New kids in town

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I walk into the shop with a burlap sack full of stuff I had just stolen. I look up and see all the parents talking to their kids. Hanna and Brad look excited,and Eric looks bored(as usual). My father Jafar and my mother Ursall come up to me with smiles on their faces. Uh-oh.
"Urianna," my father says hugging me, he then weighs the bag in his hand "good haul today"
"Thanks" I say with a smile
"Urianna" my mother scolds "what have I told you about smiling?"
"That it makes me look weak." I say quoting her in a bored tone frowning again.
Farther then walks back up to me and says "So Urianna who would you like to go see your brother Jay at Aurdon Prep. "
"I rather pull my teeth out with a rust spatula." I say in passive aggressiveness.
I am still angry at Jay for leaving me. Never writing or anything he didn't even wait for me to say good bye the day he left. I hate him and I never want to see him.
"Well too bad" my mother says to me
"Aurdon Prep is now accepting new children of villains and you and your friends have been hand picked so you are going."
"Fine" I say angrily
I then head up to my bedroom. I take a shower, brush my teeth and get into bed. I sleep hating for when tomorrow comes and I have to be with him. I am not even going to say his name or that he is my brother.
I wake up and put on a red and black shirt, black skinny jeans, a black leather jacket and my knee high leather boots. I also put my mid back length raven black hair up into a ponytail. I then grab a back pack and a suitcase full of my close and head out to the limo that will be waiting to take me to him. My parents tell me goodbye and I get into the car and start plotting about Jay.
"Anna come here" Hanna says pulling out some make up will the boys are eating yummy treys that have been prepared. Hanna pulls out this stick with a black tip. I pull back from her and ask:
"To show off those beautiful icy blue eyes of yours." She says with a smile.
I roll my eyes but allow her to put it on.
When she is done her and the 2 boys start screaming. I turn around to see us going to the broken bridge. I shrug my shoulders and say nothing at all. My 3 friends stop screaming and look at all the amazing stuff. But I ignore it all knowing that one year ago he looked at all the same stuff. Within minutes we are at Aurdon Prep. We step out of the car and see the fairy godmother. She starts to talk but I wasn't listening. Instead I lol at my friends and recognize how they look. Hanna has purple eyes and shoulder length brown hair that is blue at the tips. Those tips also turn rad when she is mad. Brad has curly blonde hair and Gary eyes but whenever he is in wolf mode those gray eyes turn black. And Eric has plain purple hair and plain and dull green eyes. They look like they had all the life sucked out of them. Eric is just very plain expect when it is just us for around. Then he is funny and cheerful and other types of emotions. I get snapped out of my daze when the fairy godmother shouted:
We then walk in there and there we meet a guy named Dug.
"Hi I am Dug son of the 7 dwarfs like you know grumpy, doc, bashful, dopey...."
I cut him off "We know the names of the 7 dwarfs" I snap at him.
"Oh sorry here are your schedule" he said hanging a green piece of paper.
I skim over my schedule and nod my head. He then goes on about what the school offers when I snap at him again.
"Are our siblings coming or our we going to go off and find the rooms they are in ourselves."
"Oh yes. Um, here I am will page them."
He the presses some buttons on a black box and hear they come. First comes down Carlos with his dog dude. His hair the exact way it was when he left. His blue eyes light up with joy at the sight of Hanna.
"Hanna" Carlos calls running down the stairs.
"Carlos" Hanna runs and they meet half way.
Carlos picks Hanna up and spins her I the air as she giggle uncontrollably. Next comes down Evie. Her blackish brownish hair pretty and glossy has ever.
"Brad" she squeals with joy. Her brown eyes all lit up.
"Evie" Brad said with happiness has he held his arms out for his sister. (Btws Brad's voice is like Carlos's but a bit deeper but not much and Eric's voice is like Hays but a bit higher but not much) Mal then comes down. Her purple hair darker than ever and her blues eyes are blue and beautiful. She hugs me and shoulder bumps Eric. I turn and look behind me at my friend with their siblings. That's when I hear his voice.
"Ane" he says (Ane is his nickname for me)
I turn and see him his hatir still as long as I remember his brown eyes show happiness.
At first there is a feeling of longing and happiness. But I push those aside. He left you, I tell me self over and over as he comes closer he left you all alone, he gets closer you loved him and you told him so and he left you, he is almost to me he even left with out saying good bye or saying a single dam word to you about anything. He is right I front of me. I have tears in my eyes I know I do I can see the look of worry on his face. He goes to hug me and I scream:
I then take the room card from him and I ran to the room. By the time I got there I was in full tears. I see that the room is separated by a curtain. I then go the bed that has a note for me on it. It's for him. I don't want anything from him. So I shove the note under my pillow and start sobbing until I can sob no more and then I just whimper wishing I had never came here and had never meet or saw HIM!!!!! I the scream into my pillow until my voice was horse and eventually cry myself to sleep.

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