The New Mission

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(Damn, votes seriously dropped in the last chapter. Was it because the chapter was boring? Please, tell me why, i'd like to make this book as enjoyable as possible for readers)

3rd person pov

Y/N: What happened to him?

Ozpin: No one knows, but he specifically asked for you to be brought to him

The teen followed his headmaster with some hesitance, being interrupted from packing for the mission he and his teammates were going to go on in a few hours.

Soon stopping outside a room Ozpin gestured to the door so Y/N walked inside after opening the door to see Dino sitting on a hospital bed as one of his arms were missing, bandages wrapped around the stump.

The door closed behind him as there was an awkward silence in the air, Dino slowly looking to Y/N as there was a faint scowl on his face, his pride obviously shattered by losing his arm.

Dino: You can use the Stand's of your ancestors, can't you?

Y/N: ...You can too

Dino: That doesn't matter. I want you to use one to make me a new arm

Y/N: What's in it for me?

Dino: I can give you the location of Roman

Hesitating Y/N thought about it, despite him hating Dino's guts the wager was too good. Giorno appeared beside him before disappearing as he grabbed his shoulder and Gold Experience appeared.

Y/N: Tell me where he is first, then i'll make your arm

Dino: Then there's no insensitive for you. If you give me the arm, and i don't tell you, you could undo your ability

Staring at Y/N Dino held his arm before the teen sighed softly, Gold Experience touched an object in the room and over the length of a minute it turned into a new arm which he picked up.

The blonde teen unwrapped his bandages before the arm was placed against it, a faint hissing sound could be heard before Y/N let go. Dino stared at the arm, the fingers flexing for a moment.


Y/N: What's the mission again?

Coco: A village needs help with a local Grimm problem, says they've been coming every fortnight and they can't hold them off much longer

Y/N: Grimm extermination... of course it is

Velvet: What it is?

Y/N: I dunno, i just wish sometimes there was some variety, instead it seems that all people need help with Grimm

Yatsuhashi: You can't blame then, it's a rampant problem on Remnant, and not everyone can handle themselves

The teen nodded slightly, the airship soon landing outside a walled off village. They stepped off, looking to it before the airship took off and flew back to Beacon, planning on picking them up when they sent the message.

Going up to the entrance it opened for them, someone gestured for them to come inside so the team stepped inside. The gate closed behind them, Velvet looked around to see only one perosn greeting them.

She looked to be in her twenties, her hair a bit messy as the village seemed to be abandoned. Y/N looked around, seeing a curtain shut in a window before he could see anyone.

?: I'm sorry i'm the only person to greet you, but a few days ago all the able bodied people went to try and face the Grimm by themselves... but they haven't returned

Coco: I see. It's alright, we'll find them, but first we need to know where they went

?: Of course. There's an abandoned mine, back when Faunas where used to do labour like that unwillingly, a mile south of here. I can show you where

Coco: Thank you- oh, and, what's your name?

?:  ...Midler

She began leading the team as Y/N watched her suspiciously, there was barely anyone around, only being able to spot a few people in the shadows of a building, but their faces where always hidden.

The faunas began walking closer to Y/N, staying by him which caused the teen to look to her for a moment. Something about this village didn't seem right, and neither did this "Midler".

She lead them out the back of the village and towards the mine, Y/N and Velvet walked along side eachother as he kept glancing around them, having the feeling that they were being watched.

After a while of walking they made it to the mine, the entrance having a lantern that died out a few days ago. She gestured for them to go inside so they did, Y/N grabbed the lantern just incase.

Suddenly, a face appeared on the ground before it opened up and everyone began to fall. Y/N's eyes glowed with a new gleam before Star Platinum appeared beside him and he gritted his teeth.

Y/N: Star Platinum! The World!

Time froze as they were no longer falling, Y/N used Star Platinum to throw the others up so they wouldn't fall when time resumed. He went to get up by himself, but time resumed.

They landed safely, hearing a shout so they looked down the hole to see Y/N falling down it. Velvet's eyes widened as she watched, none of them able to do anything to help him.

Velvet: Y/N!

As he fell the teen had Star Platinum drive it's fists into the wall to help slow his descent, which began to work until the hole somehow widened far enough to where he couldn't touch the edges.

The Stand stayed behind him, soon cushioning his fall as he hit the bottom with a cry of pain. Panting slightly he slowly sat up and looked around, still holding the lantern luckily.

Opening it he had Star Platinum punch the wick of the candle inside, lighting it. (Btw, he did something like this with a cigarette, so this isn't bullshit.) Y/N closed the lantern opening, using the light to look around his surroundings before his eyes went back to normal.

Y/N: You were right, stopping time does take alot out of you

Jotaro: Yeah. But the reason you fell in here, it's a Stand attck

Y/N: That woman, Midler... she's the Stand user, isn't she?

Looking to his ancestor he saw the nearly two meter tall man nod, his outfit being a purple jacket that went down to his calves, a hat with the same colour that had a large green star on it, white shirt with the same star and brown patterned pants. (Part six Jotaro)

Jotaro: Unless yout teammates are, then that's the case. I've encountered this Stand before, i can transform and control minerals...

Y/N: Of course, the mine! She brought us here because there's minerals everywhere!

Jotaro: You need to get up, quickly. Your teammates should be safe, unless she's planning to out herself

Nodding Y/N stood up and turned his gaze to the faint light above him, seeing that he had fallen around 100 metres, only surviving due to the durability of Star Platinum.

Y/N: I know, but... how am i going to climb up that?

Jotaro: Climbing's the least of your problems at the moment

Hearing growling the teen looked over, a set of red eyes flowed in the darkness until he shined his lantern towards it, showing a Beowolf. It lept towards him so Y/N threw the lantern up and focused his breathing.

Hamon crackled around him before he threw his fist forward, the bones dislocating which allowed him to get a further reach. His fist slammed into the Grimm's face, filling it with Hamon before he caught the lantern and his arm relocated itself.

Y/N: Guess she wasn't lying about the Grimm...

(Lemme know what you think)

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