Percy's Perspective

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Things have been... getting chaotic lately. Piper's typical rumors have been picking up lately, especially about me and the Seven, and more than half the camp hates me now. Annabeth has been acting... weird. Leo hardly even talks to us anymore. Piper and Jason have just been constantly fighting.

And to top it all off, Frank has been freaking abusing Hazel! And no one even thought to tell me until dinner last night! I asked Reyna and Nico what happened to him, but they just stared at me! Why doesn't anyone tell me anything?!

My point is, life has been crazy.

I left the Poseidon, debating what to do. Usually I would have just headed to Annabeth's cabin, picked her up, and headed to the pavilion, but - and I know I sound like an awful boyfriend saying this - she's been so goddamn clingy lately! And she giggles! So, so much!

The more I thought about it, the more I really didn't want to deal with Annabeth, no matter how much I loved her. But... she was still my girlfriend. And I do love her. I'm sure she would get over whatever she's going through, but we'd have to do it together. And we can't do that if I'm just avoiding her.

I shook my head, preparing myself, and headed off to the Athena cabin. I knocked on the door, and Annabeth opened it on the first knock. She looked the exact same as yesterday, thick makeup and everything, except for the fact she wasn't wearing my hoodie anymore. She was just exposing herself.

"Uh, hey, Annabeth," I ran my hand through my hair nervously, awkwardly looking down.

"Hey... Percy," She said. Wow. No giggles? Or gushing over how "absolutely hawt" I am (her words, not mine)? Or crude commentary on my butt?

"Want to head to the pavilion?" I asked.

She looked me in the eye, and by the cold look in them, I could tell what the answer was. "Percy, we need to talk," She said, crossing her arms over her chest. Oh gods...

"Okay," I said, nodding nervously. I could feel my armpits getting sweatier and... oh gods, could she smell them? I put on deodorant this morning, but what if it didn't work?! How smelly am I?!

She grabbed my wrist and led me behind the Athena cabin, stopping with a sigh. "I'll just get straight to the point," She said, looking up and suddenly making eye contact, making me absolutely terrified. "We need to break up."

My eyes widened and I stumbled backwards, shocked. It wasn't what she said, it was how she said it. A few days ago, if Annabeth broke up with me, it would only be for a good reason. But now, her tone was so blunt, so absentminded, she had no remorse, and didn't care at all that she was ending our relationship.

"Annabeth," I choked out. I had no idea how to react, what I should say or do. I loved Annabeth, with all my heart, we literally went through hell together. She said she loved me too, that nothing could ever pull us apart. I guess she was lying.

Percy tried to reach for Annabeth, but she pulled away. "A-Annabeth. You said it yourself, 'as long as we're together.' You said you loved me, that we would go to New Rome together, raise a family together... I don't understand, Wise Gir-"

"No!" Annabeth suddenly shouted, shoving mr backwards, surprising me. "No, no I am not your Wise Girl! I'm just Annabeth! We are over! Don't ever call me Wise Girl again. I. Don't. Love you."

My eyes widened, and my vision began to blur with tears. Was I really living in such a fantasy world that I believe Annabeth had the same dreams as me, the same love? Was I really such an idiot for believing so? Yes, I... was.

"Goodbye Annabeth," I said hoarsely. I sprinted away from Annabeth, wanting to get away. Maybe I was being dramatic, maybe I should have stayed and tried to talk it through, but there were so many overwhelming emotions overtaking me. I just... couldn't.

I didn't know where to go. The logical answer would just be to go to the pavilion, but I was crying and really didn't want anyone to see me like this. The next idea would be to go to my cabin, but that would be the first place people would look for me, and I really didn't want to be found.

Of course my feet just had to lead me to where I was the Lord of. The toilets, to be exact. Even worse, the girl's bathroom toilets. Um, I didn't go in the girl's bathroom, if that's what you were thinking. I just went behind the building. It sounds a lot more creepy now that I think about it...

Unfortunately, the bathroom also had a small window at the top of the wall. I couldn't see anything, thank the gods, but I could hear everything. I didn't care enough to move though, just tried to zone out.

Unluckily for me though, Piper came into the bathroom. And let me tell you, she's loud as frick. "OMG, Drew!" Piper said. So Drew was in there too? This was not good. I stood up and was about to leave, but froze when I heard what Piper said next. "Did you hear about what happened with Percy and Annabeth? It's so crazy, oh my gods."

"Oh my gods, I didn't hear," Drew's voice gasped. I obviously knew what happened, sadly, but Piper has an odd little thing where she twists the truth immensely. "What are you waiting for, spit it out!"

"OMG, don't lose your head, I'm getting to it," Piper said, "But anyways, Percy totally just broke Annabeth's heart! He broke up with her for no reason at all, just shoved her, said a bunch of mean things, said he never even loved her! He was being a total jerk."

"Oh my gods, Percy really is a jerk," Drew gasped. "I mean, that's how I usually break up with people, but they should expect it from me! But Percy? Never! Poor Annie."

"You should totally go comfort her," Piper said, "Oh, and make sure to tell everyone about this!" I could practically hear the smirk in her voice. Gods, I hate Piper.

I wanted to scream at her that that was NOT what happened, but then she would obviously tell everyone I'm a creepy perv, which is not true! I'm just a creepy eavesdropper!

"I totally will," Drew said. A few seconds later, I heard the bathroom door open and close.

It must have been Drew, because I heard Piper mutter next, "Oh my gods, she's such an annoying whore."

I bawled my fists and stormed away from the bathroom. I didn't get too far though before I heard the sound of feet running behind me and a hand grab onto my arm. "Percy!" It was Piper, naturally.

"What do you want?" I snapped. I didn't mean to sound so harsh, but I wasn't exactly having a good morning.

"I know you were listening to us in the bathroom," She said.

My eyes widened. "How do you know? Uh, not that I'm confirming it," I said nervously.

"Because I'm not an idiot, I saw you walking away" Piper smirked playfully. "Look, you're such a great friend, and I just wanted to know I'm here for you. Did you know Annabeth told me that stuff I told Drew? Is it true?"

"A-Annabeth told you that?" I said quietly.

"Yup," Piper nodded, "She seemed pretty angry too."

"Well... it's not true," I said. I began to walk away again, but Piper grabbed onto my arm, pulling me close to her.

"I can't believe Annabeth would lie about something like that," Piper shook her head.

"Neither can I," I said, looking down. I suddenly snapped my head back up, making eye contact with Piper. "Well if you didn't know it was true, why would you tell Drew?"

"Because," Piper said, her face darkening, "Jason broke up with me this morning for her. Unbelievable! I knew you'd be angry and wanted to release your rage, so I was going to tell you she started the rumor. But I guess you already know..."

"That's a really weird and complicated way to get revenge," I titled my head to the side.

"What can I say? I'm a complicated girl," Piper whispered, staring into my eyes with her mesmerizing ones... wait what?

"I'm still a bit unclear on what your plan was," I said quietly, unable to pull away from Piper's gaze.

"That's just because I lied about that too," Piper whispered, "I was just coming up with some random excuse. I also told like twenty other people what I told Drew about you and Annabeth."

I blinked. "Wait, wh-"

"Kiss me," She said forcefully, charmspeak lacing her words. Without even thinking, I immediately put my hands behind Piper's head and pulled her into a passionate kiss, holding her close. I knew it was wrong, but I couldn't stop myself.

I gasped, jerking away from her. "Piper!" I yelled. "First you spread rumors about me and say it was Drew, then you force me to kiss you! What's your problem?!"

Piper rolled her eyes. "Ugh, what's yours? And don't get too cocky, you're just my rebound after Jason. It didn't work at making me feel better though, thanks a lot," She crossed her arms.

"You don't have any right to be upset with me! I'm the one that gets to be upset at you!" I yelled.

"Whatever," Piper rolled her eyes. "Look, you can just leave. But I'd be careful. You have no idea the power I hold."

"Gladly!" I yelled, storming away from Piper.

But once again, I didn't get too far before I heard someone yelling my name. "What?!" I snapped angrily, spinning around to face Leo.

He froze, only a couple feet away from me. "Jeez, sorry man. I just need to tell you something important," He said.

"Whatever," I grumbled.

"Well after Annabeth broke up with you, which is rough, buddy, I saw her go to Piper and tell her that you're the one that broke up with her and a bunch of other terrible things," Leo explained.

I blinked. "But... Piper just told me she was lying about that," I frowned, confused.

"Well obviously she was lying about lying," Leo said absentmindedly.

I felt my fists clenching as I grit my teeth. I was so sick of everything I had to put up with this morning! I just couldn't take it! "Are... are you serious?!" I screamed.

That's when I let it all out, unable to contain in it any longer.  "I hate Piper! And stupid Jason, leaving Piper, for Drew?! Piper sucks, but how is Drew of all people any better? He's so arrogant! Not to mention that's the reason Piper forced me to kiss her! Then there's Frank who's been freaking abusing Hazel! What's his problem?! Then to top it all off, we have Annabeth! Annabeth who has been acting like a psycho, then broke up with me for no reason at all! Our entire relationship is a lie! Gods, everything is falling apart!" I screamed, my eyes tearing up. I didn't know how I was feeling, angry, sad, relieved that I finally let it all out?

Leo just smirked, walking away.

"Gods," I groaned, collapsing onto my knees on the ground. Everything has been awful lately, my entire life just crumbling to pieces. When did all this happen? I remember when things used to be perfect, back on the Argo ll. No, even farther back, when it was just Grover, me, and Annabeth. Where was Grover now? He left me. He left me all alone in this awful place with these awful people.

That's when I suddenly started thinking. Things really started to fall apart three days ago... when those new campers, Embry, Aria, Armani, Nevaeh, and Phoenix, arrived.

Just a pretty long chapter for you guys (even though only like two people read this book) from Percy's POV. Lots of people lie in this chapter... sorry if it got confusing.

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