Chapter 1

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Once upon a time, long, long ago... well, 20 years ago. Belle married her Beast in front of 6,000 of their closest personal friends, big cake. So instead of a honeymoon, Beast united all the kingdoms and got himself elected King of the United States of Auradon. He rounded up all the villains and sidekicks, basically all the really interesting people, and he booted them off to the Isle of the Lost, with a magical barrier to keep them there. This is my hood. No magic, no WiFi, no way out. Or so we thought. Hang on. You're about to meet us. But first, these two things happened.

Reefside California

Day - Forest

In the city of Reefside California, we see a young boy who looked to be about the age of 16 with dark brown hair and blue eyes, wearing a red hoodie riding a red Motorcycle through a forest filled with trees. This boy was Scott Jacob Oliver, the son of Paleontologist Dr. Tommy Oliver. Behind Scott was his father Tommy riding a black quad bike. The two men were racing to see who could get back to the house quicker.

"Woohoo! I love doing this!" Scott cheered.

"You know what you love even more?" Tommy asked his son.

"What dad?" Scott asked.

"Losing!" Tommy revved his engine and pulled ahead.

"Hey, come back here!" Scott shouted at his father as he went faster.

The two Olivers were neck and neck, it was anybody's race. The door to the base opened and the two raced inside. When the smoke cleared it was a photo finish and it showed that Scott finished first.

"Ha! I win again!" Scott cheered.

"Well done son." Tommy smiled at his son.

"Boy's dinner!" Tommy's wife Hayley called.

The two boys headed upstairs and sat down for dinner. Halfway through dinner, Hayley reminded Scott to finish packing because they were leaving tomorrow. You see Tommy got a job as the new science teacher at Auradon Prep, the fanciest school in the USA and not only that but Scott and his family were invited to Prince Ben's Coronation.

"Mom, dad. May I be excused please?" Scott asked his parents.

"Go right ahead." Scott put his plate in the sink and went upstairs to finish packing.

The next day, Scott, Tommy and Hayley were loading their luggage into the back of the Thundermax Mobile Command Center, and Conner, Ethan, Kira, and Trent were there to see them off.

Scott gave them all hugs.

"Take care of yourself." Conner said.

"Don't forget to call." Ethan said.

"We'll see you on family day." Kira said.

"Good luck." Trent said.

Loading in the last piece of luggage was a silver suitcase with the Dino Thunder logo on it.

After that Tommy, Scott and Hayley climbed into the truck and Tommy started driving away from the city of Reefside California. 


Day - Ben's Room

In Auradon we see the 16 year old soon to be king Prince Benjamin having his suit fitted by the Royal Tailor.

The tailor was Lumiere. "Sleeve. Head. Ah-ha."

King 'Beast' Adam walked closer. "Ben, how is it possible that you're gonna be crowned king next month? You're just a baby."

Belle smiled, walking closer. "He's turning 16, dear."

"Gosh, 16?" Beast asked. "That's far too young to be crowned king. I didn't make a good decision until I was at least 42."

"Uh, you decided to marry me at 28." Belle reminded him.

Beast nodded, having a busted look. "Ah, it was either you or a teapot." Belle gave her husband a look, while Ben was trying not to laugh. "Kidding. I'm only kidding."

"Mom, Dad." Ben said. They looked at their son. "I've chosen my first official proclamation. I've decided that the children on the Isle of the Lost be given a chance to live here in Auradon."

Everyone in the room looked at Ben in shock. Lumiere dropped his needle. Belle dropped her bag.

Ben pointed out the window. "Every time I look out to the island, I feel like they've been abandoned."

"The children of our sworn enemies, living among us?" Beast asked skeptically.

"We start out with a few at first, only the ones who need our help the most." Ben explained. "I've already chosen them."

"Have you?" Beast asked.

Belle put a hand on Beast's shoulder to calm him down. "I gave you a second chance." She looked at Ben. "Who are their parents?"

Ben answered slowly because he knew that neither of them would be happy with the answer, and with each answer, Belle gasped more and more in shock. "Cruella De Vil, Jafar, Evil Queen and Maleficent."

Lumiere yelped in shock.

"Maleficent?!" Beast demanded. "She is the worst villain in the land. All of them are."

"Dad, just hear me out here." Ben pleaded.

Beast shook his head. "I won't hear of it. They are guilty of unspeakable crimes."

"Dad, their children are innocent." Ben pointed out. "Don't you think they deserve a chance at a normal life?" Ben's parents stayed silent. "Mom," Ben said. "Dad."

Beast and Belle looked at each other, then their son, who looked at them pleadingly, slowly being convinced.

"I suppose their children are innocent." Beast agreed hesitantly.

Belle nodded in agreement. "Well, well done." Ben smiled. Belle turned to Beast. "Shall we?" Beast and Belle linked their arms, both still worried about what could happen because their son's wanting to give the children of villains a chance to live in Auradon, slowly leaving the room. Before they completely left Belle turned to her son. "Oh, Ben don't forget Scott's coming today."

Ben looked at his family ring and then at the Isle hoping he made the right choice.

Isle of the Lost

Day - Marketplace

Mal, Maleficent's daughter, was spray painting 'Long Live Evil' on a building, turning around, singing. ♫They say I'm trouble / They say I'm bad.♫ She pushed past two boys, smiling. "They say I'm evil / And that makes me glad."

Jay, the son of Jafar, jumped down into an ally, climbing down a ladder, smiling mischeviously as he went about. ♫A dirty no good / Down to the bone / Your worst nightmare / Can't take me home.

Jay pushed open a door, turning around, walking past someone as he did.

Evie, daughter of the Evil Queen, was making her way through the marketplace, looking around, smiling. ♫So I got some mischief in my blood / Can you blame me? / I never got no love.

Carlos son of Cruella De Vil, climbed out of a window, walking around, taking a scarf and an apple from people he passed, tossing the apple back. ♫They think I'm callous / A lowlife hood / I feel so useless.

Jay and Carlos said together, "Misunderstood!"

Mal and Eve were walking down an alley together, singing. ♫Mirror, mirror on the wall.♫ Jay was walking along a roof, jumping down to a railing, backflipping off the railing. ♫Who's the baddest of them all?♫ Carlos was going through a building, jumping on people to wake them up, flipping over a bed, landing on his feet, smirking, shaking his head, walking away. ♫Welcome to my wicked world.♫ Jay flipped onto a lower roof, sliding down the slanted metal roof. ♫Wicked World.

Mal and Evie turned into another alley.

The group who called themselves the VK's met up at a gate, grabbing hold of the fence, dancing, opening it, running through it to get to their hideout. ♫I'm rotten to the core, core / Rotten to the core / I'm rotten to the core, core / Who could ask for more?♫ They ran back outside, causing mischief among the other villagers of the Isle. Kids were throwing things at them. ♫I'm nothing like the kid next / Like the kid next door / I'm rotten to the... / I'm rotten to the... / I'm rotten to the core.

The Vk's were all making banging noises to the beat of the song, running along through a tunnel, back up to the street above.

Mal made her way through a crowd, smiling. ♫Call me a schemer / Call me a freak.♫ She painted an M onto a curtain, turning away, opening it to reveal someone behind it, paying them no attention. ♫How can you say that.♫ She smirked, shrugging. ♫I'm just... unique.

Jay was in a building, flipping off a higher level to the floor. ♫What, me a traitor? / Ain't got your back? / Are we not friends?♫ He grabbed a genie lamp from two women, jumping over their table, walking away. ♫What's up with that?

Evie made her way through a crowded place, pushing aside curtains, pushing past some of the boys that were looking at her with like they had their hearts broken by her, smirking, winking, blowing sarcastic kisses. ♫So I'm a misfit / So I'm a flirt.♫ She grabbed a scarf from one of the men looking at her, pulling it free from his neck, making him spin around as she did, pushing him down, wrapping the scarf around her neck, smiling, tossing it away. ♫I broke your heart / I made you hurt.

Carlos walked over many tables to the people around him's annoyance, knocking over a lot of things. ♫The past is past / Forgive, forget / The truth is...

Jay and Carlos spoke together. "You ain't seen nothing yet!"

Carlos jumped down, riding a cart away.

Standing on a balcony, Mal and Evie sang together. ♫Mirror, mirror on the wall / Who's the baddest of them all?♫ Carlos ran across a table, jumping down. Jay jumped onto a railing above, swinging on it. ♫Welcome to my wicked world / Wicked world.

Mal and Evie ran down from the balcony. Jay jumped down next to Carlos. They all ran out, into the streets, dancing out with a lot of other teens, and in a closer view of the dance, they all crouched closer to the ground, with the girls tilting their heads and clenching their fists closer to their chests. They all leaped up and continued to dance energetically, in a blur of motion, crawling across the ground, jumping up, tilting back and forth, the girls waving out their hair. The VK's made it to the front of the group, kicking the air in front of them.

Still dancing, all the VKs sang together.♫I'm rotten to the core / Rotten to the core.♫ Everyone spun their arms over their heads, leaning down, shaking out their hair, kicking out their feet. ♫I'm rotten to the core, core / Who could ask for more?♫ They all straightened up, waving their arms, walking forward, kneeling down to hit the pavement, standing, making a few punching moves, spinning around. ♫I'm nothing like the kid next / Like the kid next door / I'm rotten to the... / I'm rotten to the... / I'm rotten to the core.

Everyone finished.

The villagers all laughed as they almost fell, exhausted from all the dancing and singing but loving it.

Mal laughed as a mother with a wagon walked past with a baby sitting in the wagon with a lollipop. Mal stole the lollipop from the baby, turning to face the crowd, holding it up in the air. The crowd laughed meanly.

As Maleficent arrived with her guards, everyone else but Mal, Jay, Carlos and Evie ran away in fear.

Mal turned around. "Hi, Mom."

"Stealing candy, Mal?" Maleficent asked. "I'm so disappointed."

Mal looked saddened because she didn't please her mother. "It was from a baby."

Maleficent smirked. "That's my nasty little girl." Mal smiled, giving the lollipop to her mother. Maleficent spit on it, putting it under her armpit, handing the lollipop to one of her guards. "Give it back to the dreadful creature."

"Mom..." Mal trailed off.

"It's the deets, Mal, that make the difference between mean and truly evil." Maleficent told her daughter.

"Yes, I know, Mom." Mal told her mother.

"When I was your age, I was cursing entire kingdoms." Mal was saying the line with her mother, rolling her eyes. "Walk with me." Maleficent wrapped an arm around Mal's shoulders escorting her away. "See, I'm just, just trying to teach you the thing that really counts, Mal. How to be me."

"I know that, Mom." Mal told her. "And I'll do better."

"Oh, there's news." Maleficent explained. "I buried the lead. You four have been chosen to go to a different school... in Auradon."

Mal, Jay, Carlos and Evie tried to run away. but the guards stopped them.

Mal held out her hand to stop everyone, looking from her friends to her mother. "What? I'm not going to some boarding school filled to the brim with prissy pink princesses."

Evie smiled dreamily. "And perfect princes." Mal gave Evie a look. Evie brushed it off. "Ugh."

"Yeah, and I don't do uniforms." Jay told them. "Unless it's leather. You feel me?" Jay laughed.

"I read somewhere that they allow dogs in Auradon." Carlos told them nervously. "Mom said they're rabid pack animals who eat boys who don't behave.

Jay snuck up behind Carlos. "Woof!" Carlos hit Jay for scaring him.

"Yeah, Mom, We're not going." Mal told her mother.

"Oh, you're all thinking small." Maleficent told them. "It's all about world domination."

"Knucklehead!" Maleficent called as she walked away with the guards following. "Kids..."

The kids reluctantly followed.

Evil Queens Castle

In the castle, it was destroyed and ruined and in no shape to be livable, but the VK's and their parents were forced to live there because there weren't much better places anywhere on the Isle.

The kids were talking to their parents.

"You will go." Maleficent told them. "You will find Fairy Godmother and you will bring back the magic wand. Easy peasy."

Mal was bored, and exasperated. "What's in it for us.

"Matching thrones." Maleficent suggested. "Hers and hers crowns."

Carlos gestured to himself and his friends. "Um, I-I think she meant us."

Maleficent tossed her nail file, standing, gesturing for Mal to come closer, leaning down over a railing so she could speak to her daughters. It's all about me and you baby. Do you enjoy watching innocent people suffer?"

"Well, yeah, I guess." Mal answered her mother. "I mean, who doesn't?"

"Well, then get me the wand." Maleficent said with a serious tone. "And we can see all that and so much more. And with that wand and my power, I'll be able to bend both good and evil to me will."

"Our will!" Evil Queen said.

"Our will, our will." Maleficent snaps her fingers, making Mal look at her. "And if you refuse, you're grounded for the rest of your life, missy."

"What?" Mal asked. "Mom--" Maleficent pretended to squish Mal's lips to make her stop complaining, leaning closer to the railing, glaring down at Mal, letting her eyes glow green. Mal's eyes glowed green as a staring contest between mother and daughter began. There was a brief moment of tense silence before Mal backed down. "Fine."

"I win." Maleficent smiled.

Evil Queen called for her daughter. "Evie, my little evil-ette in training." Evie ran to her mother's side. "You just find yourself a prince with a big castle and a mother in law wing.

"And lots and lots of mirrors." Evie and her mother spoke together.

Evie laughed.

Evil Queen pointed at her. "No laughing. Wrinkles." Evie gasped, putting a hand to her forehead as if to check for wrinkles.

Cruella walked over to Carlos. "Oh, well, they're not taking my Carlos. I'd miss him too much."

"Really, Mom?" Carlos asked hopefully.

"Well, yes." Cruella told him. "Who would touch up on my roots, fluff my fur?" She put her leg into Carlos' arms. "And scrape the bunions off my feet?"

Carlos shook his head, disappointed, dropping his mother's leg. "Maybe a new school wouldn't be the worst thing."

"Oh, Carlos, they have dogs in Auradon." Cruella reminded him.

Carlos looked at his friends worriedly. "Oh, no, I'm not going." Maleficent groaned in annoyance.

"Well, Jay isn't going either." Jafar announced. "I need him to stock the shelves in my store." He looked at Jay. "What did you score?" Jay pulled out a few things from his pockets that he had stolen, pulling out a genie lamp from his jacket, handing it to his father. "Oh. Ooh, a lamp." Jafar tried rubbing the lamp hoping to get a genie to come out.

"Dad." Jay said as Jafar looked at Jay with a huge grin on his face. "I already tried." Jafar groaned in disgust, throwing the lamp back at Jay.

Evil Queen pointed at her daughter. "Evie's not going anywhere until we get rid of this unibrow." Evie gasped, frowning touching her eyebrows.

"What is wrong with all of you?" Maleficent demanded. "People use to cower at the mention of our names! For 20 years, we have searched for a way off this island. For 20 years, they have robbed us from our revenge. Revenge on Snow White and her horrible men." Maleficent pointed at Evil Queen.

"Ow." Evil Queen said.

"Revenge on Aladdin and his bloated genie." Jafar raised a wooden spoon menacingly.

"I will--" Jay held his dad back.

"Pop!" Jay said trying to calm his dad down.

Maleficent pointed at Cruella. "Revenge on every sneaky Dalamtian that escaped your clutches."

Cruella petted her stuffed animal dog that laid perched on her shoulder. "Oh, but they didn't get baby. They didn't get the... they didn't get the baby."

Mal and Evie shared creeped out looks, eyeing Cruella with 'you're crazy.' looks.

Maleficent raised her arms. "And I, Maleficent, the evilest of them all, I will finally have my revenge on Sleeping Beauty and her relentless little prince."

"Villains!" Maleficent called.

Maleficent smiled, laughing evilly. "Our day has come. E.Q., give her the magic mirror."

"Yeah." Evil Queen agreed, handing the cracked magic mirror to Evie.

Evie took the cracked mirror gingerly, but was a bit skeptical. "This is your magic mirror?"

"Yeah, well, it ain't what it used to be, but then again, neither are we." Evil Queen explained, as she looked back at the other parents, all of them sharing an evil laugh. "It will help you find things."

"Like a prince?" Evie asked hopefully with a big smile.

"Like my waistline." Evil queen told her daughter.

Maleficent rolled her eyes. "Like the magic wand! Hello!"

"Hello!" Evil Queen replied.

Maleficent looked around. "My spell book. My book. I need my... that book." Maleficent opened the fridge. "Oh, ah, the safe, the safe. Queen, help me. I can never figure this thing out."

Mal had an excited look on her face when she realized Maleficent was giving her the spell book her mother used.

"Voila." Evil Queen said opening the fridge.

Maleficent pulled out her spell book. "My spell... Mal, come, darling. Come on." Mal walked closer. "There she is. It doesn't work here, but it will in Auradon." Maleficent looks at Evil Queen. "Remember, when we were spreading evil and ruining lives?"

Evil Queen nodded. "Like it was yesterday."

Maleficent handed the spell book to Mal, looking at her daughter. "And now you will be making your own memories by doing exactly as I tell you."

They all heard a car horn honk from outside.

Jay looked at around at his friends. "Let's get this party started."

Mal smirked. Evie looked into the magic mirror with a grin.

"Carlos, come." Cruella told him.

Evil Queen looked at Evie. "Who's the fairest of them all?"

Evie looked into her mirror, smiling. "Me."

"Ah." Evil Queen said, shaking her head.

Evie dropped her smile. "You."

Evil Queen smiled. "Yes. Let's go."

Jafar placed his hand on Jay's neck. "Now, recite your mantra."

"There's no team in 'I'" Jay nodded.

"Oh, run along. You're making me tear up." Jafar grinned.

Jafar hugged his son as Jay grabbed his bag to go. "My bag. Dad!"

"Coming." Jafar told him following.

That's it for Chapter 1 of Descendants go Prehistoric. Yes I know I changed it up, I thought it would make more sense for the Dino Gems to be residing in the Museum and it also made sense for Tommy to become a high school science teacher again.

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