Chapter 8

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Morning - Auradon Prep - Dr. Oliver's Science Class

As soon as the trio walked into class the next day, Evie was ambushed by Audrey.

"Evie Queen, Princess Audrey, Auradon Prep News Network." She introduced herself brightly.

"Audrey, I know who you are." Evie rolled her eyes as Scott and Carlos couldn't help but laugh, taking their seats. "We're in homeroom together?" She reminded the brown haired girl, who waved this off.

"Yeah, anyway, what can you tell me about the mysterious goings-on at Auradon Prep? For example, the sudden friendship between you, Scott Oliver and Carlos Deville?" She questioned and Evie rolled her eyes. "Or better yet, the strange creatures that appeared out of nowhere and they just attacked you in broad daylight? What about that, huh?" Audrey demanded.

"Look I have no idea what you're talking about. But as you can see, I'm just fine." Evie told her firmly. "But you..." She frowned at the brown haired girl. "You look kind of...oh...pasty." Audrey looked horrified at the comment.

"Pasty?! Are you serious?" She whimpered. "Oh, I hate fluorescent lighting." She cried as Tommy walked in and shut the door.

"Audrey, unless you plan on giving a lecture on the Mesozoic period, I suggest you take your seat." He told her as Evie sat down beside a giggling Scott. "Thank you." Tommy said as Audrey sat down. "Ok, who can tell me when it all began?" He asked as the ground began to shake and the lights flickered as dark clouds covered the sky, blocking out the sun. The school's backup power went online and poor lighting illuminated the classroom and the majority of the students ran to the window to see what was going on.

Hidden in the clouds, was a giant black ship that was being piloted by Zeltrax.

"The Biozords are running free, master." He said with a laugh.

And he wasn't kidding, because down below in the city, three giant brown robotic dinosaurs were rampaging through downtown.

"Audrey, you're not gonna believe this!" Chad ran into the classroom with a wide grin.

"Lemme guess, the sky just went black in the middle of the day?" Audrey rolled her eyes.

"It did?" He looked outside and his eyes lit up. "Whoa, look at that!" He stared outside.

"Chad, hello! What?!" Audrey demanded, waving a hand in front of his face to get his attention again.

"I just heard this whack report about mechanical dinosaurs attacking down-town." Scott looked around sharply at his words. He looked over at his father, who looked alarmed.

"Oh! Grab your camera!" Audrey demanded.

"Got it." Chad said, grabbing his bag as the two headed for the door.

"Wait a minute, you two!" Tommy stopped them before they could leave, before Fairy Godmother's voice echoed through the speakers.

"Everybody stay calm. King Adam has declared a state of emergency. Please report to the front of the school for immediate dismissal. Again, remain calm." Fairy Godmother ordered and everyone cleared out, leaving Scott, Evie and Carlos alone with Tommy.

"Doctor O, now would be a good time to have that little chat." Evie told him as he walked out from behind his desk.

"We're outta time. If someone revived the Bio Zords, we gotta act fast." Tommy shook his head. "Come with me." He darted off.

"What's the worst that can happen?" Carlos said as Scott and Evie shrugged as the three students followed suit.

"So, these mechanical dinosaurs, they're your friends?" Evie summed up what Tommy had explained to them on the way back to the lab.

"Bio Zords." Tommy corrected. "Fusion-powered replicants, using actual dinosaur DNA for their neuro-functions." He told them.

"Uh, what?" Scott said as he raised an eyebrow.

"Big robots that are programmed to think like dinosaurs." Carlos told Scott with a hand in his pocket. "And I'm guessing, that much like the Tyrannodrones, which are much smaller robots with dinosaur DNA, you helped build them?" Carlos looked up at Tommy.

"I'm afraid so." Tommy confirmed. "But right now we - I mean you...have to tame them." He told us, and we just stared at him.

"I'll BBL if it's all the same to you." Carlos laughed and shook his head quickly.

"What's that mean?" Tommy frowned at him.

"Be back later." Carlos translated and started to walk away.

"Carlos, wait!" Carlos looked around with a frown. "You can do this, and you don't have to do it alone." He told them and they frowned back. "If there ever came a day where the Dino Gems would get their power back, I've had these waiting, if I ever needed to harness their powers again." He led them over to a case sitting on a table.

"Into what?" Evie asked slowly. Tommy opened up the briefcase, to reveal three morphers, with different dinosaur heads on them in different colors.

"Dino Morphers." He told them. "Use these to become Power Rangers." The three stared at them with wide eyes.

"I gotta sit down." Carlos staggered and Scott caught him.

"Breathe, dude." Scott told him.

"We can't be Power Rangers!" Evie spoke up, shaking her head quickly. "Aren't you supposed to be able to fly, or have superhuman strength, stuff like that?" She asked, looking terrified. Tommy just looked amused.

"You do." He reminded her.

"Oh yeah...I forgot." She remembered, still looking worried.

"Your gems are from the Asteroid that crashed into Earth millions of years ago, wiping out the entire dinosaur population." Tommy explained. "When I found them, I recognized their power and hid them, so they wouldn't fall into the wrong hands." He said, and Scott tore his gaze from the morphers to look up at his father.

"How do you know these are the right hands?" Scott asked, gesturing to himself as well as Carlos and Evie.

"The Gems are yours. You didn't choose them, they chose you." Tommy told them, and walked away from the morphers.

"Can't they unchoose us?" Evie asked hopefully.

"They've already bonded with your DNA." He told us with a wry smile. "That's what's given you your powers." He explained.

"So if they're already bonded with us, why're Zeltrax, his creeps and whoever they're working for after 'em?" Carlos asked as he frowned.

"The only way these powers can be taken away, is if you're destroyed." Tommy told them gravely as he walked back over to them.

"Okay for future reference, that's not a great selling point." Carlos said with wide eyes.

"Look, all I know is, I don't remember asking to be a superhero!" Scott said shaking his head.

"The gems wouldn't have bonded with you if you didn't have something inside that could handle the power." Tommy said. "Please." He returned to the case and pushed it forwards. Realizing they had no choice but to help, Scott reached out and grabbed the red morpher, Carlos grabbed the blue one and Evie grabbed the yellow one.

"So now what?" Carlos asked as they studied the strange devices. "Do we need some kind of secret password or command?" He questioned looking up at Tommy.

"All you have to say is "Dino Thunder, Power Up," and you'll be transformed. You'll know what to do." Tommy explained.

"I like it." Carlos admitted.

"Me too." Scott said.

"Look, I know you three are from different worlds, I get it." Tommy interrupted them. "But you're gonna have to work together, or this can never happen. This won't be easy. Nobody knows that better than I do." He told them. "But you're gonna have to believe in yourselves,  because I believe in you." He said.

"Really dad?" Scott raised an eyebrow, looking worried.

"Really." Tommy confirmed.

Tommy drove the three teens down-town, to where the Bio Zords were attacking the city. The Pterodactyl flew through the air, slamming into buildings, as the T-Rex and Triceratops attacked from the ground.

"Okay. This is it." Tommy announced as he parked his jeep and we looked out. Hesitantly, the four of them climbed out of the jeep and we looked up at the massive Zords.

"That must be them!" Scott gestured up at them.

"Wow, good call, Scott." Evie rolled her eyes.

Zeltrax landed in front of them, holding up his shield.

"You'll have to get past me, before you get those Zords." Zeltrax told them in his deep voice.

"That's the part I'm looking forward to." Scott told him.

"You guys ready?" Carlos glanced at Evie and Scott.

"Oh yeah." Evie confirmed with a nod.

(Start at 0:10, Replace Conner, Ethan and Kira with Scott, Carlos and Evie and stop at 0:40.)

"Whoa!" Carlos grinned as he looked down at his ranger suit.

"This totally rocks." Evie grinned as she studied her yellow one.

Scott smiled as he surveyed his red suit.

"So... you're Power Rangers..." Zeltrax commented.

"Call on your weapons!" Tommy called over to them. "They're in your belt." He nodded to them.

"You got it!" Scott cheered, and their belts began to glow. "Whoa check it out!" Their new weapons flew from their belts, flying around before the Rangers caught them. "Nice! I got a Tyranno Staff!" Scott called as he caught his staff.

"I can come to grips with this! Ptera Grips!" Evie held her dagger-like weapons in front of her.

"Sweet! A Tricera Shield!" Carlos cheered happily.

"Enough!" Zeltrax yelled

(Start 1:03 and stop at 2:38)

"Rangers! Combine your weapons!" Tommy yelled over to them.

"Right!" Scott nodded.

The three rangers stood together and combined their weapons into a cannon.

"Z-Rex Blaster Ready! Fire!" The three said.

(Start at 2:46 and Stop at 2:53)

"We did it!" Evie cheered, and Tommy smiled.

"This battle isn't over, I will return!" Zeltrax yelled, and disappeared.

The Zords roared angrily.

"Ok, now what do we do?" Scott demanded.

"You gotta tame the Zords." Tommy told them. "Concentrate. Your morphers will communicate your thoughts to your Zords." He explained, and the three teens nodded, running to meet their Zords.

"Look at that!" Scott stared up at the Triceratops, which roared at them. "They're huge!" Scott exclaimed with wide eyes. The Zord roared down at them again angrily.

"Calm down boy." Carlos stepped forwards, raising his hands. "It's all good." He insisted.

"Be careful." Evie warned, not taking her eyes off it.

"That's right, I'm your friend." Carlos didn't look away from the Zord as he raised his morpher. "Tricera Zord!" Carlos raised his hand, and the morpher glowed. The Tricera-Zord roared again, and turned from dark grey, to bright blue. "It worked!" He cheered, along with Evie and Scott.

"Ok, my turn." Evie looked up at the Ptera-Zord as it flew overhead, and lifted her morpher. "Ptera-Zord! We can be friends right?" The Pterodactyl landed on a tall building and turned yellow. However the still untamed T-Rex stormed over and slammed the Tricera-Zord into the air with its tail, knocking it into the Ptera Zord.

"Scott! The Tyranno-Zord is still outta control!" Carlos yelled as he looked around at the Red Ranger.

"Do something!" Evie cried. Scott let out a low growl.

"Come on! I need you to work with me here!" Scott yelled up at the Zord. Scott focused as best as he could, and lifted his arm. "Tyranno-Zord!" He called. The Zord roared again, and turned red. As he cheered, Carlos and Evie ran over to him.

After the fight they were all back at Tommy's lab and he held out the briefcase containing the morphers a second time, the three of them grinned. The morphers changed forms, turning into silver bracelets that held their Dino Gems in them.

"Keep these bracelets with you at all times." Tommy told them as he held it out to Carlos. "They'll access your morphers when you need them." He told them. Carlos lifted the bracelet that had the blue gem in it and Tommy moved up to Scott. "And you can use these to communicate with me, and each other." Scott lifted his new bracelet and smiled at the power that's been gifted upon him.

"Doctor O, I know you're really smart, and a science teacher and everything." Evie spoke up as she lifted her bracelet. "But this is... how did you..." She trailed off.

"I'll fill you in, in time." Tommy told her as he set the case down and turned to them.

"Speaking of time, you think whoever Zeltrax is working for plan's on sticking around for a while?" Carlos asked nervously.

"Unfortunately, they always do." Tommy sighed.

"'They'?" Scott repeated, and Tommy just looked away suspiciously.

"I know this is a lot to take in. Your lives have just changed in ways you probably couldn't have ever imagined." Scott sighed as Tommy dodged his son's question. "But as long as you work together and remember, you're a team, no-one can defeat you. No-one." He told them confidently, and they looked to each other, feeling confident.

Afternoon - Auradon Prep - Chemistry Lab

Later that same day, Evie and Scott were sitting in their assigned seats in chemistry class.

Evie was looking frantically through her bag for her magic mirror but she couldn't find it.

"Looking for something?" Mr. Deley asked showing Evie her magic mirror was in his hand. Evie nervously closed her bag, looking speechless. "Thank you, Chad. It's gratifying to see that someone still respects the honor code." Chad looked at Evie, with a smug smirk on his face. Evie glared at Chad, tilting her head. Delay looked at Evie. "It will be my recommendation that you're to be expelled."

Evie stood. "Mr. Deley--"

Scott stood, speaking over Evie, trying to defend her. "That isn't fair. Obviously she wasn't cheating, since she didn't have that... whatever it is."

Evie tilted her head. "It's called a magic mi--"

Scott looked at the girl he had a crush on. "You're not helping."

Evie was trying to make sure Scott didn't get himself into trouble for defending her. "Stop."

Scott looked at Deley. "Maybe she needed another pencil."

Evie looked up. "Actually, I was--"

Scott stopped her. "Really, don't help." Evie looked down. Scott turned to Deley. "Please."

Evie looked up, repeating Scott's plead in a whisper. "Please."

Deley gestured to their tests. "Well if you can pass this test, I'll return your property and let the matter drop."

Evie and Scott sighed in relief, nodding thankfully. Chad was looking at Evie smugly, lips pressed together, tilting his head. Evie was glaring at Chad. Scott tapped her on the arm. Evie nodded, as they both focused on their tests.

Auradon Prep - Courtyard

Scott was sitting at a bench, eating his lunch and working on some homework Tommy had given him.

Evie walked up behind him, reaching around from behind to show him that she had gotten a B+. "For the first time in my life, I'm more than just a pretty face."

Scott looked at her over his shoulder. "What a shocker, huh?"

Evie let go, putting her test down, sitting down next to Scott, facing him. "You were pretty great in there."

Scott smiled. "So were you."

The two chuckled.

Evie pointed at her test. "I bet I can get an A on the next test without the mirror."

"I bet you could," Scott promised.

Evie looked at Scott, tilting her head.

"Maybe we can hang out more." Scott suggested.

"Yeah." Evie agreed. "Let's do that."

They both smiled.

Scott couldn't help but stare into Evie's gorgeous dark brown eyes and her wonderful smile. It was at this moment that Scott knew it was now or never.

"Evie, I was wondering..." Scott started.

"What?" Evie asked.

"If you want to, would you maybe wanna--" Scott was cut off when Mal appeared.

"There you are! I've been looking for you literally everywhere!" Mal said.

"What's wrong?" Evie asked

"Ben just asked me out on... a date." Mal answered.

Scott nodded, a little awkwardly. "Nice."

Evie looked at Scott. "We can handle this. Bye."

"Bye." Scott said.

Mal and Evie walked away.

"You're looking a little pale..." Evie trailed off.

"Well, yeah of course." Mal agreed.

"...but I can fix that with some gloss and some blush." Evie told her.

"No!" Mal disagreed.

"Mal, I can use the..." Evie trailed off again.

Mal shook her head. "No, no, no."

"Don't be scared." Evie assured.

Scott huffed, having blown his first chance to ask Evie out. Scott sighed, took a sip of his drink and went back to doing his homework.

Mal and Evie's Dorm

Mal and Evie were sitting in their dorm room getting Mal ready for her date with Ben this afternoon.

"Okay, easy on the blush." Mal told Evie. "I don't wanna scare Ben. Not that I could."

Evie chuckled. "Please. My mom taught me how to apply blush before I could talk. Always use upward strokes."

Evie grabbed some lipstick and dabbed some on her fingers.

"My mom was never really big on make-up tips." Mal confessed as Evie applied the lipstick to Mal's lips. "I never had a sister."

"Well, now you do." Evie told her. Mal smiled. "We're going to need all the family we can get if we don't pull this off. My mother's not a barrel of laughs when she doesn't get her way. Just ask Snow White."

"Are you afraid of her?" Mal asked.

"Sometimes." Evie answered. "Are you afraid of your mom?"

"I just really want her to be proud of me." Mal confessed. "She get's so angry with me when I disappoint her. And sh... Yeah, she's my mom, so I know she loves me, in her own way."

"Moving on." Evie said. "Come see."

"Are we done?" Mal asked.

"Yeah." Evie answered.

Evie brought Mal over to a mirror, embracing her.

Mal smiled in surprise. "Oh."

Evie smiled. "I know."

"I look..." Mal trailed off.

"Say it." Evie told her.

Mal smiled. "Not hideous."

Evie smiled. "Not even close."

Mal continued to look at herself, when there was a knock at the door. Mal opened to reveal Ben.

Ben smiled. "For the first time, I understand the difference between pretty and beautiful."

Mal chuckled as Ben handed her a helmet. "I hope you like bikes."

Mal accepted the helmet and proceeded to walk out the door with Ben in tow.

Evie walked to the door, smiling, slowly closing the door when a foot stopped the door, and that foot belonged to Scott.

"Oh, Scott what are you doing here?" Evie asked him.

"Evie, there's something I want to ask you." Scott said.

"What?" She pondered.

"Just one tiny little thing." Scott said. "Evie we've known each other for about 2 weeks now and they've been the best two weeks of my life and I've really enjoyed getting to know you."

"Me too." Evie replied.

"So what I'm trying to say is..." Scott trailed off. "Evie I like you, a lot and I wanted to know.... Will you go to Ben's coronation with me?"

"You mean like as-"

"My date." Scott answered.

"I would love to." Scott smiled and the two hugged.

Well that's chapter 8 see you all next time

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