Calm before the storm

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The sun set on a calm cloudy sky. One side of the sky a light cool blue, on the other a harsh burning red. Divided by a cloud of deep grey. As I walked my dog in a field behind my house past the forest.

As I walked more in the silent field my thoughts only on my dog and his location. A sudden clap of thunder filled the air  disturbing the once silent field. The once deep grey cloud had turned harsh, dark and large. The cool sky blue sky was over taken by the blackened cloud leaving only the angry red of the sunset. The wind picked up cause the tall grass to rustle. I headed for shelter in the tall trees of the forest. Electricity in the air could be felt as I moved closer to the forest. Then suddenly a flash of lighting crossed the sky. My dog ran back to my side from up ahead he looked up at me for guidance as I check to see if he was ok.

The heavens opened with rain. The cold liquid hit my glasses making it hard to see. We continued making my way under the trees. The low dark cloud made the sky go almost black. Making it had to see the forest entrance and the over grown forest floor. Making our way down paths we where used to taking seemed alien and strange in the storms light. Suddenly a flash of lightening hit again my dog yelped as it flickered across the sky lighting up everything. With that flash I found the way out as we made our way  home.

Once out of the forest we make our way in the pouring rain. No rain coat or umbrella to protect us from the hard nail like rain. We ran under shelter ever chance we had either a tree or overgrown bush. Until we ran out half way home. The lighting had picked up and seemed to follow us. The only thing left to do is make a run for it.

The rain covered my glasses making it hard to see but that didn't stop us but made us push on. Home was soon in sight. Warm, shelter and dry cloths were the only thing on my mind. The cloud behind us as if chasing us home as it round across the sky. We made a dash to the back door and soon we where inside both of us soaked to the bone. I let my dog off the leash as my other half wrapped him in a warm towel. I took off my wet jacket and removed my damp shoes. After a while we cuddle in front of the fire in the warmth as the storm raged on outside.

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