The Coronation

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After the whole fiasco at Family Day it was officially the day of Ben's Coronation.

Church - Outside

The whole kingdom had gathered for Ben's coronation.

While back home on the isle, Jafar, Cruella, Evil Queen and Maleficent were watching the coronation on their small TV.

Snow White: (on TV) "At last, here we are, broadcasting live from the Coronation where Prince Benjamin will soon be crowned king. I'm Snow White, bringing you on the scene coverage of who's the fairest of them all."

In an act of jealousy and pride, Evil Queen threw popcorn at the TV. "'I'm Snow White.' Who are you kidding? She's definitely had work done."

Maleficent rolled her eyes.

Church Inside

Inside the church, the everyone from Auradon was there along with their parents and loved ones. Audrey was standing with Chad, smiling and spinning around, placing a hand on her chest, turning to Doug and Jane.

Tommy and Haley walked in followed by Scott who was wearing a red suit, with a black dress shirt, a red neck tie, a gold watch and black and white high tops. As Scott walked over to the place he would be standing, he looked up and saw the VKs, but his main focus was Evie who was wearing a gorgeous blue dress, a gold tiara, matching heels and her hair was beautifully curled, Scott's cheeks turned bright red as he blushed at how beautiful she looked.

"Uh mom, dad." Scott said getting his parents attention. "I'm gonna go stand on the balcony." Tommy nodded as Scott walked off, Tommy looked up and saw Evie and he smirked. When Scott got up to the balcony, he greeted his friends. "Hey guys." Evie, Jay and Carlos turned around and smiled at their friend, they walked up to him and Scott got an up close view of Evie's dress. "You look beautiful." Evie smiled at Scott.

"You don't look so bad yourself." Evie smiled.

Back down on the lower floor, Fairy Godmother stood at the alter.

Snow White: (on TV) "Oh, Fairy Godmother is looking radiant, but what is happening with Jane's hair? And there's Fairy Godmother's wand."

On the Isle, back in Evil Queen's castle, watching with the other parents, Maleficent raised her voice to an insanely loud level, making the other parents jump. "I want that wand!"

"Do you?" Cruella asked sarcastically. "Hadn't heard.

Maleficent glared at Cruella.

Snow White: (on TV) "Oh, and here comes Ben now!"

In a carriage, Ben and Mal were riding up to the castle for the coronation, waving at the people.

Mal looked at the small blue box in her lap.

Ben looked over at her, taking Mal's hand, holding it reassuringly. "Don't be nervous. All you have to do is sit there and look beautiful. No problem there."

Mal smiled lightly. "Thank you.

Ben looked down at his hand, at the ring he always wore. "Mal, would you wear my ring?"

Ben slid his family ring off his finger.

Mal pulled her hand away from him. "Um... Not now. I think it would just probably fall right off of me." Mal looked at Ben. "I have something for you."

"For me?" Ben asked.

Mal nodded. "Yeah." Mal handed Ben the box. "It's just for later." Ben opened the box, revealing a brownie. "You know, when you need strength, some carbs to keep up your energy."

Ben smiled at her knowingly. "Always thinking." Mal laughed softly. "But I can't wait." Ben brought the brownie up to his mouth and took a big bite of it.

Mal tried and failed to stop him. "No!"

Ben chewed. "Hmm, this is really good."

"Uh, do you..." Mal trailed off, stammering, afraid of the answer she would get.

"Mal?" Ben asked, concerned.

"Do you feel okay?" Mal asked.

"You bet." Ben answered.

"Would you say that you're still in..." Mal trailed off. "That... that you still have strong feelings for me?"

Ben shrugged. "Not sure. I mean, let's give the anti-love potion a few minutes to take effect."

"Okay." Mal said as she looked away, before she realized what Ben had said, looking at him in shock. "What?"

Ben started to laugh.

"You knew?" Mal asked.

"That you spelled me?" Ben clarified. "Yeah, yeah I knew."

"I'm--" Mal started. "I can explain."

Ben shook his head. "No, look, it's fine. I mean, you had a crush on me, I was with Audrey, you didn't trust that it could happen on its own. Am I right?"

Mal laughed nervously.

"Yes." Mal said. "You're so right." Mal quickly looked down. "So, then, how long have you known?" Mal asked.

"I've known since our first date." Ben answered. "Your spell washed away in the Enchanted Lake."

"So, then what?" Mal asked sadly. "You've just been... faking it since then?"

Ben looked down, sliding his ring on Mal's finger, bringing her hand to his lips so he could kiss it, raising his gaze to meet Mal's. "I haven't been faking anything."

Mal looked at him, stunned, slowly starting to smile.

The carriage arrived at the entrance of the Church as the royal fanfare started to play. Ben and Mal stepped down, a member of the royal guard took Mal's hand helping her down.

Back on the Isle, the parents saw Mal on the TV.

"Well, if it isn't..." Evil Queen trailed off.

"My daughter." Maleficent finished. "Looking like some kind of..."

Snow White: (on TV) "Princess! Now, let's see who this beauty is wearing. Evie."

Evil Queen gasped. "Evie! That's my... Evie!"

Snow White: (on TV) "Someone named Evie designed her gown."

"That's my daughter!" Evil Queen cheered.

"Oh, wow." Maleficent said sarcastically. "She sewed a dress. Meanwhile, my girl duped a prince and she's this close to grabbing the wand." Maleficent told her.

"Bitter, party of one. Bitter, party of one." Evil Queen said.

"It's happening, people!" Maleficent told them, dancing around insanely. "I say, gird your loins, gird your loins! Villains, our revenge begins today."

They all laughed, cackling evilly in delight, ready to finally have their revenge.

Castle - Outside

Outside Ben and Mal walked up the stairs of the church, hand in hand. They reached the top of the stairs, where Beast and Belle stood. Mal curtsied to Beast and Belle, who both smiled. Beast smiled at his son.

"About the other day, I just--" Mal started.

"I told Ben this wasn't going to be easy." Beast explained.

"You also taught me that a king has to believe in himself, even when it isn't easy." Ben reminded his father.

"I did?" Beast asked. Belle hit her husband's arm. "I... how very wise of me."

Belle smiled. "Ben, we are very proud of you." She held her son by his hands. "You keep listening to your heart.

"Thanks, Mom." Ben told her, smiling.

Beast patted Ben on the shoulder. "You're gonna make a fine king."

Ben smiled. Beast took Belle's hand, and together, they walked inside.

Ben turned to Mal. "Wish me luck."

She nodded, smiling. A member of the royal chauffeur escorted Mal inside.

Ben turned toward the main entrance, preparing to enter.


The children choir were singing as sunlight sparkled through the stained glass window picture of Belle and Beast.

On the balcony, Evie, Scott, Jay and Carlos stood together watching Mal down with the others up front, looking at each other sadly because of how much they were going to miss now. Scott saw Evie looked sad and wrapped his arm around her.

Back on the Isle, watching the TV, Maleficent saw Mal on the screen. "Don't blow it, kiddo."

The doors to the church opened, revealing Ben behind the doors, letting him in. Ben walked down the aisle toward the alter. Everyone bowed before Ben as he walked past, standing straight once he was at the alter. Beas and Bell were watching Ben proudly, smiling. Fairy Godmother bowed to the young Prince, taking his crown, to place it on Ben's head as he knelt before them.

The case came off the wand with a glistening gleam. Mal was very anxious, seeing as she was less than a grasp away from taking the wand, looking up top at her friends. They all nodded with sad looks.

Fairy Godmother looked at Ben. "Do you solemnly swear to govern the people of Auradon with justice and mercy for as long as you shall reign?"

Ben nodded. "I do solemnly swear."

Maleficent was watching. "Oh, grab the thing already!"

"Then it's my greatest honor and my best joy to bless you as our new king." Fairy Godmother told them.

They saw a hand grab the wand before Fairy Godmother could.

"Yes!" Maleficent cheered.

"Yes!" Jafar cheered.

The handler of the wand lost control and a blast of white energy shot out of the wand, flying through a window, straight into the magic barrier of the Isle of the Lost, breaking the barrier on the Isle for a brief moment as the Isle shook.

"The barrier is broken!" Evil Queen announced. "We're free!"

Maleficent walked over to the balcony and opened the doors. "Scepter, now!" Maleficent laughed evilly as she teleported away in a cloud of green smoke.

It was revealed that Jane was the one that grabbed the wand, but she couldn't control the power it possessed, the wand was jerking her around every which way as white magic sparked from the tip of the wand.

"Child, what are you doing?!" Fairy Godmother cried.

"If you won't make me beautiful, I'll do it myself!" Jane told her mother. "Bibbidi-bobbidi-boo!"

"Take cover!" Beast ordered.

Everyone took cover. Mal jumped in, trying to wrestle the wand from Jane.

"Careful, Mal!" Belle told her.

Mal got the wand from Jane, holding the wand against everyone. Evie, Jay and Carlos quickly ran down from the balcony, down to where Mal was.

Ben was shocked. "Mal, give me the wand."

"Ben, stand back." Mal ordered.

Ben stepped closer. "It's okay."

"Ben, I said stand back!" Mal told him.

"I told you." Audrey announced.

Mal turned to Audrey with the wand. Audrey gasped, backing away, being held back by Leah and Chad.

Evie, Jay and Carlos reached Mal's side.

Scott, Haley and Tommy saw this and quickly joined them.

"Let's go!" Carlos told them.

Jay looked around. "Revenge time."

"You really wanna do this?" Ben asked.

"We have no choice, Ben." Mal told him. "Our parents..."

"Your parents made their choice." Ben told them. "Now you make yours."

"He's right." Scott added. "This is your decision, not anyone else's."

Mal heard their words and started thinking. "I think I wanna be good."

"You are good." Ben told her.

Mal raised her voice. "How do you know that?"

"Because... because I'm listening to my heart." Ben answered.

Mal just looked at him in shock.

"Mal, I'm listening to my heart right now, and it's telling me that you don't wanna do this." Ben told her. "You don't have to."

Mal looked at Ben in conflict, tears in her eyes.

Tommy and Beast smiled at their sons' words.

Mal looked at Ben for a moment. "I want to listen to my heart, too." She turned to Evie, Jay and Carlos. "And my heart is telling me that we're not our parents." Mal turned to Jay. "I mean, stealing things doesn't make you happy. Tourney and victory pizza with the team makes you happy."

"Yeah." Jay agreed.

Mal turned to Carlos. "And you, scratching Dude's belly makes you happy. Who would've thought." Finally, Mal turned to Evie. "And Evie, you don't have to play dumb to get a guy. You are so smart." Scott took Evie's hand and she grinned at him. "And I don't wanna take over the world with evil. It doesn't make me happy at all." Mal shook her head as a tear ran down her cheek. "I want to go to school and be with Ben." Mal turned to Ben, showing him his ring on her finger, smiling. "Because Ben makes me really happy." Ben smiled. Mal looked at Evie, Jay, and Carlos. "Us being friends makes me really happy." Evie, Jay and Carlos all nodded in agreement, causing Scott and Ben to smile. "Not destroying things. I choose good, you guys." Mal placed her hand in the middle, waiting for her friends to do the same.

Fairy Godmother covered her mouth as she gasped, smiling.

Scott, Ben, Tommy and Haley all smiled.

Jay smirked, putting his hand in the middle. "I choose good, too."

Evie giggled, putting her hand in the middle. "I choose good."

They all looked at Carlos.

Carlos smiled nervously. "So, just to be clear, we don't have to worry about how mad our parents will be? Because they're gonna be really, really mad."

"Your parents can't reach you here." Ben told them.

Carlos put his hand in the middle. "Okay, then. Good."

Mal looked at Ben and Scott. "Come on."

They both smiled. Ben and Scott walked over, putting their hands in the middle.

Everyone clapped and cheered while the teens smiled to each other. Mal and Evie leaned their heads against Ben and Scott's shoulders, all smiling.

Suddenly, thunder clapped and a trail of green smoke swirled around the church. When the smoke landed Maleficent appeared.

Scott got in front of Evie.

"I'm back!" Maleficent sang.

Everyone gasped loudly.

"It can't be." Mal sounded exhausted and exasperated. "Go away, mother."

"She's funny." Maleficent laughed. "Oh. I'm so... You're very funny here. Wand me. Chop chop."

"No!" Ben argued.

Mal threw the wand to Fairy Godmother.

Fairy Godmother tried to cast a spell. "Bibbidi-bobbidi--"

"Boo." Maleficent finished, waving a hand, making everyone but Mal, Evie, Jay and Carlos freeze. The VKs looked around nervously. "Psych." Maleficent looked at Beast. "Oh, in another time, in another time."  She took the wand from Fairy Godmother. "Oh, no, someone needs to pluck their nose hairs. Where shall we begin? I know. Why don't we start by getting rid of this?"

Maleficent used the wand to take Ben's ring off of Mal's hand, making it land around the tip of the wand.

"Perfect fit!" She mocked. "Oh, excuse me. Pardon me. Excuse me. The horns, the horns!" She walked over to Frozen Ben and made his crown crooked. "Falling in love is weak and ridiculous. It's not what you want."

"You don't know what I want!" Mal told her mother angrily. "Mom, have you ever once asked me what I want? I'm not you!"

"Obviously." Maleficent agreed. "I've had years and years and years and... years of practice being evil. You'll get there."

"No, I won't." Mal told her. "And I really wish that you had never gotten there yourself." Mal cried. "Love isn't weak or ridiculous." Mal told her. "It's actually really amazing."

Jay, Evie and Carlos smiled, nodding.

Maleficent pointed a long finger at her daughter. "I know one thing, young lady. You have no room for love in your life!"

Mal got more angry, holding out her hand to cast a spell. "AND NOW I COMMAND, WAND TO MY HAND!" The wand flew into Mal's hands in a swirl of gold magic. Evie, Jay and Carlos watched in shock, seeing how quickly the wand got to Mal. "Ha! It worked."

"I hardly think so." Maleficent told them. "Frankly, this is tedious and very immature. Give me the wand. Give me the wand!"

Carlos walked up to Mal, placing a hand on her shoulder. "Hold on, Mal. Maybe good really is more powerful than evil."

Maleficent scoffed. "Oh, please! You're killing me." She barked at Carlos to try and scare him, but instead, she had called Dude to her. Dude ran inside, barking attacking Maleficent. "Oh, oh, the breath! The breath! Get off me!" While she was distracted, Jay tried to take the staff from her. Maleficent laughed, looking Jay in the eyes. "Gaston should be jealous."

Maleficent flicked Jay in the head, making him fall to the floor. "Enough! You will all regret this!"

Maleficent spun around, as a swirl of green smoke encased her. When the smoke cleared, in Maleficent's place was a giant black dragon. The teens looked at Mal's monstrous mother in horror as Maleficent breathers fire at Jay, making him run for safety.

Mal watched in horror. "Jay!"

"Come on." Carlos told him. "Run, Jay, run!"

Jay looked at Maleficent and quickly ran, Jay ran up to the podium as his friends continued to call for him to run. Jay saw Maleficent heading straight for him and he took off running as fast as he could.

Evie ran in front of her friends, holding up her mirror. "Magic mirror, shine your bright light!"

The bright light shone onto Maleficent, blinding her momentarily as she landed.

"Behind me E!" Evie, Jay and Carlos stood behind Mal. Mal was holding up Fairy Godmothers wand. "Leave my friends alone!" Maleficent roared at her daughter. "This is between you and me, Mother." Maleficent's eyes glowed green. "The strength of Evil is good as none, when stands before four hearts as one!" Mal repeated the spell, her eyes still glowing green. "The strength of Evil is good as none, when stands before four hearts as one!" Mal repeated the spell again. "The strength of Evil is good as none, when stands before four hearts as one!" Mal had an intense stare off with her mother, both their eyes glowing green.

Evie, Jay and Carlos got closer.

Maleficent groaned as the smoke encased her again as Fairy Godmother became unfrozen.

"What just happened?" Jay asked.

"I don't know." Mal answered.

Evie looked at Mal. "Did you do it?"

Mal shrugged. "I don't know."

Fairy Godmother walked closer. "No, no, no, no. Your mother did. She shrunk to the size of the love in her heart." The four VKs looked down and saw Maleficent was now a harmless lizard. "That's why it's so itty-bitty."

"Is she gonna be like that forever?" Mal asked.

"Well, forever is a long time." Fairy Godmother told them. "You learned to love. So can she."

Mal handed the wand to Fairy godmother. "I believe this belongs to you."

Fairy Godmother took Ben's ring off the wand, handing it to Mal. "And I believe this belongs to you. You all have earned yourselves an "A" in goodness class." They all smiled, laughing. Fairy Godmother waved the wand. "Bibbidi-bobbidi-boo!" She recited and everyone was unfrozen. Ben roared like a beast in preparation for a fight. Scott shook his head trying to focus.

Ben ran towards the VKs as Mal put her hands in front of him, stopping him. "We kind of got this all wrapped up here."

Ben picked up Mal, spinning her around, surprising her and making her laugh.

Scott saw Evie and ran towards her, picking her up and also spinning her around, making her laugh.

Ben smiled. "Next time, I rescue you, okay?"

Mal giggled a bit. "Yeah, let's not let there be a next time, okay?"

Ben and Mal hugged, smiling, laughing. Mal fixed Ben's crown.

Scott and Evie hugged tightly, smiling.

Mal noticed Fairy Godmother giving Jane a lecture. "I'll be right back."

Fairy Godmother looked at her daughter. "I love you, but you are on a major time out."

"Don't be too hard on Jane." Mal told her. "I was the one who put all that crazy stuff in her head." She looked at Jane. "You are beautiful, inside and out. Your mom got that right."

Jane smiled. "I guess I did get pretty lucky in the mother department."

"Yeah, I guess so." Mal agreed.

Mal and Audrey curtsied to each other, chuckling.

Mal turned to see that a member of the royal guard was putting a glass case over Maleficent. "Hey! Careful. That's my mom."

Mal, Evie, Jay, Ben, Carlos and Scott wrapped an arm around each other. "Well, let's get this party started!" Jay said, right as the ground started to violently shake.

Well that's Ben's Coronation everyone, if you want to find out what happens next stay tuned to the next chapter.

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