Chapter 67~ THIRD-PERSON POV~A cool Wednesday in late September.

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In late morning, Eun-ji was called by Suk-won because someone reported the fight last night. She was sure that Chi-hoon was responsible for the mess he made last night. She walked down a hallway at the second floor. She saw a wooden door with a silver tag that says in Hangul, 의장 (uijang). She gently her ear against the door. Then, she gently knocked the door.

"Come in." Suk-won called as she opened the door.

"I'm here." Eun-ji spoke.

"Ah, ne. About the fight you and Chi-hoon have last night." Suk-won spoke while sitting his comfortable chair.

Eun-ji stood in front of his desk.

"Tell me all about that fight." Suk-won demanded.

Eun-ji cleared her throat as she was ready to tell the story.

"Well, I was joking around at Mo-yeon. I didn't tell her anything wrong. But I guess I made everyone else mad. I ran away as far as I could. tried to escape but I heard someone cursing at me—it was her brother. He threw me his white coat. I didn't know what was going on with him. He was crazy that I turned Mo-yeon down. But I really didn't. But he never trusted me.

He was humiliating me and started yanking my hair. I was screaming for help. I felt arms around me, pulling me away. But Chi-yun shoved me and cursed at me. I was scared to death and then I looked at him, shaking as if he was traumatized. But then, my hair was yanked once his sister. She was really angry with me and we fought. And I felt my hair was yanked even more by Chi-hoon. I screamed hard until I felt a force knocked me down on the ground. I'm certain that either of those siblings is responsible for all of the mess." Eun-ji expressed about the story.

But an angered voice called out which gave her chills.

"Geojismal!" It was an angry and teary Chi-hoon behind Eun-ji.

He glared with hatred at Eun-ji. He then looked at Suk-won, who seemed surprised of his actions.

"Dr. Kim responsible for that mess yesterday." Chi-hoon firmly spoke.

Suk-won widened his eyes a little.

"Is that true, Eun-ji?" Suk-won asked.

"Andwae, he's trying to make up a scene here." Eun-ji lied.

"Don't you ever pretend that you didn't do anything, Eun-ji. I know you well. I overheard everything." Chi-hoon snarled with his gritted teeth.

"I was the first witness before I fought her." Chi-hoon spoke to Suk-won.

"Go ahead." Suk-won nodded.

"She called our senior Dr. Mo-yeon a Schweitzer on purpose. She thought it was just some shit by giving them shots and taking pictures." Chi-hoon angered.

"She was being indifferent about the times I've suffered in Urk along others. Especially my sister. My sister blocked her and her sharp words had cut her inside. But at the end, she accused my sister and that's the reason I got raging mad and fought her. I was defending Mo-yeon and I swear that I did the right thing." Chi-hoon told despite of his angry tears forming in his brown eyes.

"Who told you I was being indifferent of you suffering in that stupid region?" Eun-ji interjected.

Chi-hoon glared at her as if he wanted to yank her hair again.

"People like you...don't deserve to be a doctor." Chi-hoon angrily spoke.

"Even without proof or without witness, Kim Eun-ji is the one who caused all the mess yesterday." He declared to Suk-won while facing at Eun-ji.

Eun-ji was pissed off that Chi-hoon told the truth. They kept glaring at each other as if they were about to fight.

"IT IS ALL YOUR FAULT, YOU FUCKING WRETCH!" He screamed in front of her face.

Eun-ji looked very mad as hell, as she turned away to walk out from the office.

"Eun-ji..." Suk-won called as she stopped at the doorway.

"Chi-hoon was telling the truth. Why you have been lying to me that the Lee siblings are responsible for that?" Suk-won spoke with a firm tone at Eun-ji's back.

"For giving me a false testimony and trying to underestimate Mo-yeon's rank, you will be suspended from the hospital for a complete month." Suk-won firmly spoke to Eun-ji.

Facing at the doorway, Eun-ji was steaming of anger. She never expected Chi-hoon to come in the office. But he did.

"Any objections?" He asked.

Eun-ji just shook her head.

"You may leave now." He spoke.

She walked away with anger.

Chi-hoon just smirked that he told the truth for good. But his smirk faded when he looked at the chairman.

"Suk-won ssi, I'm sorry for my language. You know how mad I was." Chi-hoon apologized.

"I understand. I heard that you're having a diagnostic of PTSD. Am I correct?" Suk-won asked Chi-hoon.

Chi-hoon doesn't want to know about that disorder, but deeply sighed to answer with honesty.

"I'm likely of having that but...I hope not. Also...I was unable to control my anger." Chi-hoon admitted.

Suk-won nodded.

"I would like to recommend myself to send you home. The reason why is because you need to break away from stress in the hospital. Because if you stress a lot, you might have chance to get ill." Suk-won suggested.

Chi-hoon nodded.

"Araseo." Chi-hoon spoke.

" long will you give me?" He asked.

"I'll give you two weeks. How's that? You're going to take time to lose yourself from stress. Your friends can come to your house anytime." Suk-won spoke.

"What about my sister, her two friends and Eun-hee? Can they stay with me at home? Chi-yun and I have some anger problems, I have to admit." Chi-hoon spoke.

"Sure. I'll give someone a call." Suk-won spoke.

"And one more thing. What time I have to go home?" Chi-hoon spoke.

"I'll send you at three this afternoon. The announcements will let you know in that time." Suk-won spoke.

"Araseo. I'm going to talk to my parents about the situations I'm having so they could help me out." Chi-hoon spoke.

"That's a good thing. Anything else you want to talk to me?" Suk-won spoke.

Chi-hoon shook his head.

"That's all for today." Chi-hoon spoke.

"Araseo. Reminder, 3 o'clock." Suk-won spoke.

"Ne, algaesuminda." Chi-hoon firmly spoke and bowed at the chairman ninety degrees.

He then stood up firm and walked out from the office.

In the main lobby on first floor, Eun-hee was writing something in her clipboard on the desk. She heard the phone ringing but the female secretary lets her keep writing.

"Don't worry, I'll get it." She spoke as she reached the receiver of the phone.

"Yeoboseyo?" She spoke.

She heard the voice of the chairman wanting to talk to Eun-hee.

"Oh. Araseo." She spoke.

"Eun-hee, it's the chairman. He wants to talk to you." The secretary spoke to Eun-hee.

"Ne?" Eun-hee looked at the secretary as she handed the receiver to her.

"Yeoboseyo?" Eun-hee spoke.

"Eun-hee, we would like to send the siblings home but also we have to send you home. It's not because you're in trouble. It's because you need to break away from stress in the hospital. It's understandable and I should have done that to everyone else before. Because while Chi-hoon told me about the situation he was having (and maybe Chi-yun), I have learned a lesson. I know you've worried a lot about those two siblings, so I would like to send you home along those two siblings. Does it sound okay to you?" Suk-won spoke in the phone.

"Ne, algaesuminda. But how long?" Eun-hee spoke.

"Two weeks." Suk-won spoke.

"Ne." Eun-hee nodded.

"Araseo. You'll go home at three in the afternoon, so prepare yourself." Suk-won spoke.

"Ne." Eun-hee spoke.

"All right, that's all I can say." Suk-won spoke.

"Araseo, gamsahabnida." Eun-hee spoke.

"Annyeo." Suk-won spoke.

"Annyeo." Eun-hee spoke and hung up.

"I got to go home later. I'm having a two week break. I guess I need to lose myself from stress." Eun-hee spoke as she walked away from the desk.

Chi-hoon walked in the locker room, but what he found in there...

It was Chi-yun sitting on a bench in the middle of the locker room. She was facing down; her hands were slightly clasped together. Her hair was covered both sides of her face; no one knows if she's brooding into something...or if she's depressed. Chi-hoon never expected her sitting here but was concerned of what was happening to her. He stepped slowly towards her.

"Chi-yun?" He called.

She heard her brother's name; she slowly looked up at him. But her face...was teary. Her cheeks shone by mixed tears and ceiling lights. Her eyes were red-rimmed and her nose seemed like Rudolph the red-nose reindeer. Seeing her crying made Chi-hoon worry or even cry. He sat next to her on the bench.

"Yeodongsaeng...why are you crying?" He softly asked.

She couldn't speak as if she doesn't know how to start. But she buried her face in her hands and deeply sighed. She seemed crying once again.

"It's all my fault, oppa." She wept.

Chi-hoon seemed confused.

"Wae?" He asked.

"I have influenced you real bad during the mission at Urk. I should have been more careful with you." She wept.

Chi-hoon shook his head and took her hands.

"Andwae, Chi-yun." He spoke.

She sniffled.

"Yeodongsaeng. Look at me. Look at me." He spoke as she looked up at him.

"You remember that it's part of our daily lives? We're human." He spoke and she nodded with tears.

"You're okay. It's my fault. I don't know how to control my anger. You have influenced me well because of your bravery and persistence. We seemed to control our anger but last time, we couldn't." Chi-hoon spoke.

But he suddenly felt a knot in his throat. Tears formed around his brown eyes.

"No, I have to admit. I was much worse than you because I was blind of anger and revenge. I hate to say this to us, we acted wild animals yesterday." He shattered his voice.

"But I'm sure that either of us have done the right thing to defend Mo-yeon from Eun-ji." Chi-hoon deeply sighed.

Chi-yun might not know how to say something else. But something had crossed her mind.

"I'm afraid we're angry monsters after that incident yesterday." Chi-yun nervously spoke.

"Don't say that. We're human and sometimes we don't think twice before we act. I know it's hard for us to keep calm sometimes." He spoke.

"I learned who you are then and now. You have changed a lot, but my love for you as a brother...will never change. I love you no matter what, yeodongsaeng." Chi-hoon teared up.

Right after his last words, she clutched around him. She felt deeply touched by his unconditional love for her. Tears kept running down on Chi-hoon's eyes as he put his arms around her shoulders. Then, he saw Eun-hee standing by the doorway, smiling and tearing up at the same time. She stepped slowly towards the siblings; she sat next to Chi-yun and placed her hand on Chi-yun's shoulder.

Chi-yun turned around and saw Eun-hee behind her. She rested her head on Eun-hee's shoulder. Eun-hee stroked Chi-yun's hair gently with her hands.

"Unni. I'm sorry if I scared you of being acting wild yesterday." Chi-yun sniffled.

"It's okay. I was worried about you two." Eun-hee spoke while still stroking Chi-yun's hair.

She then looked at Chi-hoon.

"Didn't you guys got into trouble?" Eun-hee asked.

"No. He suspended Eun-ji from the hospital for a month." Chi-yun spoke.

"Aigoo." Eun-hee winced.

"She was giving a false testimony of what my sister and I have done to her. But I called out because she didn't tell the truth. I told the truth that Eun-ji started all of that mess and...I guess I saved myself. We're going home for two weeks to take a break." Chi-hoon spoke.

"I'm going with you guys. Chi-yun, I talked to your two friends about it. They were worried about you so they wanted to go home with us." Eun-hee spoke.

"Jinjaeyo? Where are they now?" Chi-yun spoke.

"They're helping the medical staff. Are you guys preparing some stuff to go? Because I was about to." Eun-hee spoke.

"Ne. You can help us out, Chi-yun." Chi-hoon spoke.

"Araseo." Chi-yun smiled.

Hours later, it's three o' clock now. At the Lees' house, Joon-guem was cooking some chicken soup on the stove. Soo-jong was reading the newspaper with his glasses on. He was sitting on the kitchen table. Suddenly, they heard the door knocking. Soo-jong took his glasses off and placed them on the table.

"I'll get it." He spoke as he walked towards the door.

He twisted the doorknob and opened the door. It was the siblings and the other three.

"Oh. Come in." Soo-jong spoke as they all walked in the house.

"Joon-geum! They're home!" He called his wife as he closed the door.

"I'm coming." Joon-geum called back as she turned the stove off.

She closed the lid on the pot, full of chicken soup. She took her apron off and walked into living room.

"Chi-yun, Chi-hoon, we were so worried about you since yesterday. We heard that you've been into an incident. What happened?" Joon-geum asked.

"Well..." Chi-hoon paused and deeply sighed.

"It's a long story to tell." He admitted.

"Well, come in and sit here. Let's talk." Joon-geum spoke as they walked towards the sofa and sat together.

Joon-geum and Soo-jong sat together in the couch. The other five sat together in the opposite direction.

"We were eating together last night in the cafeteria. Everything was normal as always around us. Until that Kim Eun-ji ruined our quiet moment. She called Mo-yeon a Schweitzer; she's being so indifferent of how much we suffered in Urk." Chi-yun expressed.

"I felt like I wanted to tear her apart. She thinks she knows it all but she's such a spoiled bi--" Chi-hoon expressed with anger, but then he almost slipped.

Chi-hoon paused for a moment to fancy it out. He knew he was mad but he calms himself down by breathing deeply, in and out.

"I mean, brat. I apologize if I almost slipped it." Chi-hoon spoke.

"She was about to escape from our anger. But I blocked her to fight back. My sharp words had humiliated her. Besides of that, I cursed her right in her face. Although I can't say this in home because I need to respect that. But anyways, I did. I was mad at her for real. I warned her by my defense but she accused me (I don't know with or without a reason)." Chi-yun told.

"Right after Eun-ji accused her, I felt my hands clenching on my white coat. I felt my stomach knotting. Besides, I felt my heart pounding harder and an irresistible heat spread all over in my body. I know it was a raging, revenge attack pressuring. Besides, I wasn't satisfied yet. I would never be satisfied until I fought back at Eun-ji. I cursed, humiliating her right in her face. But still, she snarked at me. I fired up with anger and I couldn't handle it anymore. I yanked her hair and she yanked mine as a fight." Chi-hoon told.

"That fight, hey, it then turned into chaotic. Chi-yun and I were scared at first of the screaming sounds. But we rushed towards them; I tried to pull Chi-hoon away from the fight. It was hard. But Chi-yun shoved Eun-ji real hard." Eun-hee spoke.

"I saw her mouthing a bad word to him and yanked her hair. She cursed at me and we yanked each other's hairs. It turned more than chaotic. It was worse than any natural disaster. Until I knocked everyone out by the force of my powers. My mind was divided into two thoughts. One was like, 'Oh, my God this is shocking' and the other was like, 'I'm satisfied for avenging her. I'm sure she'll pay for this'. Right after those two thoughts, my mind became blank. I didn't know what to do after." Chi-yun told.

"Aigoo. You shouldn't done that." Joon-geum spoke.

"I know, eomma. I was trembling after the fight. I couldn't even breathe well as if I was going to pass out. The reason why I fought back at Eun-ji, is because of the action-filled adventures in Urk. For example, the fight between us and our enemy. Those flashbacks came into my mind sometimes but I slept well the nights after we returned from Urk." Chi-hoon spoke.

"That's good to hear because if you couldn't sleep well with those flashbacks at nights, forget about it." Soo-jong chuckled.

"Today, I heard Eun-ji giving a false testimony to the chairman. She thought I was the one to be blamed. But I interjected her and told the truth. Eun-ji was really mad at me because I won the fight. The chairman suspended her for a month." Chi-hoon spoke.

"Aigoo. She's punished for good, alright." Joon-geum winced.

"Chi-hoon..." Chi-yun spoke.

"I should have asked you this before...but..." Chi-yun nervously asked.

She looked at their parents, then to her brother. She doesn't know how he will be able to react. But she's ready to say or ask anyways.

"I heard that you're having a diagnostic of PTSD. Are you...really having it?" Chi-yun nervously spoke.

Chi-hoon believes that he will not have that disorder in his young age. He placed his hand on her shoulder.

"I won't have it if I keep on believing that I will be alright." Chi-hoon spoke.

His lips curled into a smile and Chi-yun smiled back.

"I hope you won't have that disorder, adeul. I might have been more than worried." Joon-geum spoke.

"I won't, eomma. But we need your help. We couldn't manage our anger. It's hard for us to handle if someone like Eun-ji try to turn us down." Chi-hoon spoke.

"Araseo. We'll help you two as best as we can. I bet that your friends can help you as well." Joon-geum spoke.

"Gamsahabnida." The siblings smiled.

"You're welcome." Soo-jong spoke.


Korean Romanization to English translation:

Uijang means "chief".

Ne means "yes/yeah/yep".

Geojismal means "you liar".

Andwae means "no".

Ssi means "sir".

Araseo means "ok".

Ne, algaesuminda means "yes, sir".

Yeoboseyo means "hello" (when you answer someone's call)

Gamsahabnida means "thank you".

Annyeo means "bye".

Yeodongsaeng means "younger sister".

Oppa means "older brother".

Wae means "why".

Unni means "older sister".

Aigoo means "oh my/(goodness/gosh)

Jinjaeyo means "really".

Eomma means "mom".

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