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(Picture up top is what Brad looks like)
Brad's POV:
I walk through the halls heading to a secret location. I fool around in art class but I can really paint. I am really good at it. So I walk to door 1234 and knock on the door 5 then pause then 3 more times. The door then opens and I take a seat next to a young girl probably my age. Her pink hair falls in curly qs down to her shoulders. I look at her and spot a little pigs tail. I look at her painting of a beautiful Japanese Magnolia reflection in a lake but a dead one on land.
"Nice painting. Your very talented." I say with a smile.
She turns and looks at me shyly.
"Thank you" she said quietly then continued to paint.
I began to paint her painting the canvas blooming into a colorful life like scene.
"So what's your name?" I ask not looking away from the painting.
She doesn't answer. I know realize something. SHE'S THE DAUGHTER OF THE 3 LITTLE PIG. CRAP!
"I am so sorry. I'll move." I say.
She looks at me and I see clouds cover her vision. She's blind.
"I am so sorry." I say softly.
"May I feel your painting?" She asks sweetly.
"Sure" I say uneasily.
Her finger gingerly touch my painting feeling each stroke I made. Once she gets to the face she gaps and stops. She then turns to me.
"It's me" she says
"Yes. I thought you look beautiful enough to paint." I smile nervously.
"The name is Paint." She say holding out her hand "daughter of the 3 little pigs."
"Brad. Son of the big bad wolf." I shake her hand.
She smiles.
"You're not like your father." She felt my face. "Your snout isn't out."
I look at her bright pink pig ear poke out of her hair. I then jump a little as I feel her slow stroke my tail.
"Your fur soft not ruff as your father. I can tell you are different." She smiles
(For paint imagine Luna -from Harry Potter- attitude but add blindness)
"I like to think I am" I say
She grabs her stuff.
"I must go now."
"Can I walk you to your room?" I ask not wanting her to walk by herself.
"Yes." She says.
I follow her and we talk on the way.
"So Paint?" I say
"Yes." She answers
"How did you become so good at painting?"
"It's my name is it not." She laughs a little and added a little snort.
"You know what I mean?" I say laughing
"I don't know. I just picture these things in my mind and paint. I have all my paints in a specific order so I know where each color is." She says.
We walk in silence all the way to her room. Once at her room I wave and tell her good night when she grabs my arm.
"Brad meet me at the west lunch table tomorrow at lunch." She says.
"Of course. See you tomorrow"
"Can't say the same here." She smiles.
"I am so sorry" I say embarrassed.
She snorts a little.
"I am just kidding. I will hear you tomorrow as I say." She waves and heads into her room. I run through the hallways to my room. Everything about her sticks in my head. The pink 3 quarter sleeve blouse she was wearing. Her black skinny jeans and converses. Her beautiful Cherry blossom scent haunting my nose forever. Paint. A beautiful girl. I come to my room and see Evie and Mal asleep in their beds. Eric is still up reading.
"Hello Brad. Have a nice walk?" He asks with a smile
"You could say that" I say getting into bed. The last thing that sticks in my mind before I fall into my sleeping trance is her name. Paint.
Hey guys. So quick question should I have paints blindness be a curse put on her by a fairy and the only cure is for someone to love her and help her with her disability or something like that or should she be born with it. Let me know thanks.

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