much much better.

My years are going by faster. Before i know it im holding a small pink blanket. My mom smiles at me along with my father." Shes your little sister"

I look at the beautiful little girl in my arm. I tickle her nose and shes grabs my finger. I feel something in my heart. Im gonna stay. I have to for her. I see the years go by as my baby sister grows up. Some fighting and arguing but in the end we always say we love each other. Shes now in my old age. Shes dealing with my old problem. So i take my little sister to the person i trust the most,HER.

I give the now older women a smile. She smiles and moves her grey hair out of her face. I give her a nod. She nods. My sister looks between up,confused." Just listen to her" i said,smiling. " wait in the hall" she said. I move outside. Before a shut the door i hear the words ill love and never forget.

" ive noticed your like your brother. Well there are other canvases in the world then your wrist,darling"

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