Chapter 63~THIRD-PERSON POV~A Monday morning in late September.

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In Ji-soo's office, the Lee siblings, Khalil, Fatima, Mo-yeon, Ji-soo, Han-yeol and their UCLA friends gathered together in a round table. The rest were so eager to hear the experiences at Urk from the medical team.

"First of all, how are you doing in UCLA during my absence?" Chi-yun asked Han-yeol.

"It'was good, although we miss you a lot." Han-yeol spoke.

"Yeah. It was a long adventure over there in Urk, right?" Taylor spoke.

Chi-yun nodded.

"The only thing I heard from you guys is when...Han-yeol fainted over the earthquake news of Urk. To specify that, my two little friends and I stopped the earthquake by jumping off the roof. It was scary for us, but...unforgettable." Chi-yun spoke.

"Well anyways, tell us about how you have changed completely." Taylor spoke.

Chi-yun shrugged her shoulders and sighed.

"Well, before that, I met new friends who are senior doctors. Some are nurses, though. They're really nice people." Chi-yun spoke.

"Oh, this is Dr. Kang Mo-yeon and Dr. Pyo Ji-soo." She introduced the two besties to her UCLA friends.

"These are my UCLA friends; I know them two years ago." Chi-yun introduced her UCLA friends to Mo-yeon and Ji-soo.

"Hi, nice to meet you." Mo-yeon smiled and slightly bowed down.

"Thank you." Chi-yun's UCLA friends thanked her.

"The others were kind of busy, though." Chi-yun spoke.

"I have never gone into a huge hospital like this before. But I get used to it." Chi-yun spoke.

"But anyways, in one evening. I went down into the main lobby. I saw Mo-yeon rushing in the entrance. I didn't know what she was up to with all of rushing. I tried to catch up but it was too late. I heard from my seniors that Mo-yeon didn't get a job promotion by the chief. I was fired up with anger. Mo-yeon was steamed up, too. I was about to avenge her rival. But when I saw her and her rival pulling each other's hairs, I rushed towards them stop fighting. I was in the middle of them, trying to break apart. However, I felt an anger pressuring in my head. I couldn't resist it anymore and I let out a scream that knocked everyone out, including myself. I felt an impact in my back, as if I fell down on the floor." Chi-yun expressed.

"Mwo?" Ji-soo seemed shocked.

"No way." Anna Grace shook her head.

Chi-yun nodded.

"Yeah. My mind was completely blank. Everything around me was completely dark. My brother was one of them who witnessed what happened to me. He'll tell you more about it." Chi-yun spoke.

Chi-hoon still remembered how his younger sister was in that moment. He deeply sighed as if he was ready how he felt when he saw her unconscious on the floor.

"Well...I was laid down after being 'knocked out' by the wind. But when I woke and tried to stand up, I saw her unconscious on the floor. I was suddenly filled with trepidation and I tried to wake her up, but there's no response. My heart was pounding hard; I was trembling. But I ain't got no time to waste. I check her pulse but she wasn't breathing. Mo-yeon handed me a breathing pump. I put it on her mouth so she would be able to breathe. I was desperate of her response. One of my senior doctors brought a stretcher; we placed her on it. I rushed away to find my girlfriend to help us out.

I found her and we rushed in an emergency room where they tried to revive Chi-yun. We worked hard to revive her, by pumping the valve on her mouth as much as we could. Suddenly, she began to breathe deeply but still unconscious. I don't know if she would wake up or not. But I was pretty sure if she wouldn't wake up in the next two hours, she would get in coma for a lifetime. I never wanted her to suffer in coma. But we left her for a while, but I was still thinking about my sister." Chi-hoon spoke; Eun-hee agreed of his story.

Han-yeol silently shed tears of hearing Chi-hoon's perspective of her sister's near-death experience. He didn't know anything about this, but he then realized that Chi-yun never wanted to reveal her darkest moments she had experienced...until now.

"That's why you never wanted to reveal at us?" Han-yeol asked.

Chi-yun looked at her cousin, who looked concerned about her. But she didn't respond anything.

"Are you upset with me?" That's all she asked.

"I don't know. You are a great woman... but you have deep secrets that you need to let it all out of." Han-yeol spoke.

Chi-yun didn't said anything else, but she internally admitted of what Han-yeol just said.

"Anyways, back to my perspective." Chi-yun wanted to keep telling about it.

"I thought I was dead but I was breathing deeply. I was sleeping peacefully like a precious child who is the silence in the middle of the noise. Then, I feel a new strength that's incorporating my body. I heard a voice who told me that I would not move until the strength is completely incorporated. Suddenly, I felt my fingers tapping on the smooth material of the sheets.

My closed eyes were blinking; my head swayed a little. Then, I opened my eyes. The ceiling light shone on me, and I was laid on the hospital bed. My mind was completely numb; I didn't react anything where was I. All what I did is mentally begging the Lord for mercy. Suddenly, I found a nurse I met the day before. She was shocked of my new eye color: silver." Chi-yun told.

Her UCLA friends were surprised about it.

"How come your eyes have changed one color to another?" Ivy asked Chi-yun.

"I don't know. It's unexplicable. I may be a great woman but I'm mysterious. Han-yeol's right. I have to let it all out." Chi-yun admitted.

Han-yeol didn't say anything, but he knew Chi-yun is a woman with deep secrets. He knew he was right.

"I didn't know what was it about, until she used her mirror to look my reflection. I was shocked and worried about what would happen after that incident. She wanted to know if I'm alright. But...I didn't feel any pain. I could move my head, hear, speak, breathe, see but...I felt like my whole body was completely gone." Chi-yun continued.

"Really?" Anna Grace raised her eyebrows.

Chi-yun nodded.

"It was hard to explain...but it was easy to experience it." Chi-yun spoke.

"My brother, his girlfriend and others that I know were worried about me. I'm too young to die. I'm never ready to die. Everyone else felt the same way. Then, I was taken to the MRI scanning room to check my brain. I was laid in the scanning bed and my head was in a coil. I was scared but I knew I have to be checked out. My experience in the MRI was...bone-chilling. I was drowsy. I tried not to sleep but I did anyway. While the radiograhers were scanning, the bed started shaking and made some buzzing noises. My heart was pounding hard that I could just hear in my ears. My mind was screaming for help, wanting to get out of there. But when it slowly stopped shaking, I felt relieved and slept again. I thank God that He made me still." Chi-yun told.

"You have never been into MRI before in that time?" Nate asked.

"No. It was scary for the first time." Chi-yun spoke.

"After the scanning was done, I felt like my new strength is incorporated. I got up all and stood on the floor, all by myself. It was like the first miracle I've saw in my whole life. But then, I was given the most shocking news I've ever received. I was diagnosed of having kinetic ablilities in my brain. It was hard for me to believe it and I teared up. Then, I looked my reflection on the window. Myself was wearing a white hospital gown, but my what I am now. I touched the window and crack! Ice spread all over the window. I was scared as my hands bumped on the wall by accident, and it spread out again. I didn't know what to do but run away. I ran away as fast as I could, and suddenly, my body turned into invisible." Chi-yun expressed.

"Aigo." Ji-soo gasped.

"I was scared to death. I was scarred for life. I didn't know what to do but cry." Chi-hoon admitted.

"I was scared and alone in the second floor hallway. It was dark at night. I wanted to get out of there but I couldn't. Suddenly, I heard my own voice calling me. I wasn't talking to myself; I swear I heard it. It was my reflection talking to me, I was afraid for real." Chi-yun expressed.

"What did your reflection say?" Chi-hoon asked.

Chi-yun started to look back of her moment with her reflection. She remembered exactly what was her conversation was about.

"I remembere exactly in that moment." She spoke.

She began to tell the experience as the flashback kept coming in her mind like a movie.

"Who are you?" She asked.

"You are my other me." Her reflection answered.

Chi-yun felt puzzled. She didn't know how to speak.

"What do you mean I'm the other you? Am I your past, present, or future?" She asked.

"You are my present now, but in the future, you will be my past. I am your future." Her reflection spoke.

"What if I do harm to you?" She asked.

"Then I do harm to myself." Her reflection responded.

"What if I love and respect you?" She asked.

"Then I love and respect myself." Her reflection answered.

Chi-yun looked at her reflection directly; she smiled at her reflection. However, her different reflection turned back to the same reflection on the window. She was still wearing a white gown; her reflection was wearing the same. Her hair was limp and a bit frizzy; her reflection was the same. Her smile faded, worried about her future after that incident she made.

"I can't explain how I felt in that moment. I kneeled and prayed to God that I was scared what was going to happen. I begged Him to have mercy on me and everyone else, no matter if we're in circumstances or not. I know I have received new strength in my body, but also I'm receiving strength in my spirit." Chi-yun expressed.

Everyone smiled at Chi-yun's undeniable faith. Han-yeol is pleased to see her bravery. He knew she was never like that as before in UCLA; but happy to see her as her new self.

"The next day, I got up from the bed. I took my hair tie off, and it wasn't frizzy or limp anymore. It looked wavy and voluminous like this. The sun shone on me through the crystal clear, tall window. A glowing white ring appeared, surrounding my feet, and it slowly swirled up to my knees. I felt like I'm in the center of a glowing, starry galaxy. Then, it swirled up to my waist, then to my upper chest. My hospital gown had turned into this beautiful white dress with cape." Chi-yun expressed.

"Wow." Anna Grace chuckled.

"And I would like to tell about our adventure in Urk. I've sent you a message a long time ago, right?" She asked her UCLA friends.

"Yeah." They spoke.

"First of all, I encountered this little boy right here in one night. You can see he looked fine now, but in that time, he was poor. He's also an orphan. His family was murdered two years ago. He was very hungry that he barely ate for a long time so I gave him bread to eat. I decided to take care of him. His name is Khalil." Chi-yun referred to Khalil.

Khalil shyly smiled.

"After that, the President of Urk arrived in the Medicube. He seemed to have hemoperitoneum inside of his abdomen. We were about to operate him but one of his bodyguards stopped us. Even he threatened us with his gun. I stood up but someone aimed me. Even though I didn't care. I heard my brother's shout of revenge that no one will dare to hurt me. Mo-yeon warned them that they don't operate him, he will die. Then, the Colonel told the soldiers that they must not step into the incident. However, my soldier friend Si-jin, asked Mo-yeon if she could save him. It really made the Colonel pissed off.

I told him with those words, and I'll never forget. I told him, 'Let us take the risk to stop Arabs from shooting us, although I'll stop both bodyguards and soldiers from shooting each other. Before I fight, I have to know what I'm fighting for. If the president dies...I'll kill all of his bodyguards. With the Lord God's unstoppable strength, I will fight for all lives. Park Beong-su, this is life...or death.' That was everything I said. I hung up and asked Mo-yeon if she could save him. She said she could save him. I told to save her then, and just in time, I separated the soldiers and the bodyguards with two, bulletproof glass walls I made. I felt bad that I scared the rest of them off, but...that's what I was fighting for." Chi-yun told.

"Damn. Sounds like you're dangerous to those people." Nate winced.

"I'm more than dangerous now." Chi-yun spoke.

"By the way, is the President alive?" Ivy asked.

"He's recovering well. I spared the bodyguards by the mercy of God. I knew it didn't went easy but it became a success in the end." Chi-yun smiled.

"That's great. Tell us more." Taylor encouraged.

"After I made a friendship with this young boy, I also encounted this girl named Fatima. She seemed fine but she's also an orphan for two years. I'm taking care of these two children for nearly a month. It was not easy, but...a life of a child is still worth it for the future." Chi-yun spoke.

They nodded.

"Anyways, I want to talk about how I experienced the earthquake. It was the day we're about to leave. I was wandering around with my two friends. We were just chatting along. I was a bit sad to leave them alone because there's no else to take care of. But all of a sudden, we heard rumbling out of nowhere. I didn't know if it was the sound of the wind...or of the earth. Then, we felt shaking from the ground. The earthquake had hit us; the trembling went violent.

My heart pounded hard like a hammer and we ran around the army base to find a safe place. But there was nothing there because we felt that the building would fell around us. Then, I saw the roof of the army building—it was high. Very high. The kids didn't know what we're going to do, but I know. We ran towards the building and climbed up the roof. They were scared of doing that because they thought they're going to die. But I was sure that we won't. The ground kept shaking violently, the buildings began to tumble down. We counted to three. And boom! We jumped off the roof and landed on the ground safely. But along with that, a cloud of dust burst out from the ground, surrounding us. The shaking suddenly stopped.

I stood up from my knees and everything around was complete dust. Then, it began to fade a little bit. But when I looked at my two friends...their eye colors changed. Their eyes were like brown or hazel but after we stopped the earthquake, it turned into silver eyes. I was shocked of seeing that. I'm pretty sure you guys saw the news about it." Chi-yun told.

They nodded.

"Anyways, we were worried about half of the medical team. So we came back at Urk, and thankfully they're okay. Although, Chi-yun and the two kids came late because they broke the news about the collapsed tower of the power plant. When we went there, it was devastating. While we're trying to help the wounded, the only thing that I saw at that moment was the explosion. Everything collapsed around me...and became a mess. My heart raced and my mind became numb." Mo-yeon spoke.

Ji-soo stood silent, seemed confused of what was Mo-yeon saying.

"What is she talking about?" Ji-soo asked.

"About the earthquake she was in." Eun-hee spoke.

"Earthquake? Weren't you supposed to talk about the moment you fall in love?" Ji-soo asked Mo-yeon.

"Oh, right." Mo-yeon realized it.

"Eun-hee" She called her.

"Ne?" Eun-hee responded.

"You know who told everyone that I was dating?" Mo-yeon asked.

"I have to admit it was the secretary from the main lobby. But...she said it about a month or two before we arrived here. So...I guess everyone already knew about it." Eun-hee spoke.

Mo-yeon seemed stumped, not knowing that the rumor came in a long time ago.

"Oh. I didn't notice that." She muttered.

"Why does that matter? It's true." Ji-soo spoke.

Everyone else whooped a little about Mo-yeon and Si-jin's relationship. Mo-yeon blushed again and shook her head.

"Talk about that man. How is it going out with a man in special forces?" Ji-soo eagerly asked.

"Yeah, tell us." Taylor encouraged.

They chuckled together, even Mo-yeon.

"You get to know what to do when a car is hanging on a cliff, how to get out of a minefield...and what to do when you're held hostage while wearing a bomb. Things like that." Mo-yeon calmly spoke.

"What is she talking about?" Ji-soo was confused again.

"I know what she's saying but I can't figure it out this time." Chi-yun chuckled.

Mo-yeon smiled.

"I never thought that I would ever experience that, either." She admitted.

Everyone laughed together with their stories.


Korean Romanization to English translation

Mwo means "what".

Aigo means "oh my /(goodness/gosh)".

Ne means "yes/yeah/yep".

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