Chapter 29~THIRD-PERSON POV~A windy Sunday in early September.

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*Start the music above, when I give this (*). I do not own this music. Also, I do not own the photo below, neither. It looked beautiful, though. :)


In a sunny but a windy afternoon, Chi-yun was leaning back against one of the columns of the army base. She had her silver purse on, carrying across her body. Khalil and Fatima were sitting together next to her against the column. They could hear the relaxing whispers of the wind; the two kids were looking up at the sky. Khalil looked at Fatima while she's still staring at the sky. He scooted closer to Fatima, leaned his head on her shoulder. Fatima looked at him; her fingers slowly intertwined his. It made Khalil's pulse flutter; his eyes darted up at her with desire. He leaned towards her and kissed her cheek, which made her blush a little. They smiled each other and looked up back at the skies again.

Chi-yun looked very pensive while she looked down on the ground. Then, she looked up and closed her eyes. Was she meditating...or was she feeling the relaxing breeze of the wind? Maybe she is.

*Suddenly, she heard the singing voice of the wind. It gave her a little bit of chills, but then she enjoys hearing it. While she's hearing it, she opened her eyes and imagined herself in a valley of wheat fields and a mountain behind it. The sun was shining all over the place, including her. The sky was beautifully blended of a plum, peach-orange ombré color. The field looked like the fluffy material of clothing. Some of the wheat plants were swaying side by side. Others were just swaying around.

Her white dress sparkled like glitter. Her silver eyes illuminated from the sunlight. Her long, diamond earrings sparkled and dangled on her ears. Her brown hair flowed gently backwards from the soft gusts of the wind. She looked amazed of the peaceful environment of the beautiful wheat field. The wind concluded its song, and her imagination slowly fades back to the reality.*

"Chi-yun...Chi-yun." Khalil called her but it startled her a little.

Khalil chuckled.

"What happened? Did I startle you?" Khalil asked.

"Yeah, a little. I was daydreaming." Chi-yun chuckled.

"About what?" Fatima asked.

"I imagined myself standing on a wheat field. The sky was blended from plum to orange; the sun shone on me. I felt the breeze embracing me as if I was flying high like an eagle. I heard the wind singing into my ears. It was...beautiful." Chi-yun told her imagination.

The two kids looked amazed about her imagination.

"Wow. I think that kind of reminds me here in Urk. There's a wheat field here." Fatima spoke.

Chi-yun looked surprised.

"Really? I want to make my imagination into reality." Chi-yun spoke.

They all chuckled together.

"I wonder where's Chi-hoon and Eun-hee now." Khalil spoke.

"Last time I saw them was that they went out from the army building. They slept together on an upper room. I guess they're outside, though." Chi-yun spoke.

Chi-hoon and Eun-hee were sitting together on a stoned bench. Eun-hee leaned her head on his shoulder, probably facing down on the ground. Chi-hoon was also facing down, holding her hand. They looked brooded or maybe felt stricken of their visions last night. However, Chi-hoon seemed more than stricken because of his sister's actions towards Min-jae last night also.

Suddenly, they heard Chi-hoon's ringtone. Chi-hoon took out his gold Samsung Galaxy and it was his mother calling him. He and Eun-hee looked down on his phone with his mother's name in it. He just stared at it and turned his phone off. While it kept ringing, he loses himself in tears of pain and devastation since last night. A tear fell out from his eye; he wiped the tear away from running down on his face. Eun-hee felt pity of seeing him tearing up and not answering his mother's calls.

"You don't want to answer your eomma?" Eun-hee asked.

Chi-hoon shook his head, and he kept shedding tears. He covered half of his face with his right hand, trying not to cry out loud. He deeply sighed, like he wanted to say something.

"It's not because I don't want to talk to her. It's like...I don't want to tell her that Chi-yun and I made a big mistake yesterday. What if she...doesn't want me to go overseas to have another adventure again? Along Chi-yun, we don't want to let our parents down. But I'm afraid we did." Chi-hoon's voice shattered and kept crying.

Eun-hee felt bad of hearing her boyfriend devastated. She was about to tear up too, but she heard a ringtone from her white Samsung Galaxy. She picked it out form her pocket. She saw her mom's name calling her. She felt like answering but hung up anyway. She deeply sighed out with sadness. Tears fell out from her eyes; she couldn't believe that she ignored her mom's call.

"Did someone called you?" Chi-hoon asked.

Eun-hee just nodded.

"It was my eomma calling me. But I ignored her call for the first time in my whole life...on purpose." She spoke.

Chi-hoon was silent.

"Not because I don't want to talk to her. I felt like she's not here with me." Eun-hee admitted.

That made Chi-hoon tear up more. He felt the same like her, but it broke his heart when she said she felt lonely. He looked up; he deeply inhaled and exhaled to calm his tears down.

"Why you're lonely? I don't want you to feel lonely." Chi-hoon spoke.

He leaned his head on her shoulder, making her blush a little. However, she smiled a little.

"Neither to you." Eun-hee spoke.

Chi-hoon smiled and they shared an awkward moment of silence.

Chi-yun was still standing, leaning back against the wall. She stood silent for a while though her thoughts aren't talking in her mind. Suddenly, she felt her iPhone vibrating in her silver purse. She was shocked that her iPhone didn't sound nothing four days ago. It seemed like weeks for her. She opened her purse, took her iPhone out of her purse and it was eomma (Joon-geum) calling her. Chi-yun was afraid to answer her, but she decided to follow her guts and answers the call. She held it on her ear.

"Yeoboseyo?" She sadly spoke.

"Oh, thank God, Chi-yun, you answered." Joon-geum sighed in Chi-yun's smartphone.

Chi-yun softly giggled but her smile faded.

"Gwenchanaeyo?" Joon-geum asked her.

"Ne, eomma. Jal jinaeyo." Chi-yun sadly spoke.

"Aigoo, I was so impatient to hear you, that I nearly yelled at the hospital's chairman." Joon-geum spoke.

Chi-yun just shook her head.

"Look, I was trying to call Chi-hoon but he didn't answer me. Is something wrong with him?" Joon-geum asked.

Chi-yun deeply sighed.

"Eomma, to be honest, he's okay. He's not hurt at all, nor Eun-hee. But he's...depressed." Chi-yun spoke.

"Mwo? Wae? What do you mean he's depressed?" Joon-geum asked.

"Worse is that he's not the only one depressed." Chi-yun spoke.

Chi-yun fought tears and deeply sighed.

"I'm also depressed too." Chi-yun admitted; her voice shattered and tears fell out from her silver eyes.

"Eottoke. Just tell me what happened." Joon-geum spoke, sounded pitiful of hearing her children emotionally stricken.

Chi-yun shook her head, like she doesn't want to tell her mom anything what happened yesterday. She tried to stop crying with her clenched teeth but pain overcame her. The two kids looked worried of seeing her feeling the excruciating pain inside.

"I...can't." Chi-yun tearfully whispered.

"What? You say you can't?" She asked.

Chi-yun kept crying.

"Sweetie, what's going on?" Joon-geum worriedly asked.

Chi-yun looked really upset; she took her iPhone off her ear and hung up. She tearfully shut it down to not listen any annoying sound from it. She slid down the column and sat with her head against it. She kept crying and faced down; her right hand was clutching her iPhone. The two kids felt heartbroken of seeing her crying. Fatima held Chi-yun's hand; Khalil went behind Chi-yun and hugged around her shoulders.

"Don't cry, Chi-yun. We want ourselves to become stronger every day." Khalil comforted Chi-yun.

"What if we tell you we're depressed and you ask us what happened? You think we can tell you about it?" Fatima spoke.

But Chi-yun didn't want to answer because of her continuous sobbing.

Chi-yun was still facing down. She brought knees against her chest and her arms wrapped around them. But her right hand was still clutching her phone. Chi-hoon and Eun-hee saw her crying; which made him feel more devastated. They stood up from the stony bench; Chi-hoon rushed towards her and Eun-hee rushed behind him. Chi-hoon clutched her in his arms and started tearing up. While Chi-yun kept sobbing, she knew that it was his brother clutching him. She brought her arms around him, though her right hand was still clutching her iPhone. It was so painful that she and Chi-hoon are losing confidence of themselves. But they're never ready to give up. They'll become stronger every day, in times of joy and grief.

In UCLA's apartments, it's 3 am in Sunday morning. The sky is still dark but there's no moon shining in the middle of the darkness. Han-yeol couldn't sleep all night on his lower bunk bed of his white dorm. He was wearing a gray wifebeater and blue pajama pants. Han-yeol was too worried about their two cousins, facing dangers overseas in their lives. He was wondering that he would call either of one of his cousins. Nate was sleeping peacefully on the top bunk bed.

"But what if their phones are not connected still?" Han-yeol thought.

He deeply sighed as he cannot wait to hear how their cousins doing overseas. He tried to sleep but he couldn't. Suddenly, he heard a ding in his iPhone on the side table drawer, next to his bunker bed. He picked it of the table and pressed the Home button. He saw a message from Ivy, who he grew close to her little by little. It says:

"Can't you sleep?"

He slid to reply and the keyboard appeared to reply her message. He typed:

"No. Want me to come to your dorm room?"

And he pressed the "Send" button on the screen. He turned it off and waited for her answer.

About thirty seconds later, he heard another ding in the phone. Ivy's message says:

"Yeah. Meet me next door."

Han-yeol smiled a little, but he doesn't want to wake Nate up. So he quietly got out from the bottom bunk bed and tip-toed towards the door. He slowly twisted the doorknob and opened the door. Fortunately, the door didn't creak open. He turned around to check if Nate's still asleep. He knew it's all clear; he snuck out from the dorm room and slowly closed the door. He walked at the hallway a little and found Ivy's dorm room.

He quietly knocked the door, hoping if she heard him knocking on the door. He saw the door opened by Ivy. She was wearing a blue camisole and white pajama pants.

"Hey, Ivy." He whispered.

"Hey. You can come in." She whispered.

Han-yeol smiled.

"Thanks." He spoke as he walked in Ivy's dorm room.

Her room looked very neat. It's strange for her that she lives alone in the room. But not for Han-yeol. He might be tripping some ways to spend time with her. He sat on the floor; she walked past him and sat on her blue bed. Silence surrounded the whole room.

He looked up at her.

"Why you can't sleep?" Han-yeol asked her.

Ivy deeply sighed.

"To be honest, I just had a nightmare and I didn't notice it until now." Ivy spoke.

"I dreamt myself standing in the middle of dusty, debris-filled clouds. I didn't know where was I in that dream. I was completely lost, but the gray clouds surrounding me, began to disappear little by little. While it kept disappearing, I saw one skyscraper standing at distance. The skyscraper was pluming out of black smoke, as if it was burning up there. I didn't even know what was happening in my dream. Until I saw that the skyscraper began to shrink down; white smoke and debris blurted out in the air. People rushed away from the raging dust storm coming by, past me. I turned around, still not knowing about the chaos happening. I turned back and I saw the ghost of those twin towers shining through the clouds. I began to realize that today, though it's early morning, is the day that this nation suffered a tragedy but will stay forever strong. I can't believe I nearly forgot that today's the day." Ivy told.

Han-yeol looked a bit in shock after hearing Ivy's spooking dream.

"Wow. I guess you need to remember that every year, though. I have that same experience as you but that was six years ago. I was in seventh grade. In that time, I couldn't sleep in that night because I was crying so hard. Now, I have to remember that every September 11 is the day to commemorate the deceased and comfort their loved ones with a silent prayer." Han-yeol told her.

Ivy stood silent; Han-yeol stared at her like he wanted to say something to her. But he can't say it. He might not know where to start or end.

"But now, it's not about the dream that I can't sleep. It's something else." Han-yeol admitted.

"I can't sleep because I'm too worried about my cousins. It's been weeks since the last time I saw her message. When I saw the news of earthquake, it became like a nightmare for me." Han-yeol spoke.

"I spooked out when you fainted. I thought you were going to get injured but I saved you from that." Ivy spoke.

"Thank you." Han-yeol smiled but it faded again.

He faced down for a moment. But he looked up at her, stood up and walked closer to her. Ivy stood up from the bed.

"What would you do...if there's an earthquake overseas that you'd never expect?" Han-yeol asked.

"I would just duck under a table." Ivy spoke.

"What would you do?" She asked.

Han-yeol brought his hand towards her face; his fingers stroke gently between her straight black hair and her light-skinned cheek.

"I would just hold you on for dear life." Han-yeol whispered.

Ivy stood silent; she felt melting into Han-yeol's words. She brought her arms around his waist; he embraced her tightly like he cannot let her go.

"It's been like weeks...or months since I haven't talked to them. What if their phones still not connected?" He muttered as he leaned down on her shoulder.

"I know you wanted to call them, but I still have that same feeling, too. Anyways, I know that they're going to be okay." Ivy spoke.

The two broke the hug and looked at each other.

"I hope." Han-yeol softly spoke.

Ivy slightly smiled which made Han-yeol fall in love more. Although, she never knows that Han-yeol has a soft spot at her. But one day, she'll know.

"Ivy...can I sleep with you?" Han-yeol sheepishly asked.

She nervously chuckled.

"Is it don't want to leave me alone?" She asked.

"I don't want you to have nightmares in any night, Ivy. Although it's a bit intimidating for us to sleep together but...I don't want you to get scared." Han-yeol admitted.

Ivy giggled.

"Okay." She smiled.

Ivy laid on her bed; Han-yeol crawled the other side of her bed, and laid next to her. He brought his arm around her waist which made her blush a little. She turned around and embraced him in her arms. He felt warmed in her arms around him. Then, they slept together peacefully.

Hours later, the sun rose like a break of dawn. Nate woke up, as he sat up on his top bunk bed. He was wearing a navy blue shirt and black, oversized pants. While he climbed down the ladder from his top bunk bed, he thought that Han-yeol was still sleeping in his lower bunk bed.

"All right, Han-yeol. Time to get up, buddy." Nate spoke and stood up on the floor.

But the lower bunk bed was empty. Han-yeol was gone. Nate looked confused how Han-yeol snuck out of Nate's room.

"Han-yeol?" He called.

He looked everywhere in his room, still no sign of him. However, something came up into his mind.

"Maybe he's in another room." He thought.

He walked out from his room and walked to Ivy's room next to him. However, he stopped at the white door.

"What if she's still asleep in this moment? Well, I don't want to interrupt her peaceful sleeping. But I have to check that if Han-yeol's in her room, anyways." Nate thought.

He slowly twisted the golden doorknob, quietly opened the door and saw Ivy sleeping. However, he saw someone else sleeping with her. Who could it be? He walked slowly towards her bed and looked closely besides her in the bed. He softly giggled that he knew someone else sleeping is embracing her. It was Han-yeol sleeping with her. They look like young angels when they're sleeping. Nate covered their embrace with the blanket and quietly walked out from the room. He slowly closed the white door and walked back to his room.

Like every morning, he would look out of the window to see the beautiful view of Los Angeles. But what he saw today was the American flag in half-staff in front of the UCLA campus. He put his hand on his chest to remember today as fifteen years ago, changed America forever. However, he realized that the embrace of Han-yeol and Ivy on the bed, is a comfort for the victims' loved ones. He knows that those two remember that day although they're asleep.

After he remembered 9/11, he bowed his head with a silent prayer for the earthquake that happened in Urk four days ago. Though he's the only one awake this morning, but Taylor, Anna Grace, Han-yeol and Ivy will never forget about the Urk earthquake.


Korean romanization to English translation:

Eomma means "mom".

Yeoboseyo means "hello". (When you answer someone's call on the phone)

Gwenchanaeyo means "Are you okay".

Ne means "yeah/yes/yep".

Jal jinaeyo means "I'm fine".

Aigoo means "gosh".

Mwo means "what".

Wae means "why".

Eottoke means "oh, no".

*1K, almost there!!! :D

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