Return of an Old Enemy

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Auradon Prep - Front of the School

When the three got back to Auradon Prep, they were walking together.

"Ok, so we all agree." Scott spoke as they walked through the school grounds, heading to their dorms. "Not to talk about this to anyone? No matter what." Scott looked at Evie and Carlos, before Evie stopped, making Scott and Carlos stop as well.

"I can do better than that." She handed Scott her yellow Gem. "I'm out. Just forget I was ever here and I'll do the same." She told us firmly.

"Wait how come he get's it?" Carlos demanded as he pointed at Scott.

"Well, here." Evie rolled her eyes and took it from Scott and dropped it into Carlos' hand.

Audrey and Chad were walking to the bus as they were having a conversation about Tommy and Scott.

"I'm telling you, there's something weird about Dr. Oliver. I mean, seriously, I called Angel Grove High and they wouldn't tell me anything. It's like his private records are some big secret." Audrey told him

"Yeah, I kind of thought that was why they called them "Private" records." Chad said as he looked at the three soon to be rangers. "I mean if they were public --" Audrey pulled Chad behind a pillar so they could spy on Scott, Carlos and Evie. "What?"

"Don't you think that's a little odd?" Audrey asked

"A bunch of kids standing around talking. Yeah, freaky, man." Chad said sarcastically

"No, think about it. Why would Scott Oliver, the newest kid in school, be hanging out with two VKs let alone one?" Chad was just confused.

"Yeah, right." Chad said

"Not to mention the Daughter of the Evil Queen." She was describing Evie. "I mean, seriously in the years we've attended Auradon Prep, have you ever seen anything like that? Because I haven't." Audrey said as she reapplied some of her lip gloss.

"You know what? I give up!" Evie exclaimed, and stormed off.

As Evie stormed off, the wind picked up and the Tyrannodrones appeared again, grabbing her.

"Evie!" Scott yelled. Carlos and Scott ran towards Evie to try and help her, but before they could reach her, the Tyrannodrones disappeared, taking her with them, leaving only her purse behind.

"She's gone." Carlos breathed as I lifted Evie's purse, looking around.

After Evie disappeared, Carlos and Scott were frantically running towards the school.

"Okay, so where are we going?"Carlos asked as they ran.

"To find my dad." Scott said.

"What's he gonna do?!" Carlos demanded.

"He's a dinosaur guy!" Scott shrugged. "These things are dinosaurs...sort of..." he muttered.

After about a five minute run they finally arrived at Scott and Ben's dorm, looking around as Scott walked over to the Dino Statue.

"Scott, I don't think your dad can help us, the guys a teacher, not-" Carlos stopped as Scott touched the dinosaur's jaw again and a trapdoor opened. "Batman..." He managed to finish with wide eyes. Shrugging, they walked down the steps and they found themselves in the basement that Scott was in a couple of hours before.

"What is this place?" Carlos asked as they looked around.

"If you're looking for extra credit." The two spun around and saw Tommy standing in front of a skeleton, with a deep frown on his face. "You're in the wrong place." He warned them darkly, making Carlos gulp.

At an unknown location, we see Evie asleep on a long chair inside some kind of lab, as a dark figure approached her.

"Ah, excellent." He said.

The figure reached his hand out and touched the head of the chair, as Evie moved her head slightly, then he looked up, very pleased with himself.

"Dad, before you off, can we explain why we're here?" Carlos and Scott slowly backed away.

"Dude, he's just gonna laugh if we tell him." Carlos shook his head at Scott.

"It's the truth. He'll believe us." Scott said looking at him.

"All right." Seeing no other option they decided to tell Tommy the truth. "Evie's gone."

"She got taken by these weird-looking dinosaur things." Carlos and Scott told Tommy, who's angry expression was replaced by a look of horror. He looked away and they both watched him.

"He doesn't look convinced." Carlos whispered to Scott.

"They're called Tyrannodrones." Tommy sighed, turning away from them.

"And you know that because...?" Carlos trailed off as Scott followed him.

"I helped create them." He admitted, sounding guilty as Carlos just stared at him.

"Oh, class project?" Carlos raised an eyebrow.

"It's a long story, but for now, we gotta figure out what they want with Evie." He turned around, and Carlos and Scott both exchanged looks at each other.

"It might have something to do with these..." Scott admitted as Carlos both pulled both his and Evie's gems out of his pockets. Tommy just stared at them, with his mouth wide open. "We're really sorry." Scott sighed as they gave his dad the gems, which he called a Dino Gem.

"How were we supposed to know those things had, like superpowers and that those lizard dudes would come looking for them?" Carlos demanded.

"I guess it isn't something you see everyday." He admitted with a heavy sigh.

"Sorta like a science teacher with the ruins of an ancient civilization under the school?" Carlos pointed out

"Ok, you know what is important dad? Coming clean." Scott told his father, who frowned at him.

"Ok, as hard as this may seem, you two need to forget all about this. I'll find Evie." He said and turned away. As he was walking towards the exit, he suddenly found Scott blocking his path, having used his super speed. Tommy stopped abruptly and gave a small, impressed smile.

"You can tell us about it now, or the next time I'm grounded." Scott challenged and the smile disappeared instantly.

Tommy looked at Scott and Carlos and knew he had no choice but to take them with him.

"Alright, come on." He told them, and he led them out of the base.

They climbed into Tommy's jeep as they left the school.

Speeding down the road, Tommy explained what was going on as they searched for Evie.

"So, when you said you created those Tyranno-whatevers, you were just kidding right?" Carlos asked curiously. Tommy shook his head grimly.

"Thats Tyrannodrones. And they were originally destroyed." He told them softly. "Someone's brought them back. A long time ago, I was doing research on combining dinosaur DNA with technology. My partner, a scientist named Anton Mercer-"

"I remember that name, he's that really rich dude who disappeared mysteriously years ago." Scott remembered hearing the name when his family was discussing it.

"Yep. Shortly after Mercer's disappearance, our lab was attacked. All of our research was destroyed. Or at least I thought it was." Tommy explained with a frown as he thought about it.

"And the guy who did this is back again?" Scott summed up.

"I don't know?" Tommy told them. He slowed to a stop at a crossroads and looked around.

"And you think he's after the Gems?" Carlos asked curiously.

"Look's like it." Tommy nodded.

"Well, this is all totally fascinating, but how is that gonna help us find Evie?" Carlos questioned. "I mean, it's not like she's just gonna fall out of the sky and land right in front of us." Carlos commented as he and Tommy looked at Scott. As he went to speak, Evie landed on the hood of the car. They stared at her as she looked up slowly. After the shock died down, the three leapt out of the car and ran over to her. "How did you do that?" Carlos asked as he and Scott helped Evie off the hood of Tommy's jeep.

"I have no idea." Evie admitted. "One minute I'm being chased by Frankenlizard through his creepy lab and the next thing I know, I'm a hood ornament!" She exclaimed, looking alarmed.

"Invisi-Portals." Tommy and Scott sighed.

"Invisi-what?" Carlos looked over at them with a raised eyebrow.

"Whatever." Evie rolled her eyes. "Next time, I'm calling a carriage." She told us, before frowning as a thought occurred to her. "What are you guys doing here?" She asked curiously.

"We came to rescue you." Scott admitted with a frown.

"Nice job. Way to show up when I don't need you anymore!" She complained irritably. Scott glanced to his right and then back down at Evie.

"You sure about that?" Scott asked, and they all looked over to a group of Tyrannodrones, who were being led by a figure in black, with a sword and a shield. Tommy stood in front of them with a frown.

"Zeltrax? But that's impossible? You were destroyed." Tommy said.

"You were wrong," He told them in a deep voice. "Come with me peacefully, or suffer the consequences." He warned them.

"I'm gonna have to" Tommy decided. Zeltrax let out a yell and he and the Tyrannodrones ran at them. As Tommy took on the leader the three faced the foot-soldiers.

(Start at 0:10, replace Conner, Ethan and Kira with Scott, Carlos and Evie and stop at 1:54.)

The three teens and Tommy regrouped.

"Make sure you tell your master, Doctor Oliver's back again." He called as he stood with them, having fought off his own opponents with ease.

"I will inform them that this battle is over, but the war has only just begun!" Zeltrax replied coldly and disappeared with the Tyrannodrones.

"That's the best you could do?" Carlos questioned, raising an eyebrow.

"Let's get outta here. It's getting late. I don't want your friends to worry." Doctor O called over to them, standing by his jeep.

"I bet you don't." Scott frowned. "Then you might have to explain something to mom." Scott commented and Tommy frowned at his son.

"I'll fill you in later, I promise." He insisted. The three teens sighed, before following him to the jeep, heading back to Auradon Prep.

(There's Chapter 6, I know it's short but the next chapter will be longer).

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