Moving Forward

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(We beat Dino's ass. Now i think volume 1, for us at least, is over and we're moving onto Volume 2)

3rd person pov

Y/N: Johnny... why did i need these?

He looked to the steel balls in his hands, he had made them as a weapon which Johnny advised, although he hadn't had the chance to use them yet. Getting up he looked around before glancing back to his ancestor.

Johnny: The person who taught me the Spin used Steel Balls to harness it, i'm sure you can use it in your initiation

Y/N: ...Thanks for this

As Johnny disappeared the airship rocked slightly, Y/N let out a breath and placed the steel balls away and looked at the people around him who were chatting, a slight smile on his face.

The airship landed and the doors opened so everyone stepped off, Y/N followed suit and walked down a path, a chill went up his spine before glancing to his right to see Dino walking past him.

He made his way towards the main building as he straightened his top, the large buildling looming over the teen before a smile made it's way to Y/N's face while looking to it.


Night came and most slept, but Y/N sat awake as he had taken one of his Steel Balls from the locker he was assigned. It spun in his hand occasionally, the teen watching it through the moon light.

He had learnt of some of the applications of the spin, although it's original one was execution so he decided that he wouldn't use it against other people. Thinking of something Y/N focused his breathing.

Hamon crackled around Y/N's hands before transmitting into the Steel Ball before his eyes widened and smiled. It eventually faded before he got up and went to put it back in his locker.

Placing it inside he shut the locker door before hearing something making him turn to it. Y/N began to follow the source, although the sound of scurrying footsteps made him speed up.

He turned a corner, seeing someone jump through a window and begin to flee. Y/N continued to chase after them, but the head start they had made it so there was quite the distance between them.

Y/N: Jolyne!

Jolyne: On it

His eyes glowed with a blue gleam beforehe thrusted his hand forward, it unravelled into string and shot forward, wrapping around the person making them fall over. Approaching them he could see them struggle to get out, but failed.

Getting closer Y/N saw it was a girl, her hair was multi coloured and their eyes changed colour when she blinked. He stared at her as the girl turned her head to the side in an attempt to hide her face.

Y/N: Who are you, and what are you doing here?

She didn't answer, nor did she make a sound at all so Y/N let out a breath as he was unsure of what to do with her. Tapping his chin he stared at her before she shattered like glass and disappeared.

Y/N: Wha- how!?


Ozpin: Today in your initiation, you'll be launched into the Emerald forest where your goal is to eliminate 15 Grimm before your tine is up. If you succeed at it, you'll be placed in a team of 4 with others who have also done the same

All students were suddenly launched, Y/N's eyes widened as he looked around for some way to land. Taking out a Steel Ball it began to spin before he hit himself with it, his skin hardening.

Raising his arms to cover his face Y/N crashed into the ground, pain running through him although he was unharmed physically. He groaned as he got up, the Steel Ball returning to him.

He clambered to his feet, looking around the area but all Y/N could see was trees which made the teen sigh. However rustling could be heard from the bushes, Y/N activated his shield as he began to approach it.

Suddenly a Beowolf jumped out, Y/N raised his shield and blocked it's slash before he reached for one of his Steel Balls. But he didn't have enough time as it lept at him, it's claws pushing against his shield as it tried to tear it away while he was pushed back.

The teen struggled, but an idea popped into his head, focusing his breathing he transmitted Hamon into his shield. It shocked the Grimm, sending it back as part of it's claws melted into ash.

His hand hovered above one of his Steel Balls, spinning in it's holster Y/N quickly threw it at the Beowolf. It stabbed into it's own head with a claw, killing itself before Y/N relaxed slightly.

Y/N: At least i know they're weak to Hamon... Giorno, you can detect life, right?

Giorno: I can, but Grimms seem to not have souls, which means i can't detect them

Y/N: That's fine. I want to know if i can use that ability without using Requiem

Giorno: Maybe you can use regular Gold Experience... hmm

He placed his hand on Y/N's shoulder, disappearing as his eyes glowed with a green gleam. Letting out a breath he tried to focus, activating his stand Y/N awaited the pain but nothing happened.

Looking to his side Y/N saw a gold figure with bug like eyes, multple green ladybug brooches sat on it as well as two straps and small wings on it's shoulders. His eyes widened before hearing a roar.

The teen turned as an Ursa ran out from the tree line, charging at Y/Nas he raised his shield in defence. Gold Experience rushed forward and punched the Ursa making it's head rock to the side.

Gold Experience: MUDA!

Unknowingly using it's ability, life shot, the Ursa's senses went berserk before Y/N slammed his fist into it, filling the Grimm with Hamon which made it evaporate into ash.

He crouched down, Gold Experience placing it's hand on the floor before trying to detect life around him. Feeling something ahead of himself Y/N got up and began running towards it.

Jolyne: Why go towards others?

Y/N: Where there's people there'll be Grimm

Jolyne: Well, can't argue with that

A hail of bullets suddenly came through the forests making Y/N raise his shield in defence, the bullets battering it although he was relatively fine apart from the shaking it left in his hands.

Moving forward Y/N was able to spot someone with a minigun who was trying to mow down the Grimm around them. Y/N focused his breathing, hitting the ground which made Hamon flow through the ground.

He managed to take down three Grimm while the others staggered which allowed the person to kill the rest. The barrels on their gun stopped spinning before it turned into a handbag.

Y/N: You gotta be careful with that thing, nearly got me with it

?: Well, you're alive now. Thanks for the assist

They fled, Y/N paused for a moment before a sigh escaped him as he slouched over slightly. Shaking his head Gold Experience began to detect for life again as Y/N didn't have any time to lose.

Y/N: I'll become a Huntsman, i swear it

(Lemme know what you think)

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