Chapter 13~THIRD-PERSON POV~ A warm Tuesday in early September.

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In early morning, the rest of the medical team gathered around in the hospital room; they were surprised and happy to see that the President had woke up in his bed. Chi-yun was so happy that she obeyed God's Commands, but she felt something that she needs to say. She cleared her throat as everyone had caught attention on her. She deeply sighed to slow down a little.

"I apologize for threatening and slapping the bodyguards and the President's doctor. I know I never acted like this before, but everyone has to respect that our God who created the heavens and the earth is on my side. Although we don't see Him in person, but we believe His Wonders." Chi-yun spoke.

The bodyguards and the Arab doctor accepted her apology.

"I can see you're a very strong woman. Keep that persistence you have along your powers." The Arab doctor spoke.

"Thank you." She smiled.

"No one knew that a young woman could ever stop us from shooting each other with those powers. I guess those unusual powers are gifted from the God of heavens." The bodyguard spoke.

Chi-yun smiled.

"Although it's just the beginning to attempt my new powers, I know that Inshallah, I will become a new person with new powers." Chi-yun spoke.

Everyone smiled.

In late morning, the medical team (Sang-hyun, Ja-ae, Min-ji, Chi-hoon and Eun-hee) was at the picnic bench in front of the medicubes. Sang-hyun faced down on the table and sighed in relief.

"What a relief. I thought that my 37-year-old life was about to come to an end." Sang-hyun spoke.

"The patient saved his doctors." Ja-ae added.

"Well, I'm so pleased. Though I was scared to see my sister acting like she dared to take the risk. My family's rich, but even they couldn't save me from this." Chi-hoon spoke.

"I know, me too, but thankfully it went okay now. I guess your family isn't that powerful, then." Eun-hee spoke and they all chuckled.

"That was the second time I trembled so much in the operation room." Sang-hyun spoke.

"When it was your first time, Sang-hyun?" Chi-yun asked him.

"When I operated Ja-ae's mom." He spoke.

"Were you scared in that time?" Chi-hoon asked him.

"I was so scared that something might go wrong." Sang-hyun spoke.

Ja-ae looked at him, silently. She remembered that time but thankfully it went well.

Suddenly, another doctor from the medical team approached towards the sitting medical team.

"Everyone, we have to go. They're moving the patient." He advised them.

The medical team got out from the table and rushed towards a group of people and soldiers.

"Attention." A soldier ordered as the rest of the soldiers made the military salute.

Chi-yun looked at the soldiers and she made the military salute with them.They were seeing the helicopter departing from Urk region. The breeze from the helicopter's top propellers made everyone's hairs and clothes flow and flap. The bodyguard looks out from the window, giving a nod to Mo-yeon as a thank you. She nodded back and the helicopter takes off.

"At ease." The soldiers lowered their hands from their hands, including Chi-yun.

A solemn Chi-hoon was standing in the aisle; flowing white sheets were hanging on the laundry line, attached in the army base. He was wearing a white, long-sleeved shirt, creme-colored pants and brown shoes. What was he thinking? Well, maybe he was still thinking about his younger sister. He doesn't look worried but he silently feels it. He doesn't mind if the chills of the wind cleared his head.

Until, he heard a familiar, female voice calling him.

"Jagiya..." It was Eun-hee.

He turned around and saw her standing behind him; wearing a long white, flowing dress. Her hazel eyes illuminated in the hazy sunlight.

"What are you doing here?" She asked him.

He shook his head a little.

"Nothing. Just waiting for you to come." He smiled.

Eun-hee giggled softly.

"It kind of looks like heaven with those white sheets around us." She spoke.

"I can feel it, though." He spoke.

Chi-hoon walked towards her, now centimeters away from her. They looked each other's beautifully colored eyes.

"Will Chi-yun be okay with those powers? I'm still worried about her." He spoke.

"I feel you, though. But I'm sure that she'll be okay. She doesn't look evil. Besides, she's fighting for us to make us stronger." She spoke.

They paused for moment until she tried to say something.

"I have a feeling that she's fighting for our relationship make stronger, don't you think?" She spoke.

"I feel it, though. This is like an adventure between us. Wherever we go or stay, it will never stop." He spoke while he caressed her brunette hair.

They chuckled together.

"So, it that a deal?" She asked.

"Not only a's also a promise." He smiled and she smiled at him back.

He brought his hand on the side of her neck. She held his hand on her neck, gazing upon him. His brown eyes illuminated from the hazy sun. Their lips were parted, they smiled, slowly leaned each other and passionately kissed on their lips. The reaction of their lengthy kiss, the wind howled softly in its song. Their hairs, their clothes, and the white sheets in the laundry line kept flowing and flapping. His arms embraced around her upper back; her arms embraced his waist. They felt an eternity of kissing, but they slowly broke apart.

In front of the building, a young woman in her back view was standing. Her cape attached her bodice of her dress, flowed like a sheet flying on its own. Her long, brown hair flowed smoothly by the soft breeze. Her long, diamond earrings dangled on her ears. She turned back and it was Chi-yun, solemnly looking all over the army base. It looked like she had never seen such a beauty of Urk before. It wasn't the first time she seen it, but she felt like it.

She walked in the army base, where the white sheets were still hanging in the laundry line. Her silver eyes illuminated by the glowing white sheets from the sunlight. She wandered around the aisle, flowing white sheets were like walls, making a hallway. She slightly stroked them through her slender fingers. It reminds her of that night, when she made unbreakable, invisible walls to stop soldiers and bodyguards shooting from each other.

She thought she was alone, but when she looked to the right, there was Mo-yeon and Si-jin talking. They looked at her, and smiled at each other. She heard someone calling Si-jin. She walked out from the sheets and the trio saw the man that led the Arabs that night, summoning them to a black car.

"Really? Well...where are we going?" Chi-yun asked and looked at Mo-yeon and Si-jin.

About a half an hour later, the trio and Khalil came in President Mubarat's office. He seems to be well on the mend. A Korean lady who seems to be his interpreter standing next to him. He was sitting on a motorized wheelchair and turned back to see the group of four.

"Hello. Welcome Dr. Kang, Captain Yoo, Ms. Chi-yun and young Mr. Khalil. I'm very pleased to see you. You all may have a seat." Mubarat greeted.

They thanked him for having them here to speak with him. They sat on a couch and he wheeled towards the side of the couch.

"Well, to start, I heard that your good judgment had saved my life. Thanks to you, God has given me more time to do my work. I thank you in the name of God." Mubarat thanked Mo-yeon for her hard work she did.

Mo-yeon smiled.

"Since you have a chronic heart ailment, stress is most dangerous. For a while, you should stay far away from troubling issues." Mo-yeon advised him.

"Doctors of any nationality start nagging first." He joked as they all chuckled.

"War is easy and peace is always an issue. Perhaps that's why dictators always live long." Si-jin spoke.

"As expected, I am of like mind with soldiers than doctors. I will take your advice, Doctor. There will be a path that God intends." Mubarat spoke.

"It was an honor to have treated such a great person." Mo-yeon smiled.

"I should be the one to thank you." Mubarat spoke.

"And this young lady between Doctor and Captain, I can see that you are a very unique woman. I never knew you could have such unusual powers. May I see a demo of it, please?" Mubarat asked Chi-yun.

She chuckled but felt intimidated.

"Uh...would I?" She stuttered.

"Come on, Chi-yun. Go for it. We believe you." Mo-yeon encouraged her.

"Well...sure. Why not?" Chi-yun smiled and stood up.

She saw a simple centerpiece in the brown, coffee table. The centerpiece was a glasslike (but it's made of plastic) vase filled with white roses. She slowly outstretched her hand towards the vase but not touching. She lifted her hand a little and the vase lifted up by itself, obeying her powerful mind's command. Then, she slowly lowered her hand and the vase lowered by itself. It landed smoothly on the coffee table. She clenched it to lock her powers in her hands, so the vase won't move. Everyone was surprised of seeing that demo Chi-yun just made.

Mubarat was speechless to describe this unbelievable moment.

"Wow, I'm...speechless." He chuckled.

"Anyways, I was notified by my people that you're nice but feisty and strong in the Lord. I can see that you're a warrior in the invisible army of the Lord. I thank God of using you not only to save my life, also everyone else's. Keep that spirit you have." Mubarat spoke.

Chi-yun smiled.

"You know; I always obey Him when He commanded me to do something. One example I would like to give you is while you're in a surgery. I warned everyone that if you would die, I would kill all of the bodyguards at once by not letting Mo-yeon to operate you. But I thank Him that just in time, He told me that I would not kill them if you would wake. Now you woke up, I spared their lives by the mercy of God. May God be with you and trust in Him." She spoke.

Mubarat smiled.

"Bless this child and her friends You have sent." He spoke as he raised his hands up and looked up.

"Amen." She spoke.

"I have prepared a small gift." He spoke and looked at the bodyguard.

He took out a golden card which seems Mubarat's business card and gave it to Mo-yeon.

"It's not just any business card. This card will save you in about any situation anywhere there are Arabs." The bodyguard spoke.

"Oh." Mo-yeon chuckled.

"If you have decided to give this to us, could we ask for other ones? There are four of us and this could get wet." Mo-yeon chuckled.

Along Mo-yeon's chuckles, they all started laughing together.

"Sure, we would love to." Mubarat laughed.

"Good thing that I have not forgotten something because I have a special gift for Chi-yun." Mubarat spoke and the lady standing next to him walked away to give the gift for Chi-yun.

"Come here, young lady." Mubarat politely spoke.

Chi-yun stood up from the couch and walked towards the President. The lady came back, carrying a red velvet pillow; on that pillow, *there's a beautiful, rhinestone and pearl tiara headband* sitting. Chi-yun was amazed to see that. She got down one knee to receive the tiara on her head. She felt it, sitting around the crown of her head.

She stood up and turned around to look at her friends. Mo-yeon, Si-jin and Khalil were happy for Chi-yun as they stood up. She felt like she's the queen.

" Chi-yun taking good care of you?" He asked Khalil.

"Yes, sir." He nodded.

"I know you lost your family two years ago. But...I can see that Chi-yun is like a mother to you." Mubarat spoke.

Khalil smiled, despite of his tear-filled eyes.

"Thank you, Mubarat." She smiled.

Minutes later, Chi-yun and others came out from the Capitol, about to get in the car. Chi-yun and Khalil went into the back seat of the car. Mo-yeon must be curious about those four golden cards.

"This business card must be some kind of free pass." Mo-yeon spoke.

"Give me one, I'll check if it is." Si-jin took one of the golden cards.

He showed it to the bodyguard.

"I will drive. I will take the car for the day." Si-jin spoke to the bodyguard.

Mo-yeon looked confused. The bodyguard agreed so he'll use it for two hours recommended by them.

Later, Si-jin was driving a car along with Mo-yeon, Chi-yun and Khalil.

"Hey, how could you use that business card on renting a car? Not even on taking over a car rental company. Are you out of your mind? I never thought you were this thoughtless." Mo-yeon complained.

Si-jin didn't do anything but giggling at Mo-yeon's complains.

"Don't you have any ambition? You know there's oil here which you can get by just digging up the ground. Do you know how much we could earn if we could sell some of the oil? We saved his life. He was ready to give anything." Mo-yeon whined.

Chi-yun and Khalil giggled about Mo-yeon's cute acting.

"Mo-yeon's funny." Khalil whispered in Chi-yun's ear.

"I know." She spoke while giggling.

"Why are you so upset? I think we used it wisely." Si-jin just chuckled.

"Who says?" Mo-yeon asked.

"We have two and a half until we need to return to force. With me driving, at this speed it will take 30 minutes. I will go on a date with you for the two hours that we are left with." Si-jin spoke.

"You must be insane. You used up the business card just to go out on a date." Mo-yeon scoffed.

But something that reminded her for a long time.

"But hold on, I never agreed to go on a date with you." Mo-yeon reminded him.

"I didn't ask for your approval. Let's go have a cup of tea." Si-jin smirked.

"You should ask." She muttered.

About a half an hour later, Chi-yun and Khalil went back to the army base. Mo-yeon and Si-jin went for a date in a coffee shop. They wandered around the army base. Looks like they have nothing to do instead of just walking around. But suddenly, Khalil remembers the demo Chi-yun showed to the Arab president Mubarat.

"Chi-yun, I didn't know you could levitate things." He spoke to her.

"Beats me." Chi-yun giggled.

"I was wondering if you could show me more of it. I'm curious, you know me." He spoke.

"Ok. Let's see what we can find." Chi-yun chuckled.

Khalil wandered around, finding something that Chi-yun could show more of her powers. Suddenly, he found a rock that was the size of his fist. He clenched and showed it to her that he found something.

"A rock? Okay, you can throw it to me but not too hard." Chi-yun spoke.

Khalil shook his head. He slowly threw the rock towards her; she quickly outstretched her hand and the rock stopped in the air. Khalil was amazed that she can control, manipulate or create any element of nature. He looked the rock, still amazed. He laughed with astonishment.

"You are awesome, Chi-yun!" He laughed.

Chi-yun giggled.

"Yeah, but that's not all. Wait for it." She spoke.

She lowered her hand, and the rock slowly lowered towards her hand without touching it. She brought her other hand over it to control the rock completely. The rock was stuck between her powerful two hands.

"Okay. Khalil, clap on the rock." Chi-yun ordered.

Khalil looked confused.

"Wait, what? You want me to clap it?" Khalil stuttered.

She understood that he was a bit intimidated, knowing that he might make a mistake.

"I know it's intimidating. Curiosity might kill the cat, but satisfaction will bring it back." Chi-yun advised him.

He smiled that even though he could make a mistake or not, he's learning it. So he brought his hands between the floating rock without touching it. He looked solemnly to the rock, then he claps the rock and it suddenly exploded to dust. He was startled at first but shocked to see that unbelievable demonstration that she had ever done.

She smiled for success.

"You are amazing with those powers, Chi-yun!" He exclaimed.

She just grinned.

"Were you born with that?" Khalil asked.

"No. I never expected to have those in that time. It's been two months I have them now." Chi-yun spoke.

"Oh." Khalil understood.

Suddenly, she saw a soldier named Choi Woo-geun (who is one of Si-jin's comrades) walking, starting to past them. However, Chi-yun stops him by calling him.

"Jugi." She called.

He stopped and turned around to look at her.

"Ne." He spoke.

"Have you seen Si-jin and Mo-yeon?" She asked.

"Haven't seen Mo-yeon but I saw Si-jin. He's at the command for the disciplinary committee." He spoke.

"Wait, what? I though he wasn't." She blinked quickly many times like she's confused.

"It doesn't seem so. Insubordination equals prison under military law. Mo-yeon's the one who persisted on doing your surgery. How could she not know that?" He angrily spoke.

"It's not her fault for having this mess, nor Si-jin's." She aggressed.

"So whose fault is that?" He asked.

"If the President would have died, his Arab doctor and bodyguards would have been responsible for his death. I was about to kill them. But I spared their lives." Chi-yun firmly spoke; she and Khalil walked past him.

Chi-yun left him confused. He doesn't know if she was telling the truth. But he couldn't blame her, too. because it's not her fault who made this mess. He knew that she's completely angry at Beong-su for punishing Si-jin, for not thinking that they're doing the right thing.

"Maybe she's right." He thought.


Korean Romanization to English translation:

Jagiya means "honey".

Jugi means "excuse me".

Ne means "yes/yep/yeah".

*This picture above is the tiara Chi-yun recieved from Mubarat along his female Korean interpreter.

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