Say what now

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Sams p.o

I had just left my Class and saw Alistair talking with my boyfriend Diego. "Hey baby" I said before kissing Diego's cheek. "Hey little siren" Diego said. "Aww" Alistair said. "Oh sorry Alistair almost forgot you were there" I said giggling slightly.

"It's ok so why does he call you little siren" Alistair asked. "Oh because of my mom" I said. "Who's your mom" he asked. "Sarah Sanderson you know come little children" I said wiggling my fingers. Alistair went wide eyed. "What's wrong A something wrong" Diego asked.

"It's just um I think I'm related to you" He said rubbing the back of his head. I went wide eyed. "Say what now" I asked confused. "See um my mom is your moms sister" he said smiling innocently.

"Which one" Diego asked. pale skin green eyes."OH MY LUCIFER" I shouted drawing attention to myself from other students who were walking by. "What haven't you ever heard a guy shout out in shock before" I said to them and they quickly walked away.

"Diego look who dies he remind you of" I asked my boyfriend while pointing at Alistair. Diego looked him up and down. "He looks like Will-oh no" he said. "Yeah my aunt Winifred's son and my cousins half brother. "Actually um we're twins I was just raised by my dad" he said. "Great So Willows a princess" I said.

"Say what now" said a voice we turned and saw my cousin Miranda. "How long have you been here" I asked. "Long enough to know willows a princess even when she isn't here she's able to upstage us" Miranda said. "I know damm she's good" I said crossing my arms.

"Should I have not told you" Alistair asked. "No it's just I need a moment to process this I'll be in my dorm" I said leaving. Seriously what else do I have brother or another sister I don't know about considering my mom it is possible.

I was on my way to my dorm when I saw Jay and Chad. "Sam where are you going your one of the cheerleaders we need you" Jay said.

"Yeah tell someone else because right now sort of freaking out" I said. "Why what's wrong" he asked. "Oh apparently Alistair is also the son of my aunt Winifred and Willow my cousin is also the daughter of King Arthur meaning she's a princess and I'm sort of close to passing out here" I said before barging pass them.

When I got into my dorm I saw Evie and Doug. "Sam everything ok" Evie asked. "My Family is a freaking mess" I said before landing on my bed. "What do you mean" Doug said. "Let's see my cousin Miranda constantly flirts with my roommate who's also her boyfriend, my sister and youngest cousin is trapped on the island with my mom and one of my aunts and oh my aunt Winifred is a cat and Willows a FREAKING PRINCESS" I said.

"What what do you mean" Evie asked. "Apparently my aunt did the dirty with  King Arthur and had twins Alistair went to the father and willow went to the mother" I said. "Who's Willow" Doug asked. "My monster of a cousin who bullied me every day of my childhood" I said to him.

"Uh ok thanks for clearing that up" Doug said. "Look Sam is what if she's a princess she doesn't know that" Evie said sitting next to me on my bed."This is true" I said. "Plus look at this you are one of Auradons most promising young designers" Evie said.

"Well I am fabulous and stylish" I said brushing some of My fair out of my face . "Plus Doug show him" Evie said to Doug who began to bring something up on his computer. "What's this" I asked. "this is your percentage of the money we are going to get from making everyone's cotillion outfits" Evie said.

I felt a tear leave my eye. "It's so beautiful" I said. "See you've got a lot going for you you've been able to ride up from your past" Evie said. "You right Evie I guess I don't know I still have this jealousy of Willow she was just always the better one growing up the smarter one, the more talented one the one who was born the correct gender" I said wiping my eyes. "See my aunt hated me form the day I was born because I was a boy" I said to Doug, "that's awful" he said. "Doug you don't even know the half of it" I said going over to my desk and picking up a picture of me and my family.

I checked the clock. "OH MY LUCIFER IM LATE" I said running over and grabbing my cheer leading uniform form the closet. "I have to be at cheerleading practice right now" I said. "S I think the others would let it pass you've been stressing out all week" Evie said. "That's be uses of all these dress orders and classes and fittings I swear sometimes I feel like my had is gonna split" I said.

Suddenly we heard a crack we saw a vase on Carlos's side split in half. "And apparently it's effecting your magic" Doug said. "Look Sam as one of your best friends you are taking a nap. She said pushing me into my bed. "What no" I said. "Sam you have always helped me now let em help you" she said. I groaned. "Fine but my old friends wouldn't make me take a nap if I didn't want to" I said laying down. "Oh yes your old friends two of witch tried to kill you" Evie said. "No they tried to kill Mal Ginny was the one who tried to kill me big difference" I said in defence.

After that Doug left the dorm to go tell the cheerleaders where I was and I slowly began to fall asleep wondering about my old friends and my family and if they missed me. Probably not

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