Y/N vs Salem (Finale)

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(42.7k reads and 1.66k votes, that's pretty good, considering i didn't think anyone would actually read this, so thank you all. I don't have much to say, apart from i hope you enjoyed this story, and thank you)

3rd person pov

Thanks to injecting a bit of Hamon into the Grimm Y/N was able to calm it so he could ride it. The teen made his way to Salem's castle, determined to end this as he coughed slightly.

Seeing the castle in the distance he let out a breath, trying to focus himself as he got closer. However Y/N looked around upon hearing rumbling only to see that boulder's were being lifted as a red aura surrounded them.

They were launched at him so he summoned Crazy Diamond and used it to smash the boulder's into pieces, a gold glow surrounding them as they were sent back to where they came as Y/N made the Grimm speed up.

Johnny: Remember Y/N, to achieve the golden rotation, you need to build up enough rotational energy. I'll tell you when you have

Y/N: Right!

Crazy Diamond disappeared and was swapped out for Tusk. Y/N continued to ride, seeing Salem standing there in the distance, the ground cracking beneath her as a red glow surrounded her.

Suddenly the ground beneath Y/N broke and turned into spikes as the red aura kept it together, impaling the Grimm he was riding on and causing it to turn to ash which make the teen's eyes widen.

He fell forward, luckily landing with a roll which allowed him to get up quicker. Cursing under his breath Y/N clenched his fist as stared down Salem who simply stood there, unaffected and unamused.

Giorno: No person can have two Stands, right?

Jotaro: Yes, but this isn't the time for that

Giorno: Jolyne, what about Emporio? He used Weather Report's Stand disc, and he already had a Stand

Jolyne: He did... wait, what are you getting at?

Joesph: Since Y/N already has a Stand, and he can use ours, he might be able to use two at once, but that'd take immense life energy to pull off

Y/N: ...Screw it. Jolyne!

Jolyne: Got it!

She grabbed his shoulder and gained Stone Free after Johnny left. His arm unravelled into string and shot forward, wrapping around Salem. He took a deep breath before Virtual Insanity appeared beside him.

It grabbed the strings, sending it's ability through as Salem struggled against the layers wrapped around her before her eyes widened. To her, Y/N had suddenly appeared as Virtual Insanity's ability changed her perception on reality.

In her dazed state Y/N managed to get on his knees and channelled Hamon into himself, giving himself a buff. Running forward he gritted his teeth and Virtual Insanity drew back it's leg.

Virtual Insanity: URRYYYYAAAAAAA!

Salem was pummeled with kicks by the Stand, sent flying as the strings unwrapped from around her. The Grimm queen crashed into the side of her castle causing some of the wall to fall onto her.

Y/N: Josuke, Joesph!

Joesph: Let's do this!

Josuke: It'll be great!

Jolyne disappeared as Y/N's hand went back to normal and Hermit Purple appeared around his hand. It shot forward and wrapped around Salem plus the destroyed wall.

Crazy Diamond: DORARARA!

The second Stand punched the vine like Stand causing it's ability to go through it. Quickly Salem was infused into the fallen wall, trapping her in a dome as both the Stands were recalled.

Letting out a breath Y/N looked to it, waiting to see if anything happened. In response the dome was surrounded with a red aura, soon being blown apart as the teen raised an arm to block any dust getting into his eyes.

Salem stood there, looking less then happy as her arm and half her face regenerated with a gold light surrounding the inflicted area. She took a breath before Y/N was suddenly grabbed by Grimm arms from underneath him and was forced onto his knees.

She brought back a hand, a red orb sitting in it before slamming it in the ground. Pieces of the ground floated in the air which spun quickly and formed spikes that shot towards the teen.

Y/N: Crazy Diamond!

Crazy Diamond: DORA!

It's fist slammed into the ground, breaking before reforming into a wall that blocked the spike or least most of them. One slipped through and impaled Y/N in the side which made his eyes widen.

He cried out in pain before Hamon crackled around him and destroyed the Grimm arms. Falling onto his side he looked above himself, gritting his teeth Y/N took a few breaths.

Y/N: J-Jotaro!

Jotaro: I'm here!

Y/N: Star Platinum: The World!

The others left Y/N's body before time stopped and Star Platinum came out. It slammed a fist into the ground, creating somewhere Y/N dragged himself into, blood staining his top.

Using Star Platinum he covered the hole mostly, leaving some room for air. Time resumed as Salem destroyed the makeshift wall, not seeing Y/N which frustrated the Grimm queen.

In the hole Y/N had Star Platinum swap out for Gold Experience. It placed it's hand where the wound was, recreating the needed parts with the spike that was impaled in his side.

He took deep breaths, trying to hold back his coughs as he began to look worse. Salem gritted her teeth and looked around, close to Y/N although she didn't know where the teen had disappeared to.

Salem: You know, only one person has aggravated me as much as this, and that is Ozma- Oh wait, you know him as Ozpin, don't you? I bet he told you nothing about us, about how he's been trying to kill me for millennia

Listening to her Y/N raised an eyebrow in confusion while keeping his hand against his mouth to silence any coughs. Salem looked across the barren lands, shooting a bolt of magic at something she thought Y/N might be hiding behind.

Salem: Originally, we were in love... but he betrayed me, killing our kids. So for the past hundreds of years he's been thinking of a way to kill me, but i can't die like normal people. I'm immortal...

Hearing a crack she turned to see trees lifting the rocks that hid Y/N who jumped out with Gold Experience by his side which rushed forward and struck her up the jaw causing her head to rock back.

Gold Experience: WRRRRYYYYYYY!

The Stand rapidly punched her, sending the Grimm queen in the air. She managed to catch herself with magic, staying in the air for a moment before seeing his right hand lit up with stars.

Going to hit the ground Gold Experience began to fade as Y/N started to cough violently, unable to stop himself as blood splattered on the ground infront of him causing him to fall on hands and knees

She landed and brought her foot back, smashing it across his face which sent him rolling back as some of his blood landed on her clothes. Y/N layed on his side as he continued to cough, Tusk and Gold Experience both disappearing.

Underneath him a small black pool appeared as Grimm arms shot out. Y/N managed to roll out the way but two arms grabbed the back of his head and brought it to the ground with a crash.

His nose broke, blood running down his face as more arms appeared underneath him. They formed fists and pummeled him rapidly like he did to Salem causing the teen to be sent into the air.

The teen fell onto the ground, coughing faintly as Y/N held his stomach. A few raspy breaths escaped him before managing to prop himself up on one hand, albeit a shaky one.

Salem: You're dying. And this is, what? Some pitiful attempt to do something impactful before you die? Don't make me laugh...

Slowly Y/N managed to get onto one knee but Salem held her hand out, a bolt of magic shooting out and striking the teen in the chest causing him to go rolling back as his torso was burnt.

Salem: Even if you did kill me, you'd die here, alone, with no one to discover it. Let me end your suffering, at least then you'll be spared the cold loneliness of a death with no one around to see it happen

The teen didn't listen to her words, instead he gradually got onto his knees. Managing to get onto one knee Y/N slowly rose onto shaky legs, standing there as a lone figure against a daunting and unstoppable force.

Y/N: My... My name is Y/N Joestar...

Salem: You're a delusional fool

Another spike shot out to him but Y/N managed to dodge although he stumbled slightly, nearly falling. Catching himself the teen took a few deep breaths and stood up straight, clenching his fist tightly.

Y/N: My heart resonates... heat enough to burn... My Blood is razor sharp! The power of the Joestar family is fueling me to push foward!

Hermit Purple appeared around his hand which he shot forward, wrapping around Salem. Gold Experience also appeared and it it the vines, sending a shot of life into the Grimm queen.

To her everything happened slowly, but she felt Hermit Purple tighten around it like a vise. Y/N sent Hamon through it, the pain increasing tenfold before he pulled her towards him as Joesph's Stand disappeared.

He summoned Stone Free and used it to smash a fist across her face before her consciousness calmed down. Catching herself in the air the ground beneath Y/N glowed red as it shot up.

The teen was flung into the air so he replaced Gold Experience with Star Platinum who stopped time almost immediately. Wrapping Stone Free's string around Salem he pulled himself back to the ground, letting both Stand's vanish before time resumed.

Looking around Salem turned behind her to see Y/N who's hands were glowing with gold stars again. He raised his hand to fire a nail bullet but she once again impaled him with a spike that shot up through the ground.

His eyes widened, stumbling for a moment the teen fell onto his side as shivers ran down his spine. Y/N slowly gritted his teeth as Gold Experience appeared once again and hit the ground.

Beneath Y/N a horse was made from the ground which kicked him into the air. His nail spun rapidly which he fired soon after, the horse turning back into the ground and Gold Experience faded away.

Salem shot a bolt of magic at the nail but it clashed against it, quickly loosing as a hulking pink figure appeared causing her to make a transparent shield made from magic as her eyes widened and Y/N fell to the ground.

Tusk Act 4: Chumiinin!

It soon shattered the magic barrier which made her breath hitch as fists seemed to slowly fly towards her. She was swiftly and rapidly pounded with a series of hard hitting fists, each one feeling like a bull dozer being dropped on her.


Trying to back away she managed to blast herself back as Tusk's final punch slammed into the ground, leaving a giant crater as she grinned, seeing Y/N laying on the floor with the life leaving him.

However her grin quickly disappeared when she looked to her hands, her fingers were spinning and unravelling. Salem was brought back to where she was hit by Tusk by some kind of force.

Her body attempted to heal the unravelling although it continued, spreading across her body. Salem's affected areas glowed with the gold light that would heal her, although she progressively got worse.

Salem: M-My body... No, every molecule in me in spinning! Unravelling! Boy, please, stop this! I can heal you, just stop this spinning!

Y/N: E-Even if i wanted to... i can't

Salem: Your n-nail bullets, they spin, right?! Hit me with one that's spinning in the opposite direction, and i can help you!

Y/N: Goodbye, Salem

She went to cry out but the Grimm queen continued to unravel, being forced into a mess on the floor which continued to spin, soon collapsing into itself and disappearing from this word.

Staring at the sky Y/N vision blurred, as one hand rested over his wound. Everyone appeared around him, looking to the dying teen with sadness in their eyes but a smile crept onto his face.

They all got onto either one knee or both, staying by him as Y/N held a hand out. He somehow felt all of them grab his hand, seeing the spectral arms reach out as his smile stayed.

Y/N: It's not... s-so lonely, or cold. I-I have... you all here... with me...

He slowly closed his eyes as the teen continued to smile. Y/N's hand was lowered to the ground by all his ancestors, a feeling of warmth spreading through him before letting out his final breath.

In the room Y/N left her in Velvet stared at the darkened sky before she saw something in the clouds. Somehow, the one she loved with all her heart appeared, looking to be made of gold clouds.

Her eyes widened before around him appeared seven others, all baring the same birthmark as him which shined like the brightest stars. She placed her hands over her mouth, feeling tears run down her face as she knew what had happened.

One by one they faded, first Johnny, then Jolyne, Giorno, Josuke, Jotaro, Joesph, Jonathan and finally Y/N. He smiled slightly before fading and passing on, joining all those who helped him along the way, finally  at some kind of peace as he helped rid Remnant of one of it's problems, although it'll have to sort out the rest of them on their own now.

      Y/N Joestar   
         has died      

(Lemme know what you think)

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