Genie Chic

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Sams p.o

"Excuse me! Who drops in someone's lamp unannounced?" Said Jordan. " Sorry, I didn't even know you could drop into someone's lamp." Said Mal. "You can't be here dressed like that." Jordan said. "Your lamp has a dress code? Asked Mal. "Of course. I don't live in a jar. Ben, and who ever you are" she said pointing to Diego. "I'll spare you two. No dude's been able to rock their own pants since, well? dad." Said Jordan.

"Have you forgotten me" I said. I clicked my fingers and in purple sparkles I was wearing my Genie Chic outfit. "What you think made it my self" I asked. "Hubba hubba man my little siren just got hotter" Diego said. "Are you two daiting" asked Jordan. "Yes/no" me and Diego said at the same time.

"Ok whatever your turn girls" said Jordan. She clicked her fingers and in pink sparkles Freddie Audrey Mal and Evie were in there own Genie Chic outfits. Evie went over to a mirror. "Cute! Except, if it were me, I'd probably add a little more bling here, a little more sparkle over there..." said Evie. "Erm Jordan said. Jordan was looking at her with a glare.

"No? That's cool. I'm good." Evie said. "Chiffon, really?" Asked Mal. "You are not getting this back. Wait a minute. Are we in Auradon?" Asked Freddie. "Now your just realising it what tipped it off my magic or Jordan's or the fact we got transported to a lamp" I said.

"No matter where we are. I look perfect. Peruse!" Said Audrey. "So, wait. If we're in a lamp... we must be really tiny right now!" Said Ben. "Nothing gets past King Obvious." Said Diego. " King Obviously Cute." Said Mal. "That is my legal name" said Ben.

Suddenly I heard someone sneeze. "What was that" I asked. "Uuh... I sneezed. I'm allergic to lamps. It's hereditary." Said Freddie. That was obviously a lie. "Yeah, I have allergies too. Get it from my dad." Said Ben.

"Freddie gets dolls from her dad" said Diego. "Aww, that's..." Ben said before Freddie interrupted. "Voodoo curse dolls" Freddie said. "Terrifying" Ben finished. "Yeah. My dad's all about 'the other side.'" Said Freddie.

"Uhh... It's good to have a hobby." Said Ben. I chuckled at that. "He's so obsessed with ghosts that he knows all of their death days, but he can never remember my birthday." Said Freddie. "Preaching to the choir sister. My aunts and mum would remember each other's birthdays but not mine or my cousins or my sister" I said.

"My dad loves birthdays. He even made up this funny birthday dance. I wish you could see it." Said Ben. "Oh, how I wish... I mean, now that I'm here and all, it would be such a hoot, but..." Freddie said before Diego took over.

We're sure there's no room for two more abominable villains in your beloved Auradon. Me and Freddie will just have to envision your father's birthday promenade in my dreams. " he said. I rolled my eyes at this. "Freddie Diego How would you two feel about coming to Auradon Prep?" He asked.

"What two more" Audrey said shocked. " Ben, that's really nice of you..." Mal said before Freddie took over. "We,d love to" she said. " We'll have to set you both up with a roommate each and..." Ben said before Jordan interrupted. "As much as I enjoy watching new students register, can we do this later? Like, maybe, not around me? And maybe not in my house? I'm telling you to go." She said.

"Okay. How do we get out of here?" Mal asked. "The same way you got in - wish your way out. Wish #3? Bye!" Jordan said. "You really wanna waste your last wish on getting out?" Evie said.

"Evie do you really want to spend the rest of your life in a lamp" I asked her. "He's right. If you stay here any longer, it's all you're going to be wishing for. Thanks for dropping by! Don't let the lid hit you on the way out!" Said Jordan.

"Okay. I wish us all out of here." Mal said. In pink sparkles we were out of Jordan's lamp.


Third persons p.o

A picture was taken of Jordan and the space that her visitors were once there empty with the caption. "Where did Sam and the gang go

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