Chapter 83~THIRD-PERSON POV~A cloudy Thursday of late October.

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Mo-yeon's heart kept racing after she heard Khalil screaming her name. She had no idea what was happening over there.

Outside in front of the hospital, Chi-hoon, Khalil and Fatima rushed out by seeing a black car arriving in front of them. The door was opened, revealing Chi-yun sitting; Ki-bum walked around in case if she needed help to walk out with her leg hurt. She carefully stepped in the sidewalk and began limping towards the hospital. Ki-bum wrapped her arm around his shoulder.

The other three looked very worried at Chi-yun limping. A worried Chi-hoon rushed towards her.

"Chi-yun, gwenchanaeyo?" He asked.

"I hurt my leg after chasing the enemies' van. They had the North Korean soldier captured. Fortunately, the special forces got him out." Chi-yun spoke.

"You mean the patient who was rushed before Si-jin?"

"Ne. Worse is that I got nearly hit by a car."

"Aigoo." Chi-hoon gasped.

"I'm scared of hearing that Chi-yun. I hope you'll be okay." Khalil nearly cried.

Fatima looked shocked as if she had no words to express.

"Me, too." Fatima nearly stuttered.

Chi-yun comforted them from crying.

"It's okay, don't cry. It was just an accident."

Chi-yun took her purse off and handed it to Khalil.

"Take this with you for now, okay?"

Khalil nodded.

"Gaja, let's get going. Thank God that He kept you alive." Chi-hoon spoke and Chi-yun smiled.

Chi-hoon and Ki-bum helped Chi-yun, who was still limping with her leg hurt. Just as the two kids entered the hospital, they were shocked of seeing someone who just passed out. Min-ji was using a folder to fan on, while Eun-hee tried her best to fan on with her hand. As they approached towards them helping someone out, they could not believe in their own eyes. They gasped and covered their mouth with their hands.

It was Mo-yeon.

"What happened?!" Fatima exclaimed.

Chi-yun, Chi-hoon and Ki-bum just entered the hospital. But when Chi-hoon saw an unconscious Mo-yeon on the floor, being helped out by Eun-hee and Min-ji...

"Aigoo!" He gasped and rushed towards the terrible scenario.

Chi-yun covered her mouth when she saw it, as if it was hard to believe. Ki-bum couldn't speak but stare at the poor doctor fallen into unconsciousness. Chi-yun was about to tear up of seeing the whole situation.

"How did she faint?" Chi-hoon asked.

"She just saw Si-jin being bloodied in his gunshots. He's about to be taken to the emergency room. I'll take care of Mo-yeon, you go help the others to save Si-jin." Eun-hee spoke.

Chi-hoon then saw Si-jin laid on the wheeled stretcher, held by Sang-hyun, Ja-ae and other doctors.

Si-jin lost unconsciousness because of gunshot wounds, now Mo-yeon fainted because of seeing him wounded. This is like a climactic scene when no one knows what about to happen next.

"I'm on my way." Chi-hoon urged but Chi-yun stopped him by grabbing his hand.

"Let me go with you."

Chi-hoon looked worried about his younger sister in pain on her leg.

"Chi-yun, you can't. You just got hurt, it will pain more if you move too much." Chi-hoon warned.

Chi-yun felt the need to help out as she shook her head.

"Oppa, we ain't got time to waste. This is life or death. No matter if it hurts, I can still help. Jebal, let me go with you." Chi-yun firmly spoke.

Chi-hoon knew that every second passes by, sooner the death will take Si-jin. He motioned to come along.

"Khalil, Fatima you stay here with the others. Sounds like we got a job to do." Chi-yun urged and limped along Chi-hoon.

The two kids nodded, hoping that Si-jin will survive. This is Ki-bum's hope too.

"Ulileul gidalyeo!" Chi-hoon shouted at the doctors who kept on wheeling Si-jin on the stretcher.

Chi-hoon ran towards grabbed the handle of the stretcher, while Chi-yun limped fast as she could, she grabbed both handles. As they kept rushing to the emergency room, Chi-yun kept limping quickly. Suddenly, when every quick step she took to rush, she felt the pain in her leg to disappear, step by step. Until then, the pain went completely gone. She pushed the stretcher a little to give a quicker pace. She began running normal as always. She looked at the unconscious, wounded Si-jin and hoped that he'll survive. She felt the urge to say something to him, but he might not hear her. However, following the need from the inside...

"Si-jin, I don't if you can hear me...but Mo-yeon fainted when she saw you. You can't die at this moment, bro, you can't! Just live for Mo-yeon. Live for your dad and your mom. Live for us. Live for this country." Chi-yun firmly spoke to him.

Chi-hoon turned around and saw his sister running back to normal. He knew that the God-given powers had healed her leg. The medical team (except Eun-hee and Min-ji who was taking care of Mo-yeon to regain consciousness) entered to the nearest emergency room. Chi-yun stayed in the doorway of the room. The other doctors urgently placed electrodes connected from its heart monitor on his bare chest, to check its rate.

Chi-hoon grabbed a breathing valve mask and handed it to Sang-hyun. Sang-hyun placed and sealed the mask on Si-jin's nose and mouth. He pumped the bag as the air came in and out. His heart rate seemed to be normal but still, he's unconscious.

Suddenly, Chi-yun heard running approaching her. She turned to look, and it was Eun-hee rushing to the emergency room.

"Chi-yun, is Si-jin still unconscious?" Eun-hee asked.

"Ne. Sang-hyun's pumping the breathing mask so hopefully he'll regain his consciousness." Chi-yun spoke.

She was suddenly reminded of Mo-yeon; she was wondering how Mo-yeon's feeling.

"Is Mo-yeon still unconscious?" Chi-yun asked.

"She regained her consciousness, thank God. I'm going to help them save Si-jin now." Eun-hee spoke and approached to Si-jin's stretcher.

She checked the heart monitor rate which looked normal.

The heart monitor suddenly started beeping like crazy which alarmed them. It caused Chi-yun quickly approach closer to Si-jin. He seemed to have a cardiac arrest.

Chi-hoon grabs the defibrillator, to bring the heart rate back to normal immediately.

"150 joule charge."

The other male doctor charges the defibrillator to shock Si-jin.

"Clear. Shoot."

Chi-hoon shocked him with the paddles but there's no response.

"200 joule charge."

The other male doctor charged more the defibrillator to shock Si-jin again.

"Clear. Shoot."

Chi-hoon shocked him again but no answer. The monitor was about to make the worst sound ever: a flat line. The pressure of being doctor for him was getting tighter. Si-jin is now between life and death. But he's not going to give up.

"Chi-hoon, I feel like we're running out of time. His vitals are not working. We need to do something right now." Eun-hee urged.

Chi-hoon without hesitation, gets on top of him, grabbed Chi-yun's hand and they placed on Si-jin's chest. She already knew what to do like they did to Young-soo in Urk. Their hands were stacked on each other and began to compress on his chest. They counted to three no matter how many times. It reminded Chi-hoon of trying to revive the earthquake victim but failed. But the victim had turned out into a survivor by Chi-yun's powerful cape. To Young-soo, he was the first person to respond his cry for help. With his sister's help, he succeeded saving his life. He hoped that Si-jin will never be the next person die in front of his eyes.

It reminds them of Young-soo who was between life and death in that time at Uruk. And they saved him by facing the reality of the monitor. Now, the Lee siblings are facing together the reality of the monitor once again. It could say that Si-jin's going to die, but them think the opposite. They're not listening what the monitor is saying. They are not going to stop compressing Si-jin's chest until they hear the monitor breaking that flat line.

"Come on, man. You got to live. You just got to live." Chi-hoon gritted his teeth then panted, feeling the aching in his arms.

He, however, is not going to give up.

"Don't do this to Mo-yeon, please. You can't do this. You promised her that you will be unharmed one time." Chi-yun begged at Si-jin.

"WHY DID YOU BREAK YOUR PROMISE TO HER?! YOU CAN'T BE GONE!" Chi-yun raised her voice; the siblings nearly collapsed of exhaustion.

They didn't give up but waited for an answer of their prayers. Suddenly, they heard a weak voice which sounded familiar.

"That really hurts."

Si-jin just came back alive. The siblings looked at Si-jin, wincing the pain he was going through physically.

"Thank God." Eun-hee sighed with relief.

"Can you hear me, bro? Do you know where we are? Can you see me?" Chi-hoon wanted to know if Si-jin's okay.

He hoped to God that Mo-yeon won't be worried about him for now.

"What about Senior Lieutentant Ahn?" Si-jin weakly asked.

"He's taken to the X-rays now. Hopefully he'll be okay. I'm sorry to say this, but this is not the time to worry for others. You nearly died, man. If this would had lasted another minute, you would have been died for real. Mo-yeon would've killed you if she sees you like this again, all bloodied." Chi-yun firmly admitted.

Si-jin wanted to speak more but he needed a moment to breathe well. Chi-yun seemed to be concerned about him, trying to get some air a little.

"Where's Mo-yeon? Is she okay?" He breathed.

"She passed out of seeing you being bloodied all over. But thank God that she regained her consciousness." Chi-yun spoke.

Si-jin weakly smirked.

"She would have passed out of how handsome I am." He weakly chuckled.

Chi-yun rolled her eyes as if she got annoyed now.

"Jinjaeyo? Stop joking around!" She scolded at him.

Si-jin carefully sat up, trying not to hurt himself.

"I really want to see him." He weakly spoke.

Chi-yun stopped him from getting up. She doesn't want Si-jin to get hurt more.

"Anio, don't get up now. Just stay here, ok? None of us want you to get hurt again." Chi-yun advised him.

Si-jin shook his head.

"I hope he'll be fine." He hoped.

Chi-yun nodded, uniting her hope to his.

Suddenly, they heard running footsteps approaching the emergency room. It was Min-ji; her face looked frantic and worried at same time.

"Mo-yeon regained her consciousness now. Anyways, the patient who came with him is causing a lot of trouble." Min-ji complained.

Uh-oh. Sounds like Jung-joon was awake but having some trust issues with the doctors.

In the first-floor hallway, Jung-joon has taken Nurse Ja-ae (looking bloodstained) as his hostage, while a member of Team Alpha held his gun aiming him. He pointed the doctors and nurse with a scalpel, threatening them.

"Step aside."

An invisible Khalil suddenly appeared, five meters behind Jung-joon. He saw what was going on with Ja-ae being taken as hostage.

"Don't you dare to near me." Jung-joon warned; he swung his hand, still holding the scalpel and scaring others off.

The invisible Khalil got scared and quickly hid behind the wall. He snapped his fingers twice and came back visible. He still carries Chi-yun's silver purse but unsure where she's at. He might hear closely of what was going on.

"If so, I'll kill all of you." Jung-joon threatened.

"If you don't receive medical attention, you'll be the first to die. You have lost too much blood." Ja-ae frantically warned.

Jung-joon, who looked mad as hell, pointed the scalpel towards her.

"Shut up, will you?" He annoyed.

Khalil knew that the North Korean solider was like a monster for others. He was sure that the 'monster' will kill Ja-ae. He opened the purse and suddenly found something inside of it.

Si-jin, the Lee siblings, Eun-hee, Fatima, Ki-bum, Min-ji and Mo-yeon arrived rushing towards to this bone-chilling situation. The Alpha Team member was still aiming at Jung-joon.

"We'll put the gun down." Si-jin ordered the member and he lowered the gun down.

"We need you to get treated first." Si-jin demanded at Jung-joon.

"I can't trust a South Korean doctor. What if I die in the operating room?" Jung-joon argued.

Behind the wall, Khalil took out Chi-yun's silver gun from the purse. He checked if there's any ammo. Nine bullets left, he thought. If Jung-joon is about to kill anyone, he knows what to do.

Meanwhile, Jung-joon still had some issues of trusting doctors in South Korea.

"You should be worried about what's outside of the room. Doctors are the only people who don't care which side you're in." Si-jin firmly demanded.

But Jung-joon still refused to believe it. Aish, how stubborn he is.

"I don't care. Don't move." He angered.

He was about to swing the scalpel off but suddenly...


A single gunshot rang out, echoing the whole building and scared the heck out of everyone. But the worst? Jung-joon fell shot in his back, letting Ja-ae go from his arms. The Alpha Team member aimed at the one who shot Jung-joon but Si-jin stopped him.

Ja-ae have no idea what happened but called Mo-yeon to come.

"Dr Song is on call in room four. Send him there immediately." Mo-yeon ordered Ja-ae and she nodded.

Ja-ae called other doctors and they helped her place Jung-joon on a stretcher. Then, they rushed to the nearest operation room.

However, Mo-yeon, Si-jin and the rest wondered who shot him because there was no one behind him.

Suddenly, the invisible figure came back to visible. A boy still aimed the gun after shooting Jung-joon; his face was buried in his arm. Who is it? He slowly uncovered his familiar face and after revealing it completely, it caused everyone gasp in shock.


He just saw what he had done. Blood slowly flowed out from Jung-joon's skin, staining the white floor. And yes, he fell unconscious again. While seeing it with horror on his face, he felt not only his heart, but also his head pounding hard as a hammer. He felt his nerves shaking, causing his body to tremble. He felt his stomach knotting as if a tied rope was knotting tighter. His breaths were shaking as if he was about to let out a scream.

"AY, WHAT HAVE YOU DONE, STUPID?!" He screamed to himself as if he felt possessed by an evil spirit.

Then, he was about to sob but couldn't let it all out. He began to scan at each person's faces.

Si-jin's look was frozen, shocked of seeing a twelve-year boy shooting an "assassin" trying to take as a hostage.

Mo-yeon, who regained her consciousness a while ago, felt like her heart stopped beating.

Min-ji covered her face with her hands, as if she was scared of watching a horror movie.

Fatima covered her mouth with her hand in shock and disbelief. She was certain, however, that he tried to save Ja-ae's life. But she had never seen his reaction like this before. She felt scarred for life, only by just seeing him like this. Tears formed in her silver eyes.

Chi-hoon seemed he couldn't breathe well. He seemed to be scared to death of seeing him like this in such a young age.

Eun-hee would have the same feeling as Chi-hoon.

Ki-bum felt an impact of shock when he realized it was him who shot Jung-joon.

Chi-yun, the woman Khalil was taken care of, could not believe in her own eyes. Frozen she looked. Her eyes widened in shock; her mouth was covered with her hands.

Khalil felt like dying from the inside as he began to sway a little. He was still aiming the gun. Then a dark, scary voice echoed in his mind.

"Qatal." (this means "murderer" in Arabic)

Tears formed in his silver eyes; he let the gun drop down on the ground (in slow motion), making a loud clank. He felt he can't handle the weakening support of his legs anymore. One step backward he took and collapsed.

Fatima rushed towards and cradled him, begging him to wake up. She called him about five time and there was no answer.

"Khalil, please answer me." Fatima nearly broke her voice as if she felt a knot tying in her throat.

But there was no answer.

Chi-yun shook her head as she can't handle seeing the poor boy who just fainted.

Fatima stroke his soft light brown hair, then to the smooth texture of his face. She deeply sighed as if she calmed herself down. She knew she's not going to lose hope. She gently cupped his cheek. She leaned towards him closer; from inches to centimeter. Until she gently pressed her lips onto his.

*A/N: Play the music to imagine this below

*Just as she kisses him, a gentle breeze came flowing by. Its gusts lifted strands of their light brown hairs. She felt his lips gliding against hers a little.

Everyone else stood quiet but looked in awe.

Khalil's hand slowly lifted from the ground and held her arm. It caused a surprise for the rest of them. Their lips broke away from each other, and Khalil gasped for air as if he just came back alive. They smiled at each other and shared an embrace. Chi-yun walked towards him. She knelt before and wrapped him in his arms. She heard sniffles from him; despite of silently shedding her tears, she comforted him.

Everyone felt impacted in tears; Mo-yeon walked away but stopped by Si-jin grabbing her wrist.

"Do me a favor. I want to you to operate him." Si-jin asked Mo-yeon.

She agreed but looked pissed off at Si-jin at the same time.

"Listen to me. After his scans are complete, keep him restrained. Put a cast on him if needed. Force if he resists." Mo-yeon told the other doctors.

She brushed his hand aside and stormed off. Si-jin looked annoyed, though. Chi-yun saw it; it made her mad of Mo-yeon not understanding Si-jin well.

It has been a chaotic day but... it's only the beginning.


Korean to English:

Gwenchanaeyo means "are you all right/ok?"

Ne means "yes/yeah/yep".

Gaja means "let's go".

Aigoo means "oh, my goodness/gosh".

Oppa means "older brother".

Jebal means "please".

Ulileulgidalyeo  means "wait for us".

Jinja(eyo) means "really/seriously".

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