Chapter Eight

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We met everyone at the top of Half Blood Hill, four so-called 'Romans' standing there as well. One was a mature looking Puerto Rican girl with long, dark hair that flowed over her shoulder in a braid and was dressed in gold and purple. There was a boy standing next to her, a stereotypical looking blonde white boy with glasses.

Then there was a shorter girl standing on the other side of the Puerto Rican. She had skin the color of chocolate, piercing golden eyes, and frizzy brown hair. Her eyes were sunken, her left eye swollen shut with a black eye. Bruises covered her face, the color of her purple shirt. When I squinted I saw there were a few cuts on her arms and face as well. She looked incredibly tense as well.

Lastly, standing closely to her was a Chinese boy, tall and muscular, but also looking like a panda bear. Well, besides the fact that his eyes looked incredibly dangerous. His emotions weren't too obvious, but he definitely looked fierce, a scowl on his face. The golden eyed girl seemed incredibly uncomfortable, maybe even frightened standing next to him.

They must be Hazel Levesque and Frank Zhang, I concluded. The clues added up for sure.

"Hey guys," Hazel smiled weakly. She was definitely putting up an effort to hide her pain, I could tell from all my experience, but she would definitely need more practice if she truly wanted to convince anyone.

Suddenly, the Leo Valdez boy from the other day, one of the Seven, frantically pushed his way forward, running up to Hazel and grabbing onto her shoulders. Not in an aggressive way, but in a more comforting, soft one.

"Hazel," Leo said, clearly worried, "What happened to your face? Are you okay? You're clearly not but I'm still asking."

"Yeah, of course I'm fine," Hazel said, forcing a small smile, "I just got a little beat up from training. Plus, I fell off Arion. It's no big deal, really."

"I know when you're lying Hazel. You've never fallen off Arion and you never will. You can trust me, you know that, right?" Leo said.

"Of course I do, and I'm not lying. I was just exhausted, lost my balance, that's all. Seriously, Leo," Hazel reassured him.

"I still don't believe you, but I'm not going to force anything out of you," Leo shook his head, "But like I said, you can trust me, Haze."

Their concern for each other was... pitiful. Of course I cared for my friends, but that was after years of trust-building and friendship. According to information given by Chronos, those two haven't even been friends for a full year.

"Yeah, Valdez, you heard her, she's fine. Fuck off, stop being such an overbearing ass," Frank rolled his eyes. I noticed Hazel lowering her head.

I heard a small gasp. "D-did you just say the... f-word?" Percy gasped, eyes wide. I hadn't even noticed he was standing right next to us.

"Yeah, I fucking did. And what are you going to fucking do? Call the fucking 'cuss police?'" Frank smirked. "You're such an asshole."

"What's wrong with you?" Piper McLean demanded, stepping forward, clearly very angry. She would be an interesting case for the book, another one of the Seven.

"I could ask you the same question, McLean," Frank narrowed his eyes. "And I'm fucking perfect by the way, thanks for asking."

Reacting the opposite way Percy had, Piper's face twisted into one of fury, and Percy had to grab on to her before she could lunge forward and decapitate Frank. It was honestly quite entertaining... yet sad.

"Alright, that's enough," The Puerto Rican said, stepping in between Piper and Frank. She glanced around quickly. "Hazel, Piper, and, uh, Annabeth,, come with me." She grabbed Hazel's hand and began to lead her down the hill without another word, Annabeth and Piper following behind.

Annabeth did more than just follow though, she skipped. She was also still wearing Percy's hoodie too. I suppose we should be more specific in The Book, she's acting less helpless and more like a ditz. But that still will completely work for us, at least she's dumb.

Leo just crossed his arms, glaring at Frank, though he was more like an adorable kitten than actually intimidating. I heard him murmur something that sounded like, "You really are a Chinese Baby Man," even though it makes no sense.

"What was that, Valdez?" Frank growled, shoving Leo backwards.

"I think you heard me," Leo pursed his lips, then turned around, walking back by Percy. The stereotypical blonde boy walked over to join them as well.

"Hey, Jason," Percy nodded. So he was Jason Grace.

"Perce, Leo," Jason smiled.

"So how long has he, uh, been acting like this?" Percy asked.

"Not long, only a couple days," Jason said.

"Did Hazel actually get hurt from training and falling off Arion?" Leo asked suspiciously.

Jason shook his head no. "The past few days she has had more bruises with each morning. Yesterday morning she came out with a black eye. We've been trying to find out what's happening but she kind of just disappears after breakfast, no one knows where she goes," He explained. Interesting.

"You don't think she's..." Percy lowered his voice, but it was just loud enough for me to hear, "Hurting herself, do you?"

"No, that's not something Hazel would ever do," Leo said. He frowned. "Right?"

"I honestly don't know what to think," Jason said solemnly, looking down. I knew I shouldn't, but I strangely felt... remorse for them, Hazel especially. But I needed to focus on the mission, just like Armani said. No time for feelings.

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