Mash it Up

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Sams p.o

Me Evie Mal Freddie Danielle Alley Jane Lonnie were in Jordan's lamp trying to come up with a theme for the up incoming fighting nights ball.

"Oooo, I'm so happy to be in these genie outfits again" Audrey said. "But... where are ours? Jane asked. "Yeah I was really looking forward to it" Danielle asked. "I haven't been able to settle on a design for you, guys, yet. Besides, I'm back order." Jordan said.

"Works for me. I'm not really much of a 'genie chic' type. I consider myself a little more... Wonderland unique." Ally said. "Okay, people! This is crunchtime. Auradon prep's annual Fighting Knight's ball is coming up and we still don't have a theme for the party!" Jordan said.

"Ooo, I know! Let's do a pretty, pretty princess theme." Audrey said. "No Audrey we've done it every year it's a little expected now" Danielle said. " I have an idea." Mal said. "Let me guess, You want everyone to wear purple." Audrey said.

"No. yes" Mal said. "Now I like that idea" I said. "What about a "who's the fairest" party? It'll be a competition. The winner will get everything and the loser will get nothing. "Evie said. "Oh now that I like obviously I'd win" I said.

"That sounds mean" Jane said. "Thanks Evie said. "Evie sweetie that wasn't a compliment" I said. "How about a kickboxing hip-hop ball?" Lonnie said. "So you dance while you punch your friends?" Jordan asked.

"Now, that's my kind of party!" Freddie said. "What about a garden pumpkin party? We could decorate everything with pumpkins! Bibbidi Bobbidi!" Jane said and in blue sparkles the entire place was filled with pumpkins.

"Ooh. I love pumpkins" Lonnie said. "You wanna throw a garden vegetable party?" Asked Audrey. I clicked my fingers and all the pumpkins disappeared.

"How about a wicked ball?" Mal asked. She clicked her fingers and in Green sparkles was in her usual outfit. "Can't change perfect" she said.

"Perfectly imperfect" Jordan said. She clicked her fingers and Mal was back in her Genie outfit.

"A Genie party" Jordan said. "You want a party that celebrates YOU?" Audrey asked. "Well, yeah. I'm fabulous. "Jordan said. "I got it a witch party" I said I clicked my fingers and all of us were wearing pointy hats and had broomsticks. "You want a party that celebrates you" Freddie said. "No not me witches" I said. "You're the only witch here well you and Evie" Danielle said.

"So happy accident" I said smiling. Freddie clocked her fingers and the witch hats and brooms went away. "Kill joy" I said pouting. "A Fighting Knights party!" Jane said. She clicked her fingers and the place had fighting nights banners all over the place.

I made them go away. "A party in the dark" Freddie said. She clicked her fingers and it all went dark. "Magic carpet ride party." Jordan said.

All the darkness went away and we were riding magic carpets. "How about a wonderful Wonderland party?" Alley said.

We were all on the ground again and decorations of wonderland were up. "Oo how about a Salem party" Danielle said. "Sorry no way I am not celebrating the burning of witches" I said.

"Neon-glo party!" Lonnie said. " I have an idea! Why don't we just do all of our themes?" Freddie said. "That's madness" Ally said. "Exactly! It'll be a mad princess, Salem, hip-hop, party in the dark, magic carpet, wicked witch Wonderland, garden neon lights party!" Freddie said.

"Wait! A neon lights party! That's actually really cool! It could be some sort of neon light filled mash-up of all of our ideas with everyone glowing via Evie and Sam's  neon fashion invention. Or... do you guys wanna talk about it for a few more hours?" Mal asked.

"NO" we all shouted. " Great! I'll start working. Oh, what to wear, what to wear?" Ally said. "Just to write neon fashion will be... phosphor-essential!" Lonnie said.


Third persons p.o

You are invited to the Neon Lights ball come dressed to glow

School auditorium
7pm until the clock strikes midnight

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