Watching Over Them

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3rd person pov

Y/N: Ow... I'm stupid

He groaned, holding his arm as the muscle spasm calmed eventually. Shaking his head the teen eventually got up and sighed softly and let go of his arm before the door opened to reveal Velvet.

She came over to him and led him back down to make him sit, Y/N rolled his eyes but winced in pain which worried the faunas. He held up a hand, taking a moment before letting out a breath.

Y/N: What are you doing here, weren't you doing something?

Velvet: I was, but then Coco said no one was taking care of you

Y/N: I can take care of myse- Ahh! Ow!

He held his side in pain as Velvet adopted a worried look on her face. She placed her hands on his shoulders to keep him on the bed, but after a bit he calmed down and gritted his teeth.

Velvet: They said that the Muscle spasms will stop tomorrow, so you'll have to put up with it

Sighing softly he layed down as Velvet stood up and went over to the wall divider, stepping through she went into her and Coco's side as Y/N stared blankly at the ceiling.

The teen rolled onto his side and grabbed a Steel Ball of his desk and stared at it. It began to spin in his hand, soon falling as his hand began to spasm which made him grunt in pain.

It fell to the floor and rolled towards the room divider. It opened as Velvet looked down to see the Steel Ball, reaching towards it Y/N soon slammed his foot on the floor making her flinch amd look to him.

Y/N: Sorry... it's just bad to touch it while it's spinning

Velvet: Y-You could have said something

Y/N: I know, i just... sorry

She sighed softly and waited for it to finish spinning, once it did Velvet picked it up and came over to Y/N, placing it down on his desk before heading towards the door. Once she left he layed back down, staring at the ceiling again

Y/N: Jonathan, Joesph... What was going on with that guy the other night?

Jonathan: He's a vampire, made so by the Stone Mask

Joseph: It makes you wonder, if the Stone Mask is here then what about the Stand Arrow?

Y/N: I assume it's an arrow that can give people Stands

Joesph: Yeah. DIO was terrifying once he got his own stand, and he wasn't at his full potential. If that guy gets a Stand... well, i hope it's an eventuality that never comes around

?: But it will

Looking over to the corner Y/N saw someone peak out, avoiding the sunlight coming from the windows. He went to grab his Steel Ball but the Zombie held up his hands in surrender.

Scolippi: I'm only here to warn you. Roman has the Stand Arrow, he tried it on me... and i have a Stand now. It's name is Rolling Stones, i have no control over it

Y/N: ...What does it do?

Scolippi: Those that are fated to die appear on it, and once you touch it your death is set in stone, although you will feel no pain if you accept it

Y/N: If you're here, then Roman must've been shown his own death

Scolippi: Yes...

Jonathan: Why is he here though?

Y/N: Do you know who kills him, or how he dies?

Scolippi: I do not


Neo walked through a building, clutching her Umbrella tightly before making her way to the roof as it poured with rain. She opened her umbrella, to shield herself from the rain while staring out into the distance.

She summoned her Stand, the mask appearing on her face before she sat down at the edge. The change Roman had taken, it was too much for her. Sure, he was bad, but never like this.

Managing to hear footsteps over the rain Neo looked over her shoulder to see Roman who slowly approached her. She looked forward again as a chill went up her spine, the footsteps getting closer.

Roman: Neo, what do you think will happen if a stand user is pierced by the arrow again? Will they gain further power, or simply be hurt?

The mute girl held up to fingers, implying she agreed with his seconded suggestion. A chuckle came from the criminal before he nodded, spinning the arrow in his hand as the rain battered him.

Roman: Yes, i suppose that makes sense. Now, i came here because i wanted you to witness something, me unlocking my Stand

Her eyes widened before she turned to look at him. Before Neo could act and take the arrow, Roman pierced himself with it making his eyes roll into the back of his head before it fell out his chest.

Behind him an exceptionally tall, skull-faced humanoid monster with a mask akin to an executioner's cowl with two protruding horns are also visible on the mask appeared.

Roman: This is my Stand... i think i'll call it, Cream

Neo got up slowly, shaking slightly in fear as her body screamed for her to run away. So she did, swiftly running along the rain drops as Roman looked to before giving chase to the mute girl.

He knew if she escaped with the secrets she knew it'd be a bad idea. However he was soon stopped as his legs were slashed up by the frozen rain she's left making him fall to the floor with a stumble.

Looking up he saw Neo run away before gritting his teeth as his legs gradually healed. Suddenly what seemed like lazers came from his eyes and shot through the mute girl's ankle.

She fell forward, but caught herself after plugging up her wounds with the rain temporarily. Roman gritted his teeth, as she fled too far, his legs still in the process of coming back together due to him not having any blood to drink.

Roman: Damn you, Neo... You traitor! You're just scared of my potential! But there's nowhere you can run, Vale is mine!

(Lemme know what you think)

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